Kimberkable in a 3 way battle.....
Posts: 17,211
So on this wire quest,I bought some KimberKable Hero find the RIGHT wire/s for my ongoing upgrading system we go.
The battle right out of the package,well I let them play for a few hours before I started the battle......
Monster M950i's 1m
Transparent musiclink 1m
Kimberkable Hero 1m
You could say right off the bat that it's alittle unfair as the other 2(monster and Transparent )are completely broken in or burned in.But I was so juiced up to own some Kimberkables I just had to do the unfair thing.
Well the Monster got right out of the battle a both Kimber and Transparent left them bleeding on the floor.....they simply couldn't hang in there in overall clarity,depth and tone.Bass is muddy and uncontrolled.The highs are tinny in comparsion to the other 2.Enough about Monster lets move on to the good stuff.
The Transparent Mighty and true to the music did what it does,sound so real.Natrual and airy they are.....On a side note here, Transparent cables are one of if not the finest cable period.My opnion anyway so with that being said.....Transparent will yield tuff competition to any cable in it's class.
Transparent uses network brick on there wires.It's to filter out interference.It cuts the signal right at 20khz,this is where you get most of your interference.They do a wonderfull job at it.Build quality is top notch.This cable is as perfect as a 200.00 dollar interconnect can be.Music is just in there soul.
So now for the new kid on the block in my system,the Kimber kable Hero's.I have been researching and thinking about Kimber for some time.Wondering if they would give my NEW sound the Sparkle I think I was looking for........well first impressions......Build quality,very nice......O I have to comment.....EVERY SINGLE PAIR OF INTERCONNECT ON THIS PLANET SHOULD HAVE WBT'S ON THE END OF THEM.....I mean that.WBT is what Kimber uses on there Heros,they have a lock featurethat is the greatest thing I ever played with on a cable.Simply want them on all my interconnects.I love em.Transparent uses WBT on there interconnect,but not untill you move up the ladder.And they said there isn't any HERO"S left in the world...I beg to differ......Sound quality????okhows this WOW.............:D ,my god,I wasn't prepaired for what I heard.Rich tone........warm mid range and some sizzle........could this be the wire I have been searching for all this time????I don't know right now,I have only owned them for a couple of hours and I'm already loving them.I can't wait untill they break in..........Man Kimber has a really nice sound with a touch of Sizzle.
Ok here it is in short....Transparent didn't get outclassed.But it got a good battle,still as we speak,Transparent is still the last word in complete detail.But I will give Kimber a hand,they make wonerfull sounding cables.The Hero's I think are going to be keepers in the system.after a good month or so of using them,I will shootout again for the final.I'm also considering purchasing the Silver Streaks,they are one level above the Hero's.
Anyone else have an opnion on Kimber Products????They peaked my intrest,and now I want more........
The battle right out of the package,well I let them play for a few hours before I started the battle......
Monster M950i's 1m
Transparent musiclink 1m
Kimberkable Hero 1m
You could say right off the bat that it's alittle unfair as the other 2(monster and Transparent )are completely broken in or burned in.But I was so juiced up to own some Kimberkables I just had to do the unfair thing.
Well the Monster got right out of the battle a both Kimber and Transparent left them bleeding on the floor.....they simply couldn't hang in there in overall clarity,depth and tone.Bass is muddy and uncontrolled.The highs are tinny in comparsion to the other 2.Enough about Monster lets move on to the good stuff.
The Transparent Mighty and true to the music did what it does,sound so real.Natrual and airy they are.....On a side note here, Transparent cables are one of if not the finest cable period.My opnion anyway so with that being said.....Transparent will yield tuff competition to any cable in it's class.
Transparent uses network brick on there wires.It's to filter out interference.It cuts the signal right at 20khz,this is where you get most of your interference.They do a wonderfull job at it.Build quality is top notch.This cable is as perfect as a 200.00 dollar interconnect can be.Music is just in there soul.
