Carolina Polkfest II : 13-15 Oct 2006



  • Posts: 4,278
    edited October 2006
    bert26 wrote:
    OK guys - what is the official itinerary for Friday night?


    Well, the un-official itinerary is to get effed up in downtown Charleston and bail Mark out of jail.

    OMG, I'm so pumped for this event!
    No excuses!
  • Posts: 28,935
    edited October 2006
    Im going to be arriving rightttt around 12 oclock (afternoon) on Friday...
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 1,405
    edited October 2006
    Anyone driving from near BWI or IAD on Friday around 9am?
  • Posts: 17,986
    edited October 2006

    A face to face finally!

    Side note, talked to Dodd today, my battery tube pre will be at the meet, he's burning the midnight oil to get it done. I told him that the Polk crowd wanted a first hand look / listen, and he's making it happen.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Posts: 1,405
    edited October 2006
    My 600th post. I wish there were as many notches on my bed.

    Russo & Dorko.. please be gentle.
  • Posts: 5,020
    edited October 2006
    Don't worry, Steve. They'll be so friggin trashed you're gonna have YOUR way with THEM...
  • Posts: 28,935
    edited October 2006
    RuSsMaN wrote:

    A face to face finally!

    Side note, talked to Dodd today, my battery tube pre will be at the meet, he's burning the midnight oil to get it done. I told him that the Polk crowd wanted a first hand look / listen, and he's making it happen.


    A face to face indeed! haha!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 4,278
    edited October 2006

    A face to face indeed! haha!

    I want to see a nice big wet sloppy kiss between you to. For the camera of course.
    No excuses!
  • Posts: 28,935
    edited October 2006
    Big negative there... lol`
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited October 2006
    For the official itinerary....look at the lodging/logistics thread....

    EDIT: Sid, you MAY want to leave later on Friday. Chances are pretty high that Friday up until about 3pm or so I will be hit or miss. Which means the house will be locked up tight.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 28,935
    edited October 2006
    That is very good information there.

    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 12,518
    edited October 2006
    You could just sit in your truck in his driveway listening to tunes on your sweet car audio system....that you didn't put together!!!! Told you ya should've put a few dollars into a car system! ;)
    Jstas wrote: »
    Simple question. If you had a cool million bucks, what would you do with it?
    Wonder WTF happened to the rest of my money.
    In Use
    PS3, Yamaha CDR-HD1300, Plex, Amazon Fire TV Gen 2
    Pioneer Elite VSX-52, Parasound HCA-1000A
    Klipsch RF-82ii, RC-62ii, RS-42ii, RW-10d
    Epson 8700UB

    In Storage
    [Home Audio]
    Rotel RCD-02, Yamaha KX-W900U, Sony ST-S500ES, Denon DP-7F
    Pro-Ject Phono Box MKII, Parasound P/HP-850, ASL Wave 20 monoblocks
    Klipsch RF-35, RB-51ii

    [Car Audio]
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP, Memphis 16-MCA3004, Boston Acoustic RC520
  • Posts: 5,020
    edited October 2006
    So I guess Thursday for dinner is out of the question...
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited October 2006
    I certainly hope that you all eat dinner on Thursday.....I'm just ruling out one possible venue for it. :D

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 11,435
    edited October 2006
    But is dinner good for Monday?

    Carver Amazing Fronts
    CS400i Center
    RT800i's Rears
    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR

  • Posts: 13,098
    edited October 2006
    heh heh heh...
    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 11,435
    edited October 2006
    Say what I'll be just waking up from my drunken state, about that time.

    Carver Amazing Fronts
    CS400i Center
    RT800i's Rears
    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR

  • Posts: 25,577
    edited October 2006
    Polkfest ends, when the workday begins. You ****'s need to be heading home or downtown for some fun before you go.

    Ask some of the folks @ MD Polkfest what Sunday was like....time to giddy up and return things to normal.

    I love the folks for making my wife happy, by 5PM it was like nothing happened, but this ain't no Boy Scout Jamboree, get the **** out....perhaps Troy has a better way of saying it.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Posts: 6,502
    edited October 2006
    getting more pumped as the time comes

    hey Noel, glad your coming down!! allready paired on a room though.
    Living Room 2 Channel -
    Schiit SYS Passive Pre. Jolida CD player. Songbird streamer. California Audio Labs Sigma II DAC, DIY 300as1/a1 Ice modules Class D amp. LSi15 with MM842 woofer upgrade, Nordost Blue Heaven and Unity interconnects.

    Upstairs 2 Channel Rig -
    Prometheus Ref. TVC passive pre, SAE A-205 Amp, Wiim pro streamer and Topping E50 DAC, California Audio Labs DX1 CD player, Von Schweikert VR3.5 speakers.

    Studio Rig - Scarlett 18i20(Gen3) DAW, Mac Mini, Aiyma A07 Max (BridgedX2), Totem Mites
  • Posts: 7,601
    edited October 2006
    Thanks Lou, I've got the room hookup. I'll see ya there.
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited October 2006
    Ok, so far no requests for local tourist info.....but, you know, google is your friend.

    Far as the 'fest itself:

    Official kickoff is 1600 on Friday. Which means, I plan on being open for bidness by then. Now, if you get in earlier, want to stop by and so forth....just give me a jingle as I may be off running errands and so forth. Not that you aren't welcome earlier but, just so you know, call first. If you don't have the contact info, pm/email me and I'll get it to you.

