October: **** & **** History Month



  • univera
    univera Posts: 848
    edited September 2006
    Alright, I can't help myself. I didn't read every thread, but I read enough. I agree with Brett that being a minority of any kind (no, I'm not **** or black) cannot be understood fully unless one is a minority. There is a Christian mentality that totally consumes the entire country. What I mean is, that many times the majority Christian community feels that their point of view is the only one. A prime example being the use of the word "god" in the Pledge. While I have no real issue with that, people argue that the country was founded on "Christian" principles. What the hell does that mean? Does that mean its alright to teach religious stuff in schools because Christians founded this country? The idea that morality is going out the door is something I somewhat agree with. There is no innocence is the world anymore. However; the homosexual issue is NOT part of that equation. Straight and **** sexual attitudes are plastered everywhere and are out in the open. When people say that morality has gone out the door and use **** as a reason, they are judging them and essentially saying that is an immoral behavior. Period.

    The difference today vs. 20 years ago is that **** people don't have to hide in the backrooms and pretend they aren't ****. Do I want to see two men kissing in public? Absolutely not. I acutally think many **** people/men understand and respect that. It is a turn off to me, but, I support their right to be **** and do it in private. I do feel that just because this is a free country doesn't give you the right to do things openly that upsets many people. For that matter, I don't really want to see straight couples doing PDA's. Just because a religious group feels being **** is wrong, that is THEIR problem. I'll bet a lot of the people who say they are tolerant wouldn't allow a **** person to stay in their homes.

    Hearing impaired, I agree with you on some level that I am not sure this belongs in a public school, but if the message is tolerance, why fear it? Let's face it: there are a lot of parents out there who DON'T teach tolerance, and Christian "principles" are the reason behind it. They teach the being **** is wrong. I could give a crap less what the bible says about homosexuality. I am my own man and I can decide whether or not to judge someone. If anyone is scared of schools doing nothing more than teaching acceptance, then those parents need a course in acceptance themselves. I have a great friend that says while he feels that **** are sinning, he still accepts them and he doesn't judge them. WHAT? How is that not judging them? If anyone believes that somone can be "untaught" concerning their sexuality by the church inserting themselves, they are truly misled. Yes, a chance person or two may turn to the other side in search of something, but the majority are **** because they were born that way. If anyone doubts this is a Christian dominated society in any way, they are living in a fantasy world. Bottom line: if you are comfortable with your sexuality, you should have no need to judge anyone else.

    Hearing impaired, with all due respect, imagine for a second that your child was **** and you had to "rely" on the teachings of a Christian community that generally feels being **** is a sin. Would you rather other kids be informed that **** people should be treated fairly and not picked on or would you rather leave that up to some of the wacked out parents to "intstill" in their kids. Changes a bit when you think about your child being ****......There are alot of unhappy folks out there, so if Brett or anyone else is happy, why do so many people get their panties in a wad? They aren't robbing banks or commiting crimes. Hell, many **** couples are quite well off. "GOD" forbid someone or something says that being **** is acceptable. Your kids aren't going to turn **** because of their friend or even their parent's attitudes or lifestyle. I learned when I was 8 years old that I got wood from looking at girls. That either happens or it doesn't.

    A bit off track, but had to get that off my chest are reading some of the bull that preceded my thread.
    Historic Charleston SC

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    "I love it when a plan comes together." Hannibal Smith, The A-Team
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    ^^^This is a good point.....Joe, you said you have 2 **** brothers and 2 **** cousins. Have you ever talked to your son about **** people? It's NEVER been a topic of discussion?

    No, we haven't had to until now. The **** situation is not tops on our list of must teach items here. My (****) brother lives here to and he hasn't felt the need to talk to my son about this YET! The only time **** was brought up was when we were at the dinner table one night and the boy said that someone said something and it was "****," I rebuffed him accordingly for the use in that context. Other than that it has not come up until now and as I said before the School Board's actions has now forced me and my wife to deal with this. I have too many other learning issues with my son right now and NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO HAVE DEAL WITH THIS. This is another reason that I am upset. They are forcing me to deal with this at a very very bad emotional time.

    We are not as mentally stable as you Brett so we can get overwhelmed by these types of things when they pop up uninvited. That doesn't make us bad people or parents it is just our fact of life.

    One more thing . . . my brother watches Will & Grace reruns everynight. I have never stopped my boy from watching it however, I do keep him from watching the **** channel. I think **** are way over sensitive and that their issues are not my issues and I don't have to place the **** issues in my living and teaching agenda in my life. When the time comes it will be dealt with but it will be dealt with by me and my wife one way or another. No other entity or person is going to make us do it. This is how we did it with our oldest boy and he turned out quite good, excellant in fact.
  • ohskigod
    ohskigod Posts: 6,502
    edited September 2006
    so, are we going to start singing showtunes or what?

    perhaps a Liza Minelli ditty?..............................no?..........alrighty :D

    (as he signs up for mandatory sensitivity training)
    Living Room 2 Channel -
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    Upstairs 2 Channel Rig -
    Prometheus Ref. TVC passive pre, SAE A-205 Amp, Wiim pro streamer and Topping E50 DAC, California Audio Labs DX1 CD player, Von Schweikert VR3.5 speakers.

