IsoClean Audio Grade Fuses



  • Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    Peter, I believe you are intentionally trying to get this thread closed by going off on irrelevant tangents that are bringing really nasty and ridiculing responses such as mine. If I'm wrong I apologize but I do think you have that as your motive. BTW you seem to be a real stickler for your science. Why not try to write like an adult rather than a elementary school child. Simple spelling, grammer, improper use of punctuation etc. Mistakes aside and even in editing I still make mistakes but your writing is consistently bad as if you are in too much of a hurry to project yourself as you think you are. You should pay more attention to these things.

    Now really Bozo listed.

    Whew that's better now all I see is this;
    This message is hidden because bikezappa is on your ignore list.
  • Posts: 2,463
    edited September 2010
    Peter, I'm beginning to think you are outright ****! I've conducted many, many interviews during my career and would never conduct an interview such as you described. First off walking out of the interview for a moment is just plain, "you are not important to me" and rude to the interviewee, and your method is entrapment because the guy came up with the proper answer to the question you posed however, you personally wanted another! The purpose of an interview IMHO is get to find out as much as possible by questioning the subject on anything and everything related to the job. I also would pose several, "what would you do in this situation" scenarios. It's not about looking for an exact duplicate of yourself.

    UGH! You don't like to be called names, you whine about it all the time, you warn people that if they don't behave or respond the way WE want them to then they will be called names, YET YOU STATE, "What a collection of morons." Are you talking to me, are you talking to the most recent posters NO you encapsulate the forum collective.

    Your comments on the high end fuses are BS. You've not tried them, you've not measured their results (UGH!) and guess what, your credibility just flushed down my toilet forever.

    I believe you just like to think you are better than everyone else here and love to argue for the sake of arguing.

    I've been pretty respectful to you in the past, for the most part, but I find you to be hypocritical and condescending and just plain crabby and closed minded.

    Bozo listed.

    You never tried my yellow mustard yet.
  • Posts: 2,463
    edited September 2010
    Peter, I believe you are intentionally trying to get this thread closed by going off on irrelevant tangents that are bringing really nasty and ridiculing responses such as mine. If I'm wrong I apologize but I do think you have that as your motive. BTW you seem to be a real stickler for your science. Why not try to write like an adult rather than a elementary school child. Simple spelling, grammer, improper use of punctuation etc. Mistakes aside and even in editing I still make mistakes but your writing is consistently bad as if you are in too much of a hurry to project yourself as you think you are. You should pay more attention to these things.

    Now really Bozo listed.

    Whew that's better now all I see is this;

    Explain where the inductive and capacative reactance is in a fuse?
    A pure resister cannot filter anything.
    You guys like to give it but you just can't take anything back.
    An degreed engineer that doesn't know that C=pi*diameter is a moron IMHO.
    I have every right to point out the science of EE that states a fuse or yellow mustard cannot filter anything.
    May people in this group have attached sites that explain the basic EE equations. It's hard reading I know but worth it if you like electronics.
    I'm not trying to get this or any thread closed but I have a right to disagree and ask how a resistor can filter anything?
  • Posts: 2,463
    edited September 2010
    In this argument, the most enthusiastic supporters of boutique fuses often cling vehemently to the core concept of "things that can't be measured" and "the ear being a better instrument than anything man can create". Sadly they often have their heels dug in to insist "there must be differences because I know there must be differences" and even argue against imminently fair standards like double-blind ABX testing being 'invalid'. And time and again things like super-gucci fuses and fancy line cords have failed to pass ABX testing only to then be excused by their supporters.

    Now that I understand this degree of scientific denial here, I've given up arguing on this and similar subjects. I'm open to the possibility of good fuses or even super gucci boutique fuses with better specs (maybe even those we haven't figured out how to quantify) having some advantage but the instant it gets into "these pricey caps are more 'romantic' than the regular ones" I'm switched off.

