The Official Club Polk - Snake River Power Cord Demo



  • newbie308
    newbie308 Posts: 710
    edited February 20
    It's interesting to read how these power cords affect each individual system differently, and how some, myself included, found the changes to be an improvement, and others noticed no change or didn't care for the changes they were hearing. I am enjoying reading these detailed reviews. I'm learning a bit about the review process, what to listen for, and how to better articulate what I'm hearing, the more reviews I read. Thank you everyone who has contributed so far! This is great!
    Sources: Technics SL1200MKII | SME3009 Tonearm | Monster Alpha 1 MC cartridge | Oppo UDP203 disk player | Nikko NT-790 analog tuner | Musical Fidelity Trivista 21 DAC | Preamp: Threshold SL-10 | Amplifier: Threshold Stasis 2 | Speakers: Snell Acoustics C/V | Kimber 12-TC bi wire speakers | Analysis plus Oval 1 preamp to amp | Wireworld Eclipse 7 DAC to Preamp | Wireworld eclipse digital IC Oppo to DAC | Audioquest Quartz tuner to preamp |
  • bcwsrt
    bcwsrt Posts: 1,750
    You did a perfectly fine job with your review, @newbie308.


    One-owner Polk Audio RTA 15TL speakers refreshed w/ Sonicap, Vishay/Mills and Cardas components by "pitdogg2," "xschop" billet tweeter plates and BH5 | Stereo REL Acoustics T/5x subwoofers w/ Bassline Blue cables | Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III integrated tube amp | Technics SL-1210G turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 MM cart | Sony CDP-508ESD CD player (as a transport) | LampizatOr Baltic 4 tube DAC | Nordost & DH Labs cables/interconnects | APC H15 Power Conditioner | GIK Acoustics room treatments | Degritter RCM
  • pearsall001
    pearsall001 Posts: 5,037
    The Snake River PC arrived safe & sound, thanks John.
    "2 Channel & 11.2 HT "Two Channel:Magnepan LRSSchiit Audio Freya S - SS preConsonance Ref 50 - Tube preParasound HALO A21+ 2 channel ampBluesound NODE 2i streameriFi NEO iDSD DAC Oppo BDP-93KEF KC62 sub Home Theater:Full blown 11.2 set up.
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    Hey guys, I have fired off a couple of PM's this morning. Please check to see if you have rec'd a message from me. Thanks.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • pearsall001
    pearsall001 Posts: 5,037
    treitz3 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I have fired off a couple of PM's this morning. Please check to see if you have rec'd a message from me. Thanks.


    yes indeed.
    "2 Channel & 11.2 HT "Two Channel:Magnepan LRSSchiit Audio Freya S - SS preConsonance Ref 50 - Tube preParasound HALO A21+ 2 channel ampBluesound NODE 2i streameriFi NEO iDSD DAC Oppo BDP-93KEF KC62 sub Home Theater:Full blown 11.2 set up.
  • Geoff4rfc
    Geoff4rfc Posts: 2,183
    dromunds wrote: »

    "As a general rule, SACDs make CDs sound like dead milk"

    Don'tcha just hate that??????
    Source: BRP Panasonic UB9000, CDP Emotiva ERC3 - Display: LG OLED EVO 83 C3 - Pre/Pro: Marantz 8802A - Amplification: Emotiva XPA-DR3, XPA-2 x 2, XPA-6, Speakers, Mains/2ch-Focal Kanta No2's, C-LSiM706, S-702F/X, RS-RTiA9's, WS-RTiA9's, FH-RTiA3's, Subs - Epik Empire x 2

    Cables: AudioQuest McKenzie XLR's/CDP/Amp, Carbon 48/BRP, Forest 48/Display, 2 channel speaker cable: Furutech FS Alpha 36 12AWG PCOCC Single Crystal (Douglas Connection)

    EXPERIENCE: next to nothing, but I sure enjoy audio and video MY OPINION OF THIS HOBBY: I may not be a smart man, but I know what quicksand is.
    When I was young, I was Superman but now that old age has gotten the best of me I'm only Batman
  • bcwsrt
    bcwsrt Posts: 1,750
    I need another Snake River PC review in my life ...


