What are you playing?



  • VTO888
    VTO888 Posts: 72
    edited August 2012
    Bout to start plying ghost recon soon. Can't get enough of Cod MW3 right now.
  • jkg123
    jkg123 Posts: 114
    edited September 2012
    BF3 and Madden 2013
  • blehmbo
    blehmbo Posts: 179
    edited September 2012
    I picked up Crysis and Crysis: Warhead on steam this Thursday to give my new graphics card a warm up and I've been hooked on it since. It does have its flaws, but those have been easy to overlook so far. Plus the graphics look pretty awesome on very high.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,997
    edited September 2012
    Getting psyched for Borderlands 2 on the PC next Tuesday!
  • blehmbo
    blehmbo Posts: 179
    edited September 2012
    FYI: Borderlands 2 pre-loading has started on Steam.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,997
    edited September 2012
    Yep, all downloaded and ready to go! Can't wait!
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,997
    edited September 2012
    So far so good! Played about an hour of co-op with a Steam friend. Definitely enjoying the graphics, would look even better on a big screen. Might have to try it on my 37" TV.

    Feels a little "arcadey" for lack of a better word and the movement isn't that fluid. Controls feel a little consolized. But these are pretty minor complaints.
  • TitaniumMan
    TitaniumMan Posts: 93
    edited September 2012
    I'm a horribly outdated PC gamer. I like realistic combat flight sims. You know the ones--hours of boredom interrupted by moments of terror. The only arcade style flight sim I ever enjoyed was Jetfighter II. I used to practice landing an F16 on a carrier. Not easy to do!

    Still playing Mektek's Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries. I like big Mechs and I cannot lie.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,997
    edited September 2012
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2012
    I'm a horribly outdated PC gamer. I like realistic combat flight sims. You know the ones--hours of boredom interrupted by moments of terror. The only arcade style flight sim I ever enjoyed was Jetfighter II. I used to practice landing an F16 on a carrier. Not easy to do!

    Still playing Mektek's Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries. I like big Mechs and I cannot lie.
    Been a while since I have been "in" a real Mech. Downloaded a trial version for the 360, just not the same.
  • snake1
    snake1 Posts: 567
    edited September 2012
    Black Ops and MW3 take up the majority of my time. Have Black Ops 2 on preorder!
    AVR - Onkyo NR809
    500gb HD for MP3 and FLAC files
    Amp - Parasound 2250 - FOR SALE BTW!! PM me if interested!
    Mains - Polk RTi12 towers
    Center - CSi5
    Surround - FXiA6's
    Sub - psw505
    Movies and games - PS3
    TV - Toshiba 52" HD

    Every vehicle has one good nuetral drop in it
  • SDA1C
    SDA1C Posts: 2,072
    edited September 2012
    World of Tanks and Max Payne3.
    Too much **** to list....
  • TitaniumMan
    TitaniumMan Posts: 93
    edited September 2012
    Been a while since I have been "in" a real Mech. Downloaded a trial version for the 360, just not the same.

    I prefer PC gaming for almost anything simulator-ish. Although I have enjoyed some racing games on the consoles.
  • mrbiron
    mrbiron Posts: 5,711
    edited September 2012
    Just played and beat both Mafia II and Medal of Honor.

    I have NHL13 on deck and will throw in Deus Ex Human Revolution when i get aggravated when the computer becomes impossible to beat.
    Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!!
  • Thorton
    Thorton Posts: 1,324
    edited September 2012
    Just picked up NCAA 13. Haven't played it yet but loved 11.
    AVR: Denon AVR-3805, AMP: Parasound Model 2250, Front: Polk RTIA7, Center: Polk CSIA6, Surrounds: Polk FXIA6, Sub: Polk DSW PRO660WI
    Ethernet Filter: GigaFOILv4 with Keces P3 LPS
    Source: Roon via ethernet to DAC interface
    DAC: Bricasti M1SE
    Pre/Pro: Marantz AV8805
    Tube Preamp Buffer: Tortuga TPB.V1
    Amp1: Nord One NC1200DM Signature, Amp2: W4S MC-5, AMP3: W4S MMC-7
    Front: Salk SoundScape 8's, Center: Salk SoundScape C7
    Surround: Polk FXIA6, Surround Back: Polk RTIA9, Atmos: Polk 70-RT
    Subs: 2 - Rythmik F25's
    IC & Speaker Cables: Acoustic Zen, Wireworld, Signal Cable
    Power Cables: Acoustic Zen, Wireworld, PS Audio
    Room Treatments: GIK Acoustics
  • Syndil
    Syndil Posts: 1,582
    edited September 2012
    Been playing a lot of MS Flight lately. Pretty sure I could operate a single-engined prop plane without killing myself. Shame MS abandoned it.

