Imus Fired



  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,428
    edited April 2007
    As you stated, "Everything is open to personal interpretation and personal opinion." :)
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,428
    edited April 2007
    Some online poll results, the last one is revealing I think.

    Was CBS right to dump Imus?
    No 59%
    Yes 41%
    Total Votes: 508,120

    Are you surprised CBS and NBC dumped Imus before he met with the Rutgers team?
    Yes 55%
    No 45%
    Total Votes: 495,233

    How well has Imus handled the situation since making the initial comments?
    Very 48%
    Somewhat 35%
    Not at all 18%
    Total Votes: 461,243

    How would you describe the amount of attention paid to his comments?
    Excessive 75%
    About right 19%
    Not enough 6%
    Total Votes: 473,367
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,428
    edited April 2007
    I applaud this gentleman for telling it like it is, exactly like it is.

    Time for Jackson, Sharpton to Step Down
    Pair See Potential for Profit, Attention in Imus Incident
    Sports Commentary

    I’m calling for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the president and vice president of Black America, to step down. Their leadership is stale. Their ideas are outdated. And they don’t give a damn about us.

    We need to take a cue from White America and re-elect our leadership every four years. White folks realize that power corrupts. That’s why they placed term limits on the presidency. They know if you leave a man in power too long he quits looking out for the interest of his constituency and starts looking out for his own best interest.

    We’ve turned Jesse and Al into Supreme Court justices. They get to speak for us for a lifetime.


    If judged by the results they’ve produced the last 20 years, you’d have to regard their administration as a total failure. Seriously, compared to Martin and Malcolm and the freedoms and progress their leadership produced, Jesse and Al are an embarrassment.

    Their job the last two decades was to show black people how to take advantage of the opportunities Martin and Malcolm won.

    Have we at the level we should have? No.

    Rather than inspire us to seize hard-earned opportunities, Jesse and Al have specialized in blackmailing white folks for profit and attention. They were at it again last week, helping to turn radio shock jock Don Imus’ stupidity into a world-wide crisis that reached its crescendo Tuesday afternoon when Rutgers women’s basketball coach C. Vivian Stringer led a massive pity party/recruiting rally.

    Hey, what Imus said, calling the Rutgers players "nappy-headed hos," was ignorant, insensitive and offensive. But so are many of the words that come out of the mouths of radio shock jocks/comedians.

    Imus’ words did no real damage. Let me tell you what damaged us this week: the sports cover of Tuesday’s USA Today. This country’s newspaper of record published a story about the NFL and crime and ran a picture of 41 NFL players who were arrested in 2006. By my count, 39 of those players were black.

    You want to talk about a damaging, powerful image, an image that went out across the globe?

    We’re holding news conferences about Imus when the behavior of NFL players is painting us as lawless and immoral. Come on. We can do better than that. Jesse and Al are smarter than that.

    Had Imus’ predictably poor attempt at humor not been turned into an international incident by the deluge of media coverage, 97 percent of America would’ve never known what Imus said. His platform isn’t that large and it has zero penetration into the sports world.

    Imus certainly doesn’t resonate in the world frequented by college women. The insistence by these young women that they have been emotionally scarred by an old white man with no currency in their world is laughably dishonest.

    The Rutgers players are nothing more than pawns in a game being played by Jackson, Sharpton and Stringer.

    Jesse and Al are flexing their muscle and setting up their next sting. Bringing down Imus, despite his sincere attempts at apologizing, would serve notice to their next potential victim that it is far better to pay up than stand up to Jesse and Al James.

    Stringer just wanted her 15 minutes to make the case that she’s every bit as important as Pat Summitt and Geno Auriemma. By the time Stringer’s rambling, rapping and rhyming 30-minute speech was over, you’d forgotten that Tennessee won the national championship and just assumed a racist plot had been hatched to deny the Scarlet Knights credit for winning it all.

    Maybe that’s the real crime. Imus’ ignorance has taken attention away from Candace Parker’s and Summitt’s incredible accomplishment. Or maybe it was Sharpton’s, Stringer’s and Jackson’s grandstanding that moved the spotlight from Tennessee to New Jersey?

    None of this over-the-top grandstanding does Black America any good.

    We can’t win the war over verbal disrespect and racism when we have so obviously and blatantly surrendered the moral high ground on the issue. Jesse and Al might win the battle with Imus and get him fired or severely neutered. But the war? We don’t stand a chance in the war. Not when everybody knows “nappy-headed ho’s” is a compliment compared to what we allow black rap artists to say about black women on a daily basis.

    We look foolish and cruel for kicking a man who went on Sharpton’s radio show and apologized. Imus didn’t pull a Michael Richards and schedule an interview on Letterman. Imus went to the Black vice president’s house, acknowledged his mistake and asked for forgiveness.

