Interconnects, and why I now hate you guys



  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2008
    Rivrrat - Enjoy your upgrade!
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Rivrrat
    Rivrrat Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2008
    In your opinion, if you have 2 cables with the same properties and the exact same resistance, what would cause them to have different sounds?

    And that's the million dollar question. How many IC's have the same properties? I was talking about out of the box stock IC's. Now I haven't cut one open to see what they're made of, but I can imagine

    Truthfully even I doubt two identical IC's would sound different. But I can see how two different analog IC's with different makeup and resistance measurements can sound different.
    My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
  • Rivrrat
    Rivrrat Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2008
    dorokusai wrote: »
    Rivrrat - Enjoy your upgrade!


    But I think next time I'll just STFU.:p
    My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
  • beardog03
    beardog03 Posts: 5,550
    edited March 2008 shouldn`t have too...

    I am glad to hear you notice something good in your rig...

    Don`t stop sharing your experiences just because some people have to step on your matter what they have experienced, it`s good to share the ones that you have with the rest of us...

    as far as lurking without being seen.....I always for get that I am invisible because my puter is always on.....

    I must not be too invisible if you can see me !!!!

    **(I am waiting for the right time to jump out and scare a newb !!)**

    I have found in my audio journey, that the cables I have are like going from a water hose that is barely on , to one that is turned all the way up.......big difference

    I may not be a ble to measure it with a devise, but I know what sounds better, what I like , and who cares if others don`t agree, or hear what I hear.....I will post my findings to share with you guys, just like you did with us.....thanks
    for sharing....

    ENJOY !!

    that`s what it`s all about
    Cary SLP-98L F1 DC Pre Amp (Jag Blue)
    Parasound HCA-3500
    Cary Audio V12 amp (Jag Red)
    Polk Audio Xm Reciever (Autographed by THE MAN Himself) :cool:
    Magnum Dynalab MD-102 Analog Tuna
    Jolida JD-100 CDP
    Polk Audio LSi9 Speaks (ebony)
    SVS PC-Ultra Sub
    AQ Bedrock Speaker Cables (Bi-Wired)
    MIT Shotgun S1 I/C`s
    AQ Black Thunder Sub Cables
    PS Audio Plus Power Cords
    Magnum Dynalab ST-2 FM Antenna
    Sanus Cherry wood Speak Stands
    Adona AV45CS3 / 3 Tier Rack (Black /Gold)

  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    Rivrrat wrote: »
    But I think next time I'll just STFU.:p

    No need for that. :)

    Next time you get new IC's, and it sounds like you will, let me know and I will write down a listening/testing process for you that eliminates possible placebo effect. :D
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2008
    Be aware that Sami's "process" involves him living at your house for a week, eating your food(Vegan) and he's not a fan of what most people call clothing....but it absolutely works.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • jakelm
    jakelm Posts: 4,081
    edited March 2008
    Im going measure something... I dont care what it is.. but its going to be measured...:p
    Monitor 7b's front
    Monitor 4's surround
    Frankinpolk Center (2 mw6503's with peerless tweeter)
    M10's back surround
    Hafler-200 driving patio Daytons
    Tempest-X 15" DIY sub w/ Rythmik 350A plate amp
    Dayton 12" DVC w/ Rythmik 350a plate amp
    Harman/Kardon AVR-635
    Oppo 981hd
    Denon upconvert DVD player
    Jennings Research (vintage and rare)
    Mit RPTV WS-55513
    Tosh HD-XA1
    B&K AV5000

    Dont BAN me Bro!!!!:eek:
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2008
    I measure myself everytime I sit down to post on this forum.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited March 2008
    Rivrrat wrote: »
    I've known for a long time that there's a difference in speaker cable. Back in 85 when I bought my m10's the place I got them from threw in 20 ft or so of 10g "Monster Cable", I don't know if it is or not, but that cable made a huge difference over my 16g lamp cable.

    Fast forward to now. I've been reading for a year now the arguements over IC's and what not, not really believing that a low voltage signal could be that much different over different wire, as long as the gauge could support the signal (what happens when you do digital telcom cabling for a living).

    So on a lark, I bought some Monoprice rg59 IC's during one of my orders while I'm recabling my HT to inwall. I'll be damned if it didn't make a noticable difference, a REALLY noticable difference. Even my wife said something.:eek:

    So now, I'm wondering if I shouldn't pop for more, fancier IC's. This could turn into a vicious cycle, AND IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT.:D

    I've tried blaming people on this forum for what has become an obsession. No one ever takes responsibility but they all seem content to watch you fall deeper into the upgrading tornadic abyss that is this hobby.
  • Rivrrat
    Rivrrat Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2008
    dorokusai wrote: »
    Be aware that Sami's "process" involves him living at your house for a week, eating your food(Vegan) and he's not a fan of what most people call clothing....but it absolutely works.

    He won't be staying long then based on our eating habits.

    Clothing.......I live in Tucson, we don't wear much during the summer, and that's not a good thing for people looking over our block wall. :eek:
    My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    Rivrrat wrote: »
    He won't be staying long then based on our eating habits.

