Battery vs power cable, shielding vs no shielding - my results over the years



  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,551
    edited July 2013
    F1nut wrote: »
    I've done something I rarely do, I reported you for trolling. Bye.

    Its also time for me to rise up and and face my destiny and become:


    And now its time to

    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    My God thank goodness... you saved my weekend since my Unreal Power 5M ain't coming today. :cheesygrin:
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    I was going to post this in the Unreal Power cable thread, but it got closed, so I make a new thread instead.

    A few years ago I compared Virtual Dynamics Judge ($50,000) against the laptop battery. The battery sounded flat, thin, grey, toned down and lifeless. The power cable sounded clearer and more detailed with much larger bass and greater 3 dimensionality.
    GREAT INFO. Now the battery question has been answered for you folks. It's inferior. No wonder audio system in my car (I use Mark Levinson) sounds like crap. It's SOOOoooooo lifeless, thin, and toned down. You described perfectly.
    Having good measured performance doesn't result in better sound.
    Abso-freakin-lutely. That's what I have been saying to get these guys but they wouldn't listen. They have to have measured numbers when they don't even know what that signifies and how it translates to real sound.
    I added shielding around Nordost Valhalla, it sounded grey and compressed like being choked inside a carpet. It had great measured performance (shield removed many dB of noise), but sounded absolutely horrible. The problem was that the wiring they used resulted in smearing, and the RFI entering the cable compensated for it by making it brighter. The side effect was that the microdetails were gone, which made it appear cleaner, like a field of snow covering up the textured ground. Valhalla sounded exactly like that.

    Nordost Valhalla always sounded best without shielding. I placed lots of harddrives around the Valhalla and got better sound, because more noise was entering the cable.
    I'm glad that no engineers are making audiophile products. You need to fine-tune audiophile products only with the ears, and throw away the tools. If a cable manufacturer claims that he's an engineer, I immediately close down that website and never go back.

    I had my entire system wired with Nordost Valhalla when I was a beginner, but later switched to Virtual Dynamics Genesis which had shielding. Virtual Dynamics used metal powder dampening around the wire that made it sound brighter with a steely sound character, this way it compensated for both the blurry wire and shielding. But they did many things wrong because they used measurement tools half of the time. The hot glue they squeezed into the cable is not good for the sound. If I use one single drop of super glue on a tweak, the sound quality is reduced.
    Another thing they did wrong was to use metal powder, it may have good measured performance, but it's horrible for the sound, it makes it sound too mechanical, far from real life. It's better to use crystals around the wire for the most natural sound, and instead of hot glue you use tree fibers. There is nothing more natural sounding than that, and music is supposed to sound natural. Not mechanical and lifeless like engineers do. I'm glad that most engineers are skeptics, then we won't need to endure their horrible sounding cables. The other engineers who are building cables, they should throw away their books and tools before they embarrass themselves further. The only way to build audiophile products is by ear.
    It's amazing every single properties in the cable makes difference in sound. Audio is very complex.

    A+ write-up, AudioTruth.

  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    F1nut wrote: »
    Talk about embarrassing just won first place.
    Who are you talking to? AudioTruth? or me? Make up your mind....

    ha ha

  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    cheezy wrote: »
    That's not me d00d. I'm da Cheez. Btw, awesome post AudioTruth. I LOVE YOU~~~ Sincerely.

    Thanks, I hope you receive the Unreal power cable soon. I already miss the eargasms it gave. The audio quality of my system went down dramatically after I unplugged it. I can't listen to music anymore, I need to build another cable for me. This week I have built so much cables I got sore. I train muscles 3 times per week, and nothing makes me as sore as building heavy cables! Imagine wresting with 10 kg snakes all day, it's exhausting.
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    F1nut wrote: »
    And again, you embarrass yourself like no other could. If you had the slightest clue about me you would have known that I firmly believe cables make a difference. I also firmly believe that you and the chessehead are nothing but trolls and should be banned as both of you are an embarrassment to this hobby.
    You won't know how it sounds until you try his cables. They are really that good. I am not stupid and I have logic. I continue to buy more of his cables because they really make drastic improvement in sound for good, even though these cost thousands of dollars. I'm not rich, but trying everything I've got to get them. AudioTruth knows this and how much I appreciate. And that's why he gives me more discounts! But I don't want to abuse him either. He's a busy man and has a family to support!

  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    You believe in only entry level cables that engineers made. You don't believe in true audiophile cables that are fine-tuned by ear.
    This is a GREAT ADVICE for you, F1nut. ;) I couldn't have said better.