    Let it go and let God.

    We have more important issues to deal with than Imus. If we are unwilling to clean up the filth and disrespect we heap on each other, nothing will change with our condition. You can fire every Don Imus in the country, and our incarceration rate, fatherless-child rate, illiteracy rate and murder rate will still continue to skyrocket.

    A man who doesn’t respect himself wastes his breath demanding that others respect him.

    We don’t respect ourselves right now. If we did, we wouldn’t call each other the N-word. If we did, we wouldn’t let people with prison values define who we are in music and videos. If we did, we wouldn’t call black women **** and hos and abandon them when they have our babies.

    If we had the proper level of self-respect, we wouldn’t act like it’s only a crime when a white man disrespects us. We hold Imus to a higher standard than we hold ourselves. That’s a (freaking) shame.

    We need leadership that is interested in fixing the culture we’ve adopted. We need leadership that makes all of us take tremendous pride in educating ourselves. We need leadership that can reach professional athletes and entertainers and get them to understand that they’re ambassadors and play an important role in defining who we are and what values our culture will embrace.

    It’s time for Jesse and Al to step down. They’ve had 25 years to lead us. Other than their accountants, I’d be hard pressed to find someone who has benefited from their administration.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,987
    edited April 2007
    Yeah, what F1 said.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • mwh9
    mwh9 Posts: 51
    edited April 2007
    Well here it goes, It's been nice knowing every one. Chances are I will get baned for this but, this is a free country and freedom of speech is 100%. I have watched the Imus show only a few times and can't say that I really liked him that well. He seemed a little to country for me. He also seemed to insult everyone rather equally. If you don't like what some one says, just don't listen to it. I get irritated every time some one drives by playing rap music with their subs rattling the windows but, I don't run outside and shoot at them, well not that anyone knows about. The biggest problem that I have with his comments is that he didn't also make a Jew statement as well. So, the following comment is of my own opinion and does not reflect the opinions of this forum or website. I also don't care if this offends anyone, it's meant to. As for as I concerned, the best thing to do with both of the above races is to send them in through the door and out the chimney.
  • opus
    opus Posts: 1,252
    edited April 2007
    mwh9 wrote: »
    Well here it goes, It's been nice knowing every one. Chances are I will get baned for this but, this is a free country and freedom of speech is 100%. I have watched the Imus show only a few times and can't say that I really liked him that well. He seemed a little to country for me. He also seemed to insult everyone rather equally. If you don't like what some one says, just don't listen to it. I get irritated every time some one drives by playing rap music with their subs rattling the windows but, I don't run outside and shoot at them, well not that anyone knows about. The biggest problem that I have with his comments is that he didn't also make a Jew statement as well. So, the following comment is of my own opinion and does not reflect the opinions of this forum or website. I also don't care if this offends anyone, it's meant to. As for as I concerned, the best thing to do with both of the above races is to send them in through the door and out the chimney.

    It's pretty early but if I read this right......... you are a f*ck. Nice knowing you dumbass:mad:

    oh yeah... and reported
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  • m00npie
    m00npie Posts: 697
    edited April 2007
    mwh9 wrote: »
    The biggest problem that I have with his comments is that he didn't also make a Jew statement as well. So, the following comment is of my own opinion and does not reflect the opinions of this forum or website. I also don't care if this offends anyone, it's meant to. As for as I concerned, the best thing to do with both of the above races is to send them in through the door and out the chimney.

    WTF? Let me see if I understand you correctly, All Blacks & all Jews should be sent “through the door and out the chimney” Are you F@#king kidding me. You sir, or should I say witless coward, define what it is to be the true Racist. In 65 Posts, lots of members basically agreed or disagreed on various points but no one has come out and condemned the white race because of Imus or the black race because of Al & Jeese. They are wind bags and nothing more…

    Should all Muslims be burned too because of a few extremists? I’m sure you would like that.

    For the most part, it was an intelligent conversation until you arrived. So let me try an Al & Jesse tactic without asking forum members for money for me to say this… I call for getting this Racist removed from the forum.
  • mwh9
    mwh9 Posts: 51
    edited April 2007
    It is a free country and it's only my opinion, it's not against the law. I also feel that we should have never taken this country from the American Indians. There is a lot of wrong in this world and I sure don't make it right. It is also racist to hate racist.
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited April 2007
    Popcorn is ready,,I think I'll put in "Dances with Wolves":)
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • mwh9
    mwh9 Posts: 51
    edited April 2007
    I'll remove myself, now everyone knows what racism really is, not what Imus said.
  • criverajr
    criverajr Posts: 1,675
    edited April 2007
    Don Imus got what he deserved, the rest is ****. My .02 and opinion.

  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited April 2007
    danger boy wrote: »
    ok. lets get this discussion back on track people!!!!!!!!!

