One Dream down many more to accomplish .

mantis Posts: 17,228
edited May 2009 in The Clubhouse
Hello all,
I just got back from ISF Certification training. It's been a dream of mine to be trained in ISF for many years. Where I worked before was not a part of ISF but I wanted to be.

The trainer was actually the owner of the company which is completely cool. He kinda looks like Mel Gibson. I wanted to ask him "how is Danny Glover doing?"

Anyway I thought I knew video from being in the business for over 9 years. i learned I have only scratched the surface. Video is way more complicated Then audio. I don't know if thats true or from my point of view. I have always been into audio but never huge into video. That has all changed.

So soon I will be asking you guys who needs a ISF calibration done. I will be your man.

My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
Post edited by mantis on


  • MillerLiteScott
    MillerLiteScott Posts: 2,564
    edited May 2009
    Dan, Great for you. I don't even know what ISF stands for.
    I like speakers that are bigger than a small refrigerator but smaller than a big refrigerator:D
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited May 2009
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
    polkaudio 255c-RT Inwalls
    polkaudio DSWPro550WI
    polkaudio XRT12 XM Tuner
    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • danz1906
    danz1906 Posts: 5,144
    edited May 2009
    Linn AV5140 fronts
    Linn AV5120 Center
    Linn AV5140 Rears
    M&K MX-70 Sub for Music
    Odyssey Mono-Blocs
    SVS Ultra-13 Gloss Black:D
  • Conradicles
    Conradicles Posts: 6,169
    edited May 2009
    Cool Dan! Good job.
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited May 2009
    Dan, Great for you. I don't even know what ISF stands for.

    It's nerd speak for Imaging Science Foundation....the bar standard for HDTV calibration.

    When do you start offering ISF cal's to Polkies for a discount Dan?
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • polkatese
    polkatese Posts: 6,767
    edited May 2009
    Cool Dan! congrats, do they make any distinction across the technology (i.e. plasma, LCD, CRT) on how and what you should tweak? The reason I am asking is, each brand has its own service menu structure, so, I can't imagine how many service manual you would have to memorize? :)
    I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie.
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited May 2009
    Do you work on 3-gun CRT projectors?
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
    polkaudio 255c-RT Inwalls
    polkaudio DSWPro550WI
    polkaudio XRT12 XM Tuner
    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited May 2009
    congrats.. can you work on black and white TV's too? :p
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited May 2009
    I would like to get my 12" green CRT calibrated for 1080p.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • polkatese
    polkatese Posts: 6,767
    edited May 2009
    to play Wolfenstein 1080p, Mark?
    I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie.
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited May 2009
    Absolutely....and download ****.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • BlueFox
    BlueFox Posts: 15,251
    edited May 2009
    Do you have to buy your own equipment, or does your company provide it? Did they go over how to get the calibration values for every TV? Some TVs provide detailed settings for ISF, others provide only the basics.
    Lumin X1 file player, Westminster Labs interconnect cable
    Sony XA-5400ES SACD; Pass XP-22 pre; X600.5 amps
    Magico S5 MKII Mcast Rose speakers; SPOD spikes

    Shunyata Triton v3/Typhon QR on source, Denali 2000 (2) on amps
    Shunyata Sigma XLR analog ICs, Sigma speaker cables
    Shunyata Sigma HC (2), Sigma Analog, Sigma Digital, Z Anaconda (3) power cables

    Mapleshade Samson V.3 four shelf solid maple rack, Micropoint brass footers
    Three 20 amp circuits.
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 10,636
    edited May 2009
    Congrats Dan. I remember not so long ago when you joined the unemployed list. Everything happens for a reason.
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
    TECHNOKID Posts: 4,298
    edited May 2009
    Ricardo wrote: »
    Congrats Dan. I remember not so long ago when you joined the unemployed list. Everything happens for a reason.
    Matter of fact I was thinking/hoping to joint unemployment to accomplish such a dream afterall, we are never too old too learn. Personnally, I do find video much more complicated than audio.
    “Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life” ;)
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited May 2009
    Congrats Dan :) Every cert you get puts you one step ahead of the next guy.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited May 2009
    dorokusai wrote: »
    It's nerd speak for Imaging Science Foundation....the bar standard for HDTV calibration.

    When do you start offering ISF cal's to Polkies for a discount Dan?

