WTF is going on with society today?



  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    markmarc wrote: »

    My son is now 22, all of his friends but one have turned out to be dedicated, positive adults.

    What qualifies as a dedicated, positive adult in your eyes? Maybe some people just have too high of standards..... I'm not being negative, just curious what in your opinion makes someone a deciated, positive adult.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    markmarc wrote: »
    Funny, how we can fault in all, based upon the actions of a few. As a teacher, I see them at their most positive, average, and negative moments. Sure, some run around thinking they are entitled, but at the same time, I see others busting it every day. I also see how many are willing to help a teacher, parent, etc. when asked.

    let us not forget how many 18-22 year olds are in the military dealing with 9/11 in Afghanistan, and the mess in Iraq.

    Most will turn out just fine, some with struggle like with any generation, and a few will end up in prison. I remember my parents saying the same thing about kids in my generation. My son is now 22, all of his friends but one have turned out to be dedicated, positive adults.

    I admit to using some blanket statements here.

    My older son is 23 and I couldn't be more proud of him. Most of his friends are the same as my boy but I think that is because he is choosey about his company another trait that he learned from me and I learned from my Pop.
  • Bill Ayotte
    Bill Ayotte Posts: 1,860
    edited May 2007
    markmarc wrote: »
    Funny, how we can fault in all, based upon the actions of a few. As a teacher, I see them at their most positive, average, and negative moments. Sure, some run around thinking they are entitled, but at the same time, I see others busting it every day. I also see how many are willing to help a teacher, parent, etc. when asked.

    let us not forget how many 18-22 year olds are in the military dealing with 9/11 in Afghanistan, and the mess in Iraq.

    Most will turn out just fine, some with struggle like with any generation, and a few will end up in prison. I remember my parents saying the same thing about kids in my generation. My son is now 22, all of his friends but one have turned out to be dedicated, positive adults.

    Your son has a good group of friends, which is actually rare now days....The vast majority of people my age that have a sense of the world can name at least two or more of people they consider "friends" that are real-world retarded. At one point I was one of the 18-22 year olds fighting overseas, I turned 20 and 21 in Afghanistan and Iraq....I will say this about the quality of soldier over the last five years; it has DROPPED dramatically....The good ones are hard to find, and I view the Army as a welfare system of sorts for a lot of people...If i was treated this way in the civilian sector by my "doctor" (really not a doctor, not even really a RN, Army gray area; a physician's assistant) I would have a multi-million dollar settlement on my hands...Attitude problems are painfully abundant, and there is a general lack of respect and bearing....I am constantly amazed that some of these people tie their own shoes, much less preform their job everyday...
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited May 2007
    of course not all young adults of this generation should be lumped into this category.. there are plenty of good examples of young people who do great in school, sometimes holding down a part time job... then graduate and become great hard working adults..

    I think though what ticks alot of us older people off is that we didn't have things as easy as the current generation does.. plus, our parents can turn around and say the same thing about us babyboomers.

    But an overall observation of the current generation is they feel they should have to work less, get paid more and have more free time to persue recreational activities... while making a 6 figure salary right after graduation. They can have all of this, but it's going to take some hard and good work ethics to make it happen.. and i find that very few are willing to put out the sweat to do it.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,668
    edited May 2007
    One problem that I have with this generation is that quite a few of them seem to have the manners of goats.

    I dropped by the daughter and SIL's house yesterday, just for a quick visit (and to spoil my grandson some more :) ).

    Well, the ex-SIL and BIL were there. They had brought their daughter (who's nice; she'll be entering the Air Force in a couple of months) and her future fiance .

    Well, long story short, this guy (24) must have been brought up in a cave.
    We're all sitting around, shooting the breeze, and he's on his future wife like a duck on a june bug. Not just reasonable hugs and smooches, but .... Welcome to Slobber City.

    Falls into the "I want what I want when I want it" mentality of quite a number of the newer generation. No sense of respect for those around him, especially his future MIL and FIL. None.

    My opinon might be biased somewhat by the fact that this guy is a Pre-vert, and doesn't work, and gives my grandson looks that one might expect out of a dog looking at a piece of roundsteak. :mad:

    Probably a lot of the lack of respect and manners can be laid at the doorstep of MY generation. I suppose you can't practice what you aren't shown or taught.
    Sal Palooza
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    This thread is pathetic. Bunch of old guys complaining about the next generation with the naive thought that their own previous generation wasn't complaining about them in their youth. The very sad/pathetic cycle continues.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    This thread is pathetic. Bunch of old guys complaining about the next generation with the naive thought that their own previous generation wasn't complaining about them in their youth. The very sad/pathetic cycle continues.

