Your favorite beer?



  • Posts: 29
    edited May 2008
    I really like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, as well as, Sweetwater 420 (an extra pale ale).
  • Posts: 915
    edited May 2008
    Grew up Bud.
    “Growing up and getting wiser…growing up on Budweiser”

    I do love Dead guy ale, and Yards (Philly brew) IPA.
    Victory Hop-Devil (Downingtown PA) is also a good choice. It will knock you on your butt at 6.9%.
  • Posts: 17
    edited May 2008
    Here ya go 11% for the heavy hitters
  • Posts: 2,243
    edited May 2008
    Generally available: Sam Adams White Ale
    From memory: Peckerhead Brewery Rita's Red Ale
    Also in the running: Sweetwater's Christmas brew


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  • Posts: 1,036
    edited May 2008
    Thanks for everybody's contribution(s). Of course there's a great variety and that was fully expected and is appreciated. That said, in looking over all of the submissions, there are at least a few that popped up frequently enough to be placed on the top of my list for beers to sample: Rogue, Blue Moon, and Sam Adams seasonal brews.
    2 Ch.
    Parasound Halo A23 Amp
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    Bada HD22SE tube CD Player
    Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth
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    polkaudio Lsi9s (upgraded cross-overs)
    MIT Shotgun S-3 Bi-wire Interface Speaker Cables
    MIT Shotgun S-3 Interconnects (3)
    IegO L70530 Power cords (3)

    Denon 2808ci AVR
    polkaudio RTi A5s (fronts)
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    Signal Cable Ultra Speaker Cables
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  • Posts: 99
    edited May 2008
    Anyone ever been to BJ's Brewery? Its a restaurant, not sure how big it is exactly, but we have one down here in south Houston, and I'm sure its a chain. Anyway, they do alot of their own brews, stuff with fun names like "Nutty Brewnette" and such. I am only 20, but I plan on hitting it up and sampling their stuff when I hit 21.
    Update: Once again allowed on polk forums from work! New job yaaaay. Well sorta.
  • Posts: 113
    edited May 2008
    Blue Moon Summer White Ale
    Eclipse--Guiness and Blue Moon together....yum
    HT-- Denon avr-2808ci,Emotiva UPA-1s, RTi 10's, CSi A6, ERD-1 surrounds, Vizio P50, Yamaha yst-sw300, DVR hr21, 40g PS3, APC-h15

    Downstairs-- Denon avr-3300,Emotiva UPA-2, Toshiba 50" rear projection, Denon 2200 sacd, Emotiva ERM-1s, small Yamaha sub
  • Posts: 14,868
    edited May 2008
    Norm Apter wrote: »
    Thanks for everybody's contribution(s). Of course there's a great variety and that was fully expected and is appreciated. That said, in looking over all of the submissions, there are at least a few that popped up frequently enough to be placed on the top of my list for beers to sample: Rogue, Blue Moon, and Sam Adams seasonal brews.

    Where do you live?

    If this was a "suggest new beer for Norm thread", answers might have been more towards around.

    Some stuff that has been suggested is regional like the microbrews and even Yuengling is regional which is a good reason that alot of people don't know about it.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Posts: 1,036
    edited May 2008
    I live in Los Angeles. But my parents live in Virginia and I make it back there a few times a year. When I was living in Virginia, about a decade ago, I recall that Yuengling was very popular (its still my brother-n-law's beer of choice) and I swear that I recall seeing Rogue and even Blue Moon for sale at some point, though I could be mistaken.

    You're right; I could have probably used a better title. However, I figured that there might not be too many Polkies living in SoCal -- maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I wanted to keep it as open as possible for future reference.
    2 Ch.
    Parasound Halo A23 Amp
    Parasound Halo P3 Preamp
    Parasound Halo T3 Tuner
    Bada HD22SE tube CD Player
    Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth
    Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna
    polkaudio Lsi9s (upgraded cross-overs)
    MIT Shotgun S-3 Bi-wire Interface Speaker Cables
    MIT Shotgun S-3 Interconnects (3)
    IegO L70530 Power cords (3)

    Denon 2808ci AVR
    polkaudio RTi A5s (fronts)
    polkaudio RTi A1s (rears)
    polkaudio Csi A6 (center)
    Signal Cable Ultra Speaker Cables
    Signal Cable Analog II Interconnects
  • Posts: 99
    edited May 2008
    It was a good topic title I think, useful and still interesting for people uninvolved to read.
    Update: Once again allowed on polk forums from work! New job yaaaay. Well sorta.
  • Posts: 14,868
    edited May 2008
    Even if there aren't a ton of people from here in that area, a bunch of us have been through the area or spent time there.