So now for the new kid on the block in my system,the Kimber kable Hero's.I have been researching and thinking about Kimber for some time.Wondering if they would give my NEW sound the Sparkle I think I was looking for........well first impressions......Build quality,very nice......O I have to comment.....EVERY SINGLE PAIR OF INTERCONNECT ON THIS PLANET SHOULD HAVE WBT'S ON THE END OF THEM.....I mean that.WBT is what Kimber uses on there Heros,they have a lock featurethat is the greatest thing I ever played with on a cable.Simply want them on all my interconnects.I love em.Transparent uses WBT on there interconnect,but not untill you move up the ladder.And they said there isn't any HERO"S left in the world...I beg to differ......Sound quality????okhows this WOW.............:D ,my god,I wasn't prepaired for what I heard.Rich tone........warm mid range and some sizzle........could this be the wire I have been searching for all this time????I don't know right now,I have only owned them for a couple of hours and I'm already loving them.I can't wait untill they break in..........Man Kimber has a really nice sound with a touch of Sizzle.
Ok here it is in short....Transparent didn't get outclassed.But it got a good battle,still as we speak,Transparent is still the last word in complete detail.But I will give Kimber a hand,they make wonerfull sounding cables.The Hero's I think are going to be keepers in the system.after a good month or so of using them,I will shootout again for the final.I'm also considering purchasing the Silver Streaks,they are one level above the Hero's.
Anyone else have an opnion on Kimber Products????They peaked my intrest,and now I want more........
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
Post edited by mantis on
Awesome, once again I borrowed some Audioquest Diamondbacks, Kimber PBJs and Kimber Hero from a store yesterday.
The PBJs need to be burned in some to be fair so I've been letting them play all day. IMO, the Heros seem to take the cake, clear and detailed. I haven't even bothered with the Diamondbacks after the first few rounds of battle.
It's cool how your testing Heros at the same time as me. Did you decide to give them a try after my other thread? I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get the Heros dispite going over the price I wanted to pay for interconnects.
What do you play to do the comparison? I've been using Pink Floyd Echoes a lot. Beck Mutation HDCD, Coldplay.
Glad to hear you're happy.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
I forgot to ask.
Would you get the Silver Streaks online? Is it a DIY kit? And if you don't mind - what's the price? I've read some killer review about them and might want to give them a try too.
Thanks again.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Hey Mantis,
Got the 4tc's about 1 month ago, had them connected to my HF on the 800's , transparency, imageing, sparkle, outstanding. Sounded like a whole new system, The Meullers do have high end WOW.Problem at least with my setup, got very fatigueing very quickly.I was going to put a pair of Monster originals on the LF just to upgrade from XP for now. Tried the Monster on Hf first just to see how they sounded. I found the Monsters to have all the high end "sound" of the Kimbers but substantially lower imageing. Was able to compensate for some of this by pulling the 800's out from the entertainment center 6in.
I currently have the Kimbers on Lf on the 800's the lower mids and upper bass are substantially tighter "quicker" have not yet been able to distort the bass at high levels on the 800's with the current setup. I really noticed a big difference in LF with a Telarc DTS disk, the F16 take off used to produce a crackling sound in the speaks, I always thought it was part of the recording or microphone limitations, The crackling is now completely gone, very clear and clean even at higher levels.
I would really like to put the Kimbers on a High dollar amp and see what they can do.
Has anybody heard the Z2's yet they are getting great user reviews.
For what it's worth , My 2 cents StuffYour system is only as good as your weakest component...!
OnkyoTX-DS 797
NAD C270/ Mains
Mains: LSI9's
Center: Cs400i /Biwired
Rear: Fx300i
Rear Center:CS 245i
Dvd: Onkyo DVS 555
Vision RCA 36" Premiere Series
Bang & Olfsen RX Turntable
Psw 350 Front/Psw 202 rear
Kimber Cable 4TC Mains HF
Monster Originals/Center
Kimber Interconnects
Monster XP Everywhere else
PS2/Gamecube -
Would you get the Silver Streaks online? Is it a DIY kit? And if you don't mind - what's the price? I've read some killer review about them and might want to give them a try too.
Whoops, I was thinking of Acous-Tick Silver Stealth Interconnects. Disregard my second post.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
You really need to check these out, I'm really happy with them.
F1Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Ok I will admit,after reading that you picked up a pair,it drove me to continue on my journey.So I headed down to a local shop that carries KimberKable.So there they where just hanging on the wall in there package.They where out of Silver Streaks which retail for 310.00 dollars for a 1m pair.The Hero's are 150.00 for a 1m pair.I keep my wires as short as possible,I align my gear in my rack to do so.The Hero 108's are 220.00 for a 1m pair due to the higher quality of WBT rca end.
