What did you do to your stereo rig today?



  • Mike Reeter
    Mike Reeter Posts: 4,315
    Toolfan66 wrote: »
    John at Progressive Plastics made me this super nice dust cover for my TT.. 😎

    Larry, how bout a Glamor Shot of the new Rack, Cary Gear?

  • ptrooper
    ptrooper Posts: 501
    A couple of new toys just arrived from my Pre Xmas order.
    I won’t be able to use them until the other Pre amp ie. oppo205 comes back in the next week as it’s being upgraded by Joe Rasmussen JLTI . Finding a new boxed 0ppo205 here in Aus was a long wait.cx9g5iks53hw.jpeg
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,847
    That's gone be sweet!

    Huge center!
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Milito
    Milito Posts: 1,966
    You'll love the L400.
    Yamaha RX-A2070, Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amp, Benchmark Dac1, Bluesound NODE 2i, Audiolab 6000CDT CD Transport, Parasound Zphono USB Phono Preamp, Fluance RT85, Ortofon 2M Bronze, Polk L600's, L400, L900's, RC80i's, SVS 3000 Micro, Audioquest Interconnects and Digital Cables, Nordost Silver Shadow Digital Cable, Cullen Gold and Crossover Series Power Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha 12AWG OCC Speaker Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha Analog Interconnect Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha 11 OCC Custom Power Cable, Signal Power Cable, Furman PL-8C 15 Power Conditioner, Sony 65" 900F, Sony UBP-X700, Fios, Apple TV 4K, Audioquest Chocolate HDMI Cables.
  • dromunds
    dromunds Posts: 10,036
    Interested to hear your thoughts after break-in, especially the height modules.
  • ptrooper
    ptrooper Posts: 501
    Yes,The oppo205's don't have atmosphere channels so i'll use its rear left and right surrounds for the modules,thinking i will have to add their positions distance in the line of the reflection from the ceiling! If it doesn't sound right,'ll just leave it disconnected until a later date.
    dromunds wrote: »
    Interested to hear your thoughts after break-in, especially the height modules.

  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,823
    The oppo205's don't have atmosphere channels
    I'm sorry mate I do not understand this?
    Oppo 205 do send those to the pre/pro or receiver.
  • ptrooper
    ptrooper Posts: 501
    edited January 2022
    Hey Pitdogg2.Yes, all oppo205's can forward all the digital information to a preamp/processor which includes atmos capable equipment.
    I use the oppo205 directly from its 7.1 "analogue outputs" and connect them directly to amplifiers. The oppo205 doesn't output atmos channels in analogue !
    Be careful doing this as the oppo's volume has to be set to variable when using this method !
    pitdogg2 wrote: »
    The oppo205's don't have atmosphere channels
    I'm sorry mate I do not understand this?
    Oppo 205 do send those to the pre/pro or receiver.

  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,823
    Gotcha. Never crossed my mind to run it that way.
  • stangman67
    stangman67 Posts: 2,306
    MAd some tweaks upstairs to get ready for the kanta's incoming. Moved the tv over a few inches, widened out the sub and component rack so I could 8ft separation between the speakers. Put up a few treatments behind the speaker locations (should have 9-10 ft from speaker to listening position). I am going to rewrap these in black I think eventually, I have 6 more, I think I am going to do a matrix of at least 4 on the attic sloped surface behind the couch as I imagine I will gave some nasty reflections off that. I never really cared with the LSIM's but I need to get the room as good as I can for the Kanta's. The room has a 7 foot ceiling unfortunately so either way I am going to struggle a bit but the Kanta's are a long haul speaker for me and I won't be in this attic forever

    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • DaveHo
    DaveHo Posts: 3,549
    edited January 2022
    Put the psaudio stellar gain cell DAC/pre back into the system. Had a bad channel on the input board. Psaudio replaced the entire board. Fast turn around. 👍👍

    Shout out to @Clipdat (I bought it from him) for doing the legwork to see if it would be covered under warranty. It was. Thanks Drew!
  • Navy_Goat
    Navy_Goat Posts: 375
    Moved the 1Cs back to the closet to declutter the fun side on my home office.



    I need to clean up the wires next. It doesn't really bug me, but looking at this picture I can see why it drives my wife nuts.