    ZLTFUL Posts: 5,640
    edited July 2013
    You know the funny audio truth? The only reviewer to ever receive a pair of cables from Patrick to demo ended up with a cooked set of amps for his trouble.

    The audio truth is that you are a quack who believe his own propaganda. And so do your other personalities.

    Welcome to the Bozo list.
    And a fair warning to the moderation: If kooks like this that quite literally have nothing productive to contribute to the forum are allowed to continue posting their asinine and clearly ignorant drivel, you are going to find long time true contributors who no longer want to waste their time visiting the forum. Not a threat or anything like that. Just pointing out that people like Audio Truth and Cheezy are a cancer to good small demographic forums. Seen too many good forums fall by the wayside because of ignorant people like them.
    "Some people find it easier to be conceited rather than correct."

    "Unwad those panties and have a good time man. We're all here to help each other, no matter how it might appear." DSkip
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    You only read one sentence how would you even know what he's using?

    So because we don't buy yours, everything else is just garbage? Then why do you have to post that you will trade cables for food? Don't see that with the companies that you claim are so terrible. Pretty sure if your business is that bad, then it points to some other problems.
    You don't have to be filthy rich to build cables. It's about knowledge and good ears to use for tuning. The inferior cables made by big manufacturers have gotten rich because they sold a lot of crappy cables. It's the marketing. And they are backed by magazines and reviewers over the world. That's because they get paid for telling lies about the cables. Money power. In contrast, AudioTruth makes cables with real performance. He is not rich to pay out money to these companies. This is why I take full advantage of buying his cables. Take it while I have chance. Decades later the price of these cables will skyrocket and I will have to apply for a secondary mortgage....

  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    pepster wrote: »

    I can't decide if I would rather fry my Crow, or grill it?

    Any suggestions??skeptical.gif

    Perfect timing Patrick.
    pepster, just sit back, relax and watch the show. I know you are a good man and not a gangster like other skeptics. :)

  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    After skeptic is proven wrong, he always leaves because he can't handle the truth.

  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    So because we don't buy yours, everything else is just garbage?
    The standard cable designs are garbage because they damage the sound. I always liked stock power cable better than high-end cables, it synergized the best with the wiring in the wall. The wall wiring is solid core copper, this makes it smeared. The stock cables are multi strand which makes it harsh. Combining the two cancels each other out and gives synergy, but it still sounds bad.

    If you use silver cables, you take away bass from the music. Only coloring the sound. There are endless of flavors, and you pay money to get the same performance, but different sound, that's why it's garbage, not worth it. The only true improvements come from adding dampening material around the wire. Virtual Dynamics was the first to do this, that's why I bought their best Judge power cable for $50,000, but it still had problems, it sounded too mechanical.
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    Then why do you have to post that you will trade cables for food? Don't see that with the companies that you claim are so terrible. Pretty sure if your business is that bad, then it points to some other problems.
    I sell lots of cables and tweaks for too low prices, building from morning to night when I collapse on the floor from exhaustion. The companies who build cables for profit, they are stealing money from customers, not putting their heart and soul into the product.
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    Thanks, I hope you receive the Unreal power cable soon. I already miss the eargasms it gave. The audio quality of my system went down dramatically after I unplugged it. I can't listen to music anymore, I need to build another cable for me. This week I have built so much cables I got sore. I train muscles 3 times per week, and nothing makes me as sore as building heavy cables! Imagine wresting with 10 kg snakes all day, it's exhausting.
    Yeah that is really hard work! No wonder you have to exercise to build your muscles so you can do the work. The things I like about your cables in addition to stellar sound is the looks, thickness, and WEIGHT. I love heavy cables. And I LOVE your tree fiber plugs. Best looking in the world.

    Sorry to hear you lost good sound by selling your Unreal Power 5M to me. I know I'm gonna love it. Can't wait to receive it! Hopefully Monday.... you know I'm gonna post my impression here on Polkaudio forum with lots of pictures and videos.:lol::lol:

  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    ZLTFUL wrote: »
    You know the funny audio truth? The only reviewer to ever receive a pair of cables from Patrick to demo ended up with a cooked set of amps for his trouble.

    The audio truth is that you are a quack who believe his own propaganda. And so do your other personalities.

