October: **** & **** History Month



  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited October 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Because I look at anyone who would even seriously put any of those in the same realm as mental midgets.....it's only said to be inflammatory, not for someone to look at them as intelligent.

    I beg to differ, because many people (I am a little hesistant to say a large majority but there I said it) think that homosexuality is a perversion/abnormal the same as they view those things you quoted. I can understand that you don't see it that way because it is the most natural thing to you. But why would I be a "mental midget" because no-one in the science community, the "straight" community or any other community except for the homosexual community think that it is not normal? I think this is where the political correctness we talked of earlier came in.

    If I thought that someone had an inkling that I was a homosexual, I would say "I'm not a homosexual, not that there is anything wrong with that!" Just like on a Seinfeld show. But I do think there is something wrong with it and because I do I am labeled a bigot, homophobe, basher, Christian Conservative (which I am proud to be a CC) etc. But no-one has shown why it is "normal". All I see unfortuatley is a bunch of loud obnoxious people trying to guilt society into changing laws and accept them for what they are (which many do) but do it with an "I AM ENTITLED" attitude.

    Where does this feeling of entitlement come from to the exclusion of other unaccepted, illegal practices.

    Why are homosexuals entitled to major law changes when poligamists who love the same way homosexuals love are not? Or why can't I marry my first cousin if I love her and she loves me the same way homosexuals love, the list goes on and on. Do those questions make me a "mental midget"? Do these questions make me an ignorant bigot? I don't think so.

    Tell me why you are entitled to the things you are lobbying for and the senarios I listed above should not also change if what you are lobbying for gets passed.

    Brett I know you think I am a knee jerker and take things personally here but I am asking you and other homosexuals on this site to explain these things to be because these are the questions that come to my mind when the issue of changing the law to accomodate homosexuals rears up.

    I've asked my brothers and my one cousin (who by the way is a harsh man hating ****) these things and I get attitude and obnoxiousness before the question is completely asked. I watch the homosexual pride parades and they conduct themselves with such decadance and in your face blatant want to offend you attitude. This does not make me want to accept homosexuals as normal people who just want to live amongst the rest of as as equals. It is what I see and hear of homosexuals that confirms my thoughts that homosexuals are not normal and will "shove their way of life down my familys throat." I don't feel threatend by it I just don't understand why.

    I'm very curious here to see if I am attacked for being honest here and not "politically correct."

  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited October 2006
    I watch the homosexual pride parades and they conduct themselves with such decadance and in your face blatant want to offend you attitude. This does not make me want to accept homosexuals as normal people who just want to live amongst the rest of as as equals. It is what I see and hear of homosexuals that confirms my thoughts that homosexuals are not normal and will "shove their way of life down my familys throat." I don't feel threatend by it I just don't understand why.

    When I was a senior in high school our class took a trip to Disney World in June. It just so happened that the last day we were there coincided with a national planned (not by Disney) "**** Day". Initially, I had no problem with it and thought nothing of it. That attitude quickly changed when I actually got to the park that day. Every where I looked there were half naked men and women making out and inappropriately touching each other. ****, straight -- that kind of behaviour is just plain inappropriate in a public place, much less a place where there are tons of children. I was able to just ignore it, but I felt really bad for the parents who had spent considerable money to bring their kids there and had to have them subjected to that. Now I know people will say that the **** community as a whole is not like that, and those are just a few bad examples, but then why doesn't the **** community stand up to stop this kind of public behaviour??
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited October 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    Now I know people will say that the **** community as a whole is not like that, and those are just a few bad examples, but then why doesn't the **** community stand up to stop this kind of public behaviour??

    This is exactly what I was talking about in my last post with one exception. I don't know if the homosexual community as whole is not like that and those are just a few bad examples because everywhere I look I see the in-your-face, entitled, extreme behaviour. . .not the homosexual community who stand up and condems that type of behaviour. Even on TV shows I get the feeling of the in-your-face, extreme behaviours.

    I don't know, am I seeing something in a distorted way that really isn't there?

    Has that condemnation from the homosexual community occurred and I just missed it?

    It is obvious that these are the things that feed the mindset of the "straight" majority to think that being a homosexual is not a normal lifestyle.