Aren't the WBT's great???I love em.Installers dream.
The PBJ's are nice,there Kimbers entry level cable.Good quality nonetheless.You don't get the WBT ends on them, just your tipical rca by Kimber....still nice.
The Hero's are a 4 conductor cable.They use 2 twisted pair for conductors and use a nice black braid to give it class.The kimber shrinkwrap is classy looking to.
For music I have been Listening to Steely Dan 2 against nature cd.I also ran some Train on SACD.
I'm finding them to be very detailed and warm.I like what I hear so far,but I'm intregued by the Silver Streaks.I want to hear them go.
If Kimber works out to be the kind of sound I would like to touch up my new sound with,I'm going to finish it off with Kimber speakerwire.I'm thinking about the bi focals but man they cost alot even for me,2 grand for a 15 foot pair and I have to buy a centerchannel wire and rear wiring.....**** that would set me back a bit.So the thinking is a spool of 8 TC Bi wire.Even the spools will kill you dead at 3,185.00 for 250 feet.I will just about use it all on the theater.You can purchase the termination kits from Kimber to custom build you cables.All WBT ends,very very nice.Soderless.
cool man,the 4tc is nice wire and more affordable.Did you buy them in bulk or premade???I think you can get all of Kimberkable speaker wire in a Bi wire design instead of just 2 conuctor.There technology is neat.The multi twists to resist interference .
Like I said above,I want to get the Monster Bi wires I own out,they served me well but I feel it's nessary to improve there,so If Kimber works out,then I'm gonna buy a spool for the theater.......pricey but I plan on only wiring the theater least I'll try to stick to that...........;)Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
The WBTs are nice. There's a set of Silver Streak where I go, they did a quick demo for me between a cheap 5 Disk Yamaha CD player and a NAD, but it wasn't long enough to get feel for them and the setup probably didn't do them justice. $599CAN, way too pricy for me, I don't even want to listen to them out of fear that I'll buy a pair. Although, once you have them I'm sure you'll forget about the price and relish the sound.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
You know Price is always a factor when buying anything.I have to keep myself in check all the time.But I feel investments need to be carefully considered.If there is a big enough difference between the Hero's and Silver Streaks,I will go Silver Streaks.I want my system to sound the best it can.I look at it this way,after I buy this and that,I will last me a long time(hopefully).Buying Better wire can yield even better upgrades down the road and support them.My system is devoloping to a level I think I can live with for a very long time.Cutting corners now might yield another upgrade sooner then I would like it to so with that being said,shy's not the limit but I'm going to push the budget as far as I can.......Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
Doesn't Kimber have a new *entry* level interconnect? The 'Tonik' or some such? $50 per .5 meter pair?
Just curious.Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
I can appreciate the cost vs. future upgradability. I feel that's what I'm doing with the Heros. I was bent on getting the PBJs because the price was reasonable. The Heros are pushing my budget and the Silver Streaks would break my bank. If the Silver Streaks were $310CAN then I would give them a shot. Equipment in Canada cost so much more than you guys in the U.S., that currency conversion is a killer.
Good luck with the Silver Streaks, I'm sure you won't be dissapointed. With the quick demo I had with NAD, the imaging seemed to be really defined compared to the PBJs and an optical. But, like I said earlier, the demo what so short I didn't get a good
feel for them.
You'll have to let us know what how the Silver Streaks compare to the Heros.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Hey Mantis,
Got the 4tc's with Kimbers best connector, the locking spade type. I would definately spend some time with your speakers hooked up to them at the stereo store if you can. Like I said very awsome on LF I found them very fatigueing HF. Your system will probably sound different of course. I am sure it has a lot to do with my power source.
Peace, StuffYour system is only as good as your weakest component...!
