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Well hello there...
Been (a very long) awhile since my last visit. Thought I'd stop by and see how y'all are doing. Still have my HT room in the garage and just now dusted off the 'ol turntable and getting her set back up for my garage rig. Finally have more free time on my hands to get back here...

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Re: Amplifier
I spoke to Klaus from Odyssey briefly yesterday and what a cool guy. I called him out of the blue and he took the time to answer all my questions. I don't need a pair of Stratus Monoblocks, but I really want a pair, as this would be my first pair of monblocks.

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Re: Lets talk Sample rates.
Chris, I would advise to you to drop it. You are a one man band with your opinion on this and you are wrong.
You can twist the words, quite people on the internet and find all kinds of videos of cable deniers all over the web.
What you are doing here is losing respect. Fast.
Most of the people here not only know about utilizing different metallurgy within their cabling, they use it. That includes me.
We do not appreciate being labeled as, "believers" and having our experiences chalked up to a placebo effect and that we are delusional with what we hear.
I would advise getting your ears on things before you prance around this forum to save us from our delusions. You are quite simply showing the world how wildly inexperienced you are.
There are other forums out there where you can go and stroke each other's monkeys, pat each other on the back and talk all the smack you want about how cables don't make a difference and that all amplifiers sound the same. This is not one of them.
I would suggest going there because you are not making any friends here. We love to help people out along their audio journey but with your attitude and way of making friends?
You can twist the words, quite people on the internet and find all kinds of videos of cable deniers all over the web.
What you are doing here is losing respect. Fast.
Most of the people here not only know about utilizing different metallurgy within their cabling, they use it. That includes me.
We do not appreciate being labeled as, "believers" and having our experiences chalked up to a placebo effect and that we are delusional with what we hear.
I would advise getting your ears on things before you prance around this forum to save us from our delusions. You are quite simply showing the world how wildly inexperienced you are.
There are other forums out there where you can go and stroke each other's monkeys, pat each other on the back and talk all the smack you want about how cables don't make a difference and that all amplifiers sound the same. This is not one of them.
I would suggest going there because you are not making any friends here. We love to help people out along their audio journey but with your attitude and way of making friends?

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Re: Lets talk Sample rates.
I wonder how many of you old-timers were much different than ChrisD06 at age 17? (Thinking you knew more than you actually did at that age.)
Schiit, most young people stream mp3s.
At least he’s here. He’ll learn more with time and exposure to the forum.
I definitely thought I did.
I also had an immense amount of respect to those much older than I and didn't dismiss their experiences out of hand. Most of the older relatives and others also said what worked for them may not be my experience so I should experiment to find what works best for myself. That being said I did have two uncles who were deep into audio. One was straight up McIntosh junky ( I wish I had his gear today). The other had a stack of Nikko stuff, both were great in their own way. Once again stuff was much different in the 70's, there was no monster cable and most speaker wire may have been 18ga, maybe. I know it was tiny. I also remember the TV channels, we had many, no actually there were only 3, ABC, NBC and CBS. At 11-12 at night they all signed off the air and came back on at 7-7:30 a.m. so from sign off to sign on you got the lovely test pattern 😁.
Unfortunately if @ChrisD06 continues to dismiss everything out of hand and keeps a closed mind he's not going to learn. My experience at the Axpona and Rocky mountain audio fest taught me a TON. I've heard multi-million dollar systems that I would not pay $100 for, but I also know those people that do fund that kind of equipment the technology trickles down to gear and wire I can afford. So thanks to those folks who have that deep pockets! I've also heard low budget stuff at those audio festivals that have blown me out of my chair! Once again if I had gone into those festivals with a very closed mind, I would have learned nothing. What is very cool about the festivals is getting to actually talk to the designer and builders of the gear. To hear them talk about their failures before they struck gold so to speak is very informative. To hear them talk about something so simple they may of had a preconceived notion then to be proven wrong is also very important to hear. It goes to prove that even their highly sophisticated abilities can be fouled by preconceived mindsets.
My .02

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Re: Lets talk Sample rates.
It’s been a while since a good ‘ol cable debate.
I used to “follow the science”… now I follow my ears….
I used to “follow the science”… now I follow my ears….

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Re: Lets talk Sample rates.
Chris, I would advise to you to drop it. You are a one man band with your opinion on this and you are wrong.
You can twist the words, quite people on the internet and find all kinds of videos of cable deniers all over the web.
What you are doing here is losing respect. Fast.
Most of the people here not only know about utilizing different metallurgy within their cabling, they use it. That includes me.
We do not appreciate being labeled as, "believers" and having our experiences chalked up to a placebo effect and that we are delusional with what we hear.
I would advise getting your ears on things before you prance around this forum to save us from our delusions. You are quite simply showing the world how wildly inexperienced you are.
There are other forums out there where you can go and stroke each other's monkeys, pat each other on the back and talk all the smack you want about how cables don't make a difference and that all amplifiers sound the same. This is not one of them.
I would suggest going there because you are not making any friends here. We love to help people out along their audio journey but with your attitude and way of making friends?
The difference between amplifiers and cables is amplifiers process audio, cables simply take the electrical signal and move it. Amplifiers can sound different because they're complex and certain parts affect certain frequencies. A cable is a piece of metal which transfers a signal, and there's a certain point where you're getting into snake oil.
Saying these cables really are better because you can 'hear' a difference even though the actual science says that's not true, is like if I said I can taste the difference between two brands of water which literally measure the exact same. One might be more expensive and promise to be better, maybe it was hand made! But they're the same, end of story. It's impossible for them to be different after a certain point. Unless you went from 26 AWG cable to these snake oil ones, you are fooling yourself.

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Re: Lets talk Sample rates.
As far as Carver tube amps go? There were one or two of the current lineup that had issues. I have heard just about every tube amp the man ever put out (including the ultra-rare) and I can assure you the man knows how to build a wonderfully sounding tube amp.
Your friend was correct but not correct enough. Blanket statements like that about Carver tube amps is a disservice to the man and not altogether honest.
Your friend was correct but not correct enough. Blanket statements like that about Carver tube amps is a disservice to the man and not altogether honest.

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