    Jackson and Sharpton are not in the hot seat this time.. it's Imus. Did things go terribly wrong and he's a pure sweet innocent talk show host.. and he's got the right to free speech? No matter if it offends someone? Isn't that what free speech is about?

    Lets try and keep the discussion about Imus and the fallout.. not Jackson and Sharpton, no matter what you think of them.. they are not the ones that caused this public outcry to have Imus fired.

    I still think the FCC should fine Imus.

    You live in a goddamn fantasy world. Imus was NOT fired because of his remarks. Repeat after me. If there was no Sharpton or Jackson who caught wind of this, NO ONE would have heard of it, NO ONE WOULD HAVE CARED, and he woudl still be doing his radio show today. The media circus was caused by two people who specialize in making up media circuses. I'm sorry if some of you are ignorant enought o think that Jackson and Sharpton don't "have the power" to create a controversy all by themselves, but... they do. They do it all the time. People say worse things than what Imus said EVERY SINGLE DAY on the radio. He just got unlucky in that the wrong people decided to persecute him for it. It's a witch hunt, and it's unconstitutional no matter how much you try to justify around it. THe advertisers pulled their advertising out of fear of bad publicity, and said bad publicity was CREATED - CREATED OUT OF THE BLUE - by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Watch one episode of the Dave Chapelle Show some day, you'll hear things 100x worse than "nappy-headed hoes." And he's been on the air for years, saying those things EVERY EPISODE, without reprisal. Yet he gets plenty of advertisers, and has never even been threatened.

    Way too many of you just say "meh, I never liked Imus, good riddance." I never once listened to his show either, but it's a question of rights, and it's a question of givign these two racist, power-hungry blowhards Sharpton and Jackson the power to throw everyone they want to into their personal witch hunt. It's ALL about them, and it's NOT ONE IOTA about Don Imus. Not a tiny bit.
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited April 2007
    Free speech does not equal abusive, disrespectful speech. The framers of the constitution wanted people to be able to respectfully speak their minds in public, and to be able to question authority without fear of brutal reprisal. Free speech is not a license to say anything to anyone in any manner.

    If alleged and convicted serial killers, rapists, and child molesters are given the courtesy of respectful discourse in public courtrooms, should not the same courtesy be extended to every citizen? It is not a matter of political correctness. It is a matter of common courtesy and respect.

    Oh God, I don' want to live in your America. You absolutely have the right to offend whoever the **** you want to offend. I do it every day on this very message board. Courtesy cannot be MANDATED! Holy ****! Your statement is probably the most frightening statement about the ignorant American psyche, fueled byt his **** sense of righteous morality, that I've ever read.

    Free speech is EXACTLY the license to say whatever the **** you want, to ANYONE in the world, so LONG as it does NOT put them in danger. That's supposed to be the entire premise of this entire nation - you are free to do what you will, so long as you don't infringe upon the rights of others to do the same. OFFENDING someone is not infringing upon their rights, because ANYTHING can be offensive, as we've learned inthe past ten years. Should all music made to be POLITE? Should all television and radio be changed so everyone platonically LOVES each other, because people are offended by violence, sexuality, language, or any other damned thing you see on television EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You frighten me.
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • sucks2beme
    sucks2beme Posts: 5,600
    edited April 2007
    bobman1235 wrote: »
    Oh God, I don' want to live in your America. You absolutely have the right to offend whoever the **** you want to offend. I do it every day on this very message board. Courtesy cannot be MANDATED! Holy ****! Your statement is probably the most frightening statement about the ignorant American psyche, fueled byt his **** sense of righteous morality, that I've ever read.

    Free speech is EXACTLY the license to say whatever the **** you want, to ANYONE in the world, so LONG as it does NOT put them in danger. That's supposed to be the entire premise of this entire nation - you are free to do what you will, so long as you don't infringe upon the rights of others to do the same. OFFENDING someone is not infringing upon their rights, because ANYTHING can be offensive, as we've learned inthe past ten years. Should all music made to be POLITE? Should all television and radio be changed so everyone platonically LOVES each other, because people are offended by violence, sexuality, language, or any other damned thing you see on television EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You frighten me.

    If you went around saying anything you wanted to anyone, you would be unemployed, in the hospital, or dead. Let's not confuse the right to free speech our government grants us to being civil and proper in our words
    and actions. He knew he was being offensive. That was the point.
    We are at a point in this country were we are moving at two levels.
    The media has us seeing and hearing just about everything. Reality
    check: there are limits on what I can do or say on the street.
    "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." --Thomas Jefferson
  • -justin-
    -justin- Posts: 891
    edited April 2007
    Airplay355 wrote: »
    Who even listens to the radio anymore?

    This is a home theater forum, bring on the SACD and 1080p.


This discussion has been closed.