    One-owner Polk Audio RTA 15TL speakers refreshed w/ Sonicap, Vishay/Mills and Cardas components by "pitdogg2," "xschop" billet tweeter plates and BH5 | Stereo REL Acoustics T/5x subwoofers w/ Bassline Blue cables | Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III integrated tube amp | Technics SL-1210G turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 MM cart | Sony CDP-508ESD CD player (as a transport) | LampizatOr Baltic 4 tube DAC | Nordost & DH Labs cables/interconnects | APC H15 Power Conditioner | GIK Acoustics room treatments | Degritter RCM
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    They're getting ready to change hands again, so we shall have more reviews coming up shortly.

    If anyone would like to be added to the demo list, the time is now. Once this is over, it is over for good. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

    Also, there is a special deal offered by Jonny (owner of Snake River Audio) for Club Polk members only. This special will last only while this demo program is still going. If you are interested in buying anything from Snake River, PM me and I will give you the code for the special offer.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • marvda1
    marvda1 Posts: 4,888
    Snake River Cables will be at the Southwest Audio Fest. Looks like a few beers and some good discussions.
    Amplifiers: Norma IPA 140, MasterSound Compact 845, Ayre v6xe, Consonance Cyber 800
    Preamp: deHavilland Ultraverve 3
    Dac: Sonnet Morpheus 2, Musical Paradise mp-d2 mkIII
    Transport: Jay's Audio CDT2 mk2, Lumin U1 mini
    Speakers: Rosso Fiorentino Volterra II
    Speaker Cables: Crystal Clear Magnum Opus 2, Organic Audio Organic Reference 2
    Interconnects: Crystal Clear Magnum Opus 2, Argento Organic Reference 2, Argento Organic 2
    Power Cables: Argento Organic Reference, Synergistic Research Foundation 10 and 12 ga.
    Digital cables: Crystal Clear Magnum Opus 2 bnc, Tellurium Q aes, Silnote Audio Poseidon Signature 2 bnc
    Puritan PSM156
  • jdjohn
    jdjohn Posts: 3,057
    I have accumulated my thoughts on the Snake River Power Amp Cord, and am ready to send it on the next recipient.
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    PM sent to the current participants...

    Okay, folks. This is it. We had some people bow out due to life obligations, so we are now at the tail end of this demo program for the Snake River cables. Speak now, if you would like to try them out, otherwise, this demo program will be completed in about 2.5 weeks.

    LAST CALL!!!

    Reminder - there is a special deal offered by Jonny (owner of Snake River Audio) for Club Polk members only. This special will last only while this demo program is still going. If you are interested in buying anything from Snake River, PM me and I will give you the code for the special offer.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • jdjohn
    jdjohn Posts: 3,057
    I received the Snake River Audio power amp cord for demo and testing, and this is my review.

    Initial setup was a First Watt Aleph J DIY power amp (25WPC Class A) into a pair of JM Lab/Focal Mezzo Utoptia speakers, with highly modified external crossover networks, designed and built by our very own @VR3 .

    Preamp is a Benchmark HPA4, feeding into the previously mentioned First Watt Aleph J power amp. The Benchmark HPA4 is a VERY versatile (and quiet) preamp, and every time I get the itch to try something different, I simply can't find a good reason to replace many useful features. Anyway, for hard-core comparison listening with this project, I used strictly digital, playing FLAC and DSD files from my Innuos Zen MkIII streamer, going (via USB) into a Benchmark DAC3/HGC, which then goes into the aforementioned Benchmark HPA4 preamp, via XLR. I also did some streaming, and played some vinyl, but for comparison testing purposes, only used locally stored digital files.

