It's story time!



  • beardog03
    beardog03 Posts: 5,550
    edited December 2007
    the town fool`s backyard....

    Our journey has taken the travelers into the deep , dark forrest and over the Parasound mountians where they battled the demons of the tube underworld...a battle that lasted for days...

    They emerged victorious, finding the magical Pipe Cleaning Dee, and scoring some mighty fine tubes along the way...

    After a long rest, and each having thier pipes once again cleaned, our hero`s start their journey back to the Kingdom of Music....
    It`s a long journey, and full of peril...spinless beast`s and pie baking witches.

    As they start thier Trek down the path towards Jolida Valley, Nakamichi turns to Sansui and the Hairlip Pie Baker, and says.....
    Cary SLP-98L F1 DC Pre Amp (Jag Blue)
    Parasound HCA-3500
    Cary Audio V12 amp (Jag Red)
    Polk Audio Xm Reciever (Autographed by THE MAN Himself) :cool:
    Magnum Dynalab MD-102 Analog Tuna
    Jolida JD-100 CDP
    Polk Audio LSi9 Speaks (ebony)
    SVS PC-Ultra Sub
    AQ Bedrock Speaker Cables (Bi-Wired)
    MIT Shotgun S1 I/C`s
    AQ Black Thunder Sub Cables
    PS Audio Plus Power Cords
    Magnum Dynalab ST-2 FM Antenna
    Sanus Cherry wood Speak Stands
    Adona AV45CS3 / 3 Tier Rack (Black /Gold)

  • shadowofnight
    shadowofnight Posts: 2,735
    edited December 2007
    " Who farted "
    The first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Sansui replies, honest it wasn't me. The hairlip pie baker retorts....
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Aye, twas I, must have been the pie. Then all of a sudden Sansui cry's out ... Who art thou who crosses our path. The dark figure in the distance replies....
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    I am Sona, the evil pie baking witch and I have come to take your NADs. Specifically, the left one and the right one. Nakamichi fires back...
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited December 2007
    Watch out Sona... the lords of darkness are here to monitor your every word...
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    many have come before me,and many shall come after, I am who I am,spoke the voice of ancient wisdom and authority,as they opened their eyes,they trembled in the sight of Melos,the SHAman,
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Please evil SONA witch do not take my NADs as I need them to power my mighty Polk towers. But the evil witch would give no mercy and off with Nakamichi's NADs she went. Sansui, always the alert one, decides to....
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited December 2007
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Join forces with Melos , the SHAman to retrieve Nakamichi's NADs. They head ....
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    into Vacume Tube Valley in search of the ever elusive Bugle Boy
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited December 2007
    who plays taps on every new years eve...
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    to summon back the orange globe of all seeing power and clarity so that they may
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Find Mullards, RCAs, Cetrons, but the Bugle Boy can not be found. They keep looking until....
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    a distant sound strikes a chord deep within each of them
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    A sound that can only be produce by King Belles mighty lungs. They quiver with delight and....
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    race towards the sound,as they know that the armies of King Belles have been assembled and wait in the halls of the second mountain grill
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Eating big boy style burgers, they dream of the upcoming battle with SONA the witch and her army of evil pie makers. A victory would surely allow them to reclaim Nakamichi's NADs and put them back on the path to....
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited December 2007
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    Where the town fool formerly thought to be dead with a big rubber object in his backyard has been brought back to life by the evil witch SONA and will battle the Good King Troy until only one survives. The town fool throws the first punch a low blow to the **** of King Troy, but not to be out done, King Troy delivers a decisive volley of Kung Fu moves rendering the town fool....
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    unconsciencous,as he is dragged away to be frozen in carbonite and placed in a pie
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Polkitup2
    Polkitup2 Posts: 1,621
    edited December 2007
    To be delivered to the evil pie witch SONA as a warning not to mess with King Troy. So Sansui, Nakamichi, and the hairlip pie baker continue there journey until they run into....
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,788
    edited December 2007
    Russman the hired killer....
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    Look,,, an F-1 nut has just appeared,,right before our eyes
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited December 2007
    You know, I'll throw a couple things out there.....

    One, skarvan: you suck.

    Two. I don't dislike Sona. In FACT, I actually respect her and don't find her to be inherently evil. True enough, her politics and views run about as opposite from mine as you can get. That said, just because someone has different views from me doesn't mean I automatically dislike them. Some of my closest friends/family are flaming liberals and we debate and argue but that doesn't mean I don't like them. It's ok to not agree without it being a personal vendetta. She hasn't done anything to me personally nor have I taken any or her posts as anything more than stuff that I don't personally agree with.

    In Sona's case, yes, she stirred the pot (which we all do in our own way). Yes, she has views that I don't agree with. However, I give her credit in that she didn't go whining to Justin about it. She didn't go over Justin's head. She took the arrows standing up and even had a sense of humor about it (I thought the pie thread was actually a pretty funny post). In point of fact, I'd tend to agree that everyone is pretty much allowed to go scorched earth on her and the couple of threads that she started in rebuttal have gotten locked down. So, while I may not agree with what she says....I do think that she has gotten the short end of the stick in that regard. Again, to my friends who think I'm going soft in my old age, I'm not. I don't have a problem with people going scorched earth one on one. I never have. I don't know nor have I ever supported ganging up on someone, which I think is the case here.

    Besides, for those still ticked about TBT, it was skarvan who blew the whistle on you guys. If you are looking for a rat, look no further.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,788
    edited December 2007
    Well..Troy..that doesn't fit into the story line at all.:D
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited December 2007
    Sorry, bro!

    Continue on...I just had to do a quick PSA!

    Back to your regularly scheduled programming!

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited December 2007
    okay,,here we go,, F-1 had been summoned from Russ's all night audio drive thru in the badlands of texas,armed with massive torridial transformers in each hand
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • janmike
    janmike Posts: 6,146
    edited December 2007
    ... and with that devilish look in his eye, he fired up the mighty tubes and
    Michael ;)
    In the beginning, all knowledge was new!

    NORTH of 60°
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,077
    edited December 2007
    ...and a turtle wax hairdo. (okay, that was supposed to go under GD's post)
    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
This discussion has been closed.