Omni SB1 Plus Bar Strange Problems

Posts: 2
Ok so I've only had this sound bar for a few months, and I bought 2 S8 speakers to go with it. It was working fine in surround sound but all of the sudden it turned itself off. Now when it's on and connected to the WiFi whatever volume I have it set at, the volume lights pop on from the dark, and then slowly fades dark again. It stays dark for a few seconds and then it pops back up again, and then begins to slowly fades to dark again. It repeats this bizarre behavior for a few minutes and then it just shuts itself off. I have sound running through it with my TV on when this happens. Also when it's on WiFi it's not showing up on the app, but my 2 S8's do.
Now even stranger if I reset it and take it off my WiFi, the sound runs just fine and the white volume lights do not pop up and fade out. However I lose my surround sound, but then again I haven't had surround sound ever since it just out of nowhere turned itself off and then started this odd behavior. I haven't had much luck on calling it just says high volume calls and call back later. Hopefully someone here knows what this problem is. I spent a ton of money on this setup and I can't seem to keep it up and running longer than a couple of weeks and all of the sudden I need to set it all back up again. However this time the behavior is different and I can't fix it myself. Please advise or ask for any kind of clarification.
Now even stranger if I reset it and take it off my WiFi, the sound runs just fine and the white volume lights do not pop up and fade out. However I lose my surround sound, but then again I haven't had surround sound ever since it just out of nowhere turned itself off and then started this odd behavior. I haven't had much luck on calling it just says high volume calls and call back later. Hopefully someone here knows what this problem is. I spent a ton of money on this setup and I can't seem to keep it up and running longer than a couple of weeks and all of the sudden I need to set it all back up again. However this time the behavior is different and I can't fix it myself. Please advise or ask for any kind of clarification.
Let me check with Polk on this for you. -
Kennon from Polk will be contacting you via email.
Mine did similar but would not reconnect to WIFI. They sent a new soundbar and as soon as I updated the firmware it also started having the same issues..
Having the same problem. Bought my Polk Omni SB1 a few months ago and now it turns off after 5 minutes.
Polk Omni SB1 worked good for 2 months. Suddenly each time turn tv off and back on the sound bar loses its connection?
My Polk Omni SB1+ worked awesome for a year, then stopped playing surround sound. It now sounds like an AM radio. I've tried everything.
I am experiencing the same problems with the SB1+ and am trying to follow Polk's complicated instructions on how to update the soundbar. I will see if it works. This should not happen with a 2 year old sound bar system. It is maddening and to top it off my Omni S6 speaker now cuts out after about 3 minutes and I have to go back and turn it on repeatedly. What is going on with these products??? Polk needs to pay attention to these defects.
I am having the same issue. I have tried to factory reset. It appears to lose everything you configure in the Polk IOS app. Any good resolution from anyone else experiencing the issues?
I'm so incredibly disappointed with this product. Hasn't worked properly from day one, so I just started using other wireless speakers, while my Polk collected dust. Thought I'd try some trouble shooting today, and I'm ready to throw it in the trash. It should be SO simple.
Sorry for your frustration, I'll send your email address to a friend at Polk and ask him to contact you. Hang in there, it might be Monday or Tuesday before you hear from him.
I just moved today my SB1 even if always had glitches was working now it auto shuts off every 2 mins all I get is the red power light and the wifi flashing either fast or slow and even without touching it it reboot again and again and again and again! I’m extremely disappointed at this Polk product that has never actually been 100% functional to this day
Let me send this problem to a friend at Polk, I'm sure he'll contact you via email early next week.
He has sent you an email.
@SeleniumFalcon if possible can you have your friend at Polk contact me? My SB1+ just shuts itself off after 2 minutes. Factory reset process does not seem to work.
I'll send your information to him.
He is contacting you via email.
Anyone have a fix to the below problem (copied from another thread):
My SB1+ tried to do an update and failed and now it's doing the same thing. Plug the unit in it gives me a Red light, then in 20 seconds a white fast blinking light. The white light blinks rapidly for 60 seconds then changes to a slow pulse blink. Does this for approx. 90 seconds then the white light stops and then blinks once and both the red and white go out for 60 seconds and then the red light comes on again and repeats. If the power button is pressed the unit does turn on. The white light continues the cycle while there is sound but as soon as the white light finishes the pattern the unit turns off and goes back to the red light again. This all started after an update that was performed on 03/28/2021.
The buttons do not respond half the time, and I got it to work for a minute or 2 before it loses connection and goes back to the red light. -
I'll forward this to Polk for you.
Our Omni soundbar randomly shuts down. We’ve lost surround ousted with our S2 playfi speakers too. Help!
It would be best to begin with Polk at: 1-800-377-7655 and follow prompts for soundbar assistance.
Been having similar problem with my polk sb1plus - Red power on light turns on - about 5 or 10 seconds later a fast flashing white light flashes for about 20 seconds & then the same white light slows down to a slow pulse flashing white light. slowly pulses for about 15 or 20 seconds & then the entire bar including the red power on light turns OFF. stays off for about 5 or 10 seconds then goes through the entire cycling process as described above, again again and again!! Never stops. Tried a factory hard reset. Still nothing. Still continues to cycle as described above. At one time had the sb1 plus along with my (2) S2 rear speakers working perfectly. Did an update awhile ago & lost my rear speakers. Tried to get to reconnect but got to damn frustrated & gave up the rears. The sound bar &sub still worked. Decided to try & get them reconnected & now I've lost the bar & sub. GREAT system when it worked BUT have lost a lot of faith in this product / name. Reading to many bad things about this unit. Can't understand why the Polk support cannot be better than what I've read. Can anyone out there help. Would appreciate it.
Dave -
Any resolution to this issue? I'm having same problem as M1ck3y.
I'm also having the same problem as M1ck3y. Has there been any solutions or can you have your friend contact me?
I'll send this information to my friend at Polk for the above three posts.
Same exact thing just happened to my SB1 with the latest update. We all are entitled to a resolution here!
I'll send him your information, it will probably be Tuesday before he's able to respond.
I’m also having the same problem after updating my system to the latest firmware last night.
I'll include you as well.
SeleniumFalcon wrote: »I'll include you as well.
Hello, I just developed this problem as well a few minutes ago... I'm glad that I'm not alone in this. Is it possible to include my info as well? -
Will do.