Fond old memories anybody got some?



  • txcoastal1
    txcoastal1 Posts: 13,374
    Remember the days when we kids could run the neighbor with BB guns
    In high school we carried buck knives and our guns hung in the back window of our trucks at school as we waited for the bell to ring so we could go hunting

    and this was the 80's in San Antonio, and a fight was a good old fashioned bare knuckler w/o any BS

    The only officer was the one who came when the bell rang to direct traffic out of the school parking lot

    2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures
    Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver
    Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated
    Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30.5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum speakers, Modwright LS100 (voltz), Simaudio 780D DAC

    erat interfectorem cesar et **** dictatorem dicere a
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    You left one out Steve. Play clothes- school clothes....and Church clothes....and my personal clothes. :)

    Amen to you too Willow on the free range childhood, what a concept eh ? I go to the Mall sometimes and see parents with kids on is that all about ? They a dog ?
    Sony 850c 4k
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    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Making wine....any wonder I'm a wine fanatic in my old age ?

    Pops would order 100 crates of grapes from California. We all helped with putting them in the grinder and pressing, barreling, fermenting, and of course tasting. No, we didn't stomp them with our feet. Every year pops would put some aside to age for like forever. Nascar would have loved to have gotten their hands on that stuff.

    After it was done, the cellar was under lock and key for obvious reasons. Except he had to sleep sometimes and we always snuck the keys and filled a few bottles for the weekend. Then he got smart and started marking the barrels. Then we got smart and started adding water after we took our wine. Before long the cellar door looked like the door to Fort Knox.

    Also had a pet Alligator too. They used to sell them in pet stores back then. When I'd go to school, I'd leave him in the grass to bask in the sun. I'd come home from school and he was always within a few feet of where I left him. Until one day....he wasn't, gone. Neighbors called my father complaining my 'gator bit their dogs nose. You could see the 2 puncture marks in the dogs nose too. Who knows what happened to him, he was never found. So if your ever in Harwood Heights Illinois visiting anyone, don't stick your head into any sewers or drainage grates. Not that that's the first thing normal people do, but you bozos aren't exactly normal, especially after a few cocktails. :p
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    ^^ Too funny on the gator story..
  • Polkaguy58
    Polkaguy58 Posts: 352
    I was watching the news awhile back and they wanted to charge this mother for neglect, for letting her daughter walk to school by herself.
    I was thinking back to the 60's/70's when myself and my 5 brother's and sisters would take off in the morning and as long as we returned home by suppertime, eveything was cool.
    Sure Ma would ask where we were going, but it wasn't such a big deal back then.
    I was always out the door first thing in the morning in the summertime and would go down to the woods, or hang out at the rivers edge.
    Hell, I was born without legs and was lucky enough to have a ma that loved me enough to let me go out on my own and experience life, instead of smothering me with a protective hold.
    We really do live in a repressive society these days.
    Being born in New Hampshire, I take the "LIVE FREE OR DIE" thing seriously.
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    Tony--to the church clothes thing--remember, any NEW clothes or shoes had to be worn to church first? LOL.
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    Polkaguy58 wrote: »
    I was thinking back to the 60's/70's when myself and my 5 brother's and sisters would take off in the morning and as long as we returned home by suppertime, eveything was cool.
    Sure Ma would ask where we were going, but it wasn't such a big deal back then.
    I was always out the door first thing in the morning in the summertime and would go down to the woods, or hang out at the rivers edge.

    Yep. We had to come home when the street lights came on. With 5 of us, Mom wanted us OUTSIDE and playing.

    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Yes Sir, the street light rule was one for us too, as well as the new clothes for church. Seems some of us must be related some how, same type of parenting. Occasionally we could stay out past the street lights, but had to be close to home. Which then required a game of ding-dong-ditch.

    Also at times, we'd wait until the parents are asleep, crawl out the windows and grab our fishing poles. Middle of the night, walking through cemeteries to get to the fishin' hole....creepy as all heck.

