Skinny jeans!!!! Who's wearing them



  • Posts: 8,038
    edited May 2012
    A guy wearing skinny jeans is just wrong on so many levels, regardless of the trend. Stick to the Levi's, Ralph Lauren, Seven, or Old Navy if all else fails. I just bought a pair of Levi's 501's and they fit a tad baggy since I bought one size up. A little sag, but nothing down to the ankles.
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:
  • Posts: 6,012
    edited May 2012
    Are you a bro who lets most of his drawers show ??????:lol:
  • Posts: 8,038
    edited May 2012
    gdb wrote: »
    Are you a bro who lets most of his drawers show ??????:lol:

    Negative bro, I wear a belt to keep the pants on man........
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:
  • Posts: 6,012
    edited May 2012
    "Negative bro, I wear a belt to keep the pants on man........"

    Deep in my heart, I knew that !!:wink:
  • Posts: 242
    edited May 2012
    Good god whats next ??????

    [NUT HUGGERS ?????:razz:
  • Posts: 406
    edited May 2012
    Skinny jeans only look good on supermodels and women from Somalia.
  • Posts: 1,594
    edited May 2012
    gdb wrote: »
    I prefer her kind of jeans.........missing !:smile:

    Attachment not found.

    Perfect!!!!!!!!!! Only thing MEAttachment not found.
    Main Rig:
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  • Posts: 33,076
    edited May 2012
    Odd thread I know but when I thought I better update the fashion and went shopping to buy jeans and sneakers and the whole shop had hardly any normal style of pants. Everything was skinny or taper'd lol. I ended buying a whole bunch just to go with the flow and since I have gotten home my wife keeps laughing at me when I model them :cheesygrin:

    Just to go with the flow ??? If that flow leads you to San Fran, then maybe. I mean really, they tied you down in this one store ? You couldn't go to another store huh ? Your a trip man, but maybe thats a good thing. You save me lots of coin on drugs.
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  • Posts: 3,205
    edited May 2012
    tonyb wrote: »
    Your a trip man, but maybe thats a good thing. You save me lots of coin on drugs.

    Freakin' hilarious !!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
    If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
  • Posts: 8,658
    edited May 2012
    All guy's i know wear jeans, your the first i've heard that model's them. As long as you feel special in them. Enjoy!!!
  • Posts: 1,175
    edited May 2012
    He's from a farm, what do you expect. The sheep wear tight jeans too.

    Is this why you walked into your projector screen ripping it down? Jeans too tight?
    Polk Audio SDA CRS+ crossover 4.1TL by Trey/VR3 (Rings and custom stand by Larry)-Polk Audio SDA SRS2 crossovers by Trey/VR3Parasound HCA1500aYamaha rxa-3070 with musicast-Celestion SL6S presence,- sl9 surround backNHTsuper1's surroundMagnepan SMGParasound 1500pre- Sofia "Baby" tube amp - Monitor Audio Silver RX2 Marantz 2230/B&Kst140Technics 1200mk2 Gamertag: IslandBerserker I am but a infinitesimally small point meeting the line of infinity in the SDA universe
  • Posts: 1,594
    edited May 2012
    chumlie wrote: »
    All guy's i know wear jeans, your the first i've heard that model's them. QUOTE]

    :arrowu: That's funny! :smile:
    This thread is crackin me up!
    Main Rig:
    Antipodes DX > Roon > PS Audio Directstream Jr.>deHavilland Ultraverve 3 >Belles Reference 150a >Harbeth C7 ES3

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    Roon> PS Audio Directstream Jr Bridge II > EE Minimax pre (Tutay mods) >Belles 150A Ref >Monitor 5 (Westmassguy-modded)

  • Posts: 25,248
    edited May 2012
    All I can picture is Kramer in that Seinfeld episode where he tries to sit down on Jerry's couch and then they try to get him up on his feet again after he falls on the couch.

