BW802D with good electronics is an ANIMAL!



  • McLoki
    McLoki Posts: 5,231
    edited October 2006
    billbillw wrote:
    I was just trying to point out that $5k for a CD player probably qualifies as something we could deem insanely priced.

    Insanely priced for any hobby is about 150%-200% above what the speaker could comfortably spend on any item.

    I have a $30,000 car, insanely priced for me starts around $75,000-$90,000

    I could comfortably spend about $1,000 on a amplifier. Knowing that, insanly priced for me is over $3,000. If you could see actually spending $2,000 on an amplifier, I am guessing an amp for $4,000-$5,000 would be insane. (especially only 2 channels)

    Sanity is measured against your own definition of it. Based on that, anyone with more than you can ever realisically see yourself having is insane. (then again - maybe they are wealthy enough to earn the title of eccentric instead)

    Mains.............Polk LSi15 (Cherry)
    Center............Polk LSiC (Crossover upgraded)
    Surrounds.......Polk LSi7 (Gloss Black - wood sides removed and crossovers upgraded)
    Subwoofers.....SVS 25-31 CS+ and PC+ (both 20hz tune)
    Pre\Pro...........NAD T163 (Modded with LM4562 opamps)
    Amplifier.........Cinepro 3k6 (6-channel, 500wpc@4ohms)
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited October 2006
    Excellent post Michael
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • madmax
    madmax Posts: 12,434
    edited October 2006
    $5K isn't overly insane for a good CD player. I would pay that much if I had it to pay. Of course you better have the rest of the equipment to support it otherwise you just paid $5K for something that sounds the same in your system as the $500 cheapy model would.
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Joey_V
    Joey_V Posts: 8,592
    edited October 2006
    TroyD wrote:
    Sibilant tweeter?

    My experience with the Nautilus line has been that they will reveal imperfections upstream but they, in and of themselves aren't inherently harsh. Just my .02.



    I'll take back my statement about the overly sibilant tweeter.... that isnt a characteristic of the new Diamonds so it doesnt apply here. I was posting on a pocket pc and I wasnt thinking straight.

    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • LuSh
    LuSh Posts: 887
    edited October 2006
    Ayre K5xe had probably more to do with the overall sonic bliss then the CDP, and this is coming from the yahoo that use to preach about source. I still contend a modded Museatex Bidat/Bitstream with transport (your choice make it a good one) would beat the Ayre CDP by a pretty wide margin, and for only $1500 (DAC used).

    While I haven't done a direct comparison I know people that have stopped doing comparison's to digital against the Bidat and now focus on comparisons to vinyl such as an SME20 and Linn LP12. A few inmates (Bwhite and Romy) own very expensive vinyl rigs and have done such comparisons. They stopped the digital comparisons after using the likes of Mark Levinson, Meridian, Musical Fidelity Tri/Vista, dCs etc...

    The pre-amp on the other hand is one I've wanted to hear for over a year now because it's the same pre that my relative from out west heard in what he described as "the best system I've ever heard in a private dwelling". What amazed him the most was the person was in transition with amp's and was using a $1200 NAD amp with a $6k pre-amp and he still walked away scratching his head. The souce was a tube CAL player and Hales speakers. Even the owner of Calgary's famous Audio Room had to admit defeat as he still hasn't been able to put together a system that could touch their mutal friends.

    I also like the fact that you can update the Ayre stuff and progress with it. It's nice after awhile to stop changing and just work with a sound you enjoy.

    I've also heard several good things about the new D series from B&W which is odd as their is usually a very divided camp on previous B&W speakers. I've heard a few MAC owners have had alot of luck with the new 800D series speakers. If I ever could build a dedicated room I'd have the B&W's at the very top of my list but I'm afraid I couldn't do the speakers any justice with my current space limitations.
  • Joey_V
    Joey_V Posts: 8,592
    edited October 2006

    It may have been the preamp, who knows. BUT, the entire system was kept the same except the CDP were swapped out. This means that the preamp was the same with both CDP.... and the difference between both reference CDP was quite large.

    It was easy to tell one from another in a single A/B and the Ayre was definitely the superior one to my ears.

