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  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,089
    It's kinda sixties, isn't it?
    I bought it one the strength of its appearance (from the front -- it does have a nice
    cover, too) and the price. I assumed it was pp EL84 ...


    Nothin' wrong with 6BM8 amps (the Japanese audiophiles love the 6BM8) -- but the danged tubes aren't in modern production and they're too darned 'spensive. A matched quad of new ones would cost far more than did the amplifier.

    Fortunately the quad in there, battered as they appear, still sound OK. No redplates, either, I am pleased to report.

    CGTIII Posts: 1,096
    At 12 weeks she's leggy like a fawn.
    Expect that there will be bumps in the road. Choose to not let them rattle you.

    Polk - Monitor 10As, SDA 2Bs, LSi9s, White RTi4s, S4s, M3s, various centers.
    Boston - CR7, CR6s, CR4s.
    Subs - M&K V4, M&K VX-7B, JBL SUB150P, Jamo Sub 250, and others.
    ​Thompson Adventures, Inc.
    CGTIII Posts: 1,096
    Expect that there will be bumps in the road. Choose to not let them rattle you.

    Polk - Monitor 10As, SDA 2Bs, LSi9s, White RTi4s, S4s, M3s, various centers.
    Boston - CR7, CR6s, CR4s.
    Subs - M&K V4, M&K VX-7B, JBL SUB150P, Jamo Sub 250, and others.
    ​Thompson Adventures, Inc.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,089
    edited 2019 22
    There's a female a cappella group from Radcliffe College (Harvard) called the Radcliffe Pitches. :)

    We saw 'em in Bermuda one year when we were there on our erstwhile annual MA February School Winter Break visits to Bermuda.
    As an aside -- we really like Bermuda. :)

  • joecoulson
    joecoulson Posts: 4,943
    ^ isn't that the truth
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,089
    It was 5:00 am at our house this morning :p
  • joecoulson
    joecoulson Posts: 4,943
    typically about the same in mine - sometimes I am patient with the cat, sometimes I wake up foul and every time I see him napping the same day I wake him up.
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,314
    edited 2019 22
    FOR SALE -52449414_10156263209753099_2360893301558607872_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent.frkh1-1.fna&oh=38b2a9b301335831cc83231630b9a8b7&oe=5CEA3D2A

    Teacup Yorkie for sale $500. Need money for new glasses. PM me for details. This is Polk forum member price ONLY. Must have 100 posts.

    Thanks for looking.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,089
    edited 2019 22
    joecoulson wrote: »
    typically about the same in mine - sometimes I am patient with the cat, sometimes I wake up foul and every time I see him napping the same day I wake him up.

  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,214
    edited 2019 23
    I tried to start a new thread but I keep getting booted off the I'm posting here with a picture and a question.

    I got a Sony ES receiver in a package deal. The receiver powers on and looks all fine but no sound comes out. Ok, I check the tape monitor loop button 10 times and all kinds of ways and then thought, maybe this thing should have jumpers on the back RCAs somewhere. I saw the empty ADAPTER rca jumping jacks and I put regular interconnects for jumpers. Still no sound. This receiver didn't come with jumpers when I bought it. :#

    So I went to the web to make sure. Yep, there's supposed to be jumpers right in those jacks.

    Did me using regular RCA interconnects with the ground fins on the outside negate the function? Can I peel the fins off and use just the pins as jumpers?

    Here's a picture of the back of one model up from mine but it looks almost identical. I'm looking for a yea, break off the fins and go for it recommendation. I feel the pins can only touch the inside metal. right? Well I just found a site that replaces pins with full rca jacks. Now I'm confused.


    Post edited by Tony M on
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    I believe the jumpers can be grounded together, they are both grounded to the case after all. Your problem is probably upstream/downstream in that guy, unfortunately. I did a quick google on the model number, and I couldn't find any info on it, but it does look like a nice unit!
    In regards to fixing it, assuming you haven't done this already you should clean the pots. I've had this revive dead channels, fix distortion problems, and the crackling when turning we all know and loathe. ;)
    Good luck!
  • joecoulson
    joecoulson Posts: 4,943
    Good morning from Princess Leia Pug

  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,089
    edited 2019 23
    Tony M wrote: »
    I tried to start a new thread but I keep getting booted off the I'm posting here with a picture and a question.

    Well, either way (center 'pins' or full, unbalanced RCA connectors) should work as jumpers.
    Most likely, either the power amp or preamp section of the receiver is, as I like to say, bjorked. :(

    This is a testable hypothesis, you know?

    You can either feed another preamp's output to the "IN" jacks, or feed the output of the "OUT" jacks to another power amp. Make sure you use something with a volume control (and/or use cannon fodder speakers, just in case)!

    Does the receiver have a headphone jack? If so, does it work?

    One other wrinkle -- I see a pair of PRE OUT jacks. Are they always "live" or is there a way to turn them on? If the latter, does that "way" disable the power amp (or the speaker outputs)?

    Again, these are, as they say in my line o' work, "testable hypotheses". :)


  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,089
    edited 2019 23
    Oh -- do you have the manual for it?
    If not, Sony may still have it; if not, hifiengine does.

    I am looking through it now -- so far, nothing interesting vis-a-vis the "issue".


  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,314

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,314
    Two or 4 thumbs up on that last post the "treats3" dude posted. He may be stupid but he has a lot of common sense.

    Actually thinking about losing FB and all social media. It just gives me nothing but bad news and unnecessary stress. 10%, friends, 90% ads, BS and crap I don't want to even be bothered with.


    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • joecoulson
    joecoulson Posts: 4,943
    I walked away from FB in 2008 and don’t miss it a bit.
    I use Linkdin and Rarely Instagram for work, but the only social media I post on is this forum.
    It does wonders for your brain.
  • mlistens03
    mlistens03 Posts: 2,767
    My mom created me a FaceBook account for my birthday last year. I haven't touched it since the first week I had it, other than occasionally checking local for sale groups. I wish I could delete it to be honest, because no matter how many times I unsubscribe from email notifications, they keep coming.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,214
    edited 2019 24
    I have a Fb account and don't understand why I have 2 pages. One in a name and one is HOME. WTH is up with that? Also I rarely go to it. I saw a cool post and went to show my wife and I couldn't find it again! It was JUST THERE...good grief! And a bunch of never before seen ones popped up in it's place! WTH! I have 8 friends...LOL. I could've done the old "be my friend for years now and I'd have 3000 friends I'm sure and only know 10 of them...LOL. My wife is addicted to it for about 1 hour a day I guess. Family and co-worker stuff. ;)
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • boston1450
    boston1450 Posts: 7,696
    Tony M. Im so glad i wasnt drinking coffee when i read that. LMAO thats funny
    CGTIII Posts: 1,096
    Expect that there will be bumps in the road. Choose to not let them rattle you.

    Polk - Monitor 10As, SDA 2Bs, LSi9s, White RTi4s, S4s, M3s, various centers.
    Boston - CR7, CR6s, CR4s.
    Subs - M&K V4, M&K VX-7B, JBL SUB150P, Jamo Sub 250, and others.
    ​Thompson Adventures, Inc.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,214
    She isn't laughing..... :# Somebody is going to get THE LOOK! :o
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,992
    Why is this out of stock?

  • OleBoot
    OleBoot Posts: 2,859
    Apparently the musical notation in the right hand pane is from a Mozart piano sonata, but never mind.

  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,084
    fastz28 wrote: »

    Is that Stimulated Vanilla flavor?