    I'm done on this topic.
  • Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    bikezappa wrote: »
    Explain where the inductive and capacative reactance is in a fuse?
    A pure resister cannot filter anything.
    You guys like to give it but you just can't take anything back.
    An degreed engineer that doesn't know that C=pi*diameter is a moron IMHO.
    I have every right to point out the science of EE that states a fuse or yellow mustard cannot filter anything.
    May people in this group have attached sites that explain the basic EE equations. It's hard reading I know but worth it if you like electronics.
    I'm not trying to get this or any thread closed but I have a right to disagree and ask how a resistor can filter anything?

    Had to peek! How on God's Good Green Earth do you know what materials or how they designed those fuses!?! YOU DON'T because you mind is shut tight like a bank vault!
  • Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    bikezappa wrote: »
    In this argument, the most enthusiastic supporters of boutique fuses often cling vehemently to the core concept of "things that can't be measured" and "the ear being a better instrument than anything man can create". Sadly they often have their heels dug in to insist "there must be differences because I know there must be differences" and even argue against imminently fair standards like double-blind ABX testing being 'invalid'. And time and again things like super-gucci fuses and fancy line cords have failed to pass ABX testing only to then be excused by their supporters.

    Now that I understand this degree of scientific denial here, I've given up arguing on this and similar subjects. I'm open to the possibility of good fuses or even super gucci boutique fuses with better specs (maybe even those we haven't figured out how to quantify) having some advantage but the instant it gets into "these pricey caps are more 'romantic' than the regular ones" I'm switched off.

    I'm done on this topic.

    You were done with this topic as soon as you read the study, who are you kidding!?!

    Had to peek again . . . what are your feelings about the "science" of numerology! It's science isn't it? However, I don't believe not one bit of it. No-one denies science. You read into it as you see fit. The point is that the ear is a good measuring tool and scientific measurement equipment hasn't come far enough to HEAR EVERYTHING and measure that gear and assoc equipment can shape the sound of music.

    ABX testing has been proven to be a bad test when it comes to audio. You just won't open your mind to that and you stick to the old science like like a cheapskate squeezing a penny trying to get a dime out of it.

    No more peeking . . . you are just to close minded and off the wall.
  • Posts: 25,249
    edited September 2010
    bikezappa wrote: »

    I'm done on this topic.

    Thank God!!!
    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 5,496
    edited September 2010
    So, do the HiFi Tuning and Isoclean fuses give better sound than stock?;);):p:p:D:D:eek::rolleyes:
    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • Posts: 25,249
    edited September 2010
    headrott wrote: »
    So, do the HiFi Tuning and Isoclean fuses give better sound than stock?;);):p:p:D:D:eek::rolleyes:

    They certainly seem to exhibit, by way of scientific measure, lower noise. Try one, I think you'll like the results :);):):cool:

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 4,424
    edited September 2010
    I've never understood the point of why people have to aruge about something they have never tried like it was the day they were going to die.

    Either A you try it and like it = you have an opinion that is then justified by trial.

    or B you try it and don't like it =you have an opinion that is justified by trial.

    with most people I've seen its

    C I don't like the thought of it so I'm going to ramble on and on and on about nothing, never try it, and make a big fuss over something I have neither A tried or B could form an opinion about that is justified by anything.
  • Posts: 5,496
    edited September 2010
    I have almost bought some a few times, but decided that I need to get some room treatments first. I think they'll give me an overall better sound improvement than switching out the fuses. That does not mean that I don't think they will not make a difference (my last post was in jest).

    Has anyone compared Isoclean to HiFi Tuning to Furutech fuses?

    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • Posts: 5,501
    edited September 2010
    OK, I do have a legitimate point of curiosity.

    It was written above, "I have a right to disagree and ask how a resistor can filter anything?"

    I remember when I was new to the group and learning about how to have my SDA 2B crossovers redone, it was said the old "sand" resistors" Polk used were "noisy" and that Mills and Mundorf were much "quieter", the same exact measured 2.7 ohm resistance value, but quieter.