    SDA SRS 2.3tl, SDA 1C, SDA 2B (TL mod), Reserve 200
  • DaveHo
    DaveHo Posts: 3,549
    I'm jealous. My home office is a corner of our dining room. Looks great!
  • Navy_Goat
    Navy_Goat Posts: 375
    edited January 2022
    DaveHo wrote: »
    I'm jealous. My home office is a corner of our dining room. Looks great!


    I can definitely understand the difficulties associate with using a common area as an office. I did that at first, but COVID and telework made me convert a spare bedroom. Best decision ever! Beyond the work advantages and how nice it is to have my own place to listen to music, I am going to night school so the space for homework is invaluable.
    SDA SRS 2.3tl, SDA 1C, SDA 2B (TL mod), Reserve 200
  • Gerres26
    Gerres26 Posts: 865
    stangman67 wrote: »
    MAd some tweaks upstairs to get ready for the kanta's incoming. Moved the tv over a few inches, widened out the sub and component rack so I could 8ft separation between the speakers. Put up a few treatments behind the speaker locations (should have 9-10 ft from speaker to listening position). I am going to rewrap these in black I think eventually, I have 6 more, I think I am going to do a matrix of at least 4 on the attic sloped surface behind the couch as I imagine I will gave some nasty reflections off that. I never really cared with the LSIM's but I need to get the room as good as I can for the Kanta's. The room has a 7 foot ceiling unfortunately so either way I am going to struggle a bit but the Kanta's are a long haul speaker for me and I won't be in this attic forever


    Zach, where did you find all thread in that diameter and finish? I really dig that look!
  • stangman67
    stangman67 Posts: 2,306
    edited January 2022
    Post edited by stangman67 on
    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • Gerres26
    Gerres26 Posts: 865
    Sweet, thanks man!
  • muncybob
    muncybob Posts: 3,078
    Yep, my name really is Bob.
    Parasound HCA1500A(indoor sound) and HCA1000(outdoor sound), Dynaco PAS4, Denon DP1200 w/Shure V15 Type V and Jico SAS stylus, Marantz UD7007, Polk L600, Rythmik L12 sub.
  • Navy_Goat
    Navy_Goat Posts: 375
    They look minty! Odd configuration with the tweeters facing outward just a bit. How do they sound?
    SDA SRS 2.3tl, SDA 1C, SDA 2B (TL mod), Reserve 200
  • motorstereo
    motorstereo Posts: 2,159
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    They look minty! Odd configuration with the tweeters facing outward just a bit. How do they sound?

    I was really hoping to mimic the wide and detailed soundstage of the Polks. It didn't happen so I'll swap them to the inside and hopefully gain some center imaging. They have a touch more low end than the 1.2tl's and also have a pleasant non fatiguing sound.
  • Looks great!
    Oh, Listen here mister. We got no way of understandin' this world. But we got as much sense of this bird flyin in the sky. Now there is a lot that bird don't know, but it don't change the fact that the world is happening to him all the same. What I am tryin to say is, is that the course of your life, well its changing, and you don't even see it- Forest Bondurant
  • Navy_Goat
    Navy_Goat Posts: 375
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    They look minty! Odd configuration with the tweeters facing outward just a bit. How do they sound?

    I was really hoping to mimic the wide and detailed soundstage of the Polks. It didn't happen so I'll swap them to the inside and hopefully gain some center imaging. They have a touch more low end than the 1.2tl's and also have a pleasant non fatiguing sound.

    Oh, got it. More bottom end than 1.2tl is no joke. For some reason I have always liked the look of the larger end of that ADS line. I have been looking to audition something a little different than my collectin of SDAs. Just curious what I am missing...

    I just missed a pair of Vandersteen 2CI for $250 and a pair of Infinity RS4 for $200 over the last few weeks. I will remain on the look out.
    SDA SRS 2.3tl, SDA 1C, SDA 2B (TL mod), Reserve 200
  • jbreezy5
    jbreezy5 Posts: 1,141
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    They look minty! Odd configuration with the tweeters facing outward just a bit. How do they sound?

    I was really hoping to mimic the wide and detailed soundstage of the Polks. It didn't happen so I'll swap them to the inside and hopefully gain some center imaging. They have a touch more low end than the 1.2tl's and also have a pleasant non fatiguing sound.

