Joe Paternos days of coaching is ending in shame..

tommyboy Posts: 1,414
edited November 2011 in The Clubhouse

We all know there are sick pedophiles in this world, but for a top-tier university to play it off as nothing makes it that much worse, its beyond comprehension. How could this guy be a part of the team for another 6 years and they didn't tell the authorities! Next to murder, this is the lowest of all crimes... This whole story is sickening...

It seems even Joe Paterno had a small part of its coverup as he did nothing after telling heads above him. Its possible he might never coach another game again. And maybe he shouldn't until he is able to explain himself about the subject. It was time for him anyways, but this is not the way anyone wanted to see him go.
Fronts: Monitor 50s
Center: CSI3
surrounds: R15s
Sub:Velodyne DPS10
Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
game hardware: 360 and gcn.
Gamertag: kovster27
Post edited by tommyboy on


  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2011
    The only people that want Joe to retire have nothing to do with the college, or even State College...

    The DA knew about it and had a damn near taped confession and he did nothing about it! If the DA is not going to press charges, what's Joe going to do?
  • avelanchefan
    avelanchefan Posts: 2,401
    edited November 2011
    I don't know guys. This whole thing stinks. But to tell a witnessed sexual predator to not bring your kids around campus anymore....well not sure how you sleep at night. They all have a finger, they all could have pressed 3 numbers and called 911. Feel bad for the ten year old that was just shoved aside. Who knows how many more their are.
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    edited November 2011
    Hang 'em ALL
    And Hang 'em HIGH!
    Paterno is treated like a god in these parts and i never understood it but i am not a Penn State grad.
    Too many people knew about this and looked the other way.Losing their jobs is the least that should happen to them.I have ZERO tolerance for pedophiles and anyone who covers up,enables,or dismisses that behavior.
    Maybe they should focus on schooling instead of football.
    Actually i take that back.I have made a boatload of money doing the engineering work for all of the Penn State engineering grads that couldn't design a way to make water run downhill.
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited November 2011
    Somebody should've asked "WTF is that guy still doing on this field?" If somebody could've been this Joe Paterno guy, that's that.
  • decal
    decal Posts: 3,205
    edited November 2011
    Anybody, Paterno included, that is found to be involved with this in any way should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law..
    If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited November 2011
    Upstatemax wrote: »
    The only people that want Joe to retire have nothing to do with the college, or even State College...

    The DA knew about it and had a damn near taped confession and he did nothing about it! If the DA is not going to press charges, what's Joe going to do?

    Did this occur back in 2002? If not, your argument is moot. The outrage has NOTHING to do with an excuse to get rid of Paterno. Its about young boys getting raped by a coach and no one caring because they don't want to tarnish their own legacy and of course to not threaten $$$.

    This wasn't Paterno finding out one of his coaches smoked weed and let his superiors figure out a punishment, he was caught in the shower with a 10 year old kid! After telling your superiors, any moral person would make sure this guy gets punished so it won't happen again....
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • cubdog
    cubdog Posts: 835
    edited November 2011
    The more I read about this the worse I feel. There is alot of guilt to go around and no one deserves a pass.

    Shuguang Classic S8MK
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    Sony SS-M7
    A/D/S L710
  • rebuy
    rebuy Posts: 695
    edited November 2011
    We are all human (most of us) and the ones we hold in high esteem will do something one day to let you down. I always find it funny when people who hold powerful positions and are paid very well turn out to be scum. Seems to be a lot of that going on lately.
    So much for job screening.
  • mark090852
    mark090852 Posts: 996
    edited November 2011
    This happened practically in my back yard. I can look out and see Mt. Nittany from my bedroom window. It is so sad. So much more could have and should have been done years ago. There would be fewer victims today if those in power had acted appropriately.

    McIntosh MA252 Integrated Amp, LUMIN D2 Network Music Player, Yamaha Aventage RX-A840 receiver, Emotiva XPA Gen3 2 channel amp, Polk LSiM 703 speakers. Oppo UDP-203 Blu-Ray player, Polk LSiM 705 speakers. Polk Signature S20 speakers.
  • rebuy
    rebuy Posts: 695
    edited November 2011
    I just watched the news at 11 and saw the students and fans that were so supportive of these guys due to football.
    It was really pathetic. These peoples values are so screwed up if a frigging football coach, and his winning record are more important than children being molested. The coaches children didn't care about the molestation, all they care about is their father's standing at the school. The crowds were cheering the coach on. They probably would not see it that way if their son or daughter was being violated, but then again if he's winning games, they just might go for it.

