A good rant thread...

TroyD Posts: 13,077
edited February 2008 in The Clubhouse
We haven't had a good rant thread in a while.....

You know what irritates me, how hard is it to do your job competently. Sorta like McDonalds. It probably takes as much time to put the damn 'Quality checked for accuracy' sticker as it would to actually look in the bag to see if it was indeed the correct order.

I got a lot of scenarios like that. Man, competency is an increasingly RARE commodity.

I plan for the future. - F1Nut
Post edited by TroyD on


  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,516
    edited July 2004
    My rant is that you started "A good babe thread" without any pics...
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • PolkWannabie
    PolkWannabie Posts: 2,763
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by TroyD
    Man, competency is an increasingly RARE commodity.

    So is service ...
  • dlew308
    dlew308 Posts: 530
    edited July 2004
    My rant is upper managers who promote dumb people up because they know they'll never be a threat to taking their jobs. Also forcing managers to score their group off a bell curve. What company wants groups with incompetent workers just to have this bad to good employee ratio? I'm at a loss....
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,725
    edited July 2004
    Hmmm...something to rant about...

    Let's talk about the weather forecasters....

    What other job can you have where you can be wrong and screw up so much of the time. yeah, I know everything's done by the computer and blah blah blah 'It's not me that's wrong, it's the computer' - HORSECRAP!! I don't care, you've got a job to do, DO IT!!!

    Besides, who in the hell builds and designs the friggin' equipment!!!!

    An accountant comes in to work every day with a job to do...how long do you think he'd keep his job if he screwed up the books on a daily basis 'Oh, I'm only off by a few mil...let's get out of here'.

    An engineer goes to work everyday with a job to do...how long would he keep his job if nothing he designed ever worked.

    What if your cell phone only worked half the time?

    What if 5 out of every 10 DVDs you bought were blank, didn't have anything on them?

    What if they only shingled half the new house you just bought, only installed half the plumbing or electricity?

    What if our air traffic controllers only decided to direct half the air traffic, just let the other half figure their routes our for themselves?

    What if Denon built a receiver and just didn't put in the amp section? How about a DVD player with no inputs or outputs, or a TV with no screen, speakers with no drivers or tweeters....

    I've always pondered on one question though: What if the guys operating our nuclear power plants did their jobs as well as our meteorologists - but then I guess we've seen how that ends up ?

    I'm sure there's a good reason they suck so much, but I don't care. I'm the consumer...I don't care about your excuses...just friggin do your jobs!

    EDIT: sorry for all the Non-PC 'he' references'
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by Ron-P
    My rant is that you started "A good babe thread" without any pics...

    C'mon, Ron, I'm on a military base with a military computer...I was SORTA hopin' that you guys would help me out with that...you know??

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • PolkWannabie
    PolkWannabie Posts: 2,763
    edited July 2004
    It will be dark tonight with continued darkness until morning ...

    I think you're being overly generous in the implication that they're correct 50% of the time ... unless of course they're in an area like Phoenix ( It'll be hot and sunny ) where even I could be right more than 50% of the time ...
  • Danny Tse
    Danny Tse Posts: 5,206
    edited July 2004
    What other job can you have where you can be wrong and screw up so much of the time.

    Government analyst.

    I am one, but I try my best to do everything on time and correctly. But not my coworker.......oh no!! He lets a couple of files sit on his desk for as much as 2 years; analysis that can be finished in 2 hours. Result? $120,000 in interest payments to the payee. You may say "Did he get in trouble for this?" Of course not!! My supervisor, and HIS BOSS the program manager, knows since they had to review and sign the payment letters. And this is not the first time. Or the second time. Or the third time....you get the picture. Can this guy get fired? Practically no. So why did the files sit on his desk for 2 years? Perhaps he was busy online trading stocks thru his TD Waterhouse account (and printing out his trading records on the government laser printer). Or interviewing potential tenants for his income properties using the government phone.