    LMAO! :lol::cheesygrin::biggrin:
    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    This is hilarious. PFB, I don't think I need to tell you that your post will fall on fashion ignorant folk here. Most people here have likely been wearing the same style for 2 decades, and most of them are just the oersized tshirt and jeans. maybe even a hip golf polo and some pleated slacks :rolleyes:

    I wear skinny/slim jeans. I have for almost 8 years. The relaxed fit went out with the 90s, straight leg came came in and still is the standard in contemporary slacks, and jeans for certain body types, and slim or skinny will probably be the standard for another 4 or 5 as it has now been in the main stream a couple years.

    The homophobic and denigrating comments are to be expected from a very out of touch group of individuals.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 5,165
    edited May 2012
    ^^ O.M.G. This is getting funnier. And, FTR, I'm not homophobic. Not much scares me - certainly not guys in skinny jeans.
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    mdaudioguy wrote: »
    ^^ O.M.G. This is getting funnier. And, FTR, I'm not homophobic. Not much scares me - certainly not guys in skinny jeans.
    I didn't call anyone homophobic, least of all, you. I'm just simply observing that homophobic comments were made.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    danger boy wrote: »
    i would not be able to get my manly muscular thighs into any pair of skinny jeans.. but if any of you do have skinny jeans.. post a pic of yourself in them..

    As I play soccer, cycle, and wrestle/jiu jitzu, I have this issue with many styles. Slim styles work best, but there are brands that work better than others.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 3,205
    edited May 2012
    Maybe you and PFB can have a clothes swapping party?
    If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
  • Posts: 13,284
    edited May 2012
    newrival wrote: »
    This is hilarious. PFB, I don't think I need to tell you that your post will fall on fashion ignorant folk here. Most people here have likely been wearing the same style for 2 decades, and most of them are just the oersized tshirt and jeans. maybe even a hip golf polo and some pleated slacks :rolleyes:

    I wear skinny/slim jeans. I have for almost 8 years. The relaxed fit went out with the 90s, straight leg came came in and still is the standard in contemporary slacks, and jeans for certain body types, and slim or skinny will probably be the standard for another 4 or 5 as it has now been in the main stream a couple years.

    The homophobic and denigrating comments are to be expected from a very out of touch group of individuals.

    Dude, how "old" are you? You do realize that the Beatles were wearing pants that were so tight in the '60s that if you sneezed you'd split them?

    Fashion is nothing but recycled trends from the past. Every so many years you have tight, then loose, then tight, then maybe some bell bottoms, then wide pants and so on. There are a "limited" number of things you can do with pants. And they've ALL been done many times already.

    Plus if, you're over 45 you'd look pretty silly in skinny jeans unless you were built like Mick Jagger and lived on watercress? lol I do hope that you are age appropriate here?

    Homophobic? Really? There is little indication of that above. BTW. I have a lecture that I give on cross-cultural notions of Sex, Gender and Sexuality that's about 3 hours long! Starts out in New Guinea and ends in the U.S. It also looks at hidden gender bias in many Biology Textbooks?

    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    cnh wrote: »
    Dude, how "old" are you?
    You do realize that the Beatles were wearing pants that were so tight in the '60s that if you sneezed you'd split them?

    Fashion is nothing but recycled trends from the past. Every so many years you have tight, then loose, then tight, then maybe some bell bottoms, then wide pants and so on. There are a "limited" number of things you can do with pants. And they've ALL been done many times already.
    I agree. So what is the point? I wasn't giving a historical analysis, just a contemporary background. Obviously, fashions get recycled, rethought, and repurposed. Are you saying it was acceptable then, and not now?
    Plus if, you're over 45 you'd look pretty silly in skinny jeans unless you were built like Mick Jagger and lived on watercress? lol I do hope that you are age appropriate here?
    I disagree. If they're the stretch style, then probably. If they're just designer skinny jeans (which are not often the stretch/girl-style), then not likely if it is done in a fashionable way, and if their body type allows for it, like you said.
    Homophobic? Really? There is little indication of that above.
    incorrect. It is chock full of homophobic language in the contemporary sense. It doesn't bother me, as I grew up with this type of joking, and participated in it myself as a kid. But ridicule based on ones inconformity to gender stereotypes is generally accepted as and deemed homophobic language.
    BTW. I have a lecture that I give on cross-cultural notions of Sex, Gender and Sexuality that's about 3 hours long! Starts out in New Guinea and ends in the U.S. It also looks at hidden gender bias in many Biology Textbooks?