    Comparative power cords in the house were DIY Furutech cords (two types; from Douglas Connections), Supra LoRad Silver-Plated cord, and DH Labs Encore cord. I also have a PS Audio Statement cord, but it is too stiff and unwieldy to place into my current configuration.

    My power conditioner is a Puritan Audio Labs PSM156 'purifier', with their 'Ultimate' power cord connecting the conditioner to the wall outlet. This is a non-current-limiting power purifier, so for this project, I plugged the power amp(s) into the PSM156…not directly into the wall socket.

    I won’t go into detail about product packaging and build quality, since that has already been discussed in previous reviews, but suffice it to say it is a quality product.

    On the first night, after letting the Snake River cord burn-in all day, my wife was feeling a bit nostalgic due to Toby Keith's recent passing, so we launched into a listening session with a few of his greatest hits (on Spotify premium). After listening to 'Beer for My Horses', (which is really a duet with TK and Willie Nelson), I decided to swap-in one of my comparison power cords, and re-play the song, for an A/B comparison. We switched back-and-forth between power cords several times, and in the end, the separation of Toby and Willie's voices in the chorus was the discerning factor. With the Snake River cord in place, my wife swore she could hear additional, backup voices in the background of the chorus - besides just TK and Willie. Honestly, my wife noticed more of a difference than me, but I did hear some difference. But again, this was via Spotify premium, so not a serious test for me, yet.

    After a few more days of burn-in, everything was sounding great...I probably became accustomed to the sound presented by the Snake River cord. During the burn-in period, I listened to a good deal of classical music, via streaming, and was impressed with (in my estimation) a bigger presentation, but I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. As an aside, if you have access to internet radio from a streaming device, I encourage you to seek-out the Classical 24 feed from American Public Media (APM), out of Minneapolis. They have a syndicated feed, often available through local ‘public radio’ affiliations, but their main feed can also be found through many online radio streams. I don’t know (for certain) the technical attributes of their feed, but my DAC indicates a higher sample rate, and the sound is quite impressive.

    I was finally ready for some more serious comparisons, using DSD and FLAC files. Blood, Sweat & Tears 'And When I Die' and 'God Bless the Child' were my initial selections. I started with the Snake River power cord as a baseline; it sounded great. When I switched to the Furutech, things sounded a bit more restricted, but I thought it could just be a slightly lower SPL, with everything sounding just a little quieter. I consistently used -45dB on my preamp as the volume/gain setting on my preamp, for all power cords - probably not nearly as loud as some of my fellow testers. With the Furutech power cord, I was also now (perhaps) noticing a bit of graininess. The slightly quieter replay also occurred with the Supra LoRad power cord, but with no graininess. Switching back to the Snake River, a couple more dB were back in the mix. Also, a touch more reverb, echo, air, recording room effect...everything. A bit more separation was also evident around each instrument and/or voice, which is really saying something with those tracks from BST. Between the horns, harmonica, piano, electric guitars/bass, vocals - there is a lot going on in those songs. With the Snake River cord, the sound was more engaging, and kept me listening longer...more realism in the reproduction, and more distinguishable timbre in instruments and voices. Some guys use the term ‘tone’, or ‘tonality’, but for me, tone reminds me of a ‘tone generator’, simply producing a certain frequency. ‘Timbre’ incorporates more distinguishable characteristics, like the sound of the resonance chamber in an acoustic guitar, maybe the difference between a Fender electric bass vs a Rickenbacker, or the gravelly sound of a vocalist. The list goes on, but a really good reproduction of ‘timbre’ sounds more realistic, and the Snake River cord exhibited that, for me.

    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • jdjohn
    jdjohn Posts: 3,057

    Eva Cassidy's covers of 'Songbird', 'Over the Rainbow', and ‘True Colors’, were next in my listening. I started with the Supra LoRad this time, and then switched to the Snake River for another listen. With the Snake River, I heard more dynamic range, in general, which probably equates to a lower noise floor. There's a sense of more headroom being available (again, more range), and Eva's voice seemed to soar more effortlessly. If you’ve listened to many of her studio albums, you have probably noticed that they seem to have been recorded in a somewhat ‘hot’, or acoustically ‘lively’ setting. That really comes through with the Snake River cord, creating a very realistic and intimate environment.