    I am better now. Back to doing work on stuff that he should've done in 2001.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by Danny Tse
    Government analyst.

    I am one, but I try my best to do everything on time and correctly. But not my coworker.......oh no!! He lets a couple of files sit on his desk for as much as 2 years; analysis that can be finished in 2 hours. Result? $120,000 in interest payments to the payee......

    I lose sleep over this crap.
  • Danny Tse
    Danny Tse Posts: 5,206
    edited July 2004
    And you know what? It was ME who processed those 2 files for him and calculated a day-by-day compounding of interest. So this guy didn't do his work, even 2 years later!

    $120,000, relatively speaking, is not a lot of money within the program I am working on. However, how many public schools out there would like to see that money to buy new books, or upgrade computers, etc....?

    I guess I am still too young and idealistic to work for the government :rolleyes:
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited July 2004
    120k still buys many things for many people
  • Danny Tse
    Danny Tse Posts: 5,206
    edited July 2004
    Exactly, Shizelbs. And this guy blows off the issue by saying "Here, Danny, process these for me."
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited July 2004
    I'm driving to a service call today on a road that's undergoing construction, 2 lanes merge into 1 and this little **** cuts me off be cause he just couldn't get in behind me. There’s not enough for him so of course I slam on my breaks and tools, parts($$$), and everything else in my van is flying all over place. Pissed? If you only knew!! I get the van back under control and look up and see this little **** looking at me in his side view mirror and he thinks it's funny as hell! Laughing and mouth off cuz he cut me off and there's nothing I can do about it.

    Wrong! I'm on the cell phone to the State Patrol reporting this little pole smoker. I get off the phone and this jerk wad is slowing down, speeding up, slamming on the breaks looking in the mirror and thinking he's King **** on Biscuit Hill.

    Now my head has been hurting like a **** since I fell off a ladder 2 days ago and honestly folks I was not in the mood to let this crap slide.

    Imagine the look on the face of this Vaginal **** when he pulls into McDonalds to go through the drive up and I pull in right behind him. Turns out he's some little snoot nosed punk that's only a bad-**** when nobody is in his face. I proceed to educate the boy on the error of his ways (using my finest vocabulary gained from 4 years of Marine Corps Training...I cussed a lot.) He tries to act innocent and looks over at the passenger for help. His MOTHER tries to throw her $.02 into the mix, I explained that she was a lousy parent and needs to shut the Eff up while I educated her son a bit more or I'd be more than happy to walk around the car and address her personally...she didn't have much to say after that.

    Although no physical harm was done, I'm certain that the little piss pot underwent a significant emotional event as a result of our conversation! I should also point out that I informed the driver that if he ever got in front of me again in the same manner I would step on the gas a put a Bow-tie emblem up his ****.

    Normally I let this kind of stuff go, chalk it up to a sever lack of intelligence and poor parenting, But today was just not the day. Yeah he could have been bigger, badder, or had a gun. I really didn’t care…I was gonna get some satisfaction..

    Rant over.
    :mad: :mad: :mad:
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • dave shepard
    dave shepard Posts: 1,334
    edited July 2004
    I hate the fact that we live in Pa and my wife works in OH (for the state of OH) and Pa wants their tax money when she gets paid even though OH takes it out and when we file a tax return for OH to get the tax money back and then have to file Pa and pay the differance we still get a fine for not paying throughout the year!!!!!! they want everyone who works out of state to pay the Pa state tax even though the other state has already been takeing it out. What crap, we are getting penalized for not giving the state there money on time even though we get it all back due to our business wright-offs. I guess they want us to go without through-out the year, ****.

  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited July 2004
    people who don't flush the toilet after they use it.....

    you walk into the stall and there are huge floaters jammed packed in their and it smells like death warmed over.

    also guys who don't flush the urinal.. that really pisses me off :p

    AND, people with bad manners.
    come on...... how tough is it to say. thanks to someone who helps you out with something?

    people who don't show up at all, when they said they would come over.

    people who say they'll bring over "some beer". and it's IN A CAN!!:confused:
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by danger boy

    people who say they'll bring over "some beer". and it's IN A CAN!!:confused:
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,277
    edited July 2004
    Here's my rant of the day.

    I hate the corporate **** known as "Annual Reviews."

    You have to undergo this process of reviewing yourself first in an effort to put on paper how you think your performance was throughout the year. Who in their right f-ing mind is going to put down anything less than a stellar performance review for themself? NOBODY!

    Now, management, or should I say...some high level **** that does nothing all day AND has no clue as to what your job entails AND has no idea what kind of level you actually perform at....writes his/her review on you.

    Next comes the BIG "Performance Review Meeting" <sound the trumpets>! This is where you both sit down and compare notes. You tell your side of the story regarding how awesome you were and kept the company from falling apart. Clueless management has other plans regarding how you performed at this somewhat, kinda, middle-ish, not stellar, not terrible but pretty somewhat ok you did fine but not overly good as to not warrant a HUGE raise.

    Needless to say, all this was in vain because your raise was determined months ago when the budgets were planned. Of course, the budget planning was wayyyy before the start of the review process.

    Ahhh, corporate america, don't ya love it!

    Strong Bad
    No excuses!
  • Pauly
    Pauly Posts: 4,519
    edited July 2004
    I hate Lucky Strikes, Condoms, Old E, oh yeah and Bose :)

    Life without music would
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2004
    I hate people that ding the F%**** out of my car doors. Partially due related to...

    I hate the fact that people think its so damn cool to drive HUGE trucks in Texas when they have no need for a truck at all. My reserved covered parking space at my aparment complex happens to be next to some guy who drives a HUGE truck which barely even fits in the spot. Within the first two months of living there he has already put 4 or 5 huge dents in my doors, which I know for a fact were caused by his truck (I can still see the damn white paint on my black car). I can't wait to buy a house.
  • TechChallenged
    TechChallenged Posts: 106
    edited July 2004
    My most recent rant is SOX. It is destroying our competitive edge with our foreign competitors. Nobody is asking Outsourcers if India is in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley when bidding for our jobs.
  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,277
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by TechChallenged
    My most recent rant is SOX. It is destroying our competitive edge with our foreign competitors. Nobody is asking Outsourcers if India is in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley when bidding for our jobs.

    Care to elaborate on this further. What is SOX?
    No excuses!
  • dylan
    dylan Posts: 453
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by john d. strong
    Care to elaborate on this further. What is SOX?

    Ugh, the Sarbanes Oxley Act will soon be known to every corporate employee. In IT we have to document every single process, so that someone not in our department could follow them. I forgot how many millions it's costing our company to comply...

  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,574
    edited July 2004

    As you know we build houses, and we owner finance them - so when someone moves out, they have the choice to turn it back over to us, OR, sell it them self and maintain it and pay us as the other person pays THEM!

    So when WE** get them back....

    What do we get? We get a badly managed YARD and HOUSE!

    This one house, the first house we redid -- it looked like pigs lived in there, wiped their rears on the wall, and ate on it too! Not to mention they NEVER vacummed OR washed anything. They never even used the dish washer yet cooked all the time! It was terrible!

    Not to mention the god forsaken yard was 2 foot high!

    Also, What is it with people and weed eaters? I mean, do they not notice the 2 foot of grass beside their fence and house? Helllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo........