    RT-12, CS350-LS, PSW-300, Infinity Overture 1, Monoprice RC-65i
    Adcom GFA-545II, GFA-6000, Outlaw Audio 990, Netgear NeoTV
    Denon DCM-460, DMD-1000, Sony BDP-360, Bravia KDL-40Z4100/S
    Monster AVL-300, HTS-2500 MKII
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited September 2012
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2012
  • RduNC
    RduNC Posts: 87
    edited September 2012
    Been playing Company Of Heroes. I can't wait for Company Of Heroes 2 to come out!
  • Esterlly
    Esterlly Posts: 6
    edited September 2012
    Now it's the prototype 2 for me... amazing graphics and the creators are the same who created Call of duty, i.e. activision.
  • unclebiskabobka
    unclebiskabobka Posts: 109
    edited October 2012
    Just started Halo CE. I've played through the original before, but it's good to see the new graphics!
    TV - LG 42" LED
    Receiver - Pioneer VSX-521
    Front speakers - Polk Monitor 40's Series II
    Center - Polk Monitor CS1 Series II
    Surround - Polk Audio OWM3
    Subwoofer - JBL L8400P

    "I was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs, my kidneys, my liver, my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me-like food or water."

    ~Ray Charles~
  • lifelongnewb
    lifelongnewb Posts: 72
    edited October 2012
    Toy Soldiers: Cold War..xbox 360..tons of mindless fun.
  • blehmbo
    blehmbo Posts: 179
    edited October 2012
    I'm still hooked on borderlands 2. Constantly searching for better loot :)

    "You can never be too well armed."
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,997
    edited October 2012
    Level 26 gunzerker now and loving it, especially all the sweet sniper rifles. They did a great job with this game.
    blehmbo wrote: »
    I'm still hooked on borderlands 2. Constantly searching for better loot :)

    "You can never be too well armed."
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited October 2012
    Alright, I know we already have a gamer tag thread, but for those of you who have missed it, lets do an update here. I only have one for the 360 and it is dudeinaroom, feel free to add me. I'm not online much, and do not have a gold membership, but it is still fun to compare stats and have a crack at breaking others records(Shizelbs, I broke 2 of your records on NFS hot pursuit last night). My connection is also too slow for real time online play so at this time a gold membership is a waste for me, but with the free account I can still have some fun. Hit me up, I'll add anyone.
  • bluecomet
    bluecomet Posts: 1,118
    edited October 2012
    The Witcher 2 on Xbox 360. Great game.
    Polk HT system 1: LSIC, LSI25 mains, LSI F/X rears, Lsi F/X rear centers,
    Yamaha RX-V2500 System, Carver A753 3 channel amp.

    Polk HT system 2: , SRT system with f/x 1,000's rear speakers on 7.1 system currently using Onkyo TX-RZ820 receiver, powered by Sunfire Grand Theater amp

    Polk Speaker collection: SDA SRS 1.2tl x 2, SRT system, SDA SRS 2 P/B, SDA 2A, SDA 1C Studio, SDA CRS+, Monitor 7B & 4, SRS 3.1tl, RTA 15tl, LS90, LSI 9
  • kuntasensei
    kuntasensei Posts: 3,263
    edited October 2012
    Been playing Borderlands 2 and DOA5. Picked up Dishonored at midnight... and I can already tell that this is going to be a huge time-suck for me. Fantastic game so far!
    Equipment list:
    Onkyo TX-NR3010 9.2 AVR
    Emotiva XPA-3 amp
    Polk RTi70 mains, CSi40 center, RTi38 surrounds, RTi28 rears and heights
    SVS 20-39CS+ subwoofer powered by Crown XLS1500
    Oppo BDP-93 Blu-ray player
    DarbeeVision DVP5000 video processor
    Epson 8500UB 1080p projector
    Elite Screens Sable 120" CineWhite screen
  • gigbyt
    gigbyt Posts: 145
    edited October 2012
  • gigbyt
    gigbyt Posts: 145
    edited October 2012
    also love postal 2.LOL.