    That seemed to be a generally accepted premise and I never remember anyone arguing about it.

    So it begs the question, "Can one resistor be 'noisier' than another?" If so, what in the world is BZ going on about?
    VTL ST50 w/mods / RCA6L6GC / TlfnknECC801S
    Conrad Johnson PV-5 w/mods
    TT Conrad Johnson Sonographe SG3 Oak / Sumiko LMT / Grado Woodbody Platinum / Sumiko PIB2 / The Clamp
    Musical Fidelity A1 CDPro/ Bada DD-22 Tube CDP / Conrad Johnson SD-22 CDP
    Tuners w/mods Kenwood KT5020 / Fisher KM60
    MF x-DAC V8, HAInfo NG27
    Herbies Ti-9 / Vibrapods / MIT Shotgun AC1 IEC's / MIT Shotgun 2 IC's / MIT Shotgun 2 Speaker Cables
    PS Audio Cryo / PowerPort Premium Outlets / Exact Power EP15A Conditioner
    Walnut SDA 2B TL /Oak SDA SRS II TL (Sonicaps/Mills/Cardas/Custom SDA ICs / Dynamat Extreme / Larry's Rings/ FSB-2 Spikes
    NAD SS rigs w/mods
    GIK panels
  • Posts: 1,543
    edited September 2010
    bikezappa wrote: »
    In this argument, the most enthusiastic supporters of boutique fuses often cling vehemently to the core concept of "things that can't be measured" and "the ear being a better instrument than anything man can create". Sadly they often have their heels dug in to insist "there must be differences because I know there must be differences" and even argue against imminently fair standards like double-blind ABX testing being 'invalid'. And time and again things like super-gucci fuses and fancy line cords have failed to pass ABX testing only to then be excused by their supporters.

    Only you and some others that always refute any claim made wrt higher-end gear claim ABX as the correct testing methodology for hi-fi audio. Others rather vehmenently disagree that ABX is the proper way to test. I do not see ABX as the proper methodology. I see it as a methodology designed to always fail to find any differences, regardless of whether differences may actually exist or not.

    bikezappa wrote: »
    Now that I understand this degree of scientific denial here, I've given up arguing on this and similar subjects. I'm open to the possibility of good fuses or even super gucci boutique fuses with better specs (maybe even those we haven't figured out how to quantify) having some advantage but the instant it gets into "these pricey caps are more 'romantic' than the regular ones" I'm switched off.

    The level of denial here is no greater than your own level of denial and persistent argumentation from a position of personal incredulity. And while you claim that you're "open" to such things, your arguementation demonstrates that you are not.
    bikezappa wrote: »
    I'm done on this topic.

    Turntable: Empire 208
    Arm: Rega 300
    Cart: Shelter 501 III
    Phono Pre: dsachs consulting
    Digital: Marantz SACD 30n
    Pre: Conrad Johnson ET3 SE
    Amp: Conrad Johnson Premier 350
    Cables: Cardas Neutral Reference
    Speakers: SDA 2.3TL, heavily modified
  • Posts: 25,249
    edited September 2010

    So it begs the question, "Can one resistor be 'noisier' than another?"

    Yes, and they can sound different too! Mills non-inductive are much better than the .29c you can buy whne used in the signal path. To assume otherwise is ignorant.

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 5,501
    edited September 2010
    heiney9 wrote: »
    Yes, and they can sound different too! Mills non-inductive are much better than the .29c you can buy whne used in the signal path. To assume otherwise is ignorant.


