Looking for Misc Audio Deals of the Day? Updated info here!



  • Posts: 1,500
    For all you Niagara fans. Not sure if this is a good deal but appears to be?


    "FS: AudioQuest Niagara 1000
    New price was $995. Selling for $585 plus shipping. If paying with PayPal add 3% unless doing FF . I’m rating this an 8.5/10, I suspect most sellers would rate it 9/10 but I’m very conservative in my ratings, hard to photograph since it’s so shiny! All boxes packing etc."
    Speakers: Polk1.2tl's (Uber Mods) Pre/Amp/DAC: PS Audio BHK Signature & 250, DirectStream Cables/IC's: MIT S1Bi-Wire/S1 Balanced +Avel Lindberg 1000VA "Dreadnought" Power Conditioner: PS Audio P15 Power Plant Power Cords: Core Power Technologies Gold, DH Labs Power Plus DIY w/Neotech NC-P301 & P311ends Streaming: Roon ROCK on wifi'd NUC, TP-Link WAP, & Uptone EtherREGEN, AfterDark, Emperor Double Crown Clock, Black Modernize LPS, PS Audio AirLens⟿Ω☯☥☮⟿🔊♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬
  • Posts: 3,180

    I will probably be acquiring this in the near future. Free too! Looks intact, it's an 800-B. I will need to get my learn on! A certain guy that resides in NH always provides good advice and information on these. Thanks in advance. :)

  • Posts: 218
    edited October 2019
    Pass Labs x250.5 near Cleveland. $3400

    Post edited by Nesmith98 on
  • Posts: 7,696
    la2vegas wrote: »
    What's with all the vintage Fisher all of the sudden?

  • Posts: 10,176
    My ignorant past and poor decisions keeps coming back to torment me! Minty BSR Colossus speakers from DAK Industries! :) 75 bucks! And they are minty! :)
    Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
    Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
    Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
    Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
    Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
    Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD.
  • Posts: 11,309
    edited October 2019
    la2vegas wrote: »
    Misc audio equipment, no affiliation. https://orangecounty.craigslist.org/ele/d/garden-grove-altec-speaker-cd-sony/7003641546.html
    Does anyone have any info on those speakers?

    Somebody is going to get the deal of the year right there! :o;)B) I'd have them all here by now! :p

    Don't know a thing about the speakers but I think they might be worth thousands.
    A pr. of some similar. I see they are different model #s. They look to be similar in size.
    ...Raleigh craig's list. 1800.00

    Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.
  • Posts: 10,176
    edited October 2019
    Hermitism wrote: »

    Thank you Hermit! My first set of speakers from back in my youth! At the time I loved DAK, bought a lot of stuff from them, thought they were the schizzle! Some of the stuff was decent, I still have a SAE amp from them, but those speakers, well, meh! :)

    So every time one of these sets pop up, I'm reminded of my ignorance was bliss youth! :)
    Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
    Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
    Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
    Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
    Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
    Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD.
  • Posts: 10,176
    Well, this would have been worth a little road trip if only a bit closer! About 2 hours away from me. Would be fun to go through, if the seller was willing to part em out. Could be some jewels in there! :smile:
    Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
    Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
    Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
    Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
    Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
    Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD.
  • Posts: 25,993
    verb wrote: »
    Well, this would have been worth a little road trip if only a bit closer! About 2 hours away from me. Would be fun to go through, if the seller was willing to part em out. Could be some jewels in there! :smile:

    That would be a nightmare....
  • Posts: 15,251
    la2vegas wrote: »
    Not sure if it's a deal, especially with the described issue, no affiliation. umlymh6nkxia.jpg

    So far, my TGA-5400 works great, although it is only used for the center and rears.
    Lumin X1 file player, Westminster Labs interconnect cable
    Sony XA-5400ES SACD; Pass XP-22 pre; X600.5 amps
    Magico S5 MKII Mcast Rose speakers; SPOD spikes

    Shunyata Triton v3/Typhon QR on source, Denali 2000 (2) on amps
    Shunyata Sigma XLR analog ICs, Sigma speaker cables
    Shunyata Sigma HC (2), Sigma Analog, Sigma Digital, Z Anaconda (3) power cables

    Mapleshade Samson V.3 four shelf solid maple rack, Micropoint brass footers
    Three 20 amp circuits.
  • Posts: 2,597
    edited October 2019
    Some Marantz gear and Denon TT and Maybe Wilson Puppy speakers at local auction Monday night. Too rich for my blood so I thought I would share it.
    Love yours. D
    MIT Magnum MH-750, Monster HTS 5100MKII, Sony 77" Class - A80CJ Series - 4K UHD OLED,PS4, Def Tech 15” sub,LSIM 706c, Sunfire Signature Grand 425 x 4,Parasound hca 120, LSiM 702 x 4, Oppo 103D, SDA SRS 1.2, Pioneer Elite SC63 , Pioneer Elite BDP-05 “Why did you get married if you wanted big speakers?”
  • Posts: 3,861
    la2vegas wrote: »

    Should sound nice, but I don't think I'd drop that much on them.
  • Posts: 34,184
    verb wrote: »
    My ignorant past and poor decisions keeps coming back to torment me! Minty BSR Colossus speakers from DAK Industries! :) 75 bucks! And they are minty! :)

    You just lost all of the mojo you'd acquired by picking up a TV-7!