OnkyoTX-DS 797
NAD C270/ Mains
Mains: LSI9's
Center: Cs400i /Biwired
Rear: Fx300i
Rear Center:CS 245i
Dvd: Onkyo DVS 555
Vision RCA 36" Premiere Series
Bang & Olfsen RX Turntable
Psw 350 Front/Psw 202 rear
Kimber Cable 4TC Mains HF
Monster Originals/Center
Kimber Interconnects
Monster XP Everywhere else
PS2/Gamecube -
I have the 4vs, I'm not %100 sure about this, but i think there's a burn in period too. When I first plugged the 4vs in there was a lack in the mid-low range. About 2 weeks after getting them I upgraded my CD player so I'm not sure if the 4vs burned in or not. I know the CD player made a huge difference in the mid-low range.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Hey Derick,
Yea I tried switching back over last week back to Kimber on Hf just too harsh. I'm sure it has somthing to do with the amplifier /wire combination. I haven't noticed any sound differences in the cables in the 3 weeks.
Mantis I forgot to mention, I have been using Steely Dan 2 Against Nature as a refrence for the Kimbers, I believe it's the song It's a Shame about Me at the beginning where they are playing a set of chimes. It starts at the Right front speaker, moves to right rear, left rear, then left front. The sound never projected itself that well before, almost didn't hear the chimes in the front speakers before Kimber. Now the sound is projected all around the room. Just another positive Kimber note.
StuffMDYour system is only as good as your weakest component...!
OnkyoTX-DS 797
NAD C270/ Mains
Mains: LSI9's
Center: Cs400i /Biwired
Rear: Fx300i
Rear Center:CS 245i
Dvd: Onkyo DVS 555
Vision RCA 36" Premiere Series
Bang & Olfsen RX Turntable
Psw 350 Front/Psw 202 rear
Kimber Cable 4TC Mains HF
Monster Originals/Center
Kimber Interconnects
Monster XP Everywhere else
PS2/Gamecube -
I don't about the tonik,I saw the PBJ's,I thought they where the entry level cable at 84.00 a meter.From what I was told, not from listening to them that they are one hell of a good cable for the money.Dude the Hero's are really good.I've been running them since I got home today,they sound full and warm.
the dealer didn't have the Silver Streaks in stock ,but they are getting some in next week.I'll have to go listen in store to see what they sound like in comparsion.Right now I lost alittle juice to upgrade from the Hero's.So far I'm extremely happy with them.
I think your right.Kimber is a very reveiling cable,and your receiver is on the bright side.The 4tc's role in life is to reproduce mids and highs.Along with the 8tc in a bi wire configuration,the 8tc's would go to the lower end.
Kimber's best connector for banana is the WBT0644.I plan on using them on the amp side and the WBT -0660 sandwich spade on the speaker side all the way around.
The way I see it now,Kimber make bi wires out of the 4tc and 8tc together.4tc for the highs and 8tc for the lows.It's 22 bucks per foot,and I need about 250 feet of it.My gear is going in the wall off to the side of my theater.I'm gonna prewire in under construction for 7 channels.I'm gonna use Rings at outlet height to keep runs as short as possible.The I'll have the wire come out a plate,no connectors.Then terminate the bi wire with the WBT spades.I think using the same wire all the way around is going to yield max performance out of the Lsi's.I'm looking forward to hearing it go.
The store where I bought my Kimberkable from has B&K.SO I might lug the Lsi'15's down there along with my Bi wires for a shootout,or if he is kind enough to allow me to take some home for a serious demo.After hearing the level of performance of the Hero's,I have high hopes for a complete Kimber wired anyway.
Some thinking........cables are a way to fine tune your system.Like STUFFMD'S system, the kimbers where to hot for his receiver making it fatigueing to listen to.Cables will reviel flaws in your system,so do speakers of higher caliber.
Kimber does have a sparkle in there sound.I like it, i like it alot.
This weekend I plan on running them alot.I'm starting to feel about them.........alot.We'll see, time will tell.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
looks like the tonik's are the new entry level cable.Cool..but thats not what was cool on there website.
It was the 25 min speaking from Ray kimber.I learned alot about there company.
SO off I go to listen to the Hero's,one of Rays favorite cables and are the baby select design cables.He said you can easily fall in love with them and they could be in your system for life.............Hmmmmmmmm I like I agree....O the juice flows and flows......Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
Originally posted by mantis
The way I see it now,Kimber make bi wires out of the 4tc and 8tc together.4tc for the highs and 8tc for the lows.It's 22 bucks per foot,and I need about 250 feet of it.