    So wtf is BZ going on about? I don't get him and others like him.
    VTL ST50 w/mods / RCA6L6GC / TlfnknECC801S
    Conrad Johnson PV-5 w/mods
    TT Conrad Johnson Sonographe SG3 Oak / Sumiko LMT / Grado Woodbody Platinum / Sumiko PIB2 / The Clamp
    Musical Fidelity A1 CDPro/ Bada DD-22 Tube CDP / Conrad Johnson SD-22 CDP
    Tuners w/mods Kenwood KT5020 / Fisher KM60
    MF x-DAC V8, HAInfo NG27
    Herbies Ti-9 / Vibrapods / MIT Shotgun AC1 IEC's / MIT Shotgun 2 IC's / MIT Shotgun 2 Speaker Cables
    PS Audio Cryo / PowerPort Premium Outlets / Exact Power EP15A Conditioner
    Walnut SDA 2B TL /Oak SDA SRS II TL (Sonicaps/Mills/Cardas/Custom SDA ICs / Dynamat Extreme / Larry's Rings/ FSB-2 Spikes
    NAD SS rigs w/mods
    GIK panels
  • Posts: 6,765
    edited September 2010
    OK, I do have a legitimate point of curiosity.

    It was written above, "I have a right to disagree and ask how a resistor can filter anything?"

    I remember when I was new to the group and learning about how to have my SDA 2B crossovers redone, it was said the old "sand" resistors" Polk used were "noisy" and that Mills and Mundorf were much "quieter", the same exact measured 2.7 ohm resistance value, but quieter.

    That seemed to be a generally accepted premise and I never remember anyone arguing about it.

    So it begs the question, "Can one resistor be 'noisier' than another?" If so, what in the world is BZ going on about?


    Yeah, what is all this talk about "low noise resistors"? Can this "noise" be quantified by Ohm's Law?

    I can't wait to read the our resident physicist's scientific and mathematically justified explanation for this one.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • Posts: 6,765
    edited September 2010
    Peter [bikezappa], I find you to be hypocritical and condescending and just plain crabby and closed minded.

    Really? What makes you say that?

    Stuff like this?:
    bikezappa wrote: »
    What a collection of morons.
    bikezappa wrote: »
    I wonder what the collective IQ is on this forum.
    bikezappa wrote: »
    Do you people need to be spoon feed?

    What Confucius said over 2000 years ago is still true today:
    "Insults are the last refuge of the out-witted, out-smarted and out-argued."

    If we are so moronic, stupid and devoid of understanding, why spend over a year of your life bitterly trying to convince us that audio grade fuses can't possibly work when you have no personal experience with them and when you have no knowledge of their design aspects? Is this how a credible scientist operates?


    My noise spectrum measurements of audio grade fuses are repeatable by anyone who knows how to use an oscilloscope. Clearly, these fuses contain some physical or chemical property that causes a small reduction in conducted power line noise and there is a measurable difference in noise reduction depending on how the fuses are oriented.

    In January of 2010, a German communications, audio testing, electronic measurement and modification service company, GECOM Technologies GmbH (, published a report on measurements of audio grade fuses. I have attached a copy of the report below. GECOM's website is mostly in German, but their webpages can be translated to English using one of the Internet webpage translation services such as Babelfish (

    GECOM concluded:

    "There is a measurable difference in directivity of fuses. Mostly that will be due to the way the melting wire is manufactured. The difference is in the range of 5 % . That is in the range of variations due to the factoring process, but the difference is measurable with all types of fuses.

    The resistance of the fuse itself is dependent on the length and thickness of the melting wire. At pure DC- resistance measurements, of the commercial available fuses, the solder type with leads gives the best results. Worst results gives the fuse with a glass tube and spiral shaped melting wire.

    The high end fuses all give better results in conductivity, the cryogenically treated fuses from HiFi -Tuning give the best results, while the rhodium coated fuse from Padis gives the highest DC- resistance.

    For DC applications it´s recommended to use the solder type fuse or the cryogenically treated fuses from HiFi-Tuning Germany.

    The drop in resistance up to the factor of 8 is clearly measurable and also could be detected in listening test.

    Fuses with a glass tube and a spiral shaped melting wire are additionally by a factor of 20 more sensitive to micro phonic effects. Fuses with a glass tube and a straight wire still by a factor of 5."