    Is football really that important?
  • schwarcw
    schwarcw Posts: 7,349
    edited November 2011
    Sorry Joe, it's time to go!

    Joe was in charge when all this happened and needs to accept responsibility. He didn't do enough to protect kids.

    He needs to come to the realization that his resignation will help Penn State. He is no longer an asset to the University

  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited November 2011
    rebuy wrote: »
    I just watched the news at 11 and saw the students and fans that were so supportive of these guys due to football.
    It was really pathetic. These peoples values are so screwed up if a frigging football coach, and his winning record are more important than children being molested. The coaches children didn't care about the molestation, all they care about is their father's standing at the school. The crowds were cheering the coach on. They probably would not see it that way if their son or daughter was being violated, but then again if he's winning games, they just might go for it.

    Is football really that important?

    I guess it is. I was arguing last night to a few Penn state Alumni about how ridiculous it is that students are backing Paterno. You know what their response was..... I never went to Penn State so I wouldn't understand. I about flipped at that point.

    When will they wake up and realize this is about MUCH more than football, but maybe thats all they have up there.

    I think this quote about sums it up and its from one of the few sane students at Penn State..

    "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

    So true for this incident and for everyday life.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    edited November 2011
    Think i'm gonna hurl. Why they even letting him finish the season. Same goes for the lot of them that knew and did nothing.
  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2011
    The DA knew about this stuff in 1998! They could have put him away easily.

    However the DA, for no apparent reason, declined to press charges. Basically gave this guy a pass to do what he wanted.

    Agian, if the DA would do nothing about it, what's Joe supposed to do?
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited November 2011
    Upstatemax wrote: »
    The DA knew about this stuff in 1998! They could have put him away easily.

    However the DA, for no apparent reason, declined to press charges. Basically gave this guy a pass to do what he wanted.

    Agian, if the DA would do nothing about it, what's Joe supposed to do?

    WOW, are you really that closed minded....

    You are talking about two completely seperate incidents. They didn't charge in 1998 cause of lack of evidence. The 2002 incident was never reported to police, and this is the problem.

    Whats even more shocking is they didn't act even knowing of the 1998 allegations. Heres what they indirectly told him, " You can rape kids, just not on school property."

    Stop trying to protect your beloved Paterno cause its not working and sorry to be so frank, but its pathetic.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2011
    tommyboy wrote: »
    WOW, are you really that closed minded....

    You are talking about two completely seperate incidents. They didn't charge in 1998 cause of lack of evidence. The 2002 incident was never reported to police, and this is the problem.

    Whats even more shocking is they didn't act even knowing of the 1998 allegations. Heres what they indirectly told him, " You can rape kids, just not on school property."

    Stop trying to protect your beloved Paterno cause its not working and sorry to be so frank, but its pathetic.

    Lack of evidence? They had him on tape admitting to it and saying what a horrible person he was...

    Police wanted to keep going, DA stopped it. He was around till 2005... So in 2002, what do you think that DA told the guys from Penn?

    I'm sorry, but when the DA tells you to drop something, not even the Police can do crap about it.
  • Roy Munson
    Roy Munson Posts: 886
    edited November 2011
    This reminds me of the Catholic Church scandal were protecting the institution became more important than protecting the children.

    Pretty sick.
    2 Channel:
    Amp/Parasound Halo A23
    Pre/Carver C-1
    Tuner/Carver TX-11a
    CDP/Jolida JD 100A
    Turntable/AR XB-Shure V15 III
  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    edited November 2011
    I bet if the news media would of got this the DA would have hung him. Not because its the rite thing to do. Just for reelection.
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited November 2011
    Upstatemax wrote: »
    The DA knew about this stuff in 1998! They could have put him away easily.

    However the DA, for no apparent reason, declined to press charges. Basically gave this guy a pass to do what he wanted.

    Agian, if the DA would do nothing about it, what's Joe supposed to do?

    That DA went missing in 2005. They just listed the case as deceased like a month and a half ago and nobody knows what happened to him. When the FBI went to investigate, all of the DA's records concerning active cases were gone and the computer systems he used had the hard drives erased or removed completely.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    edited November 2011
    Jstas wrote: »
    That DA went missing in 2005. They just listed the case as deceased like a month and a half ago and nobody knows what happened to him. When the FBI went to investigate, all of the DA's records concerning active cases were gone and the computer systems he used had the hard drives erased or removed completely.