    Welcome to the Bozo list.
    And a fair warning to the moderation: If kooks like this that quite literally have nothing productive to contribute to the forum are allowed to continue posting their asinine and clearly ignorant drivel, you are going to find long time true contributors who no longer want to waste their time visiting the forum. Not a threat or anything like that. Just pointing out that people like Audio Truth and Cheezy are a cancer to good small demographic forums. Seen too many good forums fall by the wayside because of ignorant people like them.
    I discovered that the reviewer was trying to scam me, expecting me to pay him money for a review. I don't accept this criminal behaviour so I demanded my cable back. I received it and it worked flawlessly, I sent to a customer and he hasn't had any problems for more than half a year.

    This bribery is a standard thing in the audio industry, I want no part in this, they should belong in prison.

    Reviewer: "Oh no, my tubes went out, I can't review if you don't buy me new ones".
    Manufacturer: "No problem, I will pay, now get the review published so I can make some money!"
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    ^ Amen.....

    You are so correct in so many levels Patrick. When I plugged in the high performance Wireworld RCA cables it sounded like ****... it took away bass and made the treble brighter, but lost some detail compared to the STOCK cable. I wasted money on buy cables from Audioquest and Wireworld for thousands of dollars. What a load of waste. It's amazing how the stock cables spank them.

    This is how it laid out, best to worst cables:

    Virtual Dynamics
    Uber expensive cables from big manufacturers

    That's why many rich people who spent $30,000 on Audioquest cables got all pissed off and returned all for a refund because they made no real improvements over the stock $5 cables. So they became gangsters and attacked me at anandtech forum ha ha hahahahaha. :lol:

  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    A week ago I sent an email to Audioquest with the following message:



    I have purchased quite a few high end audio cables from your manufacturer before and thought to be pretty descent in respect to "visual" performance. They sure do look pretty, and expensive, so I thought they must be good! I had owned your products for three years now. I thought they were OK.... I have also tried Wireworld cables and thought they are better.... till when I tried out the White Night Power cables from Coconut-Audio it changed my life forever. I currently have a $350,000 White Night Power 5M and a $60,000 White Night Power 2M power cables for my Focal speakers. Soundstage not only has gotten wider but deeper, with more microdetails that I had not heard before with your cables or any other manufacturer's. Not only more microdetails deep inside the soundstage but is also textured. Talk about 3 dimensionality. Treble is crystal clear and crisp with silkiness (no edginess) with more resolvable details while the lower frequencies have plenty of bass depth and resolution (details) and impact. No other cable manufacturers can do both at the same time. You either get good treble and take a hit on bass or vise versa not both. Transparency is over the top with the White Night Power cables. I didn't even need a high-end RCA cable to have this sound. Amazing how a pair of high-end power cords from Coconut-audio have so much effect on sound.

    Just wanted to write to you guys that I found a real cable source, coconut-Audio manufacturer located in Sweden. I can get these cables for introductory price. I am thankful I have the opportunity to try them. This company's lowest end cable easily outperforms the top of the line "Judge" from Virtual Dynamics which ran for $50,000. I am never going to look back. My audio needs will be Coconut-Audio. The sound quality difference is a night and day. Have fun guys.


    And I didn't get a reply from Audioquest... ha ha lmao.

  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 32,913
    edited July 2013
    Just....WOW, but when I stop to think about it, Jesse's statement comes to mind. YAAAAAAWN !!
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited July 2013
    All I can say is this guy seriously is fu@king dumber than a rock, saying that I feel bad for the rock.
  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    cstmar01 wrote: »
    All I can say is this guy seriously is fu@king dumber than a rock, saying that I feel bad for the rock.
    I have sold my cables to 5 customers, 100% of them bought more cables within a month, they have bought a total of 65 cables. 13 cables average per customer. This must be some kind of a record. Dumb people don't make records like these. There is only one logical explanation, the cables are this good.
  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    Its also time for me to rise up and and face my destiny and become:


    And now its time to

    The real troll is the one posting those pictures.
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    And Patrick has some rich customers in Europe. They made a smart move by taking chance on Patrick's cables and found themselves in music heaven. Who's that guy's name from Hungary? He bought A WHOLE BUNCH of your cables. He went crazy with them because every time he adds a cable and tweaks he got better sound. Patrick is a nice guy cause he gives us poor folks to try out his cables for low price. I kept telling Patrick that White Night Power 2M is SERIOUSLY underpriced.... it's just wrong to sell that thing for $600 as an introductory price. If I was Patrick I would jack that up to $1000 minimum. This cable puts out insane amount of foreground detail pop in the soundstage. Very silky too and spacious. The 5M version gives me more detail and silkiness in the deeper side of the soundstage it's unreal.... It's like your head is stuck inside the speaker. Better way to describe is like entering a wormhole. You go through it a mile deep and can hear detail. A bit more impact on bass too. That's how I describe the 5M cable. So how does this play out in my setup? 5M and 2M work together, perfect synergy.