    Reports from people who have actually tried the fuses range from no audible improvement to small, moderate and big improvements. As with any phenomenon that is dependent on human sensory interpretation, results will vary depending on electric power quality, audio equipment, room acoustics, musical preferences and individual hearing characteristics.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • Posts: 25,249
    edited September 2010
    So wtf is BZ going on about? I don't get him and others like him.

    Ranting and raving lunatic comes to mind. This thread was concretely about the findings of noise characteristics of certain fuses. His ranting and raving has taken it so far off course I have no idea what he's talking about beyond mustard, circles, geometry formula's, retaining grade school knowledge, interview processes, romantic sounding caps, with lots of spelling error's to boot.

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 947
    edited September 2010
    People that argue a point that don't have experience with the product they're arguing about, reminds me of people in history arguing that the earth was flat.....we all know where that ended up.

    At least experiment if you're going to argue a point....otherwise, later on, you might find you were on the wrong side of the fence.
    ..... ><////(*>
  • Posts: 6,765
    edited September 2010
    So wtf is BZ going on about? I don't get him and others like him.
    heiney9 wrote: »
    Ranting and raving lunatic comes to mind. This thread was concretely about the findings of noise characteristics of certain fuses. His ranting and raving has taken it so far off course I have no idea what he's talking about beyond mustard, circles, geometry formula's, retaining grade school knowledge, interview processes, romantic sounding caps, with lots of spelling error's to boot.


    It's the "class clown" phenomenon: the kid who can't perform academically so he/she:

    1. Hurls incessant insults at the smart kids.
    2. Acts loud and obnoxious.

    Both of the above are smoke screens to deflect attention away from their lack of due diligence and ability.


    If someone has tried a tweak and it worked, that is good, helpful information to report.

    If someone has tried a tweak and it didn't work, that is good, helpful information to report.

    If someone has tried a tweak and it worked and they say it will work for everyone else, there is no factual basis for that extrapolation.

    If someone has tried a tweak and it didn't work for them and they say they don't believe it worked or will work for anyone else, there is no factual basis for that extrapolation.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • Posts: 947
    edited September 2010
    It's the "class clown" phenomenon: the kid who can't perform academically so he/she:

    1. Hurls incessant insults at the smart kids.
    2. Acts loud and obnoxious.

    Both of the above are smoke screens to deflect attention away from their lack of due diligence and ability.


    If someone has tried a tweak and it worked, that is good, helpful information to report.

    If someone has tried a tweak and it didn't work, that is good, helpful information to report.

    If someone has tried a tweak and it worked and they say it will work for everyone else, there is no factual basis for that extrapolation.

    If someone has tried a tweak and it didn't work for them and they say they don't believe it worked or will work for anyone else, there is no factual basis for that extrapolation.

    Added one more for ya:

    If someone has not tried a tweak, and they say they don't believe it will work for anyone else, there is no factual basis for that extrapolation.

    ..... ><////(*>
  • Posts: 25,577
    edited September 2010
    heiney9 wrote: »
    Yes, and they can sound different too! Mills non-inductive are much better than the .29c you can buy whne used in the signal path. To assume otherwise is ignorant.


    Some folks hear differences, some don't. It doesn't make them dumber or ignorant. Just because you don't agree with the result, doesn't mean your a moron.

    DK's thread shows me enough information that I would want to try it, or not try it I guess, as a reader. I've used those fuses in my amplifier for a long time already. Would I suggest them as an upgrade? No. At least he took the time to establish an opinion based on his best efforts as an engineer...or even a regular guy. I can respect that and have never alluded to anything otherwise personally.

    If you don't agree or think it's ridiculous, so be it. All opinions should be welcome.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Posts: 25,249
    edited September 2010
    dorokusai wrote: »
    Some folks hear differences, some don't. It doesn't make them dumber or ignorant.

    Notice I said "assume". I would never tell someone who actually tried and experimented that they were ignorant or they were wrong about their findings/opinion. Only those that presuppose or assume nothing will make a difference. They are ignorant on a certain level.