    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • read-alot
    read-alot Posts: 812
    edited July 2004
    It seems the older I get the more things bother me.
    Just today driving 65mph I was passed by this person who all but stopped in front of me to answer his cell phone.
    I get into town to turn left at major intersection when all traffic stops to only bring on these idiots blowing their horns.
    Standing in line at grocery store check out when this nice sales lady invites me to a new register when this **** jumps in front of me.
    The words respect and courtesy must be lost from parenting today as my father would have and still will whip my back side if I ever did any of the above. Im 50, he is 75.
    polkaudio SRS (rdo194 x 8)
    Dodd ELP (separate power supply)
    JC 1 blocks ( strapped )
    Rega Apollo
    MIT (speaker cables) Outlaw (ICs)

    polkaudio SDA2(rdo194x4) (front) polkaudio CRS (rdo194x4)(rear) polkaudio 400i (center)
    B&K 505
    Samsung LCD
    VIP 622
    HSU STF-2
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by Vr3MxStyler2k3

    As you know we build houses, and we owner finance them - so when someone moves out, they have the choice to turn it back over to us, OR, sell it them self and maintain it and pay us as the other person pays THEM!

    So when WE** get them back....

    What do we get? We get a badly managed YARD and HOUSE!

    This one house, the first house we redid -- it looked like pigs lived in there, wiped their rears on the wall, and ate on it too! Not to mention they NEVER vacummed OR washed anything. They never even used the dish washer yet cooked all the time! It was terrible!

    Not to mention the god forsaken yard was 2 foot high!

    Also, What is it with people and weed eaters? I mean, do they not notice the 2 foot of grass beside their fence and house? Helllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo........


    If someone is buying a house and depending on owner financing, they probably have poor credit. Now, not all people with poor credit are bad people but many lack much personal responsibility. If they aren't responsible enough to pay thier bills, well, taking care of things probably isn't really high on thier list of priorities.

    PLUS, we've seen pictures of your hovel, Sid. A neatnik, you are NOT. ;)

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • dave shepard
    dave shepard Posts: 1,334
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by read-alot
    The words respect and courtesy must be lost from parenting today as my father would have and still will whip my back side if I ever did any of the above. Im 50, he is 75.

    That's funny. It makes me remember when I was little and going somewhere with the family (vacation, store etc) and my sister and I would fight and bicker my dad would warn us and if we didn't listen he would pull the car over and take us out and whip our asses infront of passing cars and wouldn't think twice about it. Then these days the parent goes to jail (which I think is total BS). But about a year ago I was at work and a Lincoln Navagator pulled onto our lot (next to a busy freeway intersection) and the black male driver got out and pulled his son out and off came the belt and the whipping comenced. I was laughing and the secratary was saying someone should tell him to stop (he wasn't getting out of hand just repramanding his kids) I said hell no let him keep going the kids must have done something they shouldn't have. Luckly no cops were driving by or he probably could have been in trouble. I knew right then and there what everyone else was seeing when it was me on the side of the road. It never tramatized me to get a whopping when I needed it, he even told the neighbors to beat my **** if I needed it. I say bring back the public beatings and give the parents there power back.

  • Girl_Addicted
    Girl_Addicted Posts: 195
    edited July 2004
    Some of my many rants...

    Products that come in glass jars or bottles (spahgetti sauce, hot sauce, etc.). It takes hundreds upon hundreds of years for glass to completely decompose. Do you think everyone who purchases condiments and such that come in glass containers actually recycles them? OF COURSE NOT! Plastic is much more environment friendly.
    -My hippie rant

    The little punks (not as in Ramones punk...but punk as an insult) that wear the shirts from various skateboarding or other extrme sport companies (Lucky, Quiksilver, Hurley, etc.). I'm all for self expressoin, and if you actually skateboard and exhibit some skill without busting your arse on the pavement, then wear those shirts all you want. What I hate is these kids who don't even know what an ollie is wearing them.
    -my teenager rant

    Kids who blatantly disrespect their parents. It's TV. Kids see other kids yelling at their parents on TV, and figure it's alright since the "cool people" on television are doing it. There's nothing uncool about respecting your mama.
    -my juvenile behavior rant