    Again the hypocrasy of political correctness kicks in and everyone has to pretend that they feel one way when they actually think another.
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited October 2006
    Skynut wrote:
    As for all the talk about comparing homosexuality to beastiality or child ****, I would bet that child **** is legal somewhere on this planet and I have heard about women who preform with animals in other countries so both of those already have a start for becomming legal.

    dude. that's way over the line.. homosexuality is not or have anything to do with those other things you mentioned.. child **** is against the law in the United States... homosexuality is not.

    I guess i'm not surprised you are that uninformed, and uneducated.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited October 2006
    But I do think there is something wrong with it

    I think the above quote illustrates that your beliefs are such that it is useless for Brett to try to explain anything to you. Nothing Brett or anyone says is going to make you think any different (and that's fine, we all have our own beliefs). My condolences to the many horses that gave their lives for this thread. :)
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited October 2006
    PolkThug wrote:
    I think the above quote illustrates that your beliefs are such that it is useless for Brett to try to explain anything to you. Nothing Brett or anyone says is going to make you think any different (and that's fine, we all have our own beliefs). My condolences to the many horses that gave their lives for this thread. :)

    My point is that what is portrayed by homosexuals in public, mainly, parades and the such is where I get the comfimation of my belief that there is something wrong with it.

    Why would you not want to waste you time to make me a believer. Nothing I've seen on this site has really convinced me otherwise. I must say that I didn't read carefully every single post. . . should I? did I miss a good fact that would convice me? I am asking to be shown why I am wrong, don't dismiss me as not worth convincing because for sure you are then showing that there is not good proof to be made by the homosexual community.

    Brett always speaks of dialog . . .this thread IMO has not been a dialog but a he said, she said, I'll get you back, name calling, and sometimes civil thread.
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited October 2006
    My point is that what is portrayed by homosexuals in public, mainly, parades and the such is where I get the comfimation of my belief that there is something wrong with it.

    There are millions of homosexuals. Most of them are not running around acting lewd in parades. Get it?
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited October 2006
    danger boy wrote:
    dude. that's way over the line.. homosexuality is not or have anything to do with those other things you mentioned.. child **** is against the law in the United States... homosexuality is not.

    I guess i'm not surprised you are that uninformed, and uneducated.

    How is that uninformed and uneducated? What's the information and education he's lacking to form his opinion on that type of sex? Just because you don't like your behavior being likened to other perversions doesn't make him uninformed or uneducated. Sex is nothing more than getting off in the homosexual community. Has absolutely no reproductive value whatsoever. The vast majority of the time it's the same in the straight community (funny how we have to have 'communities' for every difference). It's beside the point, however, because it's a natural act. What is natural about a **** in someones **** other than to gain sexual gratification?

    I think he's plenty educated on why he has the opinions he has. I just think you don't like it that he's not catering to your sensitive sensibilities. Just admit that.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited October 2006
    Sky, do you call black people the N word? Just askin.......(no response needed.....the point is the same)

    Phantom, I can't defend whatever behavior you saw and were offended at Disney as it's not something that I would personally do. I could be mistaken, but Disney does set aside a '**** day' at their parks (that might have been different back then). My friends know what I am or am not about, but I won't be the one sitting here apologizing for you seeing what you saw any more than I'd ever expect you to apologize for strip clubs (maybe a bad example, but you get the jist).

    The existence of **** Day at Disney, or Pride Parades, or whatever........I do support. MANY MANY MANY people would ****/moan/stare/freak if they were ever 'subjected' to seeing 2 guys walking down the street hand in hand or giving each other a kiss. Don't like the parade? Don't go.....don't watch.......don't participate in.....but that it would actually bother you seems weird to me.

    Joe, to your point saying "not that there's anything wrong with that" when in reality you do have a problem with it: that's deceptive and passive agressive and you're just wanting to put on a face on for someone then turn around and stomp all over them(figuratively). This isn't meant as an attack, but you mentioned it so I'm going to respond. For the normal arguement......should I assume that YOU are the gauge for what I should view normal as? should it be Demi? The point is that you're no more normal than anyone else, so to try and lump everyone into one category is obviously never gonna happen.

    I'm not going to explain why 1 adult(****) + 1 adult (****) is the equivelant to 1 adult (straight) + 1 adult (straight) as opposed to 1 adult (**** or straight) + 1 animal or 1 adult (straight) + 2-30 adults (straight). It's a stupid arguement and if these are the types of examples that need to be grasped at to feel comfortable for the stance, I think it's a sad reflection on the people that try to connect those dots.