    Studio Rig - Scarlett 18i20(Gen3) DAW, Mac Mini, Aiyma A07 Max (BridgedX2), Totem Mites
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    You've completely side stepped the question. No one has answered my question and it appears no one will.

    Condemn the subject matter? Let me see if I can explain this again. Up until recently, public schools were a place US citizens could send their children to learn basic math, science, reading, etc. skills paid for by their tax dollars. However, now we find a 9 year old sent home with a calendar declaring October as "**** & **** History" month. Without even taking a step further, they have already crossed the line, PERIOD. In what way does someone's sexual orientation need to be discussed in a classroom full of K-12 public school students??? It doesn't. It is not relevant and infringes upon the rights of parents to deal with the subject matter as they see fit. Teach tolerance? How about teaching it broadly and leaving the sex talk at home for mom and dad? Why is that so hard to accept???

    We're not talking about ignoring children who are asking why that kid in is class has skin color darker than his, or why that boy is so much bigger than all the others, or why that little girl is in a wheel chair. Those subjects are being covered and deservedly so.

    I know my morals/beliefs are different than yours. Mine tell me that SEXUAL ORIENTATION (not sex ed, which can almost be clumped in with simple biology of the human body) should be handled outside of the classroom. Who are you to tell me my morals are wrong and yours are right??? Why are you OK with taking away my rights to handle this NON-ACADEMIC subject at home???? Teach kids to be tolerant of everyone's differences.

    I don't give a flip about who put it on the calendar. Regardless, it was wrong in my eyes.

    You can go on and on all you want about kids today and how they are losing their innocence at younger ages. Do you know why?? Because of poor parenting. Not because of poor schooling. Introducing SEX101 into public schools isn't going to fix the problem, its only going to make it worse. I'm sorry that you have been discriminated against, but taking away my rights won't fix the problem. You want your kids to learn about sexual orientantion in schools? You send them to the private school and mandate your script to them. Leave the public schools out of it.

    My point exactly, thanks dude,
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Ok....again.....THE SCHOOL BOARD WAS WRONG.......THE SCHOOL BOARD WAS WRONG.....clear?

    Even upping the age range to 12, you're saying your rights are actually removed/eliminated/abandoned with regard to your child if the school talks about SOMETHING (unknown) ****/**** related? What if Bobby's parents feel it's ok. Are Bobby's parents out to get you too? Is your comfort level the guide on what Bobby's parents are comfortable with?

    I'm not going to adress the subject matter again with you. You go ahead and keep creating whatever worst case scenario you need to sleep easier with your arguement.

    Thanks for the admission Brett. The problem here is that the all the parents I've spoken to even the liberals feel that what was done here was dead wrong.
    What if Bobby's parents feel it's ok. Are Bobby's parents out to get you too? Is your comfort level the guide on what Bobby's parents are comfortable with?

    Why is it that what comes out of your mouth is, "OUT TO GET"??? I don't feel that anyone is out to get me or my way of life. YOU DO!!! Unfortunately in the past that was true. In the present the far right Christians are trying to keep you from getting married and a few other things. I'M NOT!!! I could give a rat's **** what you do, where you do it, or how you do it! Just don't tell me how to raise my kid and force me to deal with an issue that I don't give a rip about. I teach my son the excellant morals that I was taught. Those morals may not have you in mind or my brothers or my cousins but that is just too bad.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    univera Hearing impaired, I agree with you on some level that I am not sure this belongs in a public school, but if the message is tolerance, why fear it? Let's face it: there are a lot of parents out there who DON'T teach tolerance, and Christian "principles" are the reason behind it.

    The problem here is THEY HAVE NO MESSAGE!!!! They just don't have anything in their 1st quarter ciriculum about this announced October: **** & **** History Month. No course outlines on tolerance, no course outlines on the biology or human behaviour, NOTHING. Every February my son has many projects to do concerning Black History month.

    I don't fear tolerance, I preach it. If the school board wanted to teach tolerance of all people I wouldn't have a problem with that even though. I teach it at home.

    That is not what they did. They took a **** and left the cleanup of the mess to us parents without asking or notifying us. They dumped right in the children's laps and sent them home to us. This is what I have the problem with.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited September 2006
    I can't speak on behalf of the black/hispanic arguement because I'm neither. There are a lot of things that are done which are not right, but rather than approach the topic with 'coddle no one' I think it's best to support everyone that's being treated unfairly. It is insincere at best when "the majority" claim victimization when issues are brought up to them yet are more than willing to say "when everyone decides to approach us all together, we'll have open arms at changing things."