    Soon, I got to do a few before I'm an expert. I have been calibrating tv's, Projectors, etc for years but now I know how to go deeper. It's amazing what you can do.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited May 2009
    polkatese wrote: »
    Cool Dan! congrats, do they make any distinction across the technology (i.e. plasma, LCD, CRT) on how and what you should tweak? The reason I am asking is, each brand has its own service menu structure, so, I can't imagine how many service manual you would have to memorize? :)
    yes but you have a common goal. Gray scale and correct color saturation is the secret to a good picture or better put the correct picture.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited May 2009
    BlueFox wrote: »
    Do you have to buy your own equipment, or does your company provide it? Did they go over how to get the calibration values for every TV? Some TVs provide detailed settings for ISF, others provide only the basics.

    My company buys the equipment. It's very expensive. If I had to buy it myself, It would hurt but I would.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited May 2009
    appadv wrote: »
    Do you work on 3-gun CRT projectors?

    No not really. They are not supported in the Industry and very hard to find parts for now. I could do a fair calibration but I would not take it apart and adjust the CRT's.If it has the ability to do it electronically I would.

    It's really time to move on from CRT.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited May 2009
    TECHNOKID wrote: »
    Matter of fact I was thinking/hoping to joint unemployment to accomplish such a dream afterall, we are never too old too learn. Personnally, I do find video much more complicated than audio.

    Video is much more complicated from my point of view. My head is still spinning from everything I learned and I have been in the business for over 9 years. But then again I have lusted after audio all my life, video was there so I could see a picture. Now I really care about video. Funny how that works.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • engtaz
    engtaz Posts: 7,666
    edited May 2009
    Congrats, I would love to go to those classes.

    I love how music can brighten up a bad day.
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited May 2009
    Dan's the man. Congrats.
  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited May 2009
    Dan, Great for you. I don't even know what ISF stands for.

    ISF - Intimidating S#!T to F@$k with
  • GEBBY44
    GEBBY44 Posts: 939
    edited May 2009
    Congrats, Dan. That's awesome. If I wasn't moving in 3 weeks, I'd have you calibrate my plasma. You could turn it into a side-profession on the weekends!
  • pearsall001
    pearsall001 Posts: 5,099
    edited May 2009
    Congrats Dan!!! If you need a TV to practice on...I'm right around the corner. :D
    "2 Channel & 11.2 HT "Two Channel:Magnepan LRSSchiit Audio Freya S - SS preConsonance Ref 50 - Tube preParasound HALO A21+ 2 channel ampBluesound NODE 2i streameriFi NEO iDSD DAC Oppo BDP-93KEF KC62 sub Home Theater:Full blown 11.2 set up.
  • ESavinon
    ESavinon Posts: 3,066
    edited May 2009
    Congrats ISF man.
    SRT For Life; SDA Forever!

    The SRT SEISMIC System:
    Four main satellite speakers, six powered subs, two dedicated for LFE channel, two center speakers for over/under screen placement and three Control Centers. Amaze your friends, terrorize your neighbors, seize the audio bragging rights for your state. Go ahead, buy it; you only go around once.
  • amulford
    amulford Posts: 5,020
    edited May 2009
    Cool, I'll be shouting when I get the FP set up!
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited May 2009
    I'd imagine he couldn't be running a side business if the equipment belongs to the company he works for, but maybe they have something arranged....who knows.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • devani
    devani Posts: 1,497
    edited May 2009
    congrats....Where can I buy calibration DVD's? Or can you get them at a discounted price?
    Video: LG 55LN5100/Samsung LNT4065F
    Receiver: HK AVR445
    Source: OPPO BDP-93
    2Ch system: MC2105, AR-XA, AR-2A, AR9, BX-300, OPPO BDP-83
  • cnh
    cnh Posts: 13,284
    edited May 2009
    mantis wrote: »
    No not really. They are not supported in the Industry and very hard to find parts for now. I could do a fair calibration but I would not take it apart and adjust the CRT's.If it has the ability to do it electronically I would.

    It's really time to move on from CRT.


    Congrats Mantis....

    My set is an older RPTV/CRT/HD set and it puts out a GREAT picture in 1080i....I dare say it has far better contrast ratios than almost ANY LCD, and more accurate color once professionally calibrated--has quite a bit of life on it I'll be staying with it. Yeah I know, no 1080p...but hey no motion blur, better blacks and so on. Only a Plasma would be a real upgrade for me and I can't afford it right now.

    But you're right calibration makes a FANTASTIC difference. So you will be doing our sets in the future....good work!

    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]