    My personal local favorite is pretty much anything from Stone Brewing Company. We can't get it out here on the right coast but they have an awesome I.P.A. and their E.S.B. is quite good also. The Arrogant **** Ale will kick you in the teeth and if you like that sort of excessive hops thing, that's right up your alley!

    You should also be able to get the Kona Brewing Company's offerings in SoCal. For them, again, their Firerock Pale Ale is their version of an India Pale Ale and it is light, clean and refreshing. Everything a Pale Ale should be. Also, the Longboard Lager is surprisingly light and goes well as a dinner beer. It matches well with damn near anything and is my beer of choice while in Hawaii.

    You should also be able to get Maui Brewing Company's offerings out there too. They also have two excellent Pale Ales in the Maui Pale Ale and the Big Swell IPA. But there are three that stand out for me from them. First is the Red **** Doppelbock which has an incredible finish and aftertaste that is sweet like candy. But the Doppelbock lager is a dark, heavy brew with smoky and fruity hops heavy flavors and aromas. I'm not usually a fan of Doppelbocks but I like that one.

    They also have Hemp Man Brown Ale which is alot like other brown ales I have had but it's not as heavy. Lots of citrus flavors and it took some getting used to but it was a good beer for having with native Hawaiian dishes.

    But the one that surprised me the most was Pau Hana Pilsner. If you like Pilsner Urquell, you'll like that one. As good as any I ever had from Europe or even the old German and Czech brewers in Milwaukee. Very good summer beer for sitting in the heat and watching the Phillies kick the crap out of the Dodgers! :)

    Those are some suggestions that should get you started on some more local brews that aren't big, corporate giants.

    And I'll tell you something about Yuengling. Every one whom I have had visit from the left coast or Hawaii have come out here and we go drinking with Yuengling. They all go back and start emailing me asking how they can get it shipped out there.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Posts: 915
    edited May 2008
    I'm so tired of Yuengling. I used to drink it before anybody even heard of it. The black & tan is ok, but I like Yuengling Chesterfield the best. The lager is terrible.
  • Posts: 1,036
    edited May 2008
    Jstas, much thanks for the additional recommendations. I have a follow-up question for you or any others who wish to weigh in: What sort of places do you guys go to find these specialty beers?

    In L.A., most of our chain grocery stories (e.g. Ralphs, Vons, Albertsons) seem to have very limited selections (typical stuff ranging from Natural Light up the scale to Amstel Light) and even though we have Trader Joe's out here, their selection seems to be quite limited also, even if they carry some less known brews not available in the big supermarkets. Would I have better luck at a place like Whole Foods or something like that? (I'm not much of bar-hopper so I was hoping to find six-packs rather look for it out on the town).
    2 Ch.
    Parasound Halo A23 Amp
    Parasound Halo P3 Preamp
    Parasound Halo T3 Tuner
    Bada HD22SE tube CD Player
    Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth
    Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna
    polkaudio Lsi9s (upgraded cross-overs)
    MIT Shotgun S-3 Bi-wire Interface Speaker Cables
    MIT Shotgun S-3 Interconnects (3)
    IegO L70530 Power cords (3)

    Denon 2808ci AVR
    polkaudio RTi A5s (fronts)
    polkaudio RTi A1s (rears)
    polkaudio Csi A6 (center)
    Signal Cable Ultra Speaker Cables
    Signal Cable Analog II Interconnects
  • Posts: 14,868
    edited May 2008
    Norm Apter wrote: »
    Jstas, much thanks for the additional recommendations. I have a follow-up question for you or any others who wish to weigh in: What sort of places do you guys go to find these specialty beers?

    In L.A., most of our chain grocery stories (e.g. Ralphs, Vons, Albertsons) seem to have very limited selections (typical stuff ranging from Natural Light up the scale to Amstel Light) and even though we have Trader Joe's out here, their selection seems to be quite limited also, even if they carry some less known brews not available in the big supermarkets. Would I have better luck at a place like Whole Foods or something like that? (I'm not much of bar-hopper so I was hoping to find six-packs rather look for it out on the town).

    See, I was just traveling through the areas so I grabbed all of them at bars. But I dunno what you have in the way of liquor stores and such out there. You'd have to get someone who is local to the area to give you some suggestions.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Posts: 136
    edited May 2008
    Im not much a beer person but if i do feel like a beer these would be them:

    Shiner Bock

    Shiner Black - not sure if thats the correct title

    Left Hand Milk Stout - prob. my fav.