I haven't got much sleep lately, so maybe I'm missing something here. My calculator tells me 22 times 250 is $5500. I mean, I'm all for good cable, but isn't $5500 more than what your receiver and mains cost put together? I've never listened to that cable, but it seems to me that if you 'only' spent a grand on cable and spent another $4500 on your receiver/amp or speakers, then you would have a bigger improvement in sound. Is this retarded thinking on my part or what? -
Originally posted by mantis
Man, I can't say it enough. The price of a given thing is in the beholder. I think even small levels of performance gains are well worth it. If it costs alot, but you get an improvement, what the hell, you only live once.
I don't think any rock needs to remain unturned. If it helps......... man, I want to try it. :cool:
So, why have you ignored the suggestion of MIT cables? I've got some MI-330 Series 2 IC's that I can lend you (I do want them back) for a comparison if you're interested and they are very broken in. These are impedance specific and are for matching a medium impedance.
F1Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
sorry F1nut,
I didn't ignore the Mit suggestion,I have heard MIT go and they make pleasing products.The technology is very like Transparent ,which I already own.
Sending me a pair of MIT's to try out is really nice of you.I might take you up on that offer.Right now I'm in full focus on Kimberkable.
yes the speaker cable is very expensive.If you buy a roll of it,you can get a bulk price,which could be as much as 12 -15% off.Then the need for connectors.If you buy 8tc / 8tc biwires thats 28 dollars per foot....real expensive.
My receiver retails for 3498.99(B&Kavr307),and my main speakers retail as you know for 1740.00(lsi15's).But thats not all thats getting wired up.Lsic,Lsi/fx's and lsi7's surround back.Add all that up and see where it gets.Retail is retail, there are ways to get product for a better price.
Good wire isn't cheap.My Monster m1.4s biwires where 300.00,and then you had to buy all the monsterlock ends.about 48 buck for all,12 dollors a pack.....Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
Very good, I just upgraded to the Shotgun's (IC's and bi-wire speaker cable) and must say they are a big improvement over the Series 2, but the 2's were nice.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Hey Mantis,
I've been running the Heros for a couple of days, burned in the PBJs, haven't even touched the Audioquest Diamondbacks they don't compare. I have to say the Heros are by far my absolute favorite of the 3. It sort of scares me now, I've thought a lot about what you said about the Silver Streaks and price. ****, if my system sounds this good with the Heros, then the Silver Streaks most likely sound better. Right? I have to figure I'm going to want to try them eventually, probably sooner than later. What the hell happened here? I think I have that "pursuit of the best system I can muster syndrome".
I'm going to buy the Heros.
Right now my concentration is on 2 channel stereo and I'm planning on a turntable late spring. My problem now, is what's my next upgrade? Here's what I have:
Rotel RCD10170
Going to be Kimber Hero Interconnects
Denon AVR2802
Kimber 4vs Speaker Wire
Polk RT1000i Fronts
Boston Acoustics PV600 10" sub
My suspicion (I hate to say) are the RT1000i.
What do you guys think is my weakest link here?
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
How about going with seperates?Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
very cool.Love to see you enjoying MIT.Quick question,have you dug into MIT's history?Check it out,you'll find that Transparent and MIT where one company some time ago.
dcarlson,It sort of scares me now, I've thought a lot about what you said about the Silver Streaks and price. ****, if my system sounds this good with the Heros, then the Silver Streaks most likely sound better. Right? I have to figure I'm going to want to try them eventually, probably sooner than later. What the hell happened here? I think I have that "pursuit of the best system I can muster syndrome".
Ok the Hero's are flat out fantastic,they made me laugh lastnight during my listening/demoing session.I removed all the monster M950i's from my system and now only have Kimber and Transparent running analog.I'm so into that!!!!:D
Dude you really want to be juiced up on Kimber???Go to there web site listen to Ray Kimber's "product discussion".Very intresting and it's cool to learn the history of the wire your into ro like very much.Call me mad,but when I get into something,I want to know as much as possible about it.
The Silver Streaks where what was recommended for the level of system I own.They wheren't in stock,I have been researching the Hreo's and just had to give then a try.To be honest with you,I'm pleased with there performance.I still want to try the Silver Streaks but don't find it nessary(yeah right).
Ok lets look over your system and find out whats going on........
If your not into home theater,then I see no reason to own a home theater receiver.I would start there and get into stereo seperates.If there is a Tweeter near you,you could get a very sweet deal on a B&K PT3 and st2140 amp.All on blowout as the new models are out.Just an Idea off the top of my head due to the fact they are on incredible deal at Tweeter.
