Pet Peeves what are yours?



  • bigaudiofanatic
    bigaudiofanatic Posts: 4,415
    edited November 2011
    SDA1C wrote: »
    People that say "Huh?" or "What?" to every friggin word you say!

    People that smack their gum or can't seem to eat with their mouth shut. Talking with your face full of BBQ Pork that looks like it should be on the way out already would also qualify.

    Honestly dated a girl that was hard of hearing. At first it was no biggie, by 5 months I wanted to walk in front of a truck.
    HT setup
    Panasonic 50" TH-50PZ80U
    Denon DBP-1610
    Monster HTS 1650
    Carver A400X :cool:
    MIT Exp 3 Speaker Wire
    Kef 104/2
    URC MX-780 Remote
    Sonos Play 1

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  • mdaudioguy
    mdaudioguy Posts: 5,165
    edited November 2011

    One-line posts of such a nature without offering anything useful to the conversation.

    Some other forums make this a rule, such as the following:

    "Don't constantly post one-line replies of no real value. Take the time to think carefully about a topic, construct your post properly and post with purpose. Again, let me remind you, posting here is a privilege not a right!"
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited November 2011
    Ahah. I'll tell you what really annoys me...

    When I have to type out a whole paragraph stating I wholeheartedly agree with a long drawn out statement that could have not painted a better picture of exactly what I feel or happen to be thinking of at the time just so some bone brain can make the assumption that I really have feelings of my own and am not just a follower sheep when really all I had to do was post "+1" and all of those that really mattered to me anyway knew exactly what I meant and was thinking.

    Can I get a BIG OL' "+1" ON THAT?!

    Too much **** to list....
  • BeefJerky
    BeefJerky Posts: 1,320
    edited November 2011
    Or, if you don't actually have anything to add to the conversation, then might I suggest not posting. In my opinion, a "+1" or "I agree" is just worthless on its own; It's a waste of both the poster's time as well as the reader's time.
  • mdaudioguy
    mdaudioguy Posts: 5,165
    edited November 2011
    BeefJerky wrote: »
    Or, if you don't actually have anything to add to the conversation, then might I suggest not posting. In my opinion, a "+1" or "I agree" is just worthless on its own; It's a waste of both the poster's time as well as the reader's time.
    I disagree. If person A has a great opinion, I might be even more interested if persons B & C "seconded" that opinion.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,225
    edited November 2011
    We have touched on a lot of peeves related to driving so here is one more. How about people who double park next to or close to an open parking spot obstructing traffic. :evil:
  • audiocr381ve
    audiocr381ve Posts: 2,588
    edited November 2011
    Men who disrespect, neglect, and embarrass their wives.
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    edited November 2011
    Untimely people
    Bad drivers
    Self-centered assh....s
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited November 2011
    Too much **** to list....
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited November 2011
    Keiko wrote: »
    Huh? What? :confused:

    Pass the pork rinds. :twisted:

    Haha! Good one.....:rolleyes:

    I knew there was going to be at least 1 asshat.

    That reminds me, can I add asshats to the list of pet peeves?
    Too much **** to list....
  • BeefJerky
    BeefJerky Posts: 1,320
    edited November 2011
    SDA1C wrote: »
    Yeah, I definitely dislike people who do that. I mostly encounter them on the freeway, and I like to screw with them. If I'm going a bit over the speed limit, I will slow down to the speed limit and put on my cruise control. If I'm already going the speed limit, I will slow down to about 5mph under the limit and put on my cruise control. Then I just let them do their thing until they figure out that I'm not going to be pressured by their antics. Eventually they get the hint and change lanes to pass.

    I swear these aggressive drivers are going to have a heart attack or stroke out at an early age due to the excessive stress they let into their lives.
  • janmike
    janmike Posts: 6,146
    edited November 2011
    Procrastination is the Assassination of Motivation.
    Michael ;)
    In the beginning, all knowledge was new!

    NORTH of 60°
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited November 2011

    The fact is, at some point everyone was new to something, whether it be a (sport/skill/hobby/trade/etc). There's no need to preach that someone is "doing it wrong" when almost everyone has been down that road and made the same mistakes. We are human. Everyone makes mistakes.


    I may *to a slight extent* dislike a whiner, but I absolutely hate bullies.
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
    polkaudio 255c-RT Inwalls
    polkaudio DSWPro550WI
    polkaudio XRT12 XM Tuner
    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited November 2011
    Keiko wrote: »
    Lighten up, Francis. :twisted:

    I'm as light as they come friend.:cheesygrin:
    Too much **** to list....
  • PreCd
    PreCd Posts: 786
    edited November 2011
    People who block the intersection at a stop light preventing through traffic or turning onto the opposite street.