  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    cheezy wrote: »
    ^ Amen.....

    You are so correct in so many levels Patrick. When I plugged in the high performance Wireworld RCA cables it sounded like ****... it took away bass and made the treble brighter, but lost some detail compared to the STOCK cable. I wasted money on buy cables from Audioquest and Wireworld for thousands of dollars. What a load of waste. It's amazing how the stock cables spank them.

    This is how it laid out, best to worst cables:

    Virtual Dynamics
    Uber expensive cables from big manufacturers

    That's why many rich people who spent $30,000 on Audioquest cables got all pissed off and returned all for a refund because they made no real improvements over the stock $5 cables. So they became gangsters and attacked me at anandtech forum ha ha hahahahaha. :lol:

    Yes, that is so true.

    I wasted about $200,000 on high-end audio. I got better sound from a $39 T-Amp than from a $5000 Krell KAV-500i power amp. The Krell was very blurry, grey and dirty sounding. T-Amp was super clean, transparent and detailed.

    I also got better sound from EMU 0404 USB DAC than from dCS Elgar Plus DAC, dCS Verdi Encore SACD, Cary 303/300 CD player and Benchmark DAC1. Those cost $40,000, and I got better sound from the $200 EMU. The more expensive gear only add more noise to the system, more fuel to the fire.
    The real way to improve audio is with crystals, because they don't add noise into the system, they only clean the sound, without adding any negatives.

    I wasted about $20,000 on power conditioners and generators, they only added more noise to the music. I made many experiments, I even daisy chained many of them together, it became worse. I experimented with sine waves and multi waves, they only colored the sound, no real improvements.
    I get the best sound when plugging the cables directly to the wall. I have owned more than 50 high-end power cables, I got better sound with stock.

    If more people could accept the truth, they would save lots of money.
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,241
    edited July 2013
    This thread had me laughing...

    Thanks guys, It was good
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • BlueFox
    BlueFox Posts: 15,251
    edited July 2013
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    I wasted about $200,000 on high-end audio. I got better sound from a $39 T-Amp than from a $5000 Krell KAV-500i power amp. The Krell was very blurry, grey and dirty sounding. T-Amp was super clean, transparent and detailed.

    Did you try an Emotiva amp with one of your cables? I bet that is a match made in heaven.
    Lumin X1 file player, Westminster Labs interconnect cable
    Sony XA-5400ES SACD; Pass XP-22 pre; X600.5 amps
    Magico S5 MKII Mcast Rose speakers; SPOD spikes

    Shunyata Triton v3/Typhon QR on source, Denali 2000 (2) on amps
    Shunyata Sigma XLR analog ICs, Sigma speaker cables
    Shunyata Sigma HC (2), Sigma Analog, Sigma Digital, Z Anaconda (3) power cables

    Mapleshade Samson V.3 four shelf solid maple rack, Micropoint brass footers
    Three 20 amp circuits.
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    VR3 wrote: »
    This thread had me laughing...

    Thanks guys, It was good
    We ain't done yet. Sit yo ****. A lot of good info here. You guys are getting it for free. This is expensive information because we are the ones spent a lot of money on expensive cables from large manufacturers and turned out to be a big waste of money....

  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    BlueFox wrote: »
    Did you try an Emotiva amp with one of your cables? I bet that is a match made in heaven.
    No, but I tried PS Audio GCC-100 ($3k). I had to modifiy it in many ways. In the end I just removed the ICEpower modules from the casing, so it no longer was a PS Audio amp. I hardwired everything, bypassed fuses, put it levitating, full of shielding. Then I switched to T-Amp and got better sound again.
  • AudioTruth
    AudioTruth Posts: 55
    edited July 2013
    cheezy wrote: »
    And Patrick has some rich customers in Europe. They made a smart move by taking chance on Patrick's cables and found themselves in music heaven. Who's that guy's name from Hungary? He bought A WHOLE BUNCH of your cables. He went crazy with them because every time he adds a cable and tweaks he got better sound. Patrick is a nice guy cause he gives us poor folks to try out his cables for low price. I kept telling Patrick that White Night Power 2M is SERIOUSLY underpriced.... it's just wrong to sell that thing for $600 as an introductory price. If I was Patrick I would jack that up to $1000 minimum. This cable puts out insane amount of foreground detail pop in the soundstage. Very silky too and spacious. The 5M version gives me more detail and silkiness in the deeper side of the soundstage it's unreal.... It's like your head is stuck inside the speaker. Better way to describe is like entering a wormhole. You go through it a mile deep and can hear detail. A bit more impact on bass too. That's how I describe the 5M cable. So how does this play out in my setup? 5M and 2M work together, perfect synergy.