    Since it seems I'm a vegan, I'll haul all the deer and moose meat from the freezer to you then... :)
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited March 2008
    This forum is like a crack addiction, I keep working so I can score my next hit. Be it a new power cord, dac, amp...Get out while you can.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited March 2008
    Keiko wrote: »
    I hear crickets. ;)

    Um...wouldn't that be frogs in your neck of the woods?:p
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • jakelm
    jakelm Posts: 4,081
    edited March 2008
    Keiko wrote: »
    I hear crickets. ;)

    Then change your cables...:p
    Monitor 7b's front
    Monitor 4's surround
    Frankinpolk Center (2 mw6503's with peerless tweeter)
    M10's back surround
    Hafler-200 driving patio Daytons
    Tempest-X 15" DIY sub w/ Rythmik 350A plate amp
    Dayton 12" DVC w/ Rythmik 350a plate amp
    Harman/Kardon AVR-635
    Oppo 981hd
    Denon upconvert DVD player
    Jennings Research (vintage and rare)
    Mit RPTV WS-55513
    Tosh HD-XA1
    B&K AV5000

    Dont BAN me Bro!!!!:eek:
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    treitz3 wrote: »
    Yes I am, I am finally getting the fact that WilliamM2 recommends cables because they don't change the sound, but they look pretty.

    treitz, you're the first person whom I know have said the monoprice IC's are pretty. :p
  • Rivrrat
    Rivrrat Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2008
    Damn, 3 pages over a 3 dollar experiment. Oh, plus the deer and moose meat, along with new fashion ideas for those warm days around the pool.

    You gotta love it. :D
    My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
  • wlburgess
    wlburgess Posts: 6
    edited March 2008
    Why people think expensive speaker wire sounds better.

    But if your not one to believe in this "science" stuff, you might want to invest in

    you can get 58 feet for $36,250, most people have that kind of cash lying around...I think.
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2008
    That's one extreme to the other and it encompasses everything that is audio....not just cables. It's been a couple months since I've seen a wine vs cables analogy....what's next? a Corvette vs Home Depot challenge?

    Thanks Anti-Cable Patriot, wlburgess....your name will be etched on bathroom walls for all to pay homage 'til the end of time.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • jakelm
    jakelm Posts: 4,081
    edited March 2008
    wlburgess wrote: »
    Why people think expensive speaker wire sounds better.

    But if your not one to believe in this "science" stuff, you might want to invest in

    you can get 58 feet for $36,250, most people have that kind of cash lying around...I think.

    I ussually dont judge people based on just their post count, but......:rolleyes:

    All I can say to that^^^^ is... Finally!! someone did some

    But that means my crap is in the **** sucks...
    Monitor 7b's front
    Monitor 4's surround
    Frankinpolk Center (2 mw6503's with peerless tweeter)
    M10's back surround
    Hafler-200 driving patio Daytons
    Tempest-X 15" DIY sub w/ Rythmik 350A plate amp
    Dayton 12" DVC w/ Rythmik 350a plate amp
    Harman/Kardon AVR-635
    Oppo 981hd
    Denon upconvert DVD player
    Jennings Research (vintage and rare)
    Mit RPTV WS-55513
    Tosh HD-XA1
    B&K AV5000

    Dont BAN me Bro!!!!:eek:
  • wlburgess
    wlburgess Posts: 6
    edited March 2008
    dorokusai wrote: »
    That's one extreme to the other and it encompasses everything that is audio....not just cables. It's been a couple months since I've seen a wine vs cables analogy....what's next? a Corvette vs Home Depot challenge?

    Thanks Anti-Cable Patriot, wlburgess....your name will be etched on bathroom walls for all to pay homage 'til the end of time.

    My point is simply the mind is a powerful tool. There are people who think that name brand drugs work better than generic kinds, but yet the listing of the drugs on the box is exactly the same. I don't doubt people who perfer the expensive wire do because they paid more money for it. Expectations can change how you perceive an experience. As people here have said, sound is subjective, therefor your expectations of the sound plays a large part in how you perceive it.
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2008
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • dragon1952
    dragon1952 Posts: 4,907
    edited March 2008
    How about when you prefer wire that cost less? What's the explanation there I wonder. It's not always the most expensive wire that's preferred. That's an assumption that seems to always be made.
    BTW, that 'mind' argument is as old as the hills and basic psychology. I learned it 40 yrs ago.
    2 channel - Willsenton R8 tube integrated, Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC, audio optimized NUC7i5, Windows 10 Pro/JRiver MC29/Fidelizer Plus 8.7 w/LPS and external SSD drive, PS Audio PerfectWave P3 regenerator, KEF R3 speakers, Rythmik F12SE subwoofer, Audioquest Diamond USB cable, Gabriel Gold IC's, Morrow Audio SP5 speaker cables. Computer - Windows 10/JRiver, Schiit Magni 3+/Modi 3+, Fostex PMO.4n monitors, Sennheiser HD600 headphones
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    jakelm wrote: »
    All I can say to that^^^^ is... Finally!! someone did some

    But that means my crap is in the **** sucks...

    Pear Cable guys are a bunch of snake oil merchants, so take their website for what it is. :)