My demon child just raped my RTi10...
Reading stories and replys like this reminds me why I joined this forum. Has to be one of the most positve places on the web. Fantastic group of people
I haven't had a chance to call Polk CS yet, but i'll try to get that done after work today."Dr Dunn admitted that his research could also be interpreted as evidence that women are shallower than men. He said: "Let's face it - there's evidence to support it."Best Buy is for people who don't know any better. Magnolia is for people who don't know any better and have more money to spend.
TV: SAMSUNG UN55B7000 55" 1080p LED HDTV
HTPC: Chromecast w/ Plex Media Server. Media streamed from Media Server. -
ryanjoachim wrote: »He has his own toys! That's how he broke the woofer in the first place!
Oh Yeah ! Lego and Hammer Versus POLK Speakers.... -
Oh Yeah ! Lego and Hammer Versus POLK Speakers....
With the strength of an enthusiastic 3yr old behind it, the lego wins every time."Dr Dunn admitted that his research could also be interpreted as evidence that women are shallower than men. He said: "Let's face it - there's evidence to support it."Best Buy is for people who don't know any better. Magnolia is for people who don't know any better and have more money to spend.
TV: SAMSUNG UN55B7000 55" 1080p LED HDTV
HTPC: Chromecast w/ Plex Media Server. Media streamed from Media Server. -
Spare the duct tape, spoil the job!
I had a similar situation a number of years back with my car. My car was parked outside (rare occasion) and had dew all over the windows. My son was drawing pictures in the dew with his finger on the windows, which was ok. But I had to get after him when he started drawing on the paint as it was a little dirty and I didn't want it to scratch. Later i drove to work and noticed scratches all down both sides of the car:mad:. I knew at once it was from his belt buckle. I saw red! Then I saw the words dried on the side window, "I Love You Daddy". Life suddenly fell into perspective. Maybe I could buff them out but I didnt.
The words washed away with the next rain but the scratches remained to remind me, not of the anger of the moment, but of the joy of my son's love.
About a year later my car was totaled. As I removed the contents from the car to send it off to the junk yard my eye fell upon the scratches. I was saddened that I wouldn't have those scratches to look at anymore. ... But, I still have my son's love.
Now that is a beautiful story! If only more parents would have that "perspective" moment with their kids.
JoeAmplifiers: 1-SAE Mark IV, 4-SAE 2400, 1-SAE 2500, 2-SAE 2600, 1-Buttkicker BKA 1000N w/2-tactile transducers. Sources: Sony BDP CX7000es, Sony CX300/CX400/CX450/CX455, SAE 8000 tuner, Akai 4000D R2R, Technics 1100A TT, Epson 8500UB with Carada 100". Speakers:Polk SDA SRS, 3.1TL, FXi5, FXi3, 2-SVS 20-29, Yamaha, SVS center sub. Power:2-Monster HTS3500, Furman M-8D & RR16 Plus. 2-SAE 4000 X-overs, SAE 5000a noise reduction, MSB Link DAC III, MSB Powerbase, Behringer 2496, Monarchy DIP 24/96. -
ryanjoachim wrote: »I mean the one just below the small silver one on they very top, and just above the small hole.
See how good I am with the lingo?!
You've picked up a lot in 2+ years and almost 1,000 posts.
Sorry about the speaker. -
Spare the duct tape, spoil the job!
I had a similar situation a number of years back with my car. My car was parked outside (rare occasion) and had dew all over the windows. My son was drawing pictures in the dew with his finger on the windows, which was ok. But I had to get after him when he started drawing on the paint as it was a little dirty and I didn't want it to scratch. Later i drove to work and noticed scratches all down both sides of the car:mad:. I knew at once it was from his belt buckle. I saw red! Then I saw the words dried on the side window, "I Love You Daddy". Life suddenly fell into perspective. Maybe I could buff them out but I didn’t.
The words washed away with the next rain but the scratches remained to remind me, not of the anger of the moment, but of the joy of my son's love.