    Thanks for pointing that out, so I could be a bit more concise about whom I was calling ignorant.

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 25,577
    edited September 2010
    I understand and never thought otherwise H9.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Posts: 6,765
    edited September 2010
    fishbones wrote: »
    Added one more for ya:

    If someone has not tried a tweak, and they say they don't believe it will work for anyone else, there is no factual basis for that extrapolation.:D

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if someone is representing himself/herself as a scientist and challenging something on scientific grounds, then it is expected that the challenger would offer quantitative proof to support their views or opinions.

    There are a lot of audio tweaks that I won't try just because they are not appealing in some way (technology, appearance, manufacturer, etc.). I have no proof that they do or don't work and wouldn't use some of them even if I had absolute concrete scientific proof that they worked. However, I wouldn't engage in a years long Internet campaign to "discredit" a tweak I didn't believe in.

    If someone thinks Magic Pebbles laid on their interconnect cables makes their system sound better, good for them.

    Audio is supposed to be fun.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • Posts: 231
    edited September 2010
    I'm baaaaack!
    Really? What makes you say that?

    Stuff like this?:

    What Confucius said over 2000 years ago is still true today:
    "Insults are the last refuge of the out-witted, out-smarted and out-argued."

    If we are so moronic, stupid and devoid of understanding, why spend over a year of your life bitterly trying to convince us that audio grade fuses can't possibly work when you have no personal experience with them and when you have no knowledge of their design aspects? Is this how a credible scientist operates?


    My noise spectrum measurements of audio grade fuses are repeatable by anyone who knows how to use an oscilloscope. Clearly, these fuses contain some physical or chemical property that causes a small reduction in conducted power line noise and there is a measurable difference in noise reduction depending on how the fuses are oriented.

    In January of 2010, a German communications, audio testing, electronic measurement and modification service company, GECOM Technologies GmbH (, published a report on measurements of audio grade fuses. I have attached a copy of the report below. GECOM's website is mostly in German, but their webpages can be translated to English using one of the Internet webpage translation services such as Babelfish (

    GECOM concluded:

    "There is a measurable difference in directivity of fuses. Mostly that will be due to the way the melting wire is manufactured. The difference is in the range of 5 % . That is in the range of variations due to the factoring process, but the difference is measurable with all types of fuses.

    The resistance of the fuse itself is dependent on the length and thickness of the melting wire. At pure DC- resistance measurements, of the commercial available fuses, the solder type with leads gives the best results. Worst results gives the fuse with a glass tube and spiral shaped melting wire.

    The high end fuses all give better results in conductivity, the cryogenically treated fuses from HiFi -Tuning give the best results, while the rhodium coated fuse from Padis gives the highest DC- resistance.

    For DC applications it´s recommended to use the solder type fuse or the cryogenically treated fuses from HiFi-Tuning Germany.

    The drop in resistance up to the factor of 8 is clearly measurable and also could be detected in listening test.

    Fuses with a glass tube and a spiral shaped melting wire are additionally by a factor of 20 more sensitive to micro phonic effects. Fuses with a glass tube and a straight wire still by a factor of 5."


    Reports from people who have actually tried the fuses range from no audible improvement to small, moderate and big improvements. As with any phenomenon that is dependent on human sensory interpretation, results will vary depending on electric power quality, audio equipment, room acoustics, musical preferences and individual hearing characteristics.

    I found the measurements report interesting. These people actually put some thought and study into the matter.
    I was surprised that the HiFi-Tuning fuses had that much lower resistance than the others tested.
    Interestingly, with some amp ratings, the Iso Clean fuses had higher resistance than standard
    ceramic or glass fuses, and with other amp ratings they were lower.

    One misleading thing in the report is the statement that the directional difference in resistance with a dc voltage varied in the range of 5%.
    If you actually look at the results, 22 of the fuses showed a difference of only about 0.1% - 0.2%,
    and the other 4 were about 1% - 4% different in opposite directions, and those 4 were
    all different types (1 HiFi, 1 ceramic, 1 glass, and 1 Iso Clean). (I wonder why - bad solder joint or weld or whatever in those samples allowing a junction of dissimilar metals, or something else - who knows?).