    Dos XX

    I still haven't had Corona, but thats my dads fav.
  • Posts: 3,131
    edited May 2008
    my favorite beer? the one that you find hiding in the back of the fridge when you thought you were done.:)
  • Posts: 887
    edited May 2008
    my 7.(1x4) HT setup
    TV - Mitsubishi WD-65734
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    Belkin PURE AV PF60 / UPS
  • Posts: 2,046
    edited May 2008
    From the brands that are available mostly everywhere, the two would be:
    * Leffe Brune (Belgium)

    * Negra Modelo (Mexico)

    I like to try some local beers when I travel.
    Panasonic PT-AE4000U projector for movies
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  • Posts: 60
    edited May 2008
    Yuengling lager is half as good as Sam Adams Boston Lager. A fresh Boston Lager keg and proper pour is stunningly good.

    Yuengling is KLH and Boston Lager is Polk Audio. Yuengling is Def Leopard to Sam Adam's Led Zeppelin.

    Brooklyn Lager is very good. Long Trail Ale is even better.

    On pale ale, see Sierra Nevada and Harpoon.

    Local breweries often produce very good pale ales.
    Marantz DV4001 CD and DVD
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  • Posts: 8,520
    edited May 2008
    Enjoying a very nice Firestone Union Jack IPA right now. Rolls in with a nice 7.5 abv, smooth with a hint of hops, slightly sweet and very well balanced.
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • Posts: 857
    edited June 2008
    picked up some Dogfish beers today on the way home. Sipping on a 120min IPA right now. 20% abv 120 ibu. Great hoppy beer that does the job.

    I also got some Immort Ale (11% abv) and Palo Santo Brown Ale (12% abv). Will be trying those in the next few days.
    My Home Theater (WIP):
    Panasonic AE900 Projector - 126" screen, XBOX 360, Pioneer BDP-320 Bluray
    Receiver: Denon AVR-1905
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    Dual Subs: PSW202, and behind the couch Denon 8"

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  • Posts: 2,568
    edited June 2008
    Although i have been on a self imposed exile from all alcoholic beverages for over five years i stiil have very fond memories of drinking Paulaner Oktoberfest beer that was flown over here from Germany in kegs just for occasion during the Octoberfest at the 5th regiment armory in Baltimore.:)

    Fond memories of drinking beer from a bucket at that Oktoberfest. My cousins got to ride the kegs in at the beginning of the celebration one year. They also always had the Hacker Pschorr Oktoberfest, which I like a bit better. Did you know they're not holding an Oktoberfest at the Armory anymore?
  • Posts: 2,568
    edited June 2008

    You should have no problems finding good beer in SoCal. Green Flash Brewing Company is from San Diego (IIRC), you've got Sierra Nevada, Stone Brewing. You should also be able to get a lot of fresh stuff from Oregon, Colorado, and Idaho that we can't get on the east. Rogue is a damn fine brewery, as is the company that does Fat Tire.

    The best beer bar I've ever been to was in San Francisco, called Toranadoes. Front and back of a page with Belgian beers in a font size similar to a newspaper. This is in addition to about 25 different tap handles.
  • Posts: 10,874
    edited June 2008
    I am a Whiskey drinker primarily, but when I dabble in beer I have the best choices in the world here.

    New Glarus Spotted Cow is top notch...

    Anything Leinenkugel, especially Honey Weiss.
  • Posts: 6,641
    edited June 2008
    Leinenkugel Honey Weiss is stellar. A local pizza joint serves pitchers of it. I drink said pitchers.
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • Posts: 77
    edited June 2008
    Shoferhoffer Hefe-Weitzen

    My favorite by far. .... We cut through the BS.
  • Posts: 10,874
    edited June 2008
    Leinenkugel Honey Weiss is stellar. A local pizza joint serves pitchers of it. I drink said pitchers.

    In GA? That's awesome. Good to see they're getting distribution all the way down there.

    I also love Hacker-Pschörr Weiss Bier.
  • Posts: 6,641
    edited June 2008
    Actually in Louisville. But yeah... close enough.
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • Posts: 2,409
    edited June 2008
    Hoegaarden is always good.

    I had Blanche de Chambly for the first time on my recent vacation and really liked it as well.

    Ommegang Witte is also good stuff.
  • Posts: 7,601
    edited June 2008
    Killian's Red


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