About a year later my car was totaled. As I removed the contents from the car to send it off to the junk yard my eye fell upon the scratches. I was saddened that I wouldn't have those scratches to look at anymore. ... But, I still have my son's love.
That was beautiful man, for real. I have three small children 5,3,1 and your post really pulled on my heart strings. My children probably test my patience at least once every day but the good FAR exceeds the bad. I couldn't imagine my life without them. Does it add stress to my life, absolutely. Do they add joy to my life, absolutely. They were taught, however, from a very young age that daddy's electronics are off limits. For the most part they respect them very much. My son just likes to push the buttons and turn things on and off and back on and off. It's all part of the joys of parenthood. And when they jump up on your lap, wrap their arms around you and tell you they love's a feeling only a parent can describe.Samsung LN52A650 : PS3 : RTi A7s : CSi5 : SVS PC12-NSD : Pioneer VSX-9040THX : Emotiva XPA-3 = -
ryanjoachim wrote: »So my son, being the angel that he is, decided to take a large lego and hammer it repeatedly into the top black speaker on my RTi10.
He succeeded in causing several decent cracks through the speaker.
I have no clue where to go from here as far as repairing the speaker goes...any tips/suggestions?
Ah yes, I remember commenting on how brave you were in another post for leaving your speakers uncovered with small children. As much as my children no better than to mess with my equipment, there is no way in H-E double hockey sticks I would leave those babies uncovered. Keep things in perspective, it could always be worse. My 3 year old was in the hospital with pneumonia for 4 days over Easter. Her temp jumped to 104.3 the night we took her to the ER. Had to sit her in a tub of cool water to help her fever break. She screamed and I had to literally hold her down for her own good. Broke my heart but it had to be done. She is okay now, thankfully, but life is precious, never take it for granted. Speakers are replaceable. Good luck!Samsung LN52A650 : PS3 : RTi A7s : CSi5 : SVS PC12-NSD : Pioneer VSX-9040THX : Emotiva XPA-3 = -
ryanjoachim wrote: »I mean the one just below the small silver one on they very top, and just above the small hole.
See how good I am with the lingo?!George Grand wrote: »You've picked up a lot in 2+ years and almost 1,000 posts.
Sorry about the speaker.
Whew, had to get that out.Really, what a great bunch of guys here - just awesome.
Seriously, a new driver shouldn't be outrageously expensive, and the actual replacement should take all of a couple minutes - remove allen screws, disconnect wires from broken driver, and reverse the process with the new driver. -
That was beautiful man, for real. I have three small children 5,3,1 and your post really pulled on my heart strings. My children probably test my patience at least once every day but the good FAR exceeds the bad. I couldn't imagine my life without them. Does it add stress to my life, absolutely. Do they add joy to my life, absolutely. They were taught, however, from a very young age that daddy's electronics are off limits. For the most part they respect them very much. My son just likes to push the buttons and turn things on and off and back on and off. It's all part of the joys of parenthood. And when they jump up on your lap, wrap their arms around you and tell you they love's a feeling only a parent can describe.
Wow, you are in the thick of it. They are about the same spread as my boys. Mine are now 12, 8, 6 and a 3-year-old on the way. We are adopting a little girl from China. They break things but I have to remember that the things can be replaced. I do try to teach them at an early age how to use things properly and they are pretty good about it. Some things I keep tucked away. I really hope to get out my turn table some day. For now I fear for its life and it sits on a shelf in the basement waiting.
Main 2ch:
Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.
Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60
Other stuff:
Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601 -
I think you should get your son a pair of Bose speakers to practice on.......My kids were very good at woodworking and furniture refinishing.
Good luck with the repair.
I agree. Get your son some of those Bose cube speakers and let him at it. They can be like play blocks for him.Then, post the pictures so we can enjoy.