Speakers...well there personal.If you have a love for the rt1000i's,I don't see any need to upgrade them.But knowing that the Lsi exsist,temptation is always there.
The sub......well it's a nice small home theater sub,not what I would call a musical sub.Don't get me wrong,it sounds very good for the money,you could do better here.I say look into the REL Q150E and the Strata III.
Remember that I'm not in no way picking on your system.You asked what I thoughtand I can come off as beiing alitlle harsh or raw.Forgive me I speak my mind.Ithink you have a nice system growing if you where planning on a home theater system.2 channel I think we/you can revamp it and get you rocking.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
I appreciate all suggestions and take them as feedback and not as a crack at me or my system.
Thanks for the heads up, I know it's really easy to misconstrue what being posted as an attack and you never know how someone is going to perceive your post.
Here's my thoughts on what I have.
1. The first component I purchased was the RT1000i on clearance last year at a steal of $900CAN they retailed at $1500. It's been a long road to get them sounding good. I followed it up with a CS400i and R10 surrounds. I'm not sure if or where I want to go with these.Do they still have some hidden potential I haven't seen? I don't know.
2. Next up I bought the Denon and the Sub. The sub was to extend the LF from where the RT1000is left off. I'm really happy the Denon, it's cool to watch movies but that's once every couple of weeks. If I can, I'd still like to keep it around for those specific occasions. It has a Direct passthrough for stereo if that makes a difference.
3. More recently, got the Kimber 4vs speaker wire $4 foot. I'm sure I could step up here for a reasonable cost.
4. Now came the Rotel RCD1070 and Heros. It opened things up nicely and I'd like to see how far I can push the Rotel.
I wouldn't be doing anything quick and drastic. I have time on my side, I think I'll continue piece by piece and using each new component as a basis for future upgrades. I'm even thinking maybe of taking the Rotel and a future turntable and starting a dedicated 2 channel system. I close my eyes and see a swiveling recliner in the middle of both 2 channel and HT systems and spin around for the best of both.I don't think that will actually happen though.
I'm in Northern Ontario, there's only one store here with audiophile grade equipment. I do go down to Toronto every 4 to 6 months so I could hit some killer stores there.
Now, when you say separates, how separate are you suggesting? Preamp, power amp, DAC?
You guys are always a great help.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
Dan, I paid for the Heros today. Talked to the owner of the store about the Silver Streaks. He said the jump from the PBJs to Hero would be the same sort of jump as the Heros to the Silver Streaks. He'll even take a trade from the Heros to the Silver Streaks if and when I decide to make that jump. :cool:
Any thoughts on what my next move should be towards 2 channel.
I'm guessing the first step would be poweramp(s), maybe monoblocks? Connect them to the Denon.
Next, would be preamp. Connect the poweramps to the preamp and the Denon to the preamp. CD Player and Turntable to the preamp.
Then speakers?
I'm not concerned with loudness/power. I'm looking for quality.
Let me know what you think.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
dcarlson,Any thoughts on what my next move should be towards 2 channelI'm guessing the first step would be poweramp(s), maybe monoblocks? Connect them to the Denon.I'm not concerned with loudness/power. I'm looking for quality.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
What about HT? I'd hate to totally loose it.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
from your posts I thought you where totally geared towards 2 channel.
Help me understand your goals and I'll try to help you.I misunderstod you completly.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
I have a Denon 2802, and I am using it for a HT processor and to power the center and rear center speakers as well. I added some power amps for the mains (RTI 150) and the surrounds. Big improvement! My source is the Toshiba 9200 DVD A player which I am very happy with. Analog 2 channel goes straight into my Parasound preamp and then directly to the power amps and speakers. This give me a very satisfying stereo listen.
Digital coax out from the player feeds the Denon for movie viewing and the channel distribution is handled there. Center and Rear Center are amped internally and the L/R front pre-out goes to aux in on the Parasound and then on to the amps. L/R surround pre-out goes directly to the amp for the surrounds. I know this is not perfect world setup, but you know what? Movies sound incredible to me and I watch alot of them. Passing the front pre-out through an additional preamp for movies works very well, and enabled me to utilize my existing Denon and still improve my two channel sound. The Parasound preamp was a big improvement over the Denon's pre for stereo.
