


    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited May 2008
    Early B. wrote: »

    i posted quite a bit there as well. it would seem i am drawn to threads with alot of ****-talking.:rolleyes:

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd
    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited May 2008
    Lorthos wrote: »
    So what the wipe of choice in Korea?

    I just drag my **** across the floor.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,425
    edited May 2008
    You too?...and all this time I thought I was the only one.
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited May 2008
    Flushable baby wipes for the win.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • BottomFeeder
    BottomFeeder Posts: 1,684
    edited May 2008
    BIZILL wrote: »
    anyone wipe with kirkland/costco TP? how is it? worth it?

    Yeah, we're wipin' w/Costco. It's a no thrills, no frills but no spills :eek: tp!
    "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." Bob Seger
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited May 2008
    I found this to be the most effective and efficent way to clean the heiny.

  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,425
    edited May 2008
    Is that dog cleaning or submerging? :eek:
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited May 2008
    I don't know why the bidet hasn't done better in the US. The europeans definately have cleaner A-holes.
  • Early B.
    Early B. Posts: 7,900
    edited May 2008
    Polkitup2 wrote: »
    I don't know why the bidet hasn't done better in the US. The europeans definately have cleaner A-holes.

    Did you arrive at this conclusion from visual inspection or what???:confused:
    HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50” LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub

    "God grooves with tubes."
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,627
    edited May 2008
    Nope, the point I was trying to make is that wiping your arse with TP is a far shot hygenically from cleaning it using a bidet.:eek:
  • SKsolutions
    SKsolutions Posts: 1,820
    edited May 2008
    If pissed, I'll use the guest towels.
    -Ignorance is strength -
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,425
    edited May 2008
    Just be sure to fold them back up so that no one notices. ;)
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • SKsolutions
    SKsolutions Posts: 1,820
    edited May 2008
    I flip em over so it's a surprise. :D
    -Ignorance is strength -
  • daboyz
    daboyz Posts: 5,207
    edited May 2008
    Only here could we get 40+ posts on this topic........................
  • Neskahi
    Neskahi Posts: 297
    edited May 2008
    Finally. I can actually "contribute" to the forum instead of just asking a question.
    Charmin followed up by Walmart Baby Wipes.
    SDA 2.3/RDO's... xovers by Ben
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    TFM35X x 2
  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited May 2008
    Polkitup2 wrote: »
    Nope, the point I was trying to make is that wiping your arse with TP is a far shot hygenically from cleaning it using a bidet.:eek:

    I use wet wipes.

    Also, bidets are not used for post-**** washing. They're used more as a mini shower for your crotch, rather than taking a full shower.
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • agfrost
    agfrost Posts: 2,431
    edited May 2008
    Only Asswipes will do the job around here. Quintuple fecal protection, so your hand don't smell like ****!


    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    Keep it Clean!

    SDA 2BTL * Musical Fidelity A5cr amp * Oppo BDP-93 * Modded Adcom GDA-600 DAC * Rythmik F8 (x2)
    Micro Seiki DQ-50 * Hagerman Cornet 2 Phono * A hodgepodge of cabling * Belkin PF60
    Preamp rotation: Krell KSL (SCompRacer recapped) * Manley Shrimp * PS Audio 5.0
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited May 2008
    Walgreens Single-Ply is the way to go.

    Single ply, but resilient; tough enough to get the job done, and done right the first time !

    And, as a side note, toilet paper should be "Over the ToP", not the other way.
    Sal Palooza
  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited May 2008
    And, as a side note, toilet paper should be "Over the ToP", not the other way.

    I saw a survey about this, like "which way do you prefer". If I remember correctly it was around 80/20 for 'over the top.' So apparently at least SOME people do like it the other way...
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited May 2008
    Having raised three daughters,, I can say without hesitation,, Quilted Northern,, it's an American tradition,,,the secret behind the man/woman.;)
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • skipf
    skipf Posts: 694
    edited May 2008
    Quilted Northern here too, though the Sam's Club stuff is actually better. Unfortunantly I don't belong to Sam's Club. Do Y'all think we could get some study groups put together to make recommendations on the next generation of ****? I think George should be chairman of one group.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,192
    edited May 2008
    I am sure tp R&D is very well funded by the US Government, possibly through the NIH.
  • jgido759
    jgido759 Posts: 572
    edited May 2008
    Keiko wrote: »
    <a href=><img src= border=0 alt="Free Image Hosting"></a>

    TP is so 90's. Doesn't anyone use the 3 seashells in here?

    Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support
    group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.
    -Drew Carey

    There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

    My DVD Collection
  • PolkWannabie
    PolkWannabie Posts: 2,763
    edited May 2008
    And, as a side note, toilet paper should be "Over the ToP", not the other way.
    If you have kids or cats you may find an entire roll has been unrolled onto the floor from time to time with the over the top method.
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited May 2008
    bobman1235 wrote: »
    I use wet wipes.

    Also, bidets are not used for post-**** washing. They're used more as a mini shower for your crotch, rather than taking a full shower.

    Shower for your crotch?

    You don't need a bidet! Pfft! BAH!

    No sir! Grab that bowl brush, dunk it right in the bowl water and scrub away! Does a great job at yankin' those dingleberries right off the 'ole **** bush!
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 7,023
    edited May 2008
    Charmin is finger through the paper crap then you go to smell your finger to see if you got any **** on it and you accidently touch your nose. . . what a pain in the . . .

    Charmin now has a product called Ultra Strong. My wife brought some home this week and I've had a chance to give it a few test runs.

    This is some strong fu*(ing TP! No problem with finger blow-thru like the regular Charmin, which I cannot stand! Its so strong and absorbent, you will end up feeling safe to use only a single thickness of the stuff, even on that first, nastiest, wipe! It doesn't ball up like the regular Charmin either. Nobody likes TP wad Klingons!

    It is a little rougher than Quilted Northern though, so that is still my preference. I just can't get my stubborn wife to buy it lately.
  • pietro944
    pietro944 Posts: 720
    edited May 2008
    I'm reporting you all to the "Queen of the 2-Square"..................SHERYL CROW
  • DollarDave
    DollarDave Posts: 2,575
    edited May 2008
    My only comment to this thread is this. Those fellows that are "on schedule" to do their business at the office everyday deserve that brittle, three inch wide, 15 inches around stuff that is somehow called toilet paper.
  • jflail2
    jflail2 Posts: 2,868
    edited May 2008
    The more important question is, which way do you "brushstroke"? Take care not to wipe towards the coin pouch.....
    2007 Club Polk Football Pool Champ

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    "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited May 2008
    bi-directional. but only one direction per fingerload while being careful not to hit the 'jewels'. ...been known to go through almost a complete roll before. can't stop until it comes out white.

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd
    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.