Aliens ask wrong people in van about work

Kelley_Moore Posts: 57
edited January 2007 in The Clubhouse

"Federal agents taking a break from an unrelated assignment yesterday arrested 24 illegal aliens at a Fells Point 7-Eleven after the men attempted to solicit "underground" employment from the agents." DOH!

"Of those arrested, 10 were Honduran, eight were Mexican, five were Salvadoran and one was Peruvian, ICE officials said. Six of the men have criminal records in the United States, eight of the men have failed to comply with final removal orders from an immigration judge and one man had been caught at the border on four occasions, ICE officials said."

Great, let's just deport them. But no, despite being criminals, these arrests are an “illegal raid” according to this CASA advocacy group. Damn these advocacy groups, they just don't get it.
Post edited by Kelley_Moore on


  • polksda
    polksda Posts: 716
    edited January 2007
    My grandparents are spinning in their graves seeing what these illegals are able to do, and all the pandering from the left wanting to give them everything from amnesty to free health care to free higher education benefits to welfare benefits. Coming next: illegal aliens unionize.

    When my grandparents came to this country from Germany in 1923, at the height of the post-WWI inflation, they had to work long and hard to be permitted to come here, including having sponsors in this country willing to vouch for them. They did it the legal way, coming here and working long arduous hours as a gardener and maid, all the while striving to learn the English language, wanting to become U.S. citizens and productive members of the society that allowed them to come here.

    Yet today we simply shrug at all of the illegals flooding our borders, and compound the mistake by handing out free benefits as they cross.

    Welcome to Mexamerica.

    P.S. No, I really don't care if you think my comments are bigoted.
  • DollarDave
    DollarDave Posts: 2,575
    edited January 2007
    polksda wrote:
    My grandparents are spinning in their graves seeing what these illegals are able to do, and all the pandering from the left wanting to give them everything from amnesty to free health care to free higher education benefits to welfare benefits. Coming next: illegal aliens unionize.

    When my grandparents came to this country from Germany in 1923, at the height of the post-WWI inflation, they had to work long and hard to be permitted to come here, including having sponsors in this country willing to vouch for them. They did it the legal way, coming here and working long arduous hours as a gardener and maid, all the while striving to learn the English language, wanting to become U.S. citizens and productive members of the society that allowed them to come here.

    Yet today we simply shrug at all of the illegals flooding our borders, and compound the mistake by handing out free benefits as they cross.

    Welcome to Mexamerica.

    P.S. No, I really don't care if you think my comments are bigoted.

    Can I use this in my signature line? Best post of 2007.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited January 2007
    damn I thought this was gonna be about little green men asking for work :(
  • sucks2beme
    sucks2beme Posts: 5,600
    edited January 2007
    Here in Dallas, 7-11's are day labor meeting places.
    There is one over in Lewisville that sets out picnic tables for them!
    If you drive a pickup, they will swarm like bees.
    As long as the law looks the other way, it will continue.
    Quote from the untouchables "Everyone knows where the booze is"
    Same here. You could fill Cowboys stadium in about an hour if that's
    what you wanted to do. Finding them and their employers is easy. The paperwork alone would be unbelievable.
    "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." --Thomas Jefferson
  • Rivrrat
    Rivrrat Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2007
    Living in Tucson, I'm on the front lines, and I've come to realize the truth is the feds want them here. We in Az try to fight back at the polls. We vote in laws taking away unearned privleges, enact voter ID, and even patrol our own damned borders to help the border patrol. Even our Dem Gov threatened to put the Nat Guard on the border if Bush wouldn't.

    So the feds put the guard on the border temporarilly, hire a few extra border patrollers, enact legislation to build a fence and don't fund it. The courts try to rule all our new laws unconstitutional, threaten to lock up citizen patrol groups as domestic terrorists, and have thrown border patrollers in jail for doing their job too well.

    It's pretty obvious that both sides want them here for various reasons, and until that mindset changes, there's nothing we can do about it.
    My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 10,636
    edited January 2007
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited January 2007
    shoot 'em all...

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    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • VSchneider
    VSchneider Posts: 443
    edited January 2007
    I am a first generation immigrant and a proud US citizen, and I am trying to be open-minded and all, but it sickens me to read and hear about incidents like this one. These people are in the country ILLEGALY, and many have criminal records. The CASA called this an “illegal raid”?! hello? These “poor souls” came to the agents themselves! Am I missing something here?

    It took my family over 10 years to get here legally, and my mother’s mom and her brother have waited for 20 (!) to see each other again. I don’t want people to go through crap and humiliation only because my family and I did, but let them abide the laws and respect the country they want to live in.