    People who do not let another out of a parking lot when traffic is 20 deep behind them.

    Those who do not think of others.

    Marantz CD5004
    Adcom GFA-545
    Bottlehead Quickie Tube Preamp
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited November 2011
    Snobs. Just because it costs $$$ or has XYZ badge, doesn't make you better or more important than anyone else. Same goes for those who think modified equals special. No, I don't care if you drive a $100,000 Porsche with $50k in mods. Get in the turning lane and wait like everyone else.
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
    polkaudio 255c-RT Inwalls
    polkaudio DSWPro550WI
    polkaudio XRT12 XM Tuner
    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • jon1redleg
    jon1redleg Posts: 242
    edited November 2011
    Parking your brand new truck at The Home Depot way out in the boon docks so you do not get door dinged and when you get done shopping there is some clunker parked on top you, YOU GUESSED IT BANG !!!! a freaking door ding.

    The home and garden section that takes up the half the parking lot at WalMart!

    People who use the phrase AND STUFF every other word when talking to you.

    FINGER PRINTS !!!!! can't stand to see them on anything.

  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited November 2011
    Receiving foods that the giver thinks is "healthy" because the label says "diet" or "natural". The exchange typically goes like this.

    Giver: "I bought this for you!"
    Me: "No, thanks."
    Giver: "But it's healthy!"
    Me: "You eat it."
    Giver: "No way. It looks gross."
  • Evrythngmatters
    Evrythngmatters Posts: 187
    edited November 2011
    Mine is when I go out to eat at a VERY nice restaurant and there is a spoiled rotten kid acting up for no reason other than that is how he is being raised. I just want to go superglue his mouth to his moms/dads ear so they can see/hear what it's like to NOT be accustomed to a little **** misbehaving like that. If I'm spending $50.00 + a person for dinner I want a nice relaxed evening, not the Jerry Springer show.

    Another is when people park so close to the drivers door you cannot even get in and have to climb through the passenger side. Usually when this happens I accidently spray their door handles with pepper spray. Accidently of course.
    Everything matters. That is all.
    Money cannot buy happiness, but it sure can buy a bad **** boat to pull up along side it though.
  • falconcry72
    falconcry72 Posts: 3,580
    edited November 2011
    PreCd wrote: »
    People who block the intersection at a stop light preventing through traffic or turning onto the opposite street.

    <begin rant>

    Yes. This. I think this is why bazookas were invented... to physically remove these people, and their cars, from the earth.

    To expand on this situation: I always wait until there's enough room to get through. I wouldn't be caught dead stuck in the middle of an intersection at a red light. Now what I HATE, is when I'm traveling straight, I'm at a busy intersection, so I'm patiently waiting on the front side waiting to enter until there is room on the other side, and the jackasses to my right on the perpindicular street start making rights on red in front of me because they think I'm letting them in. NOBODY LETS ANYBODY IN WHEN THEY HAVE A GREEN LIGHT! I'M NOT LETTING YOU IN; I'M WAITING UNTIL THERE'S ENOUGH SPACE FOR ME!!!

    Speaking of yielding: I hate anybody who waves you on or otherwise forfeits their right of way when the right of way is clearly theirs. YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE UP RULES AS YOU DRIVE! NOBODY WOULD KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON! JUST PLAY BY THE EFFING RULES, DO IT EFFICIENTLY, AND WE'LL ALL GET WHERE WE'RE GOING!

    <end rant>
    2-Channel: PC > Schiit Eitr > Audio Research DAC-8 > Audio Research LS-26 > Pass Labs X-250.5 > Magnepan 3.7's

    Living Room: PC > Marantz AV-7703 > Emotiva XPA-5 > Sonus Faber Liuto Towers, Sonus Faber Liuto Center, Sonus Faber Liuto Bookshelves > Dual SVS PC12-Pluses

    Office: Phone/Tablet > AudioEngine B1 > McIntosh D100 > Bryston 4B-ST > Polk Audio LSiM-703's
  • gimpod
    gimpod Posts: 1,793
    edited November 2011
    People who are clearly NOT disabled who insist on using the handicap parking spots because there closer or there just making a quick stop that last an hour or more. :mad::mad:

    Forgot till today because it happened this morning.

    Got to the store and all the handicap spots are taken by cars without placards or plates (yes being the **** that I am I called to have them towed:cheesygrin::cheesygrin:). So we go find a spot where there are no cars near us and low and behold we come out and there's a big suv parked right next to us on the side for the wheelchair ramp. There's even a big sticker on that side of the van say "Please no parking within 8ft of this door". Now thank god I don't drive or I would have been stuck there for who knows how long waiting for this moron to come out and move his or hers pile of crap suv.
    “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain
  • BeefJerky
    BeefJerky Posts: 1,320
    edited November 2011
    gimpod wrote: »
    People who are clearly NOT disabled who insist on using the handicap parking spots because there closer or there just making a quick stop that last an hour or more. :mad::mad:

    Forgot till today because it happened this morning.

