What are you playing?



  • Posts: 799
    Keiko wrote: »

    Buying a used PS3 isn't an option because who knows how long before that one gives up the ghost? I like to take care of my stuff and my PS3 is immaculate cosmetically, so I'm leaning to having the repair done on this and having the problematic caps replaced with better quality ones if possible.

    Can't complain really because this console has lasted me well over 10yrs. Probably closer to 12, but if it can be repaired with better parts for longevity, I'm willing to pay for it. I was watching a video earlier this evening and did y'all know that the PS3 was the last game console from Sony that supported CD playback? And on top of that, most manufacturers aren't making CD players anymore either. So for 250.00 it might be worth it for the universal disc playback alone. For awhile there my PS3 was mostly used for playing blu-rays. It's one of the Fat models, but the generation after they removed SACD compatibility. And IIRC it's has an 80GB HD.

    I wish I read this thread months ago. I just found this out the hard way. :D

    PS5: Grand Turismo 7

    2ch rig: Speakers: Magnepan LRS w/Magna Riser stands Preamplifier: Parasound P5 Amplifier: Parasound A23 CDP: Pioneer DV-563A Cables: Wireworld Equinox 7 XLR ICs, Wireworld Ultraviolet 7 USB, AudioQuest Q2s, AudioQuest NRG X(preamp)

    Standby: LSi9s with VR3's Fortress mods
  • Posts: 4,538
    edited October 2023
    Starfield! On PC and XBox X.

    My Alienware desktop computer is only around 4 years old with an i7 8700K processor and a RTX 2080 graphics card. No way to play this game on an ultrawide monitor except on low graphics settings with that configuration and it still stutters with complex combat, zoom ins, and view distance in cities. Very processor intensive game.
  • Posts: 929
    It comes as no surprise to anyone who knows my age but...

    I've been playing Minecraft lately, and by lately I mean I started a server January 2023 and it's been running constantly for 9 months. I have 350 hours in the world and have made an abundance of progress along with some massive builds with a lot of friends who joined as well.

    Honestly I always liked Minecraft but man, once you reach endgame, it gets so friggin fun
  • Posts: 1,068
    Baldur's Gate 3. Got 80 hours into it so far. Still in Act 1. Don't usually play RPG's and never played D&D, but enjoying this game. Had to install some Nexus mods to make it playable though.
    SystemLuxman L-590AXII Integrated Amplifier|KEF Reference 1 Loudspeakers|PS Audio Directream Jr|Sansui TU-9900 Tuner|TEAC A-6100 RtR|Nakamichi RX-202 Cassette
  • Posts: 1,521
    Still playing War Thunder on a PC. Switched from arcade to realistic. Mostly air battles.
    Mojo Audio Illuminati v3>>Quantum Byte w/LMS>>Rpi/PiCoreplayer>> Starlight 7 USB >> Mojo Audio Mystique v2 SE>>ModWright SWL 9.0 SE Signature>>Hafler DH-500 Amp+ (Musical Concepts Fully Modded)>>
    SRS 2.3TL (Fully Modded)...Velodyne Optimum 8 subwoofer
    1KVA Dreadnought

    Marantz SA 8005
    Pioneer PLX-1000 Turntable - Shure SC35C/N35X - V15III/VN35HE
    Yamaha TX-540 Tuner...Sony BDP-S570
    Sony PS4

    Separate subpanel with four dedicated 20 amp circuits.
    1. Amplification 2. Analog 3. Digital 4. Video

  • Any other cs fans out there?
  • Posts: 1,068
    VicGrimes wrote: »
    Any other cs fans out there?

    I was a CS fanatic 15-20 years ago. Was in a clan and all of that stuff. I stopped maybe 10-12 years ago? Taken it up again recently with the release of CS 2 but I suck. Need to play more but most my gaming time is spent on BG3 at the moment.
    SystemLuxman L-590AXII Integrated Amplifier|KEF Reference 1 Loudspeakers|PS Audio Directream Jr|Sansui TU-9900 Tuner|TEAC A-6100 RtR|Nakamichi RX-202 Cassette
  • Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Currently deep into Counter-Strike, the strategic vibe really hits the spot. Anyone else vibing with CS lately? Share your favorite plays!

    Also, randomly stumbled upon the CS2 market – neat place for gaming finds. No pressure, just thought I'd throw it out there. What games are keeping you occupied these days?
  • I am playing multiples games i can't play a single game whole day so i have divided time for each game. I play Cyberpunk for 4 hours, then Red Dead Redemption 2 for straight 2 hour and i love to listen Zach Bryan Merch while gaming, it just make me lost in the games.
  • Death Stranding. As a 50 yr old man who started with Intellivision way back when, it’s crazy to play this game.

    John Prine was right. We really are living in the future.
  • I’ve been bouncing between a few racing games like GT4, NFS Carbon, Prostreet, and Underground.
  • Posts: 13,018
    Thank you that’s fascinating, I didn’t even realize bots could play video games.
  • Osteerha wrote: »
    I’ve been bouncing between a few racing games like GT4, NFS Carbon, Prostreet, and Underground.
    I’ve also fired up some old NES, SNES, and Genesis games on my Wii. It’s been fun going back to those classics, especially when I need a break from the newer stuff.
    When I’m looking for something easy and quick, I usually play a round of solitaire. It’s a nice way to relax without getting too caught up. What about you? What are you playing these days?
  • Posts: 8,816
    Knew that was coming...
  • Posts: 2,606
    Haven't played anything in 3 years since I moved back home from WA, up near our good buddy @ken brydson I left my XBox 360 with my son and grandsons. Street Fighter was what the 4 us did when they came to visit. The loser would pass the remote, the champion would try remaining in the "champ" seat as long as possible. My little **** grandsons would say, Papaw, wait, don't do anything, I want to try something. Then sashay up to me and start kicking the crap out of my character....
    Source: BRP Panasonic UB9000, CDP Emotiva ERC3 - Display: LG OLED EVO 83 C3 - Pre/Pro: Marantz 8802A - Amplification: Emotiva XPA-DR3, XPA-2 x 2, XPA-6, Speakers, Mains/2ch-Focal Kanta No2's, C-LSiM706, S-702F/X, RS-RTiA9's, WS-RTiA9's, FH-RTiA3's, Subs - Epik Empire x 2

    Cables: AudioQuest McKenzie XLR's/CDP/Amp, Carbon 48/BRP, Forest 48/Display, 2 channel speaker cable: Furutech FS Alpha 36 12AWG PCOCC Single Crystal (Douglas Connection)

    EXPERIENCE: next to nothing, but I sure enjoy audio and video MY OPINION OF THIS HOBBY: I may not be a smart man, but I know what quicksand is.
    When I was young, I was Superman but now that old age has gotten the best of me I'm only Batman


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