    Edit: Tried to pull out........lol
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited October 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Phantom, I can't defend whatever behavior you saw and were offended at Disney as it's not something that I would personally do. I could be mistaken, but Disney does set aside a '**** day' at their parks (that might have been different back then). My friends know what I am or am not about, but I won't be the one sitting here apologizing for you seeing what you saw any more than I'd ever expect you to apologize for strip clubs (maybe a bad example, but you get the jist).

    The existence of **** Day at Disney, or Pride Parades, or whatever........I do support. MANY MANY MANY people would ****/moan/stare/freak if they were ever 'subjected' to seeing 2 guys walking down the street hand in hand or giving each other a kiss. Don't like the parade? Don't go.....don't watch.......don't participate in.....but that it would actually bother you seems weird to me.

    See this is where I think you are wrong. Yes, some people would ****/moan/stare/freak if they were ever 'subjected' to seeing 2 guys walking down the street hand in hand or giving each other a kiss. A simple hand holding or kiss in public isn't going to freak me out and I'm sure there are other tolerant people as well. But because SOME people would ****/stare, you feel it is OK **** people to act inappropriately in retrobution? I'm not talking about some parade in San Francisco billed and labeled as a Pride Parade or what have you. This was Disney World, with tons of kids running around, having to watch half naked adults rub and kiss all over each other. The "****" part has nothing to do with it. I would have been just as offended if it was "hetero" day and straight people were doing it.

    And no, I'm not expecting you to apologize to me. You weren't there and its not your fault. But, with your initial response, you exhibit the exact attitude that I'm talking about. You say yourself you wouldn't act in such a manner, but tell people to screw off if they are offended by such behaviour.
  • faster100
    faster100 Posts: 6,124
    edited October 2006
    well then Brett, STFU about it!!! :mad: you don't have to carry the **** flag for everyone, as i know your not representing it very well :rolleyes:
    MY HT RIG:
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    2 Channel Rig:

    nad 1020 Pre-amp
    Rotel 1080 stereo amp
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    realistic lab 450 TT
    Signal cable IC
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited October 2006
    My point is that what is portrayed by homosexuals in public, mainly, parades and the such is where I get the comfimation of my belief that there is something wrong with it.

    Look, I've seen what heterosexuals do in public and find it pretty appaling as well. I'd hate to think that someone would label an entire segment of the population by the actions of a very few.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited October 2006
    TroyD wrote:
    Look, I've seen what heterosexuals do in public and find it pretty appaling as well. I'd hate to think that someone would label an entire segment of the population by the actions of a very few.


    Yep, you are right. But I don't think you'd defend those individuals and tell those who are offended to just look the other way would you?
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited October 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    You say yourself you wouldn't act in such a manner, but tell people to screw off if they are offended by such behaviour.
    I didn't tell you to screw off and that wasn't the way it was supposed to read. I also never said I was ok with ANYone acting innapropriately. I absolutely understand and agree with you that there needs to be more consideration (from everyone involved probably).

    I have the option to tune into the fishing channel but I'm not interested fishing........in addition to being ok that the channel exists, I can watch something else that does interest me. That's not my telling fishermen to go to hell....just saying that it can exist without me being an advocate against it since it doesn't pertain to my existance. I think that's worded better.

    As for the parades specifically, why would anyone find themselves at a **** parade in the first place if they had no interest in seeing it.....they have as much choice in being around it as they do to not be around it........right?

    Faster, having fun?
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited October 2006
    For what it's worth, and whether you care or not....

    I really don't have a problem with you or Dangerboy, and if you think I do it would mean I have problems with the members of my own family. I really don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home. If you want to make out with a member of the same sex in public as well -- it's not going to make me do a double take. I've got homosexual aquantainces in my circle of friends. The issue is merely on the issues, not with your personal charachter. I don't think homosexuality is a choice, and so on. I'm also trying not to be personally offensive in my posts in regards to this subject. I can't help if either you are taking it that way, because it's not meant to be.

    As far as what's normal...it's completely relative to the state society you're in. Tatoos galore, and facial piercings? It's more normal now than it used to be. I don't think the fear is in giving a rats rearend what you're doing in your bedroom, but that the standards will be degenerated to ridiculous levels. I know you can appreciate that because of how you feel about the other relationships discussed here.

