Rediscovering Vinyl Pt. 2: Teres Audio 255 Turntable and Graham 2.2 Tonearm



  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    Ah, in'tresting. Looks like a simple way to do programmable LED. The other way I was thinking of looking into was going to involve a Raspberry Pi I think.
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  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,596
    edited August 2017
    msg wrote: »
    Ah, in'tresting. Looks like a simple way to do programmable LED. The other way I was thinking of looking into was going to involve a Raspberry Pi I think.

    More mess. Pick a color, pick an intensity level and enjoy. Done.

    Ain't the most tricked out thing, but it's easy peasy.

    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • DarqueKnight
    DarqueKnight Posts: 6,765
    Oh wow...this thread brings back memories:
    "If I could magically acquire high quality digital versions of all my records, I would sell my turntables and associated paraphernalia and never look back. I absolutely do not like dealing with the maintenance and setup issues with turntables and records."

    A little over ten years after I wrote those words I began the four month task of digitizing my records. I didn't sell my turntable though. I'm holding on to it for a while longer in case I need to digitize the occasional vinyl purchase.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    Yeah, I read that and was reminded of your semi-recent post of the last batch of albums you were working on. Good call on keeping the gear, I say. I'd have a hard time letting it go even after thinking I were done-done.

    Just another example of what a great resource this place is. I learned something from even from 10+ year old posts.
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