    The paper also brings up another thought. Can spiral wound glass fuses have significant inductance because of the spiral wire carrying current?
    Some inductance might be a good thing in reducing noise if the fuse is carrying dc current, and not such a good thing if it's carrying ac current.
    DK, do you know if the fuse is before or after rectification in your amp's circuit?
    Another point: if such a fuse is microphonic, then moving that current carrying spiral around by vibrations could induce voltage and current.
    How significant any of this is is another matter.

    I would have liked to see the Vector Impedance measurements that were discussed, but that table seems to be missing from the report.
    Would also liked to have seen standard fuse results with the higher amp choices as well for comparison the the HiFi ones.

    They also seem to suggest that no fuse is better than any fuse (except for the lack of protection) and that makes sense to me.

    I came back to this thread to post this because I found the info DK provided interesting and thought provoking, unlike most of the posts on the last few pages (with the exception of some posts by BZ and jinjuka).
    The rest of you can feel free to complain bitterly about how much I'm boring you with technical drivel if you must.

    NAD C 545BEE cd player, Philips AF877 turntable / Shure V15V-MR with JICO SAS stylus,
    Tascam 122 mkIII cassette deck, Harman Kardon 3480 receiver, Terk FM-50 antenna in the attic,
    Soundcraftsmen SE550 stereo equalizer, Polk Monitor 10a speakers
    (with Sonicraft/Solen/Mills crossover rebuild)
  • Posts: 6,765
    edited September 2010
    cristo wrote: »
    The paper also brings up another thought. Can spiral wound glass fuses have significant inductance because of the spiral wire carrying current? Some inductance might be a good thing in reducing noise if the fuse is carrying dc current, and not such a good thing if it's carrying ac current.

    I don't know if the inductance would be significant relative to the current conducted. This would be an interesting study.
    cristo wrote: »
    DK, do you know if the fuse is before or after rectification in your amp's circuit?

    I use audio grade fuses in my power amps, preamps, SACD player and turntable power supply. In the preamps, SACD player and turntable power supply, the only fuse is the power line fuse which is before the rectification circuit.

    My power amps use three fuses each: a main power line fuse which is before the rectification circuit and two rail fuses after the rectification circuit.

    My Magnepan MG 12 speakers use a 3 Amp fast blow fuse for tweeter protection. I didn't hear a difference when I replaced the stock fuses with HiFi Tuning fuses. I have read other reports of people not hearing a difference when they installed audio grade fuses in their speakers.

    The MG 12's are used in a modest audio/video system in my master bedroom. When I have time for further experimentation, I will take the MG 12's to the two channel system in the living room and test to hear if the audio grade fuses make a difference with better electronics.
    cristo wrote: »
    They also seem to suggest that no fuse is better than any fuse (except for the lack of protection) and that makes sense to me.

    This is not a suggestion, it is a fact. Any component in a signal's path is going to "harm" the signal in some way. The best we can hope for is that the harm is inaudible.


    Something to consider:

    You will generally get more benefit from audio grade fuses after other power infratructure improvements have been made such as dedicated AC lines, power conditioners and power regenerators.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    dorokusai wrote: »
    Some folks hear differences, some don't. It doesn't make them dumber or ignorant. Just because you don't agree with the result, doesn't mean your a moron.

    DK's thread shows me enough information that I would want to try it, or not try it I guess, as a reader. I've used those fuses in my amplifier for a long time already. Would I suggest them as an upgrade? No. At least he took the time to establish an opinion based on his best efforts as an engineer...or even a regular guy. I can respect that and have never alluded to anything otherwise personally.

    If you don't agree or think it's ridiculous, so be it. All opinions should be welcome.