    Peter is his name and he has soon bought more than 200 products. Listening to heavenly music is very addicting, you want more and more when the ears improve and become more sensitive. It's like bodybuilding, you add 1 kg per workout twice a week. Same with tweaks, you add a couple tweaks per week. Each tweak improves the hearing a little. In the end you become superman and hear things others can't.
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,551
    edited July 2013
    cheezy wrote: »
    In contrast, AudioTruth makes cables with real performance. He is not rich to pay out money to these companies. This is why I take full advantage of buying his cables. Take it while I have chance. Decades later the price of these cables will skyrocket and I will have to apply for a secondary mortgage....

    Hey Cheezy, how about you save yourself some money and instead of buying overpriced Patricks cables, buy from a forum member who has many positive reviews and sells his products for CHEAPER than Patrick...

    Free plug for helipilotdoug of DouglasConnection:

    His cables are ones I would buy with no hesitation.

    Oh and he's got reviews from a bunch of different trusted forum members on 3-4 forums that discuss how awesome his stuff is, and all by different people that dont know each other at all...

    Just saying....
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • cheezy
    cheezy Posts: 148
    edited July 2013
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    I also got better sound from EMU 0404 USB DAC than from dCS Elgar Plus DAC, dCS Verdi Encore SACD, Cary 303/300 CD player and Benchmark DAC1. Those cost $40,000, and I got better sound from the $200 EMU. The more expensive gear only add more noise to the system, more fuel to the fire.
    Same here. I had a Benchmark DAC-1 USB and the sound was soft and not open / spacious. I got better sound out of my cheapo Asus Xonar DX7.1 sound card. It was more open and edgy.

    The real way to improve audio is with crystals, because they don't add noise into the system, they only clean the sound, without adding any negatives.

    I wasted about $20,000 on power conditioners and generators, they only added more noise to the music. I made many experiments, I even daisy chained many of them together, it became worse. I experimented with sine waves and multi waves, they only colored the sound, no real improvements.
    I get the best sound when plugging the cables directly to the wall. I have owned more than 50 high-end power cables, I got better sound with stock.

    If more people could accept the truth, they would save lots of money.
    You know this is really good information. I said the same thing earlier in my thread and they wouldn't listen and thought I was retarded.

    Patrick, there is a reason why I went with the Unreal Power 5M not knowing everything about it. You know why? Because after owning your White Night power cables these were no joke. I trust you to the fullest. It's like I am a cute a year old baby and I let you change out my diapers for me. You take care of me good with the cables and you know inside out. I let you take control of me!

    And thanks for the big discount on the Unreal Power 5M. I know I'm gonna love it.

  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,551
    edited July 2013
    AudioTruth wrote: »
    The real troll is the one posting those pictures.

    Sure, coming from you I take that as a compliment.......
    cheezy wrote: »
    We ain't done yet. Sit yo ****. A lot of good info here. You guys are getting it for free. This is expensive information because we are the ones spent a lot of money on expensive cables from large manufacturers and turned out to be a big waste of money....


    We are getting it for free because no one in their right mind would actually pay for it...

    You can barely give your info away....
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited July 2013
    Hey Cheezy, how about you save yourself some money and instead of buying overpriced Patricks cables, buy from a forum member who has many positive reviews and sells his products for CHEAPER than Patrick...

    Free plug for helipilotdoug of DouglasConnection:

    His cables are ones I would buy with no hesitation.

    Oh and he's got reviews from a bunch of different trusted forum members on 3-4 forums that discuss how awesome his stuff is, and all by different people that dont know each other at all...

    Just saying....

    Ummm, Dan, "HE/THEM/IT" can't make money from buying from other people.

    I think the whole idea with this "Total Eargasm" thread is to push products.

    This thread is a pretty good one though, and after my "Eargasm" I am going to want to snuggle, chased with a cigarette.
This discussion has been closed.