    Got to the store and all the handicap spots are taken by cars without placards or plates (yes being the **** that I am I called to have them towed:cheesygrin::cheesygrin:). So we go find a spot where there are no cars near us and low and behold we come out and there's a big suv parked right next to us on the side for the wheelchair ramp. There's even a big sticker on that side of the van say "Please no parking within 8ft of this door". Now thank god I don't drive or I would have been stuck there for who knows how long waiting for this moron to come out and move his or hers pile of crap suv.
    Yes, illegally parking in handicapped spots are a big pet peeve of mine as well. I would like to smash in all their windows and key the hell out of their car, but I manage to restrain myself. Not mention, with my luck I'd end up caught by an officer or on security camera and end up in jail.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited November 2011
    BeefJerky wrote: »
    I can agree with nearly everything here, but I completely disagree with this one. I wish more drivers would actually use their turn signals properly, and that includes when they are making a turn, whether they are in a turn only lane or not. The most common offense I see is failure to use them when changing lanes. That is both dangerous and rude.

    Another pet peeve of mine is one that Gimpod touched on: those who are unable to respect other people's opinions. It is fine if you disagree, and feel free to state that and explain why. However, bashing the other person and their beliefs is just rude and unproductive. I realize that even the best of us may do this at times (me included), and it is understandable since some beliefs are held very closely. However, it is a real problem when a person repeatedly does this, and unfortunately there are a few posters on this board who fall into that category.

    So your like the millions who I see that are traped in a line and the car in front of you doesn't care where your going and the car behind you knows where you are going so WTF. You have your signal on to remind yourself of where your going apparently.

    Re-read my pet peave... ONLY when trapped in a turning lane.....

    Yes, people should use their turn signals more in other situations but what your saying might be in the line of....

    I'm in a turning lane but watch my turn signal, I might want to stop the flow of traffic that is in a lane DESIGNED to go in ONE DIRECTION ONLY, and go the other way. Now that would be a time to turn it on and show motion beforehand that the driver has made a major mess-up and does not want to go ahead around the designed turn and TURN AROUND asap when alowed and then get back on track. I've seen those too. many times in the past 15 years as the ME generation has gotten their lisences.

    Come on, Maybe you want a signal that tells the guy behind you you plan on going straight ahead in a one lane road with no turn offs. My point is, in my case of my syatement, it's blatently unquestionable that 1000000 to one, the car in font of me will turn like the rest of us. so why blind the guy behind you? There's no sense to that. Day time, so what..burn your bulbs, it's just funny to me then and I like to see how many do it and how many don't every now and again..

    Don't bash my statement and state your own beliefs that are the exact same as mine. Say why you like to have your signal on when trapped in traffic in a turning lane. Front man..... ok, I can see it, maybe, but I wouldn't. Back man in the turning lane, Absolutely. That lets the drunkard know that is a turning lane and not one for going straight.

    But trapped in line??
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • Mr. Sharpe
    Mr. Sharpe Posts: 1,355
    edited November 2011
    When some jackass in a Ford Pickup is driving 85 in a 45 while everybody's slowing him down and he's running red lights and riding peoples tails.

    One day they'll fore-go putting turn signals on cars at all.

    People that break when they change lanes after they were driving 65+, they slow down to 40 to change lanes and don't speed back up ever and I'm back here driving a good 55 and have to slow down bc the **** doesn't know how to drive.

    People that can't learn, instead they just stay clueless.

    People that think parking their big rimmed Crown vic in tow parking spots and leaving it running with the noise going.

    I saw a guy i went to high school with that worked at the theater here, he just parked his car in front of the door, left it running and the noise going wide open and went right inside. and yes, he makes pop-corn. the owner had to turn his car off for him, I was about to drive it off and throw the keys in the woods.

    the way black woman drive, they all drive the same, it's not even a stereotype anymore, it's a fact.

    **** holes that pass on a double solid yellow line. People that use the right lane as a "by pass". people that drive and don't care about anything at all, they could get in a wreck and 500 people could die in it and he could live and still not give a ****.

    do I have road rage?
    Home theater:
    43” Westinghouse Displayer
    Marantz UD-7007 Player
    Emotiva MC-700 Processor
    Adcom GFA-5006 Amplifier
    Parasound Zamp Amplifier
    Ethereal ESO-1 Power Conditioner
    Klipsch RC-10 Center
    Klipsch R34c Fronts
    Klipsch RB-41 Surrounds
    Polk audio PSW-505

    Polk audio RTA-12c’s fully upgraded crossovers
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    Denon DVD-5910ci Spinner
    Parasound P6 Preamplifer
    Parasound HCA -1500a Amplifier
  • BeefJerky
    BeefJerky Posts: 1,320
    edited November 2011
    So your like the millions who I see that are traped in a line and the car in front of you doesn't care where your going and the car behind you knows where you are going so WTF. You have your signal on to remind yourself of where your going apparently.