    As I got older, I was still sneaking out in the middle of the night, but I was stealing my pops car, even though I was only 14, and driving up to the chain of lakes to party. Just had to be back by 4 a.m. before pops got up for work. Used to fall asleep at the wheel too on the way home sometimes. Once a cop pulled up next to me and honked his horn to wake me up. I just waved and kept going. Never got caught either, until...backing into the garage one night, I hit the gas too hard and went thru the back end of a brick garage. Told my pops someone tried stealing his car. He calls the police, they come and finger print everything, and the jig is up.

    There are times as a youth when you catch a beatin', then there are times when you really catch a beatin'. I really caught a beatin' for that one.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    ^^ Oh yea, the mistakes made trying to sneak back in..
    I stepped in the dryer one time coming thru a window as the lid was open and I didn't see it. Drunk as a skunk as I was, about pooped my pants when I looked up and their was my Dad looking at me half hanging upside down. Damn lucky I didn't break a leg..
  • afterburnt
    afterburnt Posts: 7,892
    Somehow driving without a license was always more fun
  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    Great stories, takes me back... B)
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    oldrocker wrote: »
    Great stories, takes me back... B)

    Amen pal, though at our age we may have to settle for a rocking chair at Volts grandma's joint and some Blackberry cobbler. Which is just dandy by me. ;)
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,795
    Sneaking in late...The house we lived in had a parquet floor in the front hall. Squeaked like and battleship when you walked on it! I committed to memory which one squeked the least. Came in one night stoned a$s drunk and made across the hall to the stairs going to the lower level. Success! Right? Nope...
    Slippery socks one the carpeted stairs. Miscalculated the fist one and it was a flying cartwheel down to the landing. At which place Mom had her chair next to the TV in the living room at the bottom of the stairs.
    Hitting the opposite wall and sprawled out on the floor at said chair which at the time was occupied by said Mom.
    She calmly asked "Is anything broken?" It wasn't the words, it was the way she said them. Cold and damning. Crawled to my room and started writing my last will and testament.
    The next morning she proceeds to torture me by clanging every pot and pan in the kitchen whilst making runny scrambled eggs and livermush for breakfast.
    She had won the battle. God rest her soul. She meant well.
  • Polkaguy58
    Polkaguy58 Posts: 352
    I've been sober now for the last 32 years, but remember coming home popped quite a bit in my rowdy days.
    My sister's favorite story, was how I came in drunk to her house (I was visiting on summer vacation) as a teen and proceeded to make myself some "munchies" before passing out.
    I woke up, with a heavy head, to some loud, hysterical laughter in the kitchen.
    It seems that I attempted to make myself a Fluffanutter sandwich the night before.......but neglected to take the bread out.
    What my sister saw in the morning , was peanut butter, with a thick layer of Marshmallow Fluff on top, spread all over her kitchen counter.
    I'm much better now.........................
  • voltz
    voltz Posts: 5,384
    tonyb wrote: »
    oldrocker wrote: »
    Great stories, takes me back... B)

    Amen pal, though at our age we may have to settle for a rocking chair at Volts grandma's joint and some Blackberry cobbler. Which is just dandy by me. ;)

    And Fried Pies ;)
    2 ch- Polk CRS+ * Vincent SA-31MK Preamp * Vincent Sp-331 Amp * Marantz SA8005 SACD * Project Xperience Classic TT * Sumiko Blue Point #2 MC cartridge

    HT - Polk 703's * NAD T-758 * Adcom 5503 * Oppo 103 * Samsung 60" series 8 LCD
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Say what ?? Fried pies ? Never heard of such an animal. Explain...
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • voltz
    voltz Posts: 5,384
    There mostly for day trips or traveling... for picnic's, basically just like a hostess pie except home in a skillet
    2 ch- Polk CRS+ * Vincent SA-31MK Preamp * Vincent Sp-331 Amp * Marantz SA8005 SACD * Project Xperience Classic TT * Sumiko Blue Point #2 MC cartridge