    Circling back to the notion of a simple difference in SPL, I put a comparison cord back in, and increased the volume/gain, fully-expecting things to even-out. That was not the case. When I turned-up the volume with comparison cords (I tried a few), it still never matched the presentation of the Snake River cord…I simply heard a slightly louder version of the comparison cord. The soundstage and imaging did not match the Snake River cord.
    Next, I decided to switch power amps. I took out the First Watt Aleph J, and put my Butler Audio TDB 2250 into the system. The Butler amp has a much higher, class A/B, output, so I was curious to see how it responded with different power cords. I decided to stick with the Eva Cassidy songs for comparing.

    The results were basically the same. The Snake River cord excelled over the others, but probably not to the same extent. However, let me say this: my other power cords performed well, within their price range, so I don’t want to poo-poo them. My comparison power cords are relatively cheap (within the high-end spectrum), however, not necessarily inexpensive. They are still good, quality, power cords. These power cords cost a couple/few hundred dollars, whereas the Snake River power amp cord in this demo tour retails for around $1,500, so a multiple of 10X difference in price. I know there are a myriad of other power cords in that premium price range, but I cannot comment on how they sound. In that regard, I am very appreciative to have participated in this demo. I have accepted, for a while, that cords 'make a difference', but this demo took that concept to a new level. I had previously thought that the law of diminishing returns came into effect with power cords, beyond a few hundred dollars, but now, I think differently.

    Another analogy occurred to me: Optical zoom vs Digital zoom. If you have experimented with digital photography over the last few decades, you know that optical zoom and digital zoom yield different results. I can relate this phenomenon to the Snake River power cord in a similar fashion. In my comparisons, my mid/hi-fi power cords provide a 'digital zoom' perspective, but this Snake River cord provides a greater ‘optical zoom’ into the music – meaning, a clearer ‘image’, when zoom is applied.

    Is the price difference worth it with Snake River? Does a 10X difference in price (in my case) equate to a 10X difference in listening experience? Honestly, I think 'not'…but there’s more to it than that. How much is a 2X or 3X difference in performance worth? That question can really only be answered by the listener/buyer. When I say ‘2X or 3X difference in performance’, that is perhaps misleading, suggesting a 200/300% difference, which is really not the case. I struggle with applying a ‘percentage increase’ in terms of performance with most audio gear upgrades. If I perceive a 10% increase in performance, I typically consider that a win. With cables, in particular, there is no real performance ‘measurement’ that can be applied consistently across products, which makes any mathematical comparison almost impossible. So, it becomes a subjective judgement, using subjective terms, and can be ‘system dependent’. Having said that…for me, in my system, I like what the Snake River power amp cord adds.

    I will share, that, my wife, who really only listened to the Toby Keith song in an A/B comparison, said, "We need to have that [cord] in our system". I call that a green light. Do you want to guess what I will do? No need to guess...I'm ordering a Snake River Signature Series power amp cord B)

    In the end, I can officially say that I now consider power cords as 'components' (i.e., equal to electronics, or speakers) in an audiophile system, so I now think of them in the same vein, as far as cost. Having said that, I can see the logic in upgrading a power cord to an amp as being more beneficial than a power cord to an auxiliary component, since the power amp draws more current. But, that is probably up for debate.

    Appendix: FWIW, I did briefly try the Snake River power amp cord with my McCormack DNA-225 power amp, hoping that the cord might help (with its ferrite chokes) reduce a transformer hum I have with the amp. Sadly, there was no joy there. Also, I intended to do some further testing with other amps before sending the Snake River cord onward, but I threw my back out while working on my car, so was not able to recover in time.
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,276
    Great write up!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • bcwsrt
    bcwsrt Posts: 1,750
    Excellent and glad to hear one of the demo participants is getting a cable!

    Plus, you have the best wife who can both hear a difference and then tell you to get one! 👍


    One-owner Polk Audio RTA 15TL speakers refreshed w/ Sonicap, Vishay/Mills and Cardas components by "pitdogg2," "xschop" billet tweeter plates and BH5 | Stereo REL Acoustics T/5x subwoofers w/ Bassline Blue cables | Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III integrated tube amp | Technics SL-1210G turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 MM cart | Sony CDP-508ESD CD player (as a transport) | LampizatOr Baltic 4 tube DAC | Nordost & DH Labs cables/interconnects | APC H15 Power Conditioner | GIK Acoustics room treatments | Degritter RCM
  • dromunds
    dromunds Posts: 10,004
    Aren’t we due some new reviews? 😗
  • kevhed72
    kevhed72 Posts: 4,989
    Where we be in the line of participants...
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    Sorry for the delay. I just got back from a vacation. Brian still owes us a review and we will be getting another review from Matt here shortly. He currently is trying out both the component and the amp cable in his rig.

    Since no one else spoke up, when Matt is done with his time? That will be the end of this Snake River Audio demo program.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • erniejade
    erniejade Posts: 6,321
    PT 1.
    The Snake River Audio Cable is solidly built and easy to maneuver. I have had many power cables in the past that were beyond stiff, and you could not bend them or move them around easily. I had no problem with the weight of them falling out of the back of anything I tried it on. Again, in the past, I have had issues with moving a component slightly and the power cord falling out or, just over time from vibration, it would become disconnected. Sometimes people forget this aspect of cabling.

    I tried this on my Innuos Zen MKIII and then on my Border Patrol dac. In both places, I feel It had the same effect. I also did this testing before I sold my Tri-Vista and Tyler Acoustics Highland H2 speakers. Speaker cables, and RCA’s were Audioquest Thunderbird. Power cords I normally use on the Zen and Dac are Cullen Crossover II ( way better then the original crossover) and Audioquest Thunder. The price point of the AQ and the Snake River are close. AQ Niagara 5000 for power conditioning.

    First song up, Lo and behold James Taylor on the Zen. This song I use to see how revealing a speaker, cable or component is. 1st off, this song has a lot of hissing on it. Some things try to hide it or don’t let it come though as it was recorded. None of the 3 power cords hid the hiss however, the vocal, guitar and percussion was more pronounced with the Snake River. Vocals seem to take a few steps forward. On my system, it seems to take everything and just move it forward. Same thing with Fire and Rain (same Sweet Baby James album) The drum on Fire and Rain was actually a bit overpowering and not as balanced as the Audioquest or the Cullen. I thought that was a bit odd and then put the Snake River on the Dac. Same results.

    Next song up, Rhythm of the Heat from Peter Gabriel. If you have never heard this song before, it shows off the dynamics of any system. Very soft beginning that just builds up with a ton of percussion. The same thing with the Snake River happened on this track as well in either spot, dac or streamer. Everything seems to take a few steps forward but, in my system, not in a good way. It felt like it was too forward and out of balance. The width and dept of the music were about the same as the AQ or Crossover II but, it just brought everything too much in my face.

    Paul Simon Rhythm of the Saints album, same results, Santana Abraxis, Metallica one, Sara Bareilles, Sara K. Dave Brubeck, all the same type of results. Tonality, all sounded great but, how it was bringing everything forward and not as balanced as the AQ or Cullen was making it not work in my rig.
    Klipsch The Nines, Audioquest Thunderbird Interconnect, Innuos Zen MK3 W4S recovery, Revolution Audio Labs USB & Ethernet, Border Patrol SE-I, Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Thunder, Cullen Crossover II PC's.
  • erniejade
    erniejade Posts: 6,321
    In comes the Klipsch The Nines. I picked up a set to try out and to help downsize until I figure out what my next step is to move into a condo. The stand for the system will not hold the MF Tri-Vista and the Tylers are way too big. The Nines in my townhouse sound better than I thought they would. Nothing like the Klipsch fatigue I have heard in the past. I had to use the app and do a +1 on the treble! They have enough detail on them that I could hear the difference with the Zen going USB out straight to the Nines and RCA from the Boarder Patrol to the Nines. Did the same testing using the Nines and the same results happened. I know its crazy I have more $ in the streaming portion of the system than I do in the speaker’s amp combo but, this is temporary.
    Now, I am not saying anything negative about the Snake River power cord. It could be that it was not playing nicely with the rest of the rig. On the Tri-Vista \ Tyler rig, Maybe the AQ thunderbird RCA or Speaker cables were not jiving with it. Or, it could be the cords going to my teradek power supply that is on the EtherRegen, Revelation Audio Cables Ethernet and USB cords, and the Sbooster that powers my router and old Pepster power cable on that not jiving with it. I feel that is a solidly built cable. I feel that there is a lot of potential that I might be missing without a full loom or, even a partial loom of it. The Tri_Vista \ Tyler combo with the Niagara 5000 and Thunderbirg speaker and RCA was extremely revealing. It made good mastering sound fantastic however, at the same time, anything that was poorly mastered like Chicago II was completely unlistenable. I feel the imbalance I was hearing might be due to the rest of the system and a full loom of their cords would probably change it and make it sound more balanced. Even on the Nines, outside of the Tbird speaker cables, the rest is still in play. Synergy sometimes is a pain in the booty to find!
    All, please do not take my review as negative. I think they have a lot of potential that is just not balancing out in my rig. Would I give more of their products a shot? Heck yes. Would I try out their RCA, speaker cables \ full loom? Heck yes.
    Klipsch The Nines, Audioquest Thunderbird Interconnect, Innuos Zen MK3 W4S recovery, Revolution Audio Labs USB & Ethernet, Border Patrol SE-I, Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Thunder, Cullen Crossover II PC's.
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    Synergy is a hautch....

    Thank you for your observations. These reviews have been a revelation on system synergy and what does what with what gear.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • bcwsrt
    bcwsrt Posts: 1,750
    Very, very similar to my experience, thoughts and opinions, though much better-written than I could ever do! Especially, that last paragraph! Thanks, again, Tom and Jonny!


    One-owner Polk Audio RTA 15TL speakers refreshed w/ Sonicap, Vishay/Mills and Cardas components by "pitdogg2," "xschop" billet tweeter plates and BH5 | Stereo REL Acoustics T/5x subwoofers w/ Bassline Blue cables | Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III integrated tube amp | Technics SL-1210G turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 MM cart | Sony CDP-508ESD CD player (as a transport) | LampizatOr Baltic 4 tube DAC | Nordost & DH Labs cables/interconnects | APC H15 Power Conditioner | GIK Acoustics room treatments | Degritter RCM
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    FWIW and not to change the topic of the thread but Jonny sent me a pair of single wire Signature Series SC's to test out and I put them in last night. They were going head to head with a pair of Transparent Music Wave Ultra's and I was floored at just how restrictive the Transparents were in comparison.

    I will definitely be ordering a pair of bi-wire cables from Snake River Audio. The bi-wires have two different metallurgy blends for each run, as the needs for differing drivers vary.

    In the meantime, I am enjoying quite a bit of Snake River Audio cables throughout my rig and I can say with complete certainty that with each addition? It just gets better and better. So very musical and in my case? They have perfect synergy within my rig.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • erniejade
    erniejade Posts: 6,321
    edited April 11
    treitz3 wrote: »
    FWIW and not to change the topic of the thread but Jonny sent me a pair of single wire Signature Series SC's to test out and I put them in last night. They were going head to head with a pair of Transparent Music Wave Ultra's and I was floored at just how restrictive the Transparents were in comparison.

    I will definitely be ordering a pair of bi-wire cables from Snake River Audio. The bi-wires have two different metallurgy blends for each run, as the needs for differing drivers vary.

    In the meantime, I am enjoying quite a bit of Snake River Audio cables throughout my rig and I can say with complete certainty that with each addition? It just gets better and better. So very musical and in my case? They have perfect synergy within my rig.


    This is what I am talking about when I said they just might not the right synergy with the Tbirds. Doesn't make them a bad cable, just a mismatch with the rest of my rig.

    So Tom, it brought everything more into balance outside of anything else you might have heard vs the Transparent \ SRA ?
    Klipsch The Nines, Audioquest Thunderbird Interconnect, Innuos Zen MK3 W4S recovery, Revolution Audio Labs USB & Ethernet, Border Patrol SE-I, Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Thunder, Cullen Crossover II PC's.
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    Oh, good lawd, yes. On many aspects! I thought I was done with SC's many years ago. I was wrong!

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,276
    2 years ago you were done but now you have a whole new rig lol!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • erniejade
    erniejade Posts: 6,321
    It's an addiction I tell ya!

    A lot of you have seen me go though a ton of stuff from uber high end to mid fi back to everything in-between.

    My wife a long time ago said you are at a point that is it really an upgrade or just a different sound? In a way she is right but, that part of me keeps wanting to try different things to hear what they sound like.

    It's an addiction or audio sickness :)
    Klipsch The Nines, Audioquest Thunderbird Interconnect, Innuos Zen MK3 W4S recovery, Revolution Audio Labs USB & Ethernet, Border Patrol SE-I, Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Thunder, Cullen Crossover II PC's.
  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 24,881
    erniejade wrote: »
    It's an addiction I tell ya!

    A lot of you have seen me go though a ton of stuff from uber high end to mid fi back to everything in-between.

    My wife a long time ago said you are at a point that is it really an upgrade or just a different sound? In a way she is right but, that part of me keeps wanting to try different things to hear what they sound like.

    It's an addiction or audio sickness :)

    B's got it going on! You cannot fool her one bit, she also has the ability to smack you into the next century, smile then tell you your face always looked like it slide down a rock wall....
    She's classy!!
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,621
    I just wrapped up a 2 hour conversation with Jonny. Oh, if I could only speak of the awesome conversation we had...

    The PC demo ends this weekend, as no other volunteers to try these cables out spoke up. As of now? We have one review left and both PC's will be shipped back this weekend.

    I truly appreciate the comments/observations offered in this thread. They have been enlightening and informative.....(hopefully for you as well). Both of us appreciate the time, $$ spent to try them out and see what they can do for your rig.

    Y'all have a great evening!

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • HzTweaker
    HzTweaker Posts: 753
    Here’s my finial thoughts on the SR PCs since I had the awesome opportunity of sampling both of them in my system at the same time.

    Bass: Fast, articulate, accurate and full (not in a bloated way at all). I found myself turning down the sub to better blend the speakers together.
    Mids: Stand out more, like they’re better projected from the “box”.
    Highs: Sizzled and more forward. These ring radiator tweeters came to life! Keep in mind the LSi sound signature is “laid back”. I find myself turning up the treble on the pre from centered to two o’clock on some material. This was not the case with these PCs in the mix.

    It’s a pretty cool transformation when you go from using tone controls to not at all and the only change was two (be it very high end) power cords!

    I wish I had the “scratch“ at the time of demoing these because these power cords from Snake River defiantly won me over and deserve a spot in my system! Maybe one day. . .

    I’d like to give a big THANKS again to Tom and Jonny at Snake River for offering this demo program.

    P.S. I apologize for the extremely late final review post.
    2ch rig: Speakers: Magnepan LRS w/Magna Riser stands Preamplifier: Parasound P5 Amplifier: Parasound A23 CDP: Pioneer DV-563A Cables: Wireworld Equinox 7 XLR ICs, Wireworld Ultraviolet 7 USB, AudioQuest Q2s, AudioQuest NRG X(preamp)

    Shelfed: LSi9s with VR3's Fortress mods