I think if you add some external amplification and a better preamp as you mentioned, you would notice a nice improvement. Maybe even more than those snazzy cables gave you. I use Kimber also but it's their lower end speaker cable. I've always liked it though and it's been a part of my system as long as those old monitor 10s. -
Stevew14, that's an interesting option.
Dan, sorry man, you didn't misunderstand me completely. I am totally geared towards 2 channel. Although, if possible, I would like to keep a very basic surround for the occational movie.
I'm at a crossroad in my system and I need to decide on the route I want to take in my system. So far, I've been adding upgrades as I saw fit without a real gameplan. So, I was a little suprised when you guys said to ditch the Denon.
Here's what I've thought of for a gameplan.
I need to replace the Denon because it's next inline in the series of components. I should start with the source, which is the Rotel and peel back every layer of distortion/coloration that comes after it, starting with interconnects, then, receiver, then, speaker wire and finally, ending with the speakers. Does this sound right?
I think the speaker wire could be upgraded at any time because of it's relatively lower cost compared to components though.
Sorry if i confused you, I'm a little confused myself, but working it out.
Let me know if I'm making sense or not.
Derick.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
ok now that we are on the same page,I can give you my advice as to what I would do if I was in your place.
Rotel my brother.Simple way to get higher fidelity in your 2 channel while maintaining home theater,lets begin....I suggest you looking into the rsx1055.For the price of an of a multichannel amp on the cheap ,around 1200.00,the rsx1055 can be had.Now here's the reason I'm reccommend it for the following reason/s....ok the rsx1055 has this really cool ability,to reassign the front ro main channels to the surroundback.How cool is that,leaving the main channels open for an external amp.Now this is where I'm gonna go behond my normal advice,due to your needs and say go with the RB1070( the matching amp would be the rb1050),it has 130 x 2.This amp will support rt,Lsi if you deside to go there down the road,and just about any other speakers shy of Martin Logans.
The receiver out of the box has 5 channels of 75 watts each,this could very well yield plenty of power for your needs,if not an external amp will be needed.This receiver is also a carbon copy of the rsp1066 preamp.All the lastest and greatest of todays formats are included,except THX,but Rotel has there own version of RE-EQ.Very cool.I believe this is the one man.No need to look further unless you don't care for the way the Rotel sounds.
There are plenty of MUSICAL receivers on the market that will yield very close to seperates.The bigger brother of the rsx1055 is the rsx1065,very musical and 2 channel it has 120 x 2 at an 8 ohm load,jumps to 200 watts into a 4 ohm load.This also is a good choice but doesn't have the ability to send the front to the surroundback.I called Rotel about this and asked for an update,they didn't think they wil be giving future or current rsx1065's this ability.Sad........but for you,theater isn't that important so/and external amps are not needed with this.5.1 allday,6.1 decoding if and when you decide to add an external amp for surrondback.High on my list of one of the best receivers.
Now if your feeling sporty and money is there, the mighty B&K avr507 should be on your demo list.Awesome.....I could go on and on,hey if you can pick up a used avr307 or a leftover(like I did)your set.There going in the 2k range and 1800.00 used.Super good deal as this powerhouse 7.1 receiver was 3498.99 retail and worth every single penny.OK inspiration time.....2nd zone with built in amps at 150 watts a channel,thats ALL CHANNELS DRIVEN INTO A 8 OHM LOAD.Think of have another pair of high quality speakers you want in another room,but buying an entire rig is out of the queston.........enter Powered 2nd zone B&Kavr307 or 507.Now you have audiophile sound quality into another room of your cool is that????It's dual zone so one person could watch one thing in the main room,and you or someone could listen to something different in anotherroom,even control the zone with a keypad,IR sensor or RF remote,not disturbing the main zone.
Dude so much flexability can be had.Seperates are always the very best way to go for maxium fedility.I'm super picky with my sound,B&K provided the best of both worlds,not to mention the monsy I saved on interconnect ,not hooking up a 7 channel amp.
I'm extremely happy with MY B&Kavr307,This Monday,B&K is releasing all the info on the upgrade for the avr307 to avr507 status,how cool is that,the one thing I failed to mention to you is that B&K is hardware and software upgradable........Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.