    Last time I checked my drivers license I'm 21 years old(despite what some of you believe: HEARINGIMPARED) and I don't think that is that old. I'm the one who started the thread and doing the majority of the complaining.

    Who are you again to call this thread pathetic?
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    Worse yet... you are complaining about your own generation. WTF???
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    Worse yet... you are complaining about your own generation. WTF???

    You're exactly right. I am......cause my generation is frigging pathetic and quite frankly it disgusts me since we are the ones that are going to have to take care of our parents when they get older. If we can't take care of ourselves, how the hell are we supposed to take care of our parents after they retire and become old?
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    Don't think for one second that your parents generation doesn't already have this all figured out.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    Don't think for one second that your parents generation doesn't already have this all figured out.

    I thought it was only normal to assume that the current generation takes care of the previous generation. Maybe because my grandmother and sisters are taking care of my great grandmother and my parents are taking care of their parents......guess I was wrong.

    And if they do have it all figured out, surely they can't have it figured out of they are letting their kids go on this way.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    danger boy wrote: »
    of course not all young adults of this generation should be lumped into this category.. there are plenty of good examples of young people who do great in school, sometimes holding down a part time job... then graduate and become great hard working adults..

    I think though what ticks alot of us older people off is that we didn't have things as easy as the current generation does.. plus, our parents can turn around and say the same thing about us babyboomers.

    But an overall observation of the current generation is they feel they should have to work less, get paid more and have more free time to persue recreational activities... while making a 6 figure salary right after graduation. They can have all of this, but it's going to take some hard and good work ethics to make it happen.. and i find that very few are willing to put out the sweat to do it.

    We all want more & better for our children but giving them everything or letting them have a free ride is not the answer. Teaching them good morals, work ethic, and respect for others is a good start and THAT is really giving them what is most important.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    This thread is pathetic. Bunch of old guys complaining about the next generation with the naive thought that their own previous generation wasn't complaining about them in their youth. The very sad/pathetic cycle continues.

    Sometimes you say the most idiotic and insulting things. You're sad/pathetic cause you can't see past your own nose.

    If the thread is so pathetic, stay out of it.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    Worse yet... you are complaining about your own generation. WTF???

    He's not afraid to tell it like it is, contrary to your lack of character.
  • Deadof_knight
    Deadof_knight Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    one thing you have to consider as well , say there is a kid or kids doing something or acting up and no parents around that you can see, Do you say something or not . I used to "not" say anything now I do, get onto them. I would want my kid to be scolded if he was doing something he wasnt suppoed to. Use tobe that society somewhat governed itself like this now you have kids running through resturants ,being loud and no one says a thing Im sorry but this is wrong, it would seem that its ok that I have to listen to them and pay for my meal , or be at the movie with a screaming kid that a 10 year shouldnt be at. Now you cant control when a really little one belts out but having them at the movie is your bad in the first place. Whats even funnier sometimes someone actually says something and hes the ****.......I just love that .......excuse me theirs only 150 other people in that feel the same way like Im just the only one that decided to say something like ,,,,,pssst could you keep it quiet please .....Im sorry I dont wear earplugs or blinders when I pay to go out.....maybe I should
    :cool: " He who dies with the most equipment wins Right ? "

    Denon 3300 Adcom 535 BBe w/sub out 1 pr 4.6s 2 pr of 4 jrs Recent additions Samsung Lns-4095D LCD, Samsung hd-960 DVD, Monster HT-5000 Power center
    ,HPSA-1000 18" sealed DiY home sub.:D
    Black Laquer 1.2tl's w/ upgraded x-overs and Tweets BI-Amped with 2 Carver tfm-35's Knukonceptz 10ga cables
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    He's not afraid to tell it like it is, contrary to your lack of character.

  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    If only he was telling it like it is... NOT!
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    If only he was telling it like it is... NOT!

    Ok, if I'm not telling it liks it is it really?
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    Better than it ever has been - in all of history.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    Better than it ever has been - in all of history.

    Uh, thought we already established it's I don't really see how that could be your answer to this discussion.

    More technologically advanced? Yes.

    All around better than it ever has been? No.

    Maybe you should find another thread.:)
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    I'm thinking society has gotten way better since we stopped burning Witches. Or, would you rather go back to the "old times". Also, I think Germany is a hell of a lot better place now than 100 years ago.