    Sounds very interesting.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 13,284
    edited May 2012
    You're OK at 31. And I was only referring to the "stretch" style jeans. As far as the recycling of styles, I've never been much of a follower of fashion so I'm not saying anything more than, save your money for other things-don't be a slave to fashion unless you have the money to splurge and you actually care about that, because it's here today and gone tomorrow. But then again, in my profession, I'm expected to be out of date and eccentric, wild unkempt hair, wrinkled pants, etc. The "absent-minded" look, you know. lol

    It is also true that one should not look to this forum for fashion advice.

    As far as various forms of ethnocentrism and prejudice, well that fight is a significant part of an Anthropologist's daily activity. I'm there with you on that.

    On a different note, my favorite moment in this thread is Jstas's description of the difficulties of getting the skinny jeans, his girlfriend liked so much, off?

    Back to Final Exams!

    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    Also, I have to say that the current skinny jean trend (for guys) started with skaters/boarders (and similar) wearing girl jeans. It wasn't an intentional trend by any designer. Like most trends started by this demographic, it was done as part of a couter culture. Many liked that it pissed old people off, got attention (positive, negative, or otherwise), etc. Designers just took inspiration from it and now it's contemporary fashion.

    I've transitioned from those early motivations of fashion, but adopt trends with counter culture roots. I live and breathe design, and implement it in all areas of my life that I can. It's my profession, and it's my lifestyle. It doesn't bother me that most guys dress like they got back from a shopping spree at goodwill. I just find it funny that many men are threatened or bothered by anything that questions their perception of manliness. In my unprofessional opinion, it's derived from deep seeded insecurities.

    It's not unlike the the dozens of trends precipitated in the same way for decades before it. There is a great deal of irony in counter culture trends. We did/do them to snub our noses at uptight parents, authority, etc. but those very people end up adopting the style a couple years later (in a more refined way, of course.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    cnh wrote: »
    . But then again, in my profession, I'm expected to be out of date and eccentric, wild unkempt hair, wrinkled pants, etc. The "absent-minded" look, you know. lol


    You're in luck! the prep and professor look has been making a strong push the last couple years, you're just ahead of the curve :wink:
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 6,012
    edited May 2012
    Wait up a gosh darned minute, are tight fitting straight-leg jeans from 30 years ago considered "skinny jeans"? If so, I too am guilty of such a fashion blunder. I was single and had a tight little **** that some women adored in those tight jeans, my future wife among them ! i thought that "skinny jeans" meant a silly lookin', tight fitting pant cuff, sorta' like the zoot suits of way back had !:lol:
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    decal wrote: »
    Maybe you and PFB can have a clothes swapping party?

    Hey, I'm down for any excuse to have a party.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    gdb wrote: »
    Wait up a gosh darned minute, are tight fitting straight-leg jeans from 30 years ago considered "skinny jeans"? If so, I too am guilty of such a fashion blunder. I was single and had a tight little **** that some women adored in those tight jeans, my future wife among them ! i thought that "skinny jeans" meant a silly lookin', tight fitting pant cuff, sorta' like the zoot suits of way back had !:lol:

    A skinny jean is essentially a cut more tapered than than a straight leg. some designers make skinny jeans that are just tight-legged but then have a tapered ankle that is akin to a mild boot cut.

    But make no mistake, my friend, they are no fashion blunder. As you pointed out, they are veritable chick magnets.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • Posts: 6,012
    edited May 2012
    They showcased my package nicely !!:cheesygrin:

  • Posts: 2,017
    edited May 2012
    gdb wrote: »
    They showcased my package nicely !!:cheesygrin:


    Perhaps you've hit on the source of the animosity. Perhaps its a freudian case of envy. :cheesygrin:
    design is where science and art break even.


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