    In my opinion the whole situation around illegal immigration in our country is ridiculous and blown out of proportions by politicians trying to win votes. More laws? Aren’t there already enough that are not enforced?

    - Val
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited January 2007
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • polksda
    polksda Posts: 716
    edited January 2007
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.

    You're 100% correct! Treat them humanely, and then send them back to the country they came from, so they can immigrate through legal channels.

    Treating like human beings != handing out taxpayer-funded benefits carte blanche.
  • sucks2beme
    sucks2beme Posts: 5,600
    edited January 2007
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.

    I haven't forgotten it. For the most part, they work very hard
    to better themselves. The problem is, we now have an underground economy.
    Even if they give them all citizenship, many of the same empolyers
    using them now would could continue hiring illegals to keep costs down.
    No medical, no taxes/unemployment, ETC. As one guy described to me, his boss told them if you fall off a ladder, you're fired before you hit the ground.
    The REAL problem are the people hiring them. They all have nice big homes
    and fancy big trucks, all paid for with the sweat of the "dixie cup"
    workers you use once and throw away.
    Go read "The Grapes of Wrath". Is that the America we want?

    Sorry, soapbox mode off!
    "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." --Thomas Jefferson
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited January 2007
    Perhaps just before we deport them we should give them a small "reward" for implicating any businesses they worked for illegally and then throwing the book and tons of fines at said businesses.
  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited January 2007
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.

    Taking away their rights as US citizens does not have to mean taking away their human rights. No one's advocating shooting them in the face. But they're breaking laws, so how would you liek them to be treated? I would suggest "as criminals."
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • VSchneider
    VSchneider Posts: 443
    edited January 2007
    bobman1235 wrote:
    ... how would you like them to be treated? I would suggest "as criminals."

    And if being in the country illegaly is not enough of a crime, out of these 24, according to the article,...
    ...six of the men have criminal records in the United States, eight of the men have failed to comply with final removal orders from an immigration judge and one man had been caught at the border on four occasions, ICE officials said."

    This doesn't help in convincing me, that these foulks just want a job and better living. I am sure some do, but the majority cross the line when they cross the US border.
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited January 2007
    BIZILL wrote:
    shoot 'em all...
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.
    bobman1235 wrote:
    No one's advocating shooting them in the face.

    i never said where to shoot them, did i? okay, just wound them. financially.

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
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    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • up2youjoe
    up2youjoe Posts: 114
    edited January 2007
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.

    ****. They are all CRIMINALS and should be treated as such.
    No Kids Allowed
    cold, heartless, clueless, greedy 'young professional'
  • Polkersince85
    Polkersince85 Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2007
    I heard one commentator talking about the reason the Feds want them here. Give them guest worker status and let them help pay for the babyboomer's social security. 30-40 million more workers.............yea right.
    >This message has been scanned by the NSA and found to be free of harmful intent.<
  • Rivrrat
    Rivrrat Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2007
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.

    They're here illegally. If you havent seen the problems it causes for the SW, it's hard to understand. The trails cut through the desert, the busted ranchers fences, the hospitals going BK from having to treat them, the border patrol having to drag them out of the desert, dead or alive.

    The taxes legal citizens have to pay for extra law enforcment, the uninsured accidents, stolen vehicles, the drugs, the gang murders, and they just run back across the border when they have problems.

    We need them, but we need a guest worker program, so we know who, where, and when.
    My equipment sig felt inadequate and deleted itself.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited January 2007
    CASA officials invited other immigrant advocates and faith leaders to protest the arrests, which they say unfairly targeted Hispanics, and call for reforms to the country's immigration system. "We're making it more difficult for people to be good," said the Rev. Robert Wojtek, pastor of neighboring St. Michael and St. Patrick Roman Catholic parishes. "What sin against God have these people done?"

    This is one of the most rediculous, pulling the race card, entitlement, statements, I've ever heard. "We're making it more difficult for people to be good," how about be good because you have good character!!!

    "What sin against God have these people done?" If these priests would read the Bible and not that fairytale put out by the vatican, Christ said, "Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's and to God that which is God's." Obey the laws of the land . . . if you don't, be ready to pay the consequences.

    Why is it that every criminal is given the poor me excuse????
  • polksda
    polksda Posts: 716
    edited January 2007
    Why is it that every criminal is given the poor me excuse????

    Because it "tugs at the heartstrings" and works with entirely too many soccer moms and mush-heads that might ultimately wind up in a jury pool...
  • Polkersince85
    Polkersince85 Posts: 2,883
    edited January 2007
    polksda wrote:
    "tugs at the heartstrings"

    Try "the pursestrings".... as in percent of the illegals that are Catholic.

    This is all about money, being it employers, government, religion, retailers,...the list goes on.
    >This message has been scanned by the NSA and found to be free of harmful intent.<
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited January 2007
    Try "the pursestrings".... as in percent of the illegals that are Catholic.

    This is all about money, being it employers, government, religion, retailers,...the list goes on.

  • PolkWannabie
    PolkWannabie Posts: 2,763
    edited January 2007
    danger boy wrote:
    Illegal or not. they are human beings.. seems like alot of you have forgotten that. agree with them or not.. they are human beings, and should be treated as such.
    So ... It is not humane to arrest people for illegal activities ? ...

    Treated as such ? ... Fine ... By all means I hope they have a great life ... In their own country ... Or ... Take the legal route to be here ...
  • Mike682
    Mike682 Posts: 2,074
    edited January 2007
    Illegal = Illegal
    Receiver: harmankardon AVR235
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    DVD: Panasonic DVD-S29
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited January 2007
    Mike682 wrote:
    Illegal = Illegal

    What does ILLEGAL W/CRIMINAL RECORDS = ? >>>>>>>hell on earth for our citizens in or about the border states.
  • polrbehr
    polrbehr Posts: 2,830
    edited January 2007
    Right you are, Mike.

    Ever been to Farmingv... er, little Mexico?
    There are patches of ground near the 7-11 on Horseblock Rd and No. Ocean
    that are worn to dirt where the throngs of "workers" cluster.

    There was a story last year where 30-40 people were found to be living together in a 3 B/R ranch. Legally ;), of course.
    So, are you willing to put forth a little effort or are you happy sitting in your skeptical poo pile?
  • Mike682
    Mike682 Posts: 2,074
    edited January 2007
    polrbehr wrote:
    Right you are, Mike.

    Ever been to Farmingv... er, little Mexico?
    There are patches of ground near the 7-11 on Horseblock Rd and No. Ocean
    that are worn to dirt where the throngs of "workers" cluster.

    There was a story last year where 30-40 people were found to be living together in a 3 B/R ranch. Legally ;), of course.

    Yep, I saw that.

    That 7-11 near the intersection is dangerous because the "workers" are practically jumping at oncoming cars trying to get the driver's attention. I remember the owner of 7-11 kicked them off the parking lot because they were harassing women

    Levy is not backing down either....regardless of which "reverend" decides to complain.
    Receiver: harmankardon AVR235
    Mains: polk R30
    Center: polk CSi3
    Rear Surrounds: polk R20
    Subwoofer: polk PSW404
    DVD: Panasonic DVD-S29
  • DarqueKnight
    DarqueKnight Posts: 6,765
    edited January 2007
    BIZILL wrote:
    shoot 'em all...! That's a waste of human resources. Catch 'em, send 'em to boot camp, then off to Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh, by the way, no live ammo for the new recruits until they reach their duty station. We don't want to facilitate AWOL new recruits going into the armed robbery business.

    What do you think?
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,337
    edited January 2007! That's a waste of human resources. Catch 'em, send 'em to boot camp, then off to Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh, by the way, no live ammo for the new recruits until they reach their duty station. We don't want to facilitate AWOL new recruits going into the armed robbery business.

    What do you think?
    oh geez.thats a lil drastic. im not saying they shouldndt be sent back when caught here illegaly they should. but i also know full well that if you were there you would try to get here also. so would i or any one of us here for that matter. perhaps when they catch them if its a crime to be here illegaly. sentence them to work here until they pay there debt to society off.then ship them back. if anyone is to blame for this problem it is the individuals and companys that hire them. if they didnt hire them they wouldndt come. as far as the free health care goes you would have to prove you are a citizen, or here as a legal alien before you recieve health care or other benefits. that would stop most of that. as long as there is a reason to come here. people that are desperate to have a better life will come. when you catch the person or company that hired them, you make them pay a huge fine. one that is large enough that they would never do it again. take away the incenitive for employers to hire them and they will stop coming. REGARDS SNOW
    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,667
    edited January 2007! That's a waste of human resources. Catch 'em, send 'em to boot camp, then off to Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh, by the way, no live ammo for the new recruits until they reach their duty station. We don't want to facilitate AWOL new recruits going into the armed robbery business.

    What do you think?

    You're closer to the truth than you know, Darqueknight.
    Rivrrat wrote:
    and I've come to realize the truth is the feds want them here.

    Yes, that is true. The question is: Why ?

    The answer will have to lie in money/power, and on the scale that illegal immigration is allowed to occur, we're talking a LOT of money/power.
    That eliminates "We need lettuce pickers/chicken factory workers" reason.

    Now, what LARGE future need does the government see that would require a large reserve of manpower ?
    A large reserve of manpower that could be enticed into filling with the promise that "Answer the call, and you will be rewarded with citizenship" ?
    Sal Palooza