    I am also done with the thread, but I really don't want the give off the impression that I have any personal problem with **** in general. Just disagree with some of the beliefs. That is, again, if you even care.
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited October 2006
    I am asking to be shown why I am wrong, don't dismiss me as not worth convincing because for sure you are then showing that there is not good proof to be made by the homosexual community.

    You've stated that you think at least one of your brothers was born a homosexual.

    You've also stated, concerning homosexuality, that there's something wrong with it.

    Do you fault your brother, God or your parents for your brother being born a homosexual?

    I'll guess your answer is no. Therefore, if you were to fault your brother for being a homosexual, that would, simply put, make you a mean person. So, you can be a mean person if you want, or you can accept that people being born homosexual is a naturally occuring event, and those people don't need to be feared, hated, etc.

    Do you want to be a big meanie and fault people for being born a certain way? I hope not, but that's your choice to make.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited October 2006
    Demi, that you and I can even post in the same thread after "the beginning" is a statement in and of itself.......lol...........

    Group hug? (except Faster).......:D
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited October 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    Yep, you are right. But I don't think you'd defend those individuals and tell those who are offended to just look the other way would you?

    It's not for me to judge and/or defend, so I don't. I'm also not going to renounce my membership in the hetero club. A free society also has a downside, those that you don't agree with have every bit the right to express themselves as you do.

    Not picking a fight but to me this whole ball of was comes down to, I don't agree with it therefore it should be out of my line of sight (with no inconvenience to me)....it just isn't fair, IMHO.

    As far as Brett goes, he's about a stand up guy as you can find.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • heiney9
    heiney9 Posts: 25,160
    edited October 2006
    Religion always has been and always will be what destroys civilizations. Slowly but surely it's eroding away at humanity. It used to be spirituality and religion were one in the same, now I believe in spirituality but not nec. in religion.


    P.s. I'm talking organized religion. I believe in a higher power but I don't have to attend an orgainzational meeting at a specified time and day to profess my beliefs or be saved or to be a good person or to be spiritual.
    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Pangea AC14SE MKII | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node 3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited October 2006
    PolkThug wrote:
    You've stated that you think at least one of your brothers was born a homosexual.

    You've also stated, concerning homosexuality, that there's something wrong with it.

    Do you fault your brother, God or your parents for your brother being born a homosexual?

    I'll guess your answer is no. Therefore, if you were to fault your brother for being a homosexual, that would, simply put, make you a mean person. So, you can be a mean person if you want, or you can accept that people being born homosexual is a naturally occuring event, and those people don't need to be feared, hated, etc.

    Do you want to be a big meanie and fault people for being born a certain way? I hope not, but that's your choice to make.

    Not speaking for him, but from his religious perspective he probably thinks the act is a sin. I'm not aware of one mainstream Christian church that won't accept homosexuals into their congregation. If not from a religious perspective he probably has a moral objection to the homosexual act. I doubt he hates anyone here, or anyone out there who is homosexual anymore than he'd hate someone who did something else he disagreed with. There are violent a-holes out there who will target someone no matter what their difference. If we were all the same there'd still be a batch of nuts in the pumpkin patch finding some reason to hate someone else.

    There isn't a damn thing mean about disagreeing with someone.
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited October 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    As for the parades specifically, why would anyone find themselves at a **** parade in the first place if they had no interest in seeing it.....they have as much choice in being around it as they do to not be around it........right?

    A cable channel is very different from walking down a public street. I guess as long as no one is breaking the law, those offended might as well screw off. I personally just don't understand a community that wishes to be accepted as "normal" letting a bunch of people be their poster faces with such abnormal and indecent (even if legal) behaviour. There is such a thing as accepted human decency and my personal feeling is that the **** community does itself more harm than good with such behaviour at "parades" and such. I find myself conflicted when I think of fighting for **** couples right to adopt when images of pride parades float through my mind.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited October 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Demi, that you and I can even post in the same thread after "the beginning" is a statement in and of itself.......lol...........

    Group hug? (except Faster).......:D

    I agree with that. Again, no offense intended. :D
  • jdhdiggs
    jdhdiggs Posts: 4,305
    edited October 2006
    heiney9 wrote:
    Religion always has been and always will be what destroys civilizations. Slowly but surely it's eroding away at humanity. It used to be spirituality and religion were one in the same, now I believe in spirituality but not nec. in religion.