    HT - Polk 703's * NAD T-758 * Adcom 5503 * Oppo 103 * Samsung 60" series 8 LCD
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    Penny candy, 10-cent Cokes, baseball cards, bicycles with 1 speed, hide-and-go-seek, building bonfires for the 4th, climbing trees, comic books that only cost 12-cents, sneaking cigs from the old man's pack, Sat. morning cartoons, 6 channels on the B&W TV, analog everything, foot races, pick up games of baseball and football, "friendly" fights with unwritten rules, and BB guns.
  • voltz
    voltz Posts: 5,384
    another pic from the little Missouri river in the Ouachita National Forest.
    2 ch- Polk CRS+ * Vincent SA-31MK Preamp * Vincent Sp-331 Amp * Marantz SA8005 SACD * Project Xperience Classic TT * Sumiko Blue Point #2 MC cartridge

    HT - Polk 703's * NAD T-758 * Adcom 5503 * Oppo 103 * Samsung 60" series 8 LCD
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Jimbo18 wrote: »
    Penny candy, 10-cent Cokes, baseball cards, bicycles with 1 speed, hide-and-go-seek, building bonfires for the 4th, climbing trees, comic books that only cost 12-cents, sneaking cigs from the old man's pack, Sat. morning cartoons, 6 channels on the B&W TV, analog everything, foot races, pick up games of baseball and football, "friendly" fights with unwritten rules, and BB guns.

    All good things there. As we got a tad older, those friendly fights included baseball bats and fists. A knife was a big deal back then. Baseball cards in the spokes too ?

    Garfield Goose, Ray Rayner.....Chavelston the duck, lol. Clutch Cargo....

    Building forts, tree houses out in the woods. Kissing girls was a big deal, using your tongue meant you were worldly and experienced. If you made it to 2nd base you were a God. Street Hockey....yes, hockey. So shove it you guys north of the 49th. lol

    Stealing snow blowers and lawn mowers out of sheds for the motors for our mini-bikes. Why is it the tunes the ice cream truck played hasn't changed in half a century ? Stick on tattoos...the Woolworth Soda fountain counter. If you had a BB gun you were bad a$$. You were also a big shot if you could go off the high dive at the community pool. Still remember the tunes they used to play at that community pool. Stuff like Bobby Sherman. However, yesterday I spent 30 minutes turning everything upside down looking for the car keys.....which were in my pocket all along. WTF ??
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,795
    tonyb wrote: »
    Jimbo18 wrote: »
    Penny candy, 10-cent Cokes, baseball cards, bicycles with 1 speed, hide-and-go-seek, building bonfires for the 4th, climbing trees, comic books that only cost 12-cents, sneaking cigs from the old man's pack, Sat. morning cartoons, 6 channels on the B&W TV, analog everything, foot races, pick up games of baseball and football, "friendly" fights with unwritten rules, and BB guns.
    However, yesterday I spent 30 minutes turning everything upside down looking for the car keys.....which were in my pocket all along. WTF ??
    Lost my reading glasses on the top of my head the other day...sheeesh!
    Wooden deck skateboards and the tallest road hill in town. Trying to break the sound barrier without breaking bones. Sans any protective gear. Still have some road rash scars on my knees!
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited March 2016
    Goes without saying Russ, we put wheels on anything back then. lol No safety gear, helmuts/pads etc....which today you need to just ride a frickin' bike. Anything you could put wheels on, climb into and shove down a hill, blow up....that's called using your imagination.

    Remember when the Monkeys came out, they had that skateboard with the motor on it ? We used to tie together 20 or so of those model rocket engines and fuse them all together. Steal fire extinguishers and blast them to thrust yourself forward. Worked pretty well too.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,795
    Some of the finest field engineering took place in the garages back then.
    Big wheels! Burnt the wheels off many of them. Get up to warp speed and do power slides down that same hill.
  • Thorton
    Thorton Posts: 1,324
    tonyb wrote: »
    Goes without saying Russ, we put wheels on anything back then. lol No safety gear, helmuts/pads etc....which today you need to just ride a frickin' bike. Anything you could put wheels on, climb into and shove down a hill, blow up....that's called using your imagination.