    Attendees: Please, if you are planning on attending and you aren't sure that I KNOW you are coming, please, let me know. I'm guessing 30 but some of you guys are in limbo so, let me know.

    Again, the agenda for Friday is up in the air. I will be providing food/beverages for those that wish to hang out. There are also those heading downtown. Word to the wise though, be safe. This is a big college town and the local gestapo is not terribly charitable if you catch my drift ESPECIALLY if you have out of state tags. Be warned.

    Saturday.....official kickoff, sometime around 10 or so. The plan is to have three rigs (for those that were here in 04, layout will be similar). There will be designated people who can swap gear (but the plan is to keep that to a minimum) and software. If you bring something, keep track of it. I had one attendee two years ago (who no longer participates) get a little disjointed because he lost a CD. I will mail back CD's at my leisure but if I can't find it....buyer beware.

    Sunday......get the hell out of town!! Just kidding. For those that wish to hang out on Sunday and press the flesh one last time, by all means. I'm not sure what in the way of food etc will be provided as that's the day I pretty much plan on cleaning up and getting the house back on it's foundation. However, those that want to swing by are more than welcome to do so.

    Many of you have been to my home and I really don't have too many rules. The main rule is, have fun. Help yourself to whatever I have in terms of food and so forth. If you need something, feel free to ask. My goal is to make everyone feel as at home and comfortable as possible. That said, I have VERY cool neighbors however, especially as the night goes on....I ask that we be considerate. Again, most of them are very cool and will probably be there but, you know, we don't need 115db at 3am. I also have a dog (english bulldog puppy) and a cat. The dog thinks it's everyones duty to pet him and pay him attention. The cat ignores pretty much everyone. Just so you know, I have pets.

    FIREWORKS are a NO-NO!

    Also, and I shouldn't have to say this but I will. If you think that torching a fattie is a splendid idea, refrain. Do it at your house, at your hotel..whatever. Do NOT consider doing it in/around my home. I will not be amused.

    Also, this is an event with adult beverages. IF you are staying at a hotel, consider a car pool or possibly going in on a taxi or some such. I would HATE to see anyone get bagged for DUI. That said, if just simply don't have the capacity, grab some floor, sofa, chair, lawn and pass out. All I ask is that any bodily fluids that happen to discharge, clean them up.

    Last but certainly not least.....we are going to adopt on official Polkfest '06 charity. The Githens Center in Mt. Holly NJ. We will be doing a raffle (item(S) is TBD).....proceeds from my LP sales and of course, donations are welcome. After the 'fest wraps up....I will combine the proceeds and send off a check.


    For those that didn't see this in the other thread.

    Sunday, come by, hang out...say your farewells etc etc then head on home at your leisure.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 848
    edited October 2006
    If anyone needs assistance Friday or otherwise, PM me and I will give you my cell number. I can be available for airport pickup as well and save you some dough on taxi. My Fridays are normally wide open after the mornings so I can meet up with you if Troy D is not ready for ya.
    Historic Charleston SC

    2 Channel:
    SDA-SRS's RDO tweets
    Biamped Anthem 2 SE's w/1970's NOS Siemens CCA's
    Anthem Pre 2L w/E.harmonix platinum matched 6H23's
    CDP- NAD C 542

    HT setup:
    AVR: NAD T 773
    Rears: Polk LC80i
    DVD: Toshiba 3109 dual tray
    Subs: Velodyne and M&K
    T.V.: Sony KDL-52XBR4 w/Vans Evers Clean Line Jr.
    Conditioner: Panamax M5100EX

    Master Bedroom Sony 40KDL-XBR3

    "I love it when a plan comes together." Hannibal Smith, The A-Team
  • Posts: 12,258
    edited October 2006
    You're gonna make me cry you creep.

    What a nice thing to do.

    I just told Theresa. We're both crying.

    Thanks a billion.
  • Posts: 15,722
    edited October 2006
    damn, if i purchase my tickets to PF06 today. this is the price.. $1,121 :eek:

    Just making a point.. it's pricey flying coast to coast.

    although.. of course had i purchased three months ago... the price would be substantionally less. ;)
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • Posts: 1,405
    edited October 2006
    TroyD wrote:

    FIREWORKS are a NO-NO!

    If you think that torching a fattie is a splendid idea, refrain.


    Antny has a backup plan. Pigs will fly...
    dorokusai wrote:
    If you are within a reasonable driving distance, get off your ****! We have folks driving 10+ hours to come to this event.

    Make that 11+ hours for one bad **** **** wearing SDA glasses melted into his forehead driving from Indy.

    Who's bringing twister?
  • Posts: 7,601
    edited October 2006

    You make me blush...:p
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited October 2006
    danger boy wrote:
    damn, if i purchase my tickets to PF06 today. this is the price.. $1,121 :eek:

    Just making a point.. it's pricey flying coast to coast.

    although.. of course had i purchased three months ago... the price would be substantionally less. ;)

    Sea-Tac to Chucktown: 653 on travelocity.....
    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 25,577
    edited October 2006
    Excuses, excuses.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Posts: 4,278
    edited October 2006
    Doro, theres a photo of some ugly a-hole laying on your fax machine!

    You animals ready? 3 days and counting...
    No excuses!
  • Posts: 17,986
    edited October 2006
    Brett's got his itenary as of an hour or so ago - we can't have a full blown **** parade without everyone!
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.


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