    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • LuSh
    LuSh Posts: 887
    edited October 2006
    I don't doubt the Ayre was much better, and don't get me wrong I've heard nothing but great things about the Ayre. Having said that I don't think many people would consider Classe a great digital company which has historically built their reputation with their amps. SimAudio, Krell, Levinson all fall into that same category. Again, I wasn't trying to slight the Ayre. I'd love to hear one, although I'd be surprised if it could sound as analog as a Museatex.
  • Dennis Gardner
    Dennis Gardner Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2006
    Insanity isn't in the pricing, its in buying new/retail:D, audio gear, bikes, anything that tanks in value. If it goes down 40% in the first 2 years of ownership, it becomes reasonable in year 3. I find this true regardless of how much the gear costs. 100% of the audio bliss for half the cost is the game I prefer to play.
    HT Optoma HD25 LV on 80" DIY Screen, Anthem MRX 300 Receiver, Pioneer Elite BDP 51FD Polk CS350LS, Polk SDA1C, Polk FX300, Polk RT55, Dual EBS Adire Shiva 320watt tuned to 17hz, ICs-DIY Twisted Prs, Speaker-Raymond Cable

    2 Channel Thorens TD 318 Grado ZF1, SACD/CD Marantz 8260, Soundstream/Krell DAC1, Audio Mirror PP1, Odyssey Stratos, ADS L-1290, ICs-DIY Twisted , Speaker-Raymond Cable
  • sucks2beme
    sucks2beme Posts: 5,616
    edited October 2006
    Insanity isn't in the pricing, its in buying new/retail:D, audio gear, bikes, anything that tanks in value. If it goes down 40% in the first 2 years of ownership, it becomes reasonable in year 3. I find this true regardless of how much the gear costs. 100% of the audio bliss for half the cost is the game I prefer to play.

    This is my current plan of attack too. There are several audio shops that have fantastic trade ins. High end, well taken care of, and much cheaper.

    Dennis, it was, of all places, Norman Oklahoma, that I heard this set up.
    I've been drooling over the Classe' pamplet I picked up there. 80 friggin' pages of reviews and detailed inside and outside photos of the gear.
    Audiophile **** at it's best!
    "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." --Thomas Jefferson
  • Joey_V
    Joey_V Posts: 8,592
    edited October 2006
    sucks2beme wrote:
    This is my current plan of attack too. There are several audio shops that have fantastic trade ins. High end, well taken care of, and much cheaper.

    Dennis, it was, of all places, Norman Oklahoma, that I heard this set up.
    I've been drooling over the Classe' pamplet I picked up there. 80 friggin' pages of reviews and detailed inside and outside photos of the gear.
    Audiophile **** at it's best!

    My plan of attack too... used is the way to go and if it comes with warranty, then... double wow!

    Regarding the Classe brochure... wow! 80 pages!!??

    I wan that!

    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Dennis Gardner
    Dennis Gardner Posts: 4,861
    edited October 2006
    Ask for the B&W comes with a DVD on the speakers and great DTS sound tracks. I'm holding out for a pair of 800Ds myself with the Classe' 400 watt monoblocks.

    Audio Dimensions is way cool. Mr. Kim is in the top 5 B&W dealers in the nation. Super nice guy with a true love for audio. A real immigrant with a dream story.
    HT Optoma HD25 LV on 80" DIY Screen, Anthem MRX 300 Receiver, Pioneer Elite BDP 51FD Polk CS350LS, Polk SDA1C, Polk FX300, Polk RT55, Dual EBS Adire Shiva 320watt tuned to 17hz, ICs-DIY Twisted Prs, Speaker-Raymond Cable

    2 Channel Thorens TD 318 Grado ZF1, SACD/CD Marantz 8260, Soundstream/Krell DAC1, Audio Mirror PP1, Odyssey Stratos, ADS L-1290, ICs-DIY Twisted , Speaker-Raymond Cable
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited October 2006
    F1nut wrote:
    It's all perspective. $5k isn't that much for what you get, an excellent CDP.

    Oh yeah, I haven't heard a B&W speaker I liked.

    I assume you haven't heard many of them. I would love to own 802D's. What a hell of a speaker. Man if I only had room in my budget for them....

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited October 2006
    Never assume, Dan.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2006
    I listened to some 800D's using Mark Levinson amps, really nice sound. I later heard some 803D's using Lexicon gear, not so good. The dealer later sent the 803D's back to the factory for testing to see if something was wrong. Turned out the Lexicon gear did not have strength to run them well enough. Gear makes a difference and Classe is top notch.

    One thing that irks me about the D series is that not only are they 40% more than their predeccesor, but the Diamond tweeters are very fragile. I know a few guys that blew them and paid anywhere from $1000-$2000 to replace each tweeter. That is insane. Warranty did not cover it because his amp blew a channel and shattered the tweeter. When my tweeter blew it was $100.
  • shack
    shack Posts: 11,154
    edited October 2006
    I've demoed lots of B&Ws and never cared much for any of them. I have heard the 801s and 802s very briefly. Good gear (McIntosh) but a bad room. They sounded good but not great. Set up right in a good room they should be much better thant the 300, 600, 700 and CM series I've listened to. Those series have always come across as to bright, sterile, harsh....whatever. Just not to my liking.
    "Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right." - Ricky Gervais

    "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase

    "Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson
  • Joey_V
    Joey_V Posts: 8,592
    edited October 2006
    LIke I said... it's all about the electronics now. With speakers as good and full of potential like the 802Ds, feed it great electronics and they respond in full force.

    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R