    Yep.I was discussing just that this morning with someone.Kinda strange ain't it?
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • rebuy
    rebuy Posts: 695
    edited November 2011
    Even tho these people are in this "crime" up to their eyeballs, they get to finish out the season and collect a paycheck. I did write to the Penn State Sports dept and told them what I think. They should not be allowed one more day of employment. :mad:
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited November 2011
    brgman wrote: »
    Yep.I was discussing just that this morning with someone.Kinda strange ain't it?

    Well, it makes me wonder about alot of things.

    1.) What did the kid tell Paterno?
    2.) If the situation was so bad, why didn't the kid go to the police? I mean, he's a grad assistant. Legally a grown man. He could have picked up the phone just as easily.
    3.) Many incidents have been reported by janitors, campus police and even another student. Why is Joe Paterno the only one being put through the ringer?
    4.) If charges were brought up and teh DA couldn't get them to stick what chance does Joe paterno have?
    5.) If I was Joe and worked with a guy for 22 years before I heard these accusations, I'd be less inclined to believe them too and not want to needlessly destroy a guy's life/career or unfounded accusations.
    6.) Why does nobody seem to know who the hell this graduate coaching assistant is and why can't they find him?

    There's alot going on here and an obvious cover up that goes beyond Penn State and all the way to the police department. I don't think Joe Paterno is as involved as many people are saying he is. I think given Paterno's history with Sandusky, the fact that he said something about it to his superiors at all shows he took it seriously. And honestly, that's all he could really do without opening himself up to legal liability. If anything, the graduate coaching assistant failed in his reporting of the incident as well as the school officials. Could Paterno have followed up? Maybe but, Sandusky didn't work on the football coaching staff anymore when it happened and if Paterno wasn't there, the cops would come take a statement and then talk to Sandusky but without evidence, a report from the victim or the eye witness reporting, there's nothing the cops could do about it.They could arrest Sandusky but without formal charges, they could only hold him for like 48-72 hours or something. If evidence or a witness/victim didn't step forward in that time, they'd have to release him anyway.

    I'm not saying Paterno's completely innocent but if the freakin' District Attorney DISAPPEARED after trying to prosecute this case, was Paterno lazy/negligent or was he threatened to keep him quiet?

    This is a big deal and I honestly don't think the fit hit the shan on this yet. It's pre-mature to make Paterno the scapegoat. Especially when there are other people in the mix who actually did do wrong and nobody even mentions them in their incredulous rants full of misplaced anger.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2011
    Jstas wrote: »
    Well, it makes me wonder about alot of things.

    1.) What did the kid tell Paterno?
    2.) If the situation was so bad, why didn't the kid go to the police? I mean, he's a grad assistant. Legally a grown man. He could have picked up the phone just as easily.
    3.) Many incidents have been reported by janitors, campus police and even another student. Why is Joe Paterno the only one being put through the ringer?
    4.) If charges were brought up and teh DA couldn't get them to stick what chance does Joe paterno have?
    5.) If I was Joe and worked with a guy for 22 years before I heard these accusations, I'd be less inclined to believe them too and not want to needlessly destroy a guy's life/career or unfounded accusations.
    6.) Why does nobody seem to know who the hell this graduate coaching assistant is and why can't they find him?

    There's alot going on here and an obvious cover up that goes beyond Penn State and all the way to the police department. I don't think Joe Paterno is as involved as many people are saying he is. I think given Paterno's history with Sandusky, the fact that he said something about it to his superiors at all shows he took it seriously. And honestly, that's all he could really do without opening himself up to legal liability. If anything, the graduate coaching assistant failed in his reporting of the incident as well as the school officials. Could Paterno have followed up? Maybe but, Sandusky didn't work on the football coaching staff anymore when it happened and if Paterno wasn't there, the cops would come take a statement and then talk to Sandusky but without evidence, a report from the victim or the eye witness reporting, there's nothing the cops could do about it.They could arrest Sandusky but without formal charges, they could only hold him for like 48-72 hours or something. If evidence or a witness/victim didn't step forward in that time, they'd have to release him anyway.

    I'm not saying Paterno's completely innocent but if the freakin' District Attorney DISAPPEARED after trying to prosecute this case, was Paterno lazy/negligent or was he threatened to keep him quiet?