    I absolutely agree with this. However, when someone basis their opinion from books or dig their heals in spouting science, science, science over and over again with out the due diligence of trying the gear or tweak or testing the results done by another person themselves then I think their opinion is weak or invalid at best. Sure I welcome all opinions but there has to be some credible information provided to support their opinion(s).

    You are a perfect example of how it is done right IMHO. You may not have broken out your Oscilloscope or other testing instruments but you've tried the tweak and found it to make no difference so you have credibility in you opinion.

    One question though Mark and I'm not being a smart **** I'm just curious; if the high end fuses made no appreciable difference in one piece of your gear, why use them again in another piece of gear? I find that a bit confusing.
  • Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    cristo wrote: »
    I'm baaaaack!

    I found the measurements report interesting. These people actually put some thought and study into the matter.
    I was surprised that the HiFi-Tuning fuses had that much lower resistance than the others tested.
    Interestingly, with some amp ratings, the Iso Clean fuses had higher resistance than standard
    ceramic or glass fuses, and with other amp ratings they were lower.

    One misleading thing in the report is the statement that the directional difference in resistance with a dc voltage varied in the range of 5%.
    If you actually look at the results, 22 of the fuses showed a difference of only about 0.1% - 0.2%,
    and the other 4 were about 1% - 4% different in opposite directions, and those 4 were
    all different types (1 HiFi, 1 ceramic, 1 glass, and 1 Iso Clean). (I wonder why - bad solder joint or weld or whatever in those samples allowing a junction of dissimilar metals, or something else - who knows?).

    The paper also brings up another thought. Can spiral wound glass fuses have significant inductance because of the spiral wire carrying current?
    Some inductance might be a good thing in reducing noise if the fuse is carrying dc current, and not such a good thing if it's carrying ac current.
    DK, do you know if the fuse is before or after rectification in your amp's circuit?
    Another point: if such a fuse is microphonic, then moving that current carrying spiral around by vibrations could induce voltage and current.
    How significant any of this is is another matter.

    I would have liked to see the Vector Impedance measurements that were discussed, but that table seems to be missing from the report.
    Would also liked to have seen standard fuse results with the higher amp choices as well for comparison the the HiFi ones.

    They also seem to suggest that no fuse is better than any fuse (except for the lack of protection) and that makes sense to me.

    I came back to this thread to post this because I found the info DK provided interesting and thought provoking, unlike most of the posts on the last few pages (with the exception of some posts by BZ and jinjuka).
    The rest of you can feel free to complain bitterly about how much I'm boring you with technical drivel if you must.

    IMHO this is the best post you've made to date. I disagree about your statement about BZ as BZ made off the wall presentations that never relate to the subject at hand but when he does, he has nothing more than what he read in books to back up his "opinion."

    As far a jinjuku goes, I can't can see his posts thank Goodness and don't care to read him as he loves to troll and create controversy here, just to go against the grain and stir the **** pot. He's done pretty much nothing but that since he came aboard with his "Audioholics attitude is best and the only truth about this hobby" not to mention he's a moderator there and has no tolerance for other people's opinions over there. To his credit however he has made some useful and helpful posts when it comes to suggesting gear to a newbie or two. Other than that I have no use for him. He is also very mean spirited in that he just loves to provoke people into getting infractions or banned, he really has shown his true colors in this respect and really seems to enjoy it. That is one of the traits of a true under-bridge Troll.
  • Posts: 25,577
    edited September 2010

    One question though Mark and I'm not being a smart **** I'm just curious; if the high end fuses made no appreciable difference in one piece of your gear, why use them again in another piece of gear? I find that a bit confusing.

    The only piece of gear I use them in is my BBQ. I'm not sure where you think I currently utilize them elsewhere.

    I guess in hindsight, if I had the spare change, I'd put them everywhere. I did install them in my Magnepan when owned but again, didn't notice a difference. That doesn't mean the next guy wouldn't find value as I'm a firm believer in Bright Star Audio widgets. Maybe we're all nutty.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.


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