Maybe your son didn't appreciate the music you were playing?:eek:HT System
Parasound Halo A51 Amp, Marantz AV 8003 Pre, Arcam FMJ CD36 cd player, Marantz 7007 BD/SACD player,Acoustic Zen Matrix IC's, Analysis Plus Crystal Copper Oval IC's, Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables, B&W 703's Fronts, Center Martin Logan Motif hybrid, Surrounds DefTech BPX, 2 X DefTech Supercube Reference Subs, DSpeaker Antimode 8033 EQ. -
I thought this thread was going to be a lot different.
I thought this was going to be a "my son discovered the birds and the bees in a MUCH different way than I expected", type of thread.:p;)The nirvana inducer-
APC H10 Power Conditioner
Marantz UD5005 universal player
Parasound Halo P5 preamp
Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's -
This OP is why guys SELL their gear and speakers for the first fews years of the childs life.:(
The terrible 2's and 3's....for real.;)
Sorry it happened,
BEAUTIFUL STORY Skrol, I almost teared up at this late hr..
I have a similar story regarding my late Mother and my coin collection. Life is short and as we age, we LEARN not to worry near as much about the (in hind sight) small stuff.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
mdaudioguy wrote: »The small silver one??? IT'S A TWEETER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!
Whew, had to get that out.Really, what a great bunch of guys here - just awesome.
Seriously, a new driver shouldn't be outrageously expensive, and the actual replacement should take all of a couple minutes - remove allen screws, disconnect wires from broken driver, and reverse the process with the new driver.
Thanks for dropping all the expertise on us. We were really stuck there without you.
Listed. -
1 phone call and about 10 mins is all you need to replace that driver. I replaced 2 of them once. No big deal.
Take him out. You can always make another one that looks like him.
When i saw you had posted, i was expecting something amusing. I was most certainly NOT disappointed.I don't read the newsssspaperssss because dey aaaallllllllll...... have ugly print.
Living Room: B&K Reference 5 S2 / Parasound HCA-1000A / Emotiva XDA-2 / Pioneer BDP-51FD / Paradigm 11se MKiii
Desk: Schiit Magni 2 Uber / Schiit Modi 2 Uber / ISK HD9999
Office: Schiit Magni 2 Uber / Schiit Modi 2 Uber / Dynaco SCA-80Q / Paradigm Legend V.3
HT: Denon AVR-X3400H / Sony UBP-X700 / RT16 / CS350LS / RT7 / SVS PB1000 -
George Grand wrote: »Thanks for dropping all the expertise on us. We were really stuck there without you.
Any time, George. Glad to help. -
ryanjoachim wrote: »So my son, being the angel that he is, decided to take a large lego and hammer it repeatedly into the top black speaker on my RTi10.
He succeeded in causing several decent cracks through the speaker.
I have no clue where to go from here as far as repairing the speaker goes...any tips/suggestions?
I'm not even looking beyond the OP on this one. Fifteen years ago, I came home from work to find that my four year old daughter found my beautiful Mitsubishi linear tracking turn table would make a great Spirograph if she taped a colored pencil to it tone arm and forced the gear driven arm back and forth over paper placed on an album.
To wit, a totally trashed turntable (gears stripped) and a trashed album. To say the least, I was bummed.
Today she is this beautiful 19 year old artist getting her bachelor's degree in another month, three years earlier than most people get bachelor degrees, while taking a semester off to "contemplate" to boot! That turntable loss pales with the joy of having a kid so advanced that she would do such a thing with a rig. The loss pales in comparison to the wonderful stuff you see your kid conjering up in their wonderful, creative, minds as they mature.
Bottom line: Don't sweat it. Reveal in your children's growth! Smart kids will do very unexpected things to the material you unintentionally provide to their disposal. Move on and (what I did), take stronger protective measures re. the rest of my rig.
Hillbilly -
I am 35 years old and I am still breaking my dads ****. Its what children do.
Whenever my son pisses me off i see a twinkle in the old mans eye -
I am 35 years old and I am still breaking my dads ****. Its what children do.