    Re-read my pet peave... ONLY when trapped in a turning lane.....

    Yes, people should use their turn signals more in other situations but what your saying might be in the line of....

    I'm in a turning lane but watch my turn signal, I might want to stop the flow of traffic that is in a lane DESIGNED to go in ONE DIRECTION ONLY, and go the other way. Now that would be a time to turn it on and show motion beforehand that the driver has made a major mess-up and does not want to go ahead around the designed turn and TURN AROUND asap when alowed and then get back on track. I've seen those too. many times in the past 15 years as the ME generation has gotten their lisences.

    Come on, Maybe you want a signal that tells the guy behind you you plan on going straight ahead in a one lane road with no turn offs. My point is, in my case of my syatement, it's blatently unquestionable that 1000000 to one, the car in font of me will turn like the rest of us. so why blind the guy behind you? There's no sense to that. Day time, so what..burn your bulbs, it's just funny to me then and I like to see how many do it and how many don't every now and again..

    Don't bash my statement and state your own beliefs that are the exact same as mine. Say why you like to have your signal on when trapped in traffic in a turning lane. Front man..... ok, I can see it, maybe, but I wouldn't. Back man in the turning lane, Absolutely. That lets the drunkard know that is a turning lane and not one for going straight.

    But trapped in line??
    First off, there was no bashing in my statement, and I'm honestly not sure how you came to that conclusion.

    Second, you've already described why I believe the turn signals should be used in a turn-only lane. It is necessary to properly indicate intent, and as you've clearly described, not everyone in the turning lane has the intent to turn. I've seen people stay in a turning lane, but go straight when they get to the front. I've also seen people turn on their other blinker to get out of the lane. However, turn signals in a turn lane don't mean much unless everyone in the lane uses them. That's the only way to be sure of intent, and therefore take any necessary measures to protect myself. If a driver in the lane doesn't have on their turn signal, one cannot know whether their intent is to turn or go straight, regardless of legality and safety of such a maneuver.

    Finally, it is the the law, and that is the way a driver is taught when it comes to proper signalling. If you don't like that, I would suggest petitioning to get that law changed.
  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited November 2011
    The handicapped placard or license plates rise to status symbol here in America.

    You know you want one.
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    edited November 2011
    Easy fix for the seriously misused Handicap plate---Make it a requirement that if you have a handicap plate, you must require some sort of device (cane, wheelchair, walker, etc) to be mobile, and must be using it. This would put an end to the jack wagons misusing these plates, and the priviledge would go back to those who truly need it.

    We have an **** here at work that is a weight lifter---and has a handicap plate on his Yamaha R-1 MOTORCYCLE. Explain this one to me?
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • Timothy Smith
    Timothy Smith Posts: 764
    edited November 2011
    People who start a conversation with the statement "YOU Think that........",

    and then proceed to tell you something that is, in fact, not what you actually think.

    I usually say "no, wait a minute, I'm me and I would know what I think, and that's not what I think".

    How do you argue with someone who assumes they know what you think?
    Norh ACA-2B tube pre, Sumo Andromeda SS amp. Magneplanar MMG speakers, M&K MX1250 Subwoofer, Pro-Ject RM1.3 Genie TT with Sumiko Pearl MM cart., Keces DAC, Cambridge Audio Azur 640c CD player
  • BeefJerky
    BeefJerky Posts: 1,320
    edited November 2011
    How do you argue with someone who assumes they know what you think?
    With futility. In other words, don't bother, it's not worth it.
  • Tony M
    Tony M Posts: 11,268
    edited November 2011
    steveinaz wrote: »
    Easy fix for the seriously misused Handicap plate---Make it a requirement that if you have a handicap plate, you must require some sort of device (cane, wheelchair, walker, etc) to be mobile, and must be using it. This would put an end to the jack wagons misusing these plates, and the priviledge would go back to those who truly need it.

    We have an **** here at work that is a weight lifter---and has a handicap plate on his Yamaha R-1 MOTORCYCLE. Explain this one to me?

    I have a 46 yr. old neighbor who used the pregnant woman spot at least once that I know of. He said it never gets used so he might as well. He has never left home so that tells you his dependent mentality and opportunistic tendencies.
    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.