    This is a big deal and I honestly don't think the fit hit the shan on this yet. It's pre-mature to make Paterno the scapegoat. Especially when there are other people in the mix who actually did do wrong and nobody even mentions them in their incredulous rants full of misplaced anger.

    100% agree.

    I've lived in State College, I've also been in legal trouble with the College... Long story short, my lawyer basically talked to the School admins, asked how much I needed to pay to make it go away. They gave him the number, I paid it and all charges were dropped by the DA.

    Welcome to State College.

    My trouble was NOTHING like this, just drunk fool type of stuff. But the College RUNS that town.
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited November 2011
    Upstatemax wrote: »
    Lack of evidence? They had him on tape admitting to it and saying what a horrible person he was...

    Police wanted to keep going, DA stopped it. He was around till 2005... So in 2002, what do you think that DA told the guys from Penn?

    I'm sorry, but when the DA tells you to drop something, not even the Police can do crap about it.

    Why in the hell would the DA stop it, what motive could he possibly have?

    Tell me, are you making up these conspiracies so you can make excuses in your head that Joe Paterno is non corruptable...

    Again, people like me aren't putting all the blame on Paterno. So many more are just as guilty, he just has the most to lose.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited November 2011
    tommyboy wrote: »
    ...he just has the most to lose.

    You're gonna have to qualify that statement there. Paterno, unless he is found guilty of participating in a cover up (which he won't be since there is record of him reporting it), he's not going to jail. Unless new evidence crops up, Paterno broke no laws. He's not required to follow up on anything that he's already notified the authorities of. That's why we have authorities. He'll retire and live out his years hopefully far away from everyone so he can get some peace and quiet. The others involved are going to lose their jobs, their freedom, their money and likely their assets and family. Some may even decide to take their own lives.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2011
    tommyboy wrote: »
    Why in the hell would the DA stop it, what motive could he possibly have?

    Tell me, are you making up these conspiracies so you can make excuses in your head that Joe Paterno is non corruptable...

    Again, people like me aren't putting all the blame on Paterno. So many more are just as guilty, he just has the most to lose.


    Jstas wrote: »
    That DA went missing in 2005. They just listed the case as deceased like a month and a half ago and nobody knows what happened to him. When the FBI went to investigate, all of the DA's records concerning active cases were gone and the computer systems he used had the hard drives erased or removed completely.

    No it's not just me.

    There is some fishy stuff going on with the whole situation.
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    edited November 2011
    Is that the theme to The Sopranos i hear in the background?
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited November 2011
    Jstas wrote: »
    You're gonna have to qualify that statement there. Paterno, unless he is found guilty of participating in a cover up (which he won't be since there is record of him reporting it), he's not going to jail. Unless new evidence crops up, Paterno broke no laws. He's not required to follow up on anything that he's already notified the authorities of. That's why we have authorities. He'll retire and live out his years hopefully far away from everyone so he can get some peace and quiet. The others involved are going to lose their jobs, their freedom, their money and likely their assets and family. Some may even decide to take their own lives.

    I didn't mean in terms of jail time. Its his legacy that he tried so hard to build up will now forever be tarnished.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited November 2011
    Upstatemax wrote: »

    No it's not just me.

    There is some fishy stuff going on with the whole situation.

    Thats quite a story, though how someone would think someones disappearance in 2005 is connected to an investigation in 1998 is beyond me.

    This is how conspiracy theories work. They put two events that are completely separate but are known to the public, and somehow link them together with only speculation. If there's any proof of this then I'm all ears. Hell, there might be a logical explanation about his files. But even there is isn't, that doesn't make these two incidents linked.
    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited November 2011
    tommyboy wrote: »
    Thats quite a story, though how someone would think someones disappearance in 2005 is connected to an investigation in 1998 is beyond me.

    Are you serious?

    The first accusations came in 1994. The missing DA prosecuted in 1998. Nothing stuck because of a lack of evidence and witnesses willing to talk. The case went dead. In 2002, when Paterno was involved by the coaching assistant, the DA reopened the case and cited new evidence. The case didn't get dismissed. It was investigated but again, no evidence or credible witnesses came forward. At least that's what we have been led to believe. Maybe that stuff was suppresed. But that took a couple years to get through the system an wasn't put to bed until early 2004. Then in early 2005, this DA and all his compiled evidence on the case disappears.

    It's not a "story" or a conspiracy theory. They two incidents are directly related. It was in the local papers. The police reports are out there and you can even read the missing persons report at the county office. It's real.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!