Whenever my son pisses me off i see a twinkle in the old mans eye
Very funny man, and very true.Samsung LN52A650 : PS3 : RTi A7s : CSi5 : SVS PC12-NSD : Pioneer VSX-9040THX : Emotiva XPA-3 = -
I am 35 years old and I am still breaking my dads ****. Its what children do.
Whenever my son pisses me off i see a twinkle in the old mans eyeVery funny man, and very true.
Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life -
Whenever my son pisses me off i see a twinkle in the old mans eye
They say that grandchildren are a parent's revenge on their children:D
Beautiful story, skrol, reminded me of when my daughter ripped the antenna off the television and was so proud of herself I just couldn't be angry:)Dual 1229/Grado Gold/Rotel RCD1070/RC995/RB980BX/Pioneer 7100/Denon DRM710/Monster HTS3600MKII/PolkAudio SDA2B/TL's -
Hey Ryan, Did yo ever figure out what you are doing for a driver?
I ask cuz I see the CL Seller has relisted the drivers. -
Wow, you are in the thick of it. They are about the same spread as my boys. Mine are now 12, 8, 6 and a 3-year-old on the way. We are adopting a little girl from China. They break things but I have to remember that the things can be replaced. I do try to teach them at an early age how to use things properly and they are pretty good about it. Some things I keep tucked away. I really hope to get out my turn table some day. For now I fear for its life and it sits on a shelf in the basement waiting.
Man I remember being 2 years old and breaking the needle on my dad's turn table. I must have hid for weeks!!! It took until I was in high school for him to pick up a new one.HDTV - Panasonic TH50PZ80U
Receiver - Onkyo HT-R667
Subwoofer - Whatever came with the Onkyo HT-S6100
Center - Polk CSi3
Front - Polk RTi A5
Surround - Polk RTi A1
Rear Surround - Polk OWM3
Wiring - Monoprice CL2 14AWG w/ banana plugs
Everything video game system wired up to this as well. -
He'd a been picking pieces of my hand from his rear-end, but that's just me. Glad it worked out in the end.Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
I am 35 years old and I am still breaking my dads ****. Its what children do.
Whenever my son pisses me off i see a twinkle in the old mans eye
I know that twinkle well, I'm a grandparent...hehe (finally, someone is breaking your ****, and I like it...)Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2 -
Get a baby gate.
sorry to heard that man.
oh man.. sorry to hear about the bit of bad luck. honestly, doesnt look too hard to fix oce you have a spare driver.
i have a 5 year old, so i keep the grills on all the speakers on all of the time.
i remember when he was really young and i wanted something to listen that sounded good yet simple, after hunting around, the guys at audioengine (doesnt come with grills) assured me that my son would have a hard time damaging the kevlar driver and if he ever did any severe damage, they had spares on hand and would help me through it to replace them. didnt think twice, bought me a pair.. and guess what.. they're mint till today, he never did touch them. nevertheless, the assurance from their support guys was much appreciated. -
Thinking back, now I know why my dad had his system mounted up high on a shelf. It was a simple turntable, home brew amp and home brew speakers but I understand now.Stan
Main 2ch:
Polk LSi15 (DB840 upgrade), Parasound: P/LD-1100, HCA-1000A; Denon: DVD-2910, DRM-800A; Benchmark DAC1, Monster HTS3600-MKII, Grado SR-225i; Technics SL-J2, Parasound PPH-100.
Marantz SR7010, Polk: RTA11TL (RDO198-1, XO and Damping Upgrades), S4, CS250, PSW110 , Marantz UD5005, Pioneer PL-530, Panasonic TC-P42S60
Other stuff:
Denon: DRA-835R, AVR-888, DCD-660, DRM-700A, DRR-780; Polk: S8, Monitor 5A, 5B, TSi100, RM7, PSW10 (DXi104 upgrade); Pioneer: CT-6R; Onkyo CP-1046F; Ortofon OM5E, Marantz: PM5004, CD5004, CDR-615; Parasound C/PT-600, HCA-800ii, Sony CDP-650ESD, Technics SA 5070, B&W DM601