    P.s. I'm talking organized religion. I believe in a higher power but I don't have to attend an orgainzational meeting at a specified time and day to profess my beliefs or be saved or to be a good person or to be spiritual.

    WHAT? Wow, it's not what detroyed Rome, Greece, Egyptians, Mayan, Aztec, USSR, Mongol, Japenese, or Chinese empires (plus many, many more). Do you have ANY historical evidence of this? Even one example? In fact, the corruption and moral degradation of the societies caused the fall of every single one of the above listed civilizations beyond the ones that the Spaniards wiped out. In every case it was a movement AWAY from the founding religion value set that started the downfall.

    Dug the drive by thread crapping though...

    Brett: Cliff's the kind of guy who, after the battle, bayonettes the wounded and then brags about his bravery.
    There is no genuine justice in any scheme of feeding and coddling the loafer whose only ponderable energies are devoted wholly to reproduction. Nine-tenths of the rights he bellows for are really privileges and he does nothing to deserve them. We not only acquired a vast population of morons, we have inculcated all morons, old or young, with the doctrine that the decent and industrious people of the country are bound to support them for all time.-Menkin
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited October 2006
    I don't think there's anything that I can say to convince you that a parade doesn't make someone a **** person or that a parade makes someone unable to raise a child.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited October 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    A cable channel is very different from walking down a public street. I guess as long as no one is breaking the law, those offended might as well screw off. I personally just don't understand a community that wishes to be accepted as "normal" letting a bunch of people be their poster faces with such abnormal and indecent (even if legal) behaviour. There is such a thing as accepted human decency and my personal feeling is that the **** community does itself more harm than good with such behaviour at "parades" and such. I find myself conflicted when I think of fighting for **** couples right to adopt when images of pride parades float through my mind.

    How do you feel about the bombardment of TV ads for 'Girls Gone Wild' videos? Is there a double standard?
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited October 2006
    PolkThug wrote:
    How do you feel about the bombardment of TV ads for 'Girls Gone Wild' videos? Is there a double standard?

    As I said, a cable channel is very different from being in public. Inappropriate "public" behviour is inappropriate regardless of sexuality. I do not have a double standard. I maybe out of the loop but I've never heard of a Girls Gone Wild parade down my town's mainstreet, or a Girls Gone Wild day at Disneyworld. If there were you can bet I'd be just as offended.

    EDIT: and likewise, I wouldn't tell the offended parents who happened to be at DisneyWorld that day to just look the other way, or tell them to do their business downtown on another day. My only point is, it seems to me (and I might be wrong) that the **** community as a whole tends to be OK with the behaviour at these public displays. If it only happened on cable tv I wouldn't have anything to say at all. Just turn the channel.
  • heiney9
    heiney9 Posts: 25,160
    edited October 2006
    jdhdiggs wrote:
    Dug the drive by thread crapping though...

    Uhmm....yeah this thread has been on topic since the first post :rolleyes: . I've been following the entire thread so no drive by was committed. Also so much other crap (as you call it) was deposited didn't see you comment then.


    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Pangea AC14SE MKII | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node 3 - Tubes add soul!
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited October 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    EDIT: and likewise, I wouldn't tell the offended parents who happened to be at DisneyWorld that day to just look the other way, or tell them to do their business downtown on another day. My only point is, it seems to me (and I might be wrong) that the **** community as a whole tends to be OK with the behaviour at these public displays. If it only happened on cable tv I wouldn't have anything to say at all. Just turn the channel.
    I don't know how long ago it was that you were exposed to these events, but if it was a while ago.....let it go. I can tell you that the "**** Day" that Disney does now has the park closed at 6pm (cleared out), and then is reopened as **** Day until 1am or somethin.

    Know what I don't like? Thanksgiving Parades. I don't like the bands, the balloons, or anything about it. Know where I don't go when a Thanksgiving Parade is going on? The parade route. Maybe those insensitive turkey lovers should be bitched at because they're mandating when I can run my errands........sounds a little....um.....odd, doesn't it?
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • ND13
    ND13 Posts: 7,601
    edited October 2006
    I just hate parades, except for the Veteran's Day Parade.
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited October 2006
    we need that clip showing two cats hitting a ping pong ball back and forth. Cause thats exactly what this thread is doing.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27