    Oh, got it. More bottom end than 1.2tl is no joke. For some reason I have always liked the look of the larger end of that ADS line. I have been looking to audition something a little different than my collectin of SDAs. Just curious what I am missing...

    I just missed a pair of Vandersteen 2CI for $250 and a pair of Infinity RS4 for $200 over the last few weeks. I will remain on the look out.

    Which Infinity RS4s? (i.e. with planar tweet/midrange dome/two woofers, or the 2-way with waveguide tweeter).

    I don’t care for the latter, and haven’t heard the former.

    The Vandersteen 2CI would’ve been a steal at that price.

    Are you anywhere near St. Louis area? Lots of goodies on CL today.
    CD Players: Sony CDP-211; Sony DVP-S9000ES; Sony UDP-X800M2 (x2); Cambridge Audio CXC

    DACs: Jolida Glass FX Tube DAC III (x2); Denafrips Ares II (x2)

    Streamers: ROKU (x3); Bluesound Node 2i and Node N130 w/LHY LPS // Receivers: Yamaha RX-V775BT; Yamaha RX-V777

    Preamps: B&K Ref 50; B&K Ref 5 S2; Classe CP-800 MkII; Audio Research SP16L (soon)

    Amps: Niles SI-275; B&K ST125.7; B&K ST125.2; Classe CA-2300; Butler Audio TDB-5150

    Speakers: Boston Acoustics CR55; Focal Chorus 705v; Wharfedale Diamond 10.2; Monitor Audio Silver-1; Def Tech Mythos One (x4)/Mythos Three Center (x2)/Mythos Two pr.; Martin Logan Electromotion ESL; Legacy Audio Victoria/Silverscreen Center; Gallo Acoustics Reference 3.1; SVS SB-1000 Pro; REL HT-1003; B&W ASW610; HifiMan HE400i

    Turntable: Dual 721 Direct-Drive w/Audio Technica AT-VM95e cart

    Cables: Tripp-lite 14ga. PCs, Blue Jeans Cable ICs, Philips PXT1000 ICs; Kimber Kable DV30 coaxial ICs; Canare L-4E6S XLR ICs; Kimber Kable 8PR & 8TC speaker cables.
  • Navy_Goat
    Navy_Goat Posts: 375
    jbreezy5 wrote: »
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    They look minty! Odd configuration with the tweeters facing outward just a bit. How do they sound?

    I was really hoping to mimic the wide and detailed soundstage of the Polks. It didn't happen so I'll swap them to the inside and hopefully gain some center imaging. They have a touch more low end than the 1.2tl's and also have a pleasant non fatiguing sound.

    Oh, got it. More bottom end than 1.2tl is no joke. For some reason I have always liked the look of the larger end of that ADS line. I have been looking to audition something a little different than my collectin of SDAs. Just curious what I am missing...

    I just missed a pair of Vandersteen 2CI for $250 and a pair of Infinity RS4 for $200 over the last few weeks. I will remain on the look out.

    Which Infinity RS4s? (i.e. with planar tweet/midrange dome/two woofers, or the 2-way with waveguide tweeter).

    I don’t care for the latter, and haven’t heard the former.

    The Vandersteen 2CI would’ve been a steal at that price.

    Are you anywhere near St. Louis area? Lots of goodies on CL today.

    The RS4s were the two 8inch woofer, dome mid, EMIT tweeter variety. They looked great.

    DC and Baltimore are close for me. I believe those 2 were in Alexandria and Silver Spring. Honestly I was more excited about the RS4s. I will remain on the look out for a decent set of RS line Infinities, Dahlquist DQ-10 or 20, and Vandersteen 2ci (sig if I am lucky). I may pull the trigger on a pair of Magnapan LRS at some point, who knows.
    SDA SRS 2.3tl, SDA 1C, SDA 2B (TL mod), Reserve 200
  • dromunds
    dromunds Posts: 10,036
    I have some Kappa 8’s I may be putting up for sale but you are half way across the country from me.
  • jbreezy5
    jbreezy5 Posts: 1,141
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    jbreezy5 wrote: »
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    Navy_Goat wrote: »
    They look minty! Odd configuration with the tweeters facing outward just a bit. How do they sound?

    I was really hoping to mimic the wide and detailed soundstage of the Polks. It didn't happen so I'll swap them to the inside and hopefully gain some center imaging. They have a touch more low end than the 1.2tl's and also have a pleasant non fatiguing sound.

