Tesla Model S Police Car's Battery Ran Dry During High Speed Chase
sucks2beme wrote: »In the end nobody talks about the elephant in the room. Human population.
You drop the world population in half, you solve a lot of problems.
The US population without immigration was pretty much parity.
Japan and much of Europe without immigration was on the downturn.
Too many parts of the world still embrace unchecked procreation.
At some point we run out of everything. You want less US carbon impact?
REDUCE POPULATION. Good luck getting buy in on that.
Good point, but you know how to reduce populations easy peasy ?
War....works wonders.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
You want climate change you can believe in? Wait until one of the thousands of volcanoes blows it's top as they have done in the past throwing mankind and every other living thing on earth into a real crisis. After all, mother nature has a way of resetting this planet like nothing else.
Bingo, or a meteor strike like has happened many times in the past. Your zero emission car will mean squat in comparison to mother nature. Your gas guzzler is squat too.
Far too many things need our attention and money, to better the lives of the people today. Throwing more money, and giving more power to politicians
/governments is suppose to save the planet ? That would make a good cartoon in the Sunday funnies. We can't even save ourselves, but we think we can save a planet ? LMAOHT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
I, for one, enjoy the harmful effects of pollution from gasoline and diesel engines, the gradual increase in global temperatures, and the eventual complete destabilization of the Middle East because of our dependance on oil.
You want climate change you can believe in? Wait until one of the thousands of volcanoes blows it's top as they have done in the past throwing mankind and every other living thing on earth into a real crisis. After all, mother nature has a way of resetting this planet like nothing else.
Bingo, or a meteor strike like has happened many times in the past. Your zero emission car will mean squat in comparison to mother nature. Your gas guzzler is squat too.
Far too many things need our attention and money, to better the lives of the people today. Throwing more money, and giving more power to politicians
/governments is suppose to save the planet ? That would make a good cartoon in the Sunday funnies. We can't even save ourselves, but we think we can save a planet ? LMAO
I find myself compelled to this thread after a day of work. Today was a very good day, got line of sight on 2 majors issues that I'm dealing with on my new project.
Unfortunately my issues got the attention of our VP's, of which now I have to put together presentations for the Chief Engineer. Ton's of work, reviews, more reviews, edits, final reviews, ugh.
But like I said, line of sight on my issues!
@tonyb you're on fire today! And spot on!IMO, humble that it is, of course!
Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD. -
We've all missed another way to combat climate change. EAT BABIES!
You want climate change you can believe in? Wait until one of the thousands of volcanoes blows it's top as they have done in the past throwing mankind and every other living thing on earth into a real crisis. After all, mother nature has a way of resetting this planet like nothing else.
Bingo, or a meteor strike like has happened many times in the past. Your zero emission car will mean squat in comparison to mother nature. Your gas guzzler is squat too.
Far too many things need our attention and money, to better the lives of the people today. Throwing more money, and giving more power to politicians
/governments is suppose to save the planet ? That would make a good cartoon in the Sunday funnies. We can't even save ourselves, but we think we can save a planet ? LMAO
Waste and pollution, I agree. I think everyone here, or just everyone in general believes being better stewards of the planet is a good thing. Nobody has a problem with that.
Where it gets sticky is with climate change, and that's hard to talk about without dipping toes into politics.
Climate change, like I've said before, runs in patterns/cycles, big longer time frame cycles with smaller ones inside. That's why we have, before man's industrial ages, oceans that have risen and fell, areas that once were tropical, aren't anymore. Whole parts of continents under the ocean. Ice ages that come and go, polar ice that melts and re-freezes, animals that become extinct. Islands that disappear, and new ones that reappear. Coral reefs that die off, and new ones created.
What we are complaining about today, is nothing new to the planet, it's a normal process it goes through in cycles. There are those who seek to take advantage of that though, by scaring people enough to surrender certain controls to them. One just needs to read Agenda 21/30, a U.N. document, to see the controls they seek by implementing a global climate change scare.
We pesty humans are a flea on the rear end of the planet. It's survived much worse than us. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, numerous meteor strikes, reversal of the poles, numerous hurricanes, tidal waves, solar storms, ice ages, extreme heat. You name it, the planet has taken it. To think you and your gas guzzling 1969 car are ruining the planet for future generations is well....laughable. To think cow fa rts are ruining the planet is again....laughable. Your aerosol cans, remember that one ?
Not all these past climate change things happened when man wasn't present too. When oceans rise, and took back coastal communities, know what they did ? They moved inland more, rebuilt. People who had villages on the sides of volcanoes, yeah....they learned their lesson. Even today, we still build major cities on fault lines, then complain when they get destroyed and people die. We even build nuclear reactors near fault lines, and these smart people want to tell me how to live ? UHHH...that's a big "I don't think so".
Today, we are too self important , too arrogant, think we can control mother nature. Think that sending money to politicians, surrendering certain freedoms/controls will stop hurricanes and polar ice from melting. That's the real crime, not your old Buick.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
I watched the Bill Gates documentary on Netflix last night. Apparently he and some scientists have designed a much safer nuclear reactor but the tariff wars have shut down the possibility of creating a prototype for now. If it ever gets built and works we have a way of generating power without CO2 emissions.afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
I watched the Bill Gates documentary on Netflix last night. Apparently he and some scientists have designed a much safer nuclear reactor but the tariff wars have shut down the possibility of creating a prototype for now. If it ever gets built and works we have a way of generating power without CO2 emissions.
Why would the tariff wars have anything to do with that ? You can source everything you need here to build a prototype. You can't sell me because it costs more here for those materials. We're talkin Bill Gates here, who just pledged a billion bucks to help empower women over the next 10 years. Which, if the planet is going to end in 12, what's the point right ? I think the dude can afford it, is the point.
Nuclear isn't about the co2, it's the spent fuel rods, and obviously building them close to fault lines....Japan ?
The environmentalists don't like nuclear, fossil fuels, wood burning, BBQ's.They have no idea on how to meet the energy demands of the world. Sustaining life on this planet won't be easy without fossil fuels....and maybe that's the point of it all. They do feel we need to get rid of a few billion folks.
However, I see no reason why all technologies can't co-exist within their markets until some other form of energy comes down the pike. In my opinion though, if you want to make an impact on peoples lives, a real impact...invest that money to bring electricity, running water, safe sanitary conditions to other parts of the world that don't have it. Can we remember when WE didn't have those things ? What did indoor plumbing, electricity/refrigeration, sewers, do for us ? Besides allow us to eat more Mexican food.
The benefits would be substantial. Less diseases, more economic development/jobs, etc. That's if you WANT to help people and keep them from migrating out, better themselves and their home countries. Nobody cares enough though, they put stock in population control instead. Too many poor people sucking up the planets resources for the more affluent.
Only so much one can do within the borders of another country though. Most these smaller countries are run by despots, dictators, who rape the riches for themselves and let the rest live in squalor. They also pollute heavily. We may get to a point where the bigger nations will have to annex the smaller ones so progress can be made. Even still, Russian, China, nobody is going to tell them what to do, ever.
I know this has taken a left turn from talking about Tesla, mostly my fault, so I apologize to the group. Many things run hand in hand so it's easy to get side tracked.HT SYSTEM-
Sony 850c 4k
Pioneer elite vhx 21
Sony 4k BRP
SVS SB-2000
Polk Sig. 20's
Polk FX500 surrounds
Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable
Sonos zp90
Grant Fidelity tube dac
B&k 1420
lsi 9's -
Watch it and find out for yourself. The current nuclear reactors are unsafe because they are 1960s designs.
Edit: I didn't mean that in a douchey way, not intended.afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk