I miss Club Polk.

treitz3 Posts: 18,982
edited March 2008 in The Clubhouse
The way it was. The way it should be.

All the arguing, personal insults, mud slinging........it's always been there but with reason in the past. Today?

I'm still relatively new too.
~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
Post edited by treitz3 on


  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited February 2008
    I've noticed a large change in the last 4 months.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • cubdog
    cubdog Posts: 835
    edited February 2008
    When and how?

    Shuguang Classic S8MK
    Emotiva XDA-2
    Bel Canto M300 mono blocks
    Bel Canto DAC 1.5
    Squeezebox Touch
    Sony SS-M7
    A/D/S L710
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited February 2008
    Absolutely nothing has changed, only some of the names.
  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited February 2008
    Just try and rise above it. When all this stuff started happening for me, I wanted to jump in and be heard. But, I've taken notice of some of the other elder members and realized its just not worth it. Any rabble rousers should just be ignored. Any PC policing should just be accepted as Polk only has good intentions.

    It's all about the music. When you leave this forum, you should remember the great conversation you had about music or speakers.

    Peace out, I gotta go read about my new CS2s. :)
  • disneyjoe7
    disneyjoe7 Posts: 11,435
    edited February 2008
    Its a PC world...

    Thanks to whom, can we say it? Well at least I can think it.

    Now Get Over It :)

    Carver Amazing Fronts
    CS400i Center
    RT800i's Rears
    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR

  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,982
    edited February 2008
    I may be reading into it wrong. I don't know.

    Have you noticed that the senior and/or veteran members of the forum have slowed down or stopped posting?

    This is where the foundation of knowledge of different products and experience with different systems comes from. This is a main reason as to why I am here. To learn from those who have mastered the one thing I need to learn. Not only with speakers but with system planning, integration, experience, synergy and advice [good or bad] as to which way to possibly go in one’s audio journey.

    Polk provides the forum and a direct line of communication to them to answer and solve problems and issues for anything that might come up. This is outstanding in many different ways for both the veteran of the forum, but to the novice as well. This has been documented over and over and over again. How many times has Polk Service been referenced as “Second to none”? Too many times to count.

    That said, with all that is out there in the audio world, how does anybody expect Polk to have all of the answers as to what would be the best suggestion as to your particular system? Not that-that’s their job or anything but as a consumer, would they be best qualified to answer the question without actually trying the different products/IC’s/PC’s/SC’s? I wouldn’t think so.

    The brotherhood of this forum hasn’t changed at all, but from what I’ve noticed the input from those that are in the know has slipped. That’s what I am getting at.

    The names have changed, new members have joined and that’s all good. More input from new members is good. To a point. What has changed is the new members coming in and giving mis-information [and arguments] about seemingly anything that provides the veteran membership base a reason to move on when they can’t say what’s on their mind in fear of getting banned or getting into what seems to be the norm. An argument.

    The amount of personal attacks seem to be at an all time high which is not part of a discussion between audiophiles. The discussion should be about audio. Things that help others in audio, or their audio journey.

    I personally don't want this forum to lose this part of what makes this forum such a great place to hang.
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Early B.
    Early B. Posts: 7,900
    edited February 2008
    It's basically the same forum as when I started here 5 years ago. The main characters are still on the show; only the supporting actors have changed.

    Let's be real -- sometimes it's amusing to post stuff you know will piss some people off, then sit back and watch them respond. It's like playing an old record you've heard a thousand times.
    HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50” LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub

    "God grooves with tubes."
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited February 2008
    yo, treitz3! i feel ya man. (well, maybe not after further review of your statements) i'm afraid to speak anymore and though some may feel that is a good thing, YOU'RE WRONG! i miss a good roast, even if it's directed toward me.

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd

    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited February 2008
    I have been here for 10 years and have seen a lot. I usually keep out of the crap but do get pulled in here and there. I find that when people are strapped $ wise, tensions rise and I think that may add to it.
  • ben62670
    ben62670 Posts: 15,969
    edited February 2008
    Where is Sal? I thought it was one week, and he isn't even in the members directory?
    Please. Please contact me a ben62670 @ yahoo.com. Make sure to include who you are, and you are from Polk so I don't delete your email. Also I am now physically unable to work on any projects. If you need help let these guys know. There are many people who will help if you let them know where you are.
  • nms
    nms Posts: 671
    edited February 2008
    ben62670 wrote: »
    Where is Sal? I thought it was one week, and he isn't even in the members directory?

    ruh roh raggy.... (in my best scooby do voice)
    My system

    "The world is an ever evolving clusterf*ck." --treitz3
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 18,982
    edited February 2008
    I think he's still got a day or two.
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited February 2008
    +1 Where are all the geezers? Best guys to learn from.
  • John in MA
    John in MA Posts: 1,010
    edited February 2008
    I haven't noticed a huge change in the year+ I've been here, although members seem to be more on-edge towards each other now. The lack of older members is something any forum will go through as folks lose interest or move onto other things.

    Regardless of one's opinion of the recent moderation, it needs to be kept in mind that Club Polk is a company website and in the end is run for their purposes. Guys posting wierd ****, teasing on each other, vigilante justice, etc would be A-OK on a private fan board, but when it's "New Products" "Buy Our Stuff" and "Club Polk" on the company home page I can see how they'd want to keep things tight.
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,536
    edited February 2008
    IMO, it's a "put yourself in someone elses shoes" proposition. If this was your forum, and you're trying to sell a product, you would want a place where most any potential customer is going feel welcome. Sometimes things around here get a little out of hand, and audio talk seems to fall off the map in favor of personal issues. As much as I complain about it, at the same time I can sympathize with Polk Audio's position in wanting to have a relatively "wholesome" forum that most any gender/age/group will feel comfortable participating. I'm making a conscience effort to "clean my own backyard" with regards to this, so I don't want to come across as holier-than-thou---I'm just as guilty as many other members.

    I've seen far more heavy-handed forums, such as GlockTalk, where cursing, lewd posts, etc., is not allowed, and can get you banned in short order. Why? there's alot of women shooters, and it's done out of respect for the women on the forum. In short, "manners." The issue isn't about limiting freedom speech or anything like that, it's just (as I see it) about mutual respect for other forum members.

    Remember the old saying: "There's a time and place for everything."
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 10,636
    edited February 2008
    treitz3 wrote: »
    I miss Club Polk.

    Why? Did you leave? Or is it that you can't find it? My bookmark still works fine.
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,987
    edited February 2008
    Ed Zachry.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,675
    edited February 2008
    RuSsMaN wrote: »
    Ed Zachry.

    Oh .... that was good !

    Sal Palooza
  • daboyz
    daboyz Posts: 5,207
    edited February 2008
    Personally,I feel some are getting a little too sensitive lately. The Club still feels the same but some change has to occur,it's only natural.
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited February 2008
    Everyone may blame me for the changes. And, I may be at fault for siding with Sona regarding the "killing us softly" thread. But, the personal attacks that stemmed from that incident were over-the-top. Some of the elder members of the board probably got their ego's bruised when they learned that they really don't have free reign to get anyone booted when they choose and their postings are subject to censor.

    Anyway, PC may not be good/desirable. But, there are limits to how human beings should treat each other. When those limits are exceeded, the pendulum swings the other way for a while. Hopefully, a little time will allow the forum to return to its former, friendly glory. <<< as I take another hit from the peace pipe >>>
  • madmax
    madmax Posts: 12,434
    edited February 2008
    treitz3 wrote: »
    The way it was. The way it should be.

    All the arguing, personal insults, mud slinging........it's always been there but with reason in the past. Today?

    I'm still relatively new too.

    Where have you been? Its way "nicer" here today than it ever has been. More PC. A lot less drama than ever. You think this is bad??? Geez...
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • shadowofnight
    shadowofnight Posts: 2,735
    edited February 2008
    rskarvan wrote: »
    . And, I may be at fault for siding with Sona regarding the "killing us softly" thread.

    Speaking of the pie queen....has she been an active member since ? She may well be , but I dont recall seeing her around here much after getting her way ?
    The first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited February 2008
    eh... I've been here a long time and short of a sudden burst in threads like this, not much has changed in my eyes.
  • jdhdiggs
    jdhdiggs Posts: 4,305
    edited February 2008
    Personally, I like the return to normalcy. Other than the whining threads, the board "feels" a lot more like the board I joined and not the "posse" board that started the whole recent shenanigans of the past few months...

    Anyhoo, don't like it, move on....
    There is no genuine justice in any scheme of feeding and coddling the loafer whose only ponderable energies are devoted wholly to reproduction. Nine-tenths of the rights he bellows for are really privileges and he does nothing to deserve them. We not only acquired a vast population of morons, we have inculcated all morons, old or young, with the doctrine that the decent and industrious people of the country are bound to support them for all time.-Menkin
  • jakelm
    jakelm Posts: 4,081
    edited February 2008
    You do know when this all really started , dont ya?????

    When the TBT was put away in the locker room......
    Monitor 7b's front
    Monitor 4's surround
    Frankinpolk Center (2 mw6503's with peerless tweeter)
    M10's back surround
    Hafler-200 driving patio Daytons
    Tempest-X 15" DIY sub w/ Rythmik 350A plate amp
    Dayton 12" DVC w/ Rythmik 350a plate amp
    Harman/Kardon AVR-635
    Oppo 981hd
    Denon upconvert DVD player
    Jennings Research (vintage and rare)
    Mit RPTV WS-55513
    Tosh HD-XA1
    B&K AV5000

    Dont BAN me Bro!!!!:eek:
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited February 2008
    The forum, over the years, has always ebbed and flowed. The same base crew still hangs out here and will continue to do so. Sometimes they post more, sometimes less. However, at a certain point, you can only rehash the same conversations so many times before they get stale.

    As far as the PC'ness. Eh, it is what it is. Work within the framework you are given. It's not that bad.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • nms
    nms Posts: 671
    edited February 2008
    jakelm wrote: »
    You do know when this all really started , dont ya?????

    When the TBT was put away in the locker room......

    You can still get to it if you miss it - just search for its title. :)
    My system

    "The world is an ever evolving clusterf*ck." --treitz3
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited February 2008
    edit, nevermind.
    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • jakelm
    jakelm Posts: 4,081
    edited February 2008
    nms wrote: »
    You can still get to it if you miss it - just search for its title. :)

    I know, but never again will it be updated, with classy women...:mad: and meaningfull comments.:(
    Monitor 7b's front
    Monitor 4's surround
    Frankinpolk Center (2 mw6503's with peerless tweeter)
    M10's back surround
    Hafler-200 driving patio Daytons
    Tempest-X 15" DIY sub w/ Rythmik 350A plate amp
    Dayton 12" DVC w/ Rythmik 350a plate amp
    Harman/Kardon AVR-635
    Oppo 981hd
    Denon upconvert DVD player
    Jennings Research (vintage and rare)
    Mit RPTV WS-55513
    Tosh HD-XA1
    B&K AV5000

    Dont BAN me Bro!!!!:eek:
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    edited February 2008
    Nice post Steve & right on the money.

    As for the base crew, they are still here, but the majority of them have gone back to 2channel systems so they leave it to those of us who are into HT to answer the questions.

    And as Troy pointed out, it can get very tiring answering the same questions & making the same recommendations over & over again.
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2