    Remember when the Monkeys came out, they had that skateboard with the motor on it ? We used to tie together 20 or so of those model rocket engines and fuse them all together. Steal fire extinguishers and blast them to thrust yourself forward. Worked pretty well too.

    +1. This thread is too funny and brings back a lot of memories. Your right, we did put wheels on everything. I made a few of my own skateboards. I also had the real (I believe) first pair of rollerblades. They were made be a ski company so skiers could practice during the summer and went over your shoes.
    Ethernet Filter: GigaFOILv4 with Keces P3 LPS
    Source: Roon via ethernet to DAC interface
    DAC: Bricasti M1SE
    Pre/Pro: Marantz AV8805
    Tube Preamp Buffer: Tortuga TPB.V1
    Amp1: Nord One NC1200DM Signature, Amp2: W4S MC-5, AMP3: W4S MMC-7
    Front: Salk SoundScape 8's, Center: Salk SoundScape C7
    Surround: Polk FXIA6, Surround Back: Polk RTIA9, Atmos: Polk 70-RT
    Subs: 2 - Rythmik F25's
    IC & Speaker Cables: Acoustic Zen, Wireworld, Signal Cable
    Power Cables: Acoustic Zen, Wireworld, PS Audio
    Room Treatments: GIK Acoustics
  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    lightman1 wrote: »

    Not such a fond memory of the big wheel. Had something to do with once again my older brother and a go-cart. Me on the big wheel, him on the go-cart.. :D
  • oldrocker
    oldrocker Posts: 2,590
    Ok, one more. My brother had been coming home past curfew. My Dad kept saying, you need to be on time or your done driving for a while.

    Next friday night, here comes my brother about 1 1/2 hrs late, Dads waiting up. As my brother walks past the dining room he just tossed his license on the table and heads towards our bedroom. Dad says, "hang on just a moment, we need to talk".

    Some type of discussion happened and the next thing I knew, my brother was carrying 2 pairs of old boxing gloves down to the living room. So they both got them on, my brothers jumping around like he's Ali, jabbing and running his mouth.

    My dad is left handed and out of no where comes his left hand at an unreal speed, **** my brother right upside his jaw. All my brother said after he got up was
    "Ok Dad, where done here"..

    I wish we had video back then. It was GREAT!!!
  • Polkaguy58
    Polkaguy58 Posts: 352
    How's this for an old memory ?
    My dad built my brother and I a nice Aurora set up when we were kids
    and we actually had a slot car club with our friends.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Wow man, that's pretty cool. See...somethin' like that would have never lasted around my house. We'd blow it up some how, start a car on fire and then run it around the track.

    Fire was another kids dream. For some reason we were amazed by it like cavemen who first saw it. 16 inch softballs were soaked in gas, fired up, and attempted to play something with it.

    Bugs and PB&J. Poor gas on ant hills, bee name it. Anything that could burn, did. I still say Mrs. O'Leary's cow was a cover story for the Chicago fire. I know it was a bunch of delinquent Dago kids.....maybe a few Irish too. :)
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited March 2016
    So far we missed a classic every boy has done.

    Lighting your farts. Man, had some doozies back then too. Tough to explain too when laundry day rolled around.

    WTF is this Tony ?

    I dunno Ma.

    It looks burnt.

    Grass and mud from sliding into second ?

    Bull sheet, what did you do ?

    Nuthin' Ma, I dunno.

    Next thing you know every book of matches in the house is being kept under lock and key. Actually, most everything sooner or later wound up under lock and key.

    Funny too, is I taught my grandson the tricks of the trade when he was 7. My daughter just about disowned me for that one. I said...DON'T tell your mother, geesh.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's