    Keep it up, and you might find a pair of Panasonic Thrusters in your holiday stocking...

    9728329873_fe4ec855da_o.jpgpanasign1 by Mark Hardy, on Flickr

  • Posts: 10,176
    Mojo intact Professor! I just happened to come across those BSR's, and well, had to chuckle inside! :)
    Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
    Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
    Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
    Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
    Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
    Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD.
  • Posts: 2,597
    edited October 2019
    Here is better pictures of auction items Monday. Marantz and I think Wilson Puppy speakers.

    MIT Magnum MH-750, Monster HTS 5100MKII, Sony 77" Class - A80CJ Series - 4K UHD OLED,PS4, Def Tech 15” sub,LSIM 706c, Sunfire Signature Grand 425 x 4,Parasound hca 120, LSiM 702 x 4, Oppo 103D, SDA SRS 1.2, Pioneer Elite SC63 , Pioneer Elite BDP-05 “Why did you get married if you wanted big speakers?”
  • Posts: 3,180
    edited October 2019

    No Affil.

    These had a MSRP of $6,700 in 2004. No SACD. But does HDCD.

    Even at $600 I can't justify that much for a 15 year old unit.

    Edit: I just checked ebay, still asking big money for these! One recent sold that had been factory refreshed at a cost of $2,000. Sold for $3,500. Two others listed over $5K!

    Post edited by aprazer402 on
  • Posts: 2,597
    Speakers at auction were Wilson Sophia. Sold for $3100. TT sold for $550. Macintosh amp sold for $3100. https://us.v-cdn.net/5021930/uploads/editor/a0/di2qwt8z9tec.jpegovw1voioc7tk.jpeg
    MIT Magnum MH-750, Monster HTS 5100MKII, Sony 77" Class - A80CJ Series - 4K UHD OLED,PS4, Def Tech 15” sub,LSIM 706c, Sunfire Signature Grand 425 x 4,Parasound hca 120, LSiM 702 x 4, Oppo 103D, SDA SRS 1.2, Pioneer Elite SC63 , Pioneer Elite BDP-05 “Why did you get married if you wanted big speakers?”
  • Posts: 1,125
    Salamander rack. A5/B Archtype 5.0 like new in black with spikes - $100. "Used one week." No affiliation.
    Expect that there will be bumps in the road. Choose to not let them rattle you.

    Polk - Monitor 10As, SDA 2Bs, LSi9s, White RTi4s, S4s, M3s, various centers.
    Boston - CR7, CR6s, CR4s.
    Subs - M&K V4, M&K VX-7B, JBL SUB150P, Jamo Sub 250, and others.
    ​Thompson Adventures, Inc.
  • Posts: 3,211
    CGTIII wrote: »
    Salamander rack. A5/B Archtype 5.0 like new in black with spikes - $100. "Used one week." No affiliation.
    I have one of those (got mine off CL, too), and would JUMP on another one...even if only for storing extra gear. @joecoulson
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • Posts: 3,211
    la2vegas wrote: »
    Upon first glance, I thought that was a washer/dryer set :D
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • Posts: 4,943
    Its real nice but its not really going to work for my setup - thanks though Jody
  • Posts: 3,211
    joecoulson wrote: »
    Its real nice but its not really going to work for my setup - thanks though Jody
    You're missing a couple of apostrophes, a period, and possibly a couple of commas. We really don't appreciate your type around here. ;)
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • Posts: 4,943
    edited October 2019
    Lol. You and Drew are on me like flies on sh**
  • Posts: 34,184
    edited November 2019
    Tony M wrote: »

    Somebody is going to get the deal of the year right there! :o;)B) I'd have them all here by now! :p

    Don't know a thing about the speakers but I think they might be worth thousands.
    A pr. of some similar. I see they are different model #s. They look to be similar in size.
    ...Raleigh craig's list. 1800.00

    Somewhere in the 1 to 2k range, typically. The 16 ohm "A" morph is indeed the more desirable in... ahem... certain circles B) Those are pretty ones.
    pitdogg2 wrote: »

    That would be a nightmare....

    ... only if one paid EL34 prices for 1B3 quality ;)
  • Posts: 10,176
    la2vegas wrote: »

    Overpriced in my opinion. Not the most desirable version, not even original stands. Be patient, I got CRS+ with pin/blade cable and original stands for a Benjamin about 3 months ago.

    Agree. 75 bucks for mine! :)
    Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
    Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
    Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
    Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
    Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
    Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD.
  • Posts: 8,658
    Thank you !!! I figured someone would know.
  • Posts: 3,453
    la2vegas wrote: »

    Overpriced in my opinion. Not the most desirable version, not even original stands. Be patient, I got CRS+ with pin/blade cable and original stands for a Benjamin about 3 months ago.

    Probably pretty close to fairly priced given the upgrades/mods and condition.
  • "Sometimes you have to look to the past to understand where you are going in the future"

    Harry / Marietta GA


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