    Oh, got it. More bottom end than 1.2tl is no joke. For some reason I have always liked the look of the larger end of that ADS line. I have been looking to audition something a little different than my collectin of SDAs. Just curious what I am missing...

    I just missed a pair of Vandersteen 2CI for $250 and a pair of Infinity RS4 for $200 over the last few weeks. I will remain on the look out.

    Which Infinity RS4s? (i.e. with planar tweet/midrange dome/two woofers, or the 2-way with waveguide tweeter).

    I don’t care for the latter, and haven’t heard the former.

    The Vandersteen 2CI would’ve been a steal at that price.

    Are you anywhere near St. Louis area? Lots of goodies on CL today.

    The RS4s were the two 8inch woofer, dome mid, EMIT tweeter variety. They looked great.

    DC and Baltimore are close for me. I believe those 2 were in Alexandria and Silver Spring. Honestly I was more excited about the RS4s. I will remain on the look out for a decent set of RS line Infinities, Dahlquist DQ-10 or 20, and Vandersteen 2ci (sig if I am lucky). I may pull the trigger on a pair of Magnapan LRS at some point, who knows.

    Yeah, the RS4s would’ve been the most fun of that bunch.

    The LRS’ sound like a good alternative if you have the power to drive’em.

    Good luck with your search.
    CD Players: Sony CDP-211; Sony DVP-S9000ES; Sony UDP-X800M2 (x2); Cambridge Audio CXC

    DACs: Jolida Glass FX Tube DAC III (x2); Denafrips Ares II (x2)

    Streamers: ROKU (x3); Bluesound Node 2i and Node N130 w/LHY LPS // Receivers: Yamaha RX-V775BT; Yamaha RX-V777

    Preamps: B&K Ref 50; B&K Ref 5 S2; Classe CP-800 MkII; Audio Research SP16L (soon)

    Amps: Niles SI-275; B&K ST125.7; B&K ST125.2; Classe CA-2300; Butler Audio TDB-5150

    Speakers: Boston Acoustics CR55; Focal Chorus 705v; Wharfedale Diamond 10.2; Monitor Audio Silver-1; Def Tech Mythos One (x4)/Mythos Three Center (x2)/Mythos Two pr.; Martin Logan Electromotion ESL; Legacy Audio Victoria/Silverscreen Center; Gallo Acoustics Reference 3.1; SVS SB-1000 Pro; REL HT-1003; B&W ASW610; HifiMan HE400i

    Turntable: Dual 721 Direct-Drive w/Audio Technica AT-VM95e cart

    Cables: Tripp-lite 14ga. PCs, Blue Jeans Cable ICs, Philips PXT1000 ICs; Kimber Kable DV30 coaxial ICs; Canare L-4E6S XLR ICs; Kimber Kable 8PR & 8TC speaker cables.
  • tratliff
    tratliff Posts: 1,717
    dromunds wrote: »
    I have some Kappa 8’s I may be putting up for sale but you are half way across the country from me.

    Bring those Kappa’s down to Texas and I’ll buy em.
    2 Channel Rosso Fiorentino Volterra II, 2 REL Carbon Limited, Norma Revo IPA-140B, Lumin U2 Mini, VPI Prime w/SoundSmith Zephyr MIMC, Modwright PH 150, Denon DP-59l w/Denon DL-301MKII, WAY Silver 3 Ana+ Speaker Cables, WAY Silver 4+ Interconnect Cables, AudioQuest Niagara 7000 w/Dragon and Hurricane Power Cables
  • dromunds
    dromunds Posts: 10,036
    We need a Polkie Express. Who knows, maybe I’ll be driving down south later in spring.
  • stangman67
    stangman67 Posts: 2,306
    edited January 2022
    More and more changes. All the ht stereo equipment is taken out and sold. Mounted the Sonos sound bar to take over those duties. Ordered a hidden tv wiring kit so I can get rid of the visible power wires and power strip. Toying with the idea of just using this old isolation platform for an amp stand and keeping the 4 shelf unit. Also recovered my acoustic panels with a color that matches the room better.

    Kantas should be here this week, my Modwright amp repair has been completed by Dan and should be back here this week or next. Things are looking up!

    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius