Omni SB1 Plus Bar Strange Problems



  • Trigyr
    Trigyr Posts: 2
    I attempted to do an update to my system via the Polk Omni android app. I have an SB1+ soundbar, two Omni S2s setup as surrounds, and four Omni S6 speakers in my system.

    The Omni S2s and three of the Omni S6s updated fine, but the soundbar and one S6 are both stuck in a "loop" as described above (Red power on light turns on for about 5 or 10 seconds, followed by a fast flashing white light for about 20 seconds and then the speaker goes into setup mode where the white light slows down to a slow pulse for about 15 or 20 seconds. The entire bar including the red power on light then turns off, and it cycles through this again and again).

    Please help! I love these products, and would love to have them back working correctly! Thanks!
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    I recommend sending an email to: and explain what's happening.
  • SeafleaXT
    SeafleaXT Posts: 4
    Since the last update around the beginning of September 2021, I am having the same problem as M1ck3y with 3 of my 7 speakers. Has there been any resolution to this problem? Its happened to two of my Omni S6's and also my Omni SB1 Plus sound bar. Can anyone tell me the factory reset procedure for these two types of speakers? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Like many other owners these speakers have been very glitchy ever since day one for me.
  • djtully
    djtully Posts: 2
    Hello, Same problem as M1ck3y. If there is no solution, is there a Polk soundbar available that would let me connect my Omni A1 rear speakers via DTS Playfi to regain my surround sound?
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    I'll ask a friend at Polk.
  • Trigyr
    Trigyr Posts: 2
    So after a power outage last night, I have now lost all four of my Omni S6 speakers.

    I contacted support at soundunited a week ago about the sound bar and first S6 that bricked, but no response yet.

    To say that I have buyers remorse is an understatement at this point. I sure hope that someone finds a solution for this. I hate to think that I have a an SB1+ sound bar and four S6 speakers that are now paperweights.
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    I'll forward your information to a friend at Polk, he probably won't be able to respond until early next week.
  • djtully
    djtully Posts: 2
    Since my last post the left channel on My Omni A1 ceased to function. Two products rendered useless within weeks...I would never recommend or purchase Polk again, their claims of offering top of the line products and service are false PERIOD
  • Darctavin
    Darctavin Posts: 1
    I am having the same exact problem that M1ck3y. Could I possibly get some help. Thank you
  • jabowman
    jabowman Posts: 1
    Sb1+ sound bar, 2 S2's, and 2 S6's. Only one of the S2's work now after update. Called customer service. They know about the problem and said it will be a week if not weeks to resolve it. Btw I never got the surround wifi to work reliably. Even upgraded to 5g wifi. Still would drop one of the rear surrounds halfway through a movie. Very disappointed in this product lineup.
  • joel_little
    joel_little Posts: 6
    I'm now in the same boat. It tried to do an update (not my choice) and now in this loop. Polk SB1.
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    The best person to contact would be: he's a dedicated problem solver.
  • dewyduster
    dewyduster Posts: 2
    Having the same issue as M1ck3y and crenz. It was toasted after the most recent firmware update.
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    See above recommendation.
  • smkomen1
    smkomen1 Posts: 1
    I'm have this same issue on both of my SB1 systems. Cannot use them now.

    My SB1+ tried to do an update and failed and now it's doing the same thing. Plug the unit in it gives me a Red light, then in 20 seconds a white fast blinking light. The white light blinks rapidly for 60 seconds then changes to a slow pulse blink. Does this for approx. 90 seconds then the white light stops and then blinks once and both the red and white go out for 60 seconds and then the red light comes on again and repeats. If the power button is pressed the unit does turn on. The white light continues the cycle while there is sound but as soon as the white light finishes the pattern the unit turns off and goes back to the red light again.

    The buttons do not respond half the time, and I got it to work for a minute or 2 before it loses connection and goes back to the red light.
  • joel_little
    joel_little Posts: 6
    Does anyone have an update? The last response that I got from Kim at Polk on 27 September was...

    "Sorry to hear about this.