    So, if a few kids don't move immediately when I'm driving down the street... I try to remember the big picture.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    rskarvan wrote: »
    Better than it ever has been - in all of history.

    Ron, what has that statement to do with the topic of this thread?
  • markmarc
    markmarc Posts: 2,309
    edited May 2007
    I appreciate all the comments to my post, I would like to address one in particular:
    Bill Ayote:
    I'm not surprised that you believe the quality of soldier being recruited is lower based on your military experience. High school grads who used to think of the military as a way of financing college, now won't even consider it. Afterall, who wants to go to Iraq three or four times, after seeing on TV the reports of how things are going over there. The smart ones would rather go into debt thru student loans than deal with what Winston Churchill once called I believe an "ungrateful volcano".

    As for my son being in the minority, got to disagree completely. Most kids are working, involved in activities. We just don't see them in fast food, because they would rather work at Best Buy than McDonalds. I do think that many aren't discovering the value of working for something until high school when they have a car.

    In my son's case, he had to save to buy a new video game or music. When he turned 16, he had to pay half his insurance and keep his grades up, otherwise he had to pay it all. If he got a ticket, we still only paid the original half. I will admit to buying his first car, a 12 year Honda Civic.
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  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    markmarc wrote: »

    In my son's case, he had to save to buy a new video game or music. When he turned 16, he had to pay half his insurance and keep his grades up, otherwise he had to pay it all. If he got a ticket, we still only paid the original half. I will admit to buying his first car, a 12 year Honda Civic.

    I think we all agree this is acceptable......atleast it's not something like a brand new BMW or Audi like many kids are getting as first cars today.
  • Deadof_knight
    Deadof_knight Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    There are more churches that ever before yet morality is less than it ever has been how do you explain that Rskarvan as being better society wise ...

    Boy I had to post to this thread what have I gotten myself into .........
    :cool: " He who dies with the most equipment wins Right ? "

    Denon 3300 Adcom 535 BBe w/sub out 1 pr 4.6s 2 pr of 4 jrs Recent additions Samsung Lns-4095D LCD, Samsung hd-960 DVD, Monster HT-5000 Power center
    ,HPSA-1000 18" sealed DiY home sub.:D
    Black Laquer 1.2tl's w/ upgraded x-overs and Tweets BI-Amped with 2 Carver tfm-35's Knukonceptz 10ga cables
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    I like a brand new BMW or Audi like many kids are getting as first cars today.

    I wish I lived in a neighborhood where the parents could afford to buy their kids BMWs or Audis. . . I think you are overstating that. You can however bet that if you see a youngster driving a Beemer it's a good bet he/she didn't buy it on their own.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited May 2007
    There are more churches that ever before

    Is that really true???
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited May 2007
    I wish I lived in a neighborhood where the parents could afford to buy their kids BMWs or Audis. . . I think you are overstating that. You can however bet that if you see a youngster driving a Beemer it's a good bet he/she didn't buy it on their own.

    I guess I should have rephrased my initial statement to apply to the kids we were originally talking about getting things handed to them on silver platters which brings back the point why bother developing any work ethic and maturing to be a responsible individual.

    Edit: It could be any car for that matter parents could by their kids. Hell even handing a kid keys to a brand new Kia or Hyundai(nothing against these cars) it still goes against what they should be doing. Which is teaching their kids to earn it.
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2007
    Where do you get your Moralitymeter? Has it been calibrated? To what moral standard is it compared to? Again, I think the "Salem Witches" would find things much more pleasant/moral today than before.

    And, since when does the number of churches have ANYTHING to do with the morality of a society? There are no shortage of churches in Europe... yet, the protestants and the Catholics of Ireland can't seem to just "love one another".
  • Deadof_knight
    Deadof_knight Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    I agree with bagged as being acceptable, its kinda a deal you work with your kid as a motovational tool , its just really hard for them when all there friends get the new bmr or yukons and they didnt do anything........ its just today it more frequent than ever, My child will never drive a nicer car than I unless HE buys it or builds it .........
    :cool: " He who dies with the most equipment wins Right ? "

    Denon 3300 Adcom 535 BBe w/sub out 1 pr 4.6s 2 pr of 4 jrs Recent additions Samsung Lns-4095D LCD, Samsung hd-960 DVD, Monster HT-5000 Power center
    ,HPSA-1000 18" sealed DiY home sub.:D
    Black Laquer 1.2tl's w/ upgraded x-overs and Tweets BI-Amped with 2 Carver tfm-35's Knukonceptz 10ga cables