    Half the teachers teaching in public schools do a CRAPPY and INSUFFICIENT job of it. Sure, there are great teachers out there, but for eery great teacher there are about 3 inadequate ones. My theatre arts teacher last semester wasn't even a certified teacher. She would always cuss out the students (she told me and some of my friends to shut the hell up after we had disagreed with her for letting and agreeing with a student for saying GD, when she knew it was offensive to half the students in the room) and lose her temper (to the point of running to the lavatory to cry a couple of times).
    -my public education rant

    North Carolina is one of the only (maybe the only one) states that does not have a lottery. That money could be going towards education and public roads (North Carolina has the second largest amount of public roads in the country-78,000, while Texas has 79,000), but no the rich white guys sitting in the government buildings have to withhold any extra money for our rapidly growing state. Instead, thousands of people head down to SC for lottery tickets. Thus, our hard-earned money goes to a state that does nothing for us, rather than our own.
    -my educational lottery rant

    Last one...

    People who bad mouth President Bush for starting this war. I'm not a big supporter of Bush's, but come on. War isn't the greatest thing in the world, but whats so bad about trying to give a suppressed country the same rights that we have as Americans? Does the average American know everything that goes on in the white house or overseas? NO! So how can you insult something that you know hardly anything about? You can, but you look like a complete fool doing it.
    -my "patriotic" rant

    The M&K Mistress,
    Trey (5:22:24 AM): my Taylos have copper phase plugs
    Trey (5:22:26 AM): they shiney
    Destiney (5:22:39 AM): ahaha
    Destiney (5:22:57 AM): that gives wrong pictures of you lovingly caressing your taylos copper phase plugs
    Trey (5:23:25 AM): >_>
    Trey (5:23:27 AM): Mayyybe
    Trey (5:23:31 AM): I do dust them, does this count?
    Destiney (5:23:22 AM): do you linger?
    Trey (5:23:49 AM): not normally
    Destiney (5:23:35 AM): then its okaaaaay
  • kingkip
    kingkip Posts: 401
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by Girl_Addicted
    The M&K Mistress,

    Thats funny.

    My rant is for any Seattlites out there. Driving 55 in the left lane. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MOVE OVER!!! Some people actually have to get somewhere. Also people should learn how to merge. If the speed limit is 60 then logically you should be going 60 when you enter traffic. How frickin hard is it.
    There are two ways to argue with women. Both of them are wrong.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,447
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by read-alot
    The words respect and courtesy must be lost from parenting today...

    Long gone, I'm afraid. You can thank the bleeding heart, politically correct liberals for that mess!!! :rolleyes:

    Plastics are bad for your health, glass rules! :D

    And finally, my rant. Polk, make some new SDA's!!!
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited July 2004
    SOOOOOO many things to think about.....I'll just list one right now though......

    The Thank You Wave.....

    Let me tell you......If I have the common driving courtesy to allow you in the lane in front of me

    to slow my forward motion to let you move into my direction of travel, and you don't throw your hand up with a simple thank you intended,

    you will IMMEDIATELY find me honking, flashing my brights, and flipping your sorry **** off because you have NOW pissed me right the F&*K off.....
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • TheMaster
    TheMaster Posts: 184
    edited July 2004
    My rant is for those people who do not appreciate or recognize the time and effort that I put in to complete the project.

    For those how do not help out at work but has the nerve to criticize my work.

    For those who are so over themselves that they don't even bother to hear what I have to say.

    DENON AVR-3803
    DENON DVM-1805
    SONY DVP-NS300

    SONY 36' HDTV Wega

    ADCOM GFA-555
    ADCOM GFA-555
    ADCOM GFA-2535
    ADCOM ACE-515

    POLK RTi70's (Bi-Amped)
    POLK CSi40
    POLK FXi30's
    POLK RTi38's
    POLK CSi20
    POLK PSW 450
    SVS PB2 Plus

    2 CH Stereo:

    AudioSource Pre/Amp 1
    Hafler DH-500
    Sony CDP-CX235
    Monster Cable HTS3500

    SDA SRS 2.3tl