    This is a Play-Fi update issue and we are currently working with them for a fix for this.

    We will keep you posted."
  • 120mountain
    120mountain Posts: 2
    Omni SB1+ And S6. Nothing but frustrating from day one. And now with latest update are worthless. Please Include me in the resolution for the above problem others are facing with this soundbar and speakers.
  • the_brit
    the_brit Posts: 1
    I am having the same problem with an SB1 soundbar. Red light comes on white flashes then pulses then solid then both lights go off. Keeps repeating. Will not connect to wifi, will not stay connected to TV. Cannot reset. Started having these problems 2 days ago. Need help to resolve.
  • adam20t
    adam20t Posts: 5
    Any update on this? I have a SB1+ that is useless at this time for same reason.
  • joel_little
    joel_little Posts: 6
    edited 2021 14
    I have a fix! I got emailed this below from Polk last night in response to a support request that I lodged a little while back. It worked first time. Relief! And needless to say I'm not upgrading the firmware :lol:


    Thank you for taking the time to contact Sound United Support. We value you as a customer and appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance!

    We do apologize you are still having an issue with Updating/reconnecting the Playfi device failing during updates recently or not reconnecting after performing the USB flash, I have added a guide and Zip files for you to perform a USB Flash to the Item simply follow the instructions below and if you have any more issues please reach out to us again.

    MCU USB Firmware Update Instructions
    Polk SB1 (SU_PK_101):
    1. Using any FAT32 formatted USB stick, unzip the corresponding .zip file onto the USB stick. (So the stick should contain no folders, just 4 files, 3 .bin files and 1 manifest file).
    2. Unplug the power to the SB1.
    3. Plug in the USB stick into the USB port on the back of the SB1.
    4. While holding the “Voice +” button on the top of the bar, plug in the power and continue holding until the blue LED on the front of the speaker illuminates, then you may release the button.
    5. Once that is finished updating, a blue and white LED on the front will illuminate and remain solid. This is where you can remove the USB stick from the speaker.
    6. The LEDs on the front will flash a few times and then eventually go off. The unit will reset and the MCU version is now updated.
  • adam20t
    adam20t Posts: 5
    I am attempting the above. While holding the voice+ and inserting the usb, are you getting a solid blue light and how long is that taking. I can only get a blue and white flash at about 10 seconds. Nothing on when i release the voice +
  • joel_little
    joel_little Posts: 6
    I wasn’t that long. Maybe 3 or 4 seconds.
  • adam20t
    adam20t Posts: 5
    Thanks for the help, but this is still not working. Now when i plug it in, it blinks both the blue and white lights.
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    Send an email to: and explain what you're experiencing.
  • oldschoolll
    oldschoolll Posts: 1
    I have an Omni SB1 that has not worked since day one. 2017. Sound drops after about 30 seconds. I've contacted Polk and received an email with instructions that didn't line up with my model. Has anyone received a solid fix?
  • adam20t
    adam20t Posts: 5
    I have emailed with Kim and seemed to be on the way to a replacement, but all communication has stopped. Anyone else have this issue with them?
  • ocssoR
    ocssoR Posts: 1
    Will do.

    Sir, Is it possible for you to send my info to your friend at Polk. My SB-1 is doing a very similar thing. Thankyou, Ross
  • SeleniumFalcon
    SeleniumFalcon Posts: 3,914
    I'll send your email address to my friend at Polk.
  • I'm having a problem with my Polk sb1+.. I bought it from a Goodwill and all it does is reboot itself. Red light comes on, then the white light starts blinking fast then slowly blinks for a little bit then the sound barrier turns off and it starts it all over again. Similar to other posts on here, has anyone fixed it yet. I refuse to believe it's a hardware issue but more of a software issue.. I hope I'm not down money buying this, I only bought it because I had an extra polk sb1+ subwoofer. I'm going to try that USB flash thing on a comment on here, see if that helps
  • Aaronjdawg
    Aaronjdawg Posts: 1
    Worked for me thx..have to make sure usb is fat32....even downloaded a pc app to format usb to fat32