    Phantom, I've made my point that it's not a booksmart thing that the topic would address. You can claim that the only things being learned by kids in school is from books until you die, but you're wrong. As much as you want to imply that you live in a bubble, you do not and neither do your kids. Since you have a problem with the topic months, please tell me what ACADEMIC knowledge your children have learned from from Black History Month, or any of the other topical months that are honored? If you're not getting my social point by page 8 now, I'm not going to word it any differently for you.
    We are not as mentally stable as you Brett so we can get overwhelmed by these types of things when they pop up uninvited. That doesn't make us bad people or parents it is just our fact of life.
    I don't know if this is a sarcastic comment or not, but to be clear, I'm not at all trying to imply that you or anyone else is unstable.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    univer Hearing impaired, with all due respect, imagine for a second that your child was **** and you had to "rely" on the teachings of a Christian community that generally feels being **** is a sin. Would you rather other kids be informed that **** people should be treated fairly and not picked on or would you rather leave that up to some of the wacked out parents to "intstill" in their kids. Changes a bit when you think about your child being ****......There are alot of unhappy folks out there, so if Brett or anyone else is happy, why do so many people get their panties in a wad? They aren't robbing banks or commiting crimes. Hell, many **** couples are quite well off. "GOD" forbid someone or something says that being **** is acceptable. Your kids aren't going to turn **** because of their friend or even their parent's attitudes or lifestyle. I learned when I was 8 years old that I got wood from looking at girls. That either happens or it doesn't.

    I am a Christian. Jesus Christ never (and I know my Bible very well) uttered a single word about homosexuality. He taught love, peace, and TOLERANCE. Now you can slander the Christians as you did above but Christians in general are very tolerant people at least the ones I socalize with are. For God sakes being homosexual in a Muslem society is a death sentance. This is the greatest country on God's green earth where we are allowed to disagree. But get your facts straight when you talk about Christians. Not all of us are fanatics and take things to the extreme. And this country, THANK GOD, was founded on Christian morals as a matter of fact the New Testament preaches democracy.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    I don't know if this is a sarcastic comment or not, but to be clear, I'm not at all trying to imply that you or anyone else is unstable.

    Brett I was not being sarcastic. I am being quite serious. It may sound scary but it is fact.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited September 2006
    That is not what they did. They took a **** and left the cleanup of the mess to us parents without asking or notifying us. They dumped right in the children's laps and sent them home to us. This is what I have the problem with.
    I just can't understand this level of crisis mode for something that has yet to be actually explained. A simple "we need to talk to the school before we talk to you son" would be more productive than flipping out to this degree to where your son sees this level of anger/frustration about a topic. I'm not saying you're brawling in plain sight of your kids, but kids sense tension/anger about things and then they will become more curious about your anger than the topic itself. It's counter-productive to feel "attacked" rather than asking for and letting the school produce a direct answer. If you pull your kid out of school, what reason are you going to give him for doing so?
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    I just can't understand this level of crisis mode for something that has yet to be actually explained. A simple "we need to talk to the school before we talk to you son" would be more productive than flipping out to this degree to where your son sees this level of anger/frustration about a topic. I'm not saying you're brawling in plain sight of your kids, but kids sense tension/anger about things and then they will become more curious about your anger than the topic itself. It's counter-productive to feel "attacked" then asking for and letting the school produce a direct answer. If you pull your kid out of school, what reason are you going to give him for doing so?

    See ya got it wrong again. We are not in crisis mode. At the time it felt like crisis mode but we didn't react. We called the school we called the school district just as thousands of other parents in Philadelphia have done and let them know about our displeasure with how they handled this whole issue. We delt with our son the night it occured. The emotion you are sensing is the emotion wrought on by this thread.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited September 2006
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you fax a note off to someone and were waiting to hear back about the specifics of the month's topic to find out what information they had behind it?
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Phantom, I've made my point that it's not a booksmart thing that the topic would address. You can claim that the only things being learned by kids in school is from books until you die, but you're wrong. As much as you want to imply that you live in a bubble, you do not and neither do your kids. Since you have a problem with the topic months, please tell me what ACADEMIC knowledge your children have learned from from Black History Month, or any of the other topical months that are honored? If you're not getting my social point by page 8 now, I'm not going to word it any differently for you.
    I don't know if this is a sarcastic comment or not, but to be clear, I'm not at all trying to imply that you or anyone else is unstable.
    PhantomOG wrote:
    Yes, children learn more at school than from just textbooks, but the school does not and should not have a say in morals/beliefs beyond what is necessary to keep order and not impede any child's learning environment.
    PhantomOG wrote:
    We're not talking about ignoring children who are asking why that kid in is class has skin color darker than his, or why that boy is so much bigger than all the others, or why that little girl is in a wheel chair. Those subjects are being covered and deservedly so.

    I've addressed these issues, and you ignore them. I ask you direct questions and you side step them. Maybe you just didn't see my posts...

    Do I have a problem with Black History month? Hmm..
    Do I think important historical figures should be discussed in school, regardless of their color? Absolutely. Should the accomplishments of African Americans during the time of and shortly after slavery be brought into special attention because of the hardships they endured while making those accomplishments? Absolutely. With that said, I think as a nation we've come a long way since then. Are there still racists out there? Unfortunately yes. Can people succeed despite them? Fortunately yes.

    All of this is beside the point and irrelevant to the discussion. As bad as you and other **** people have had it, you were not rounded up from your country, chained up, taken to a new place and sold as slaves--then eventually freed and discrimated against on the same level as African Americans were. I find your analogy extremely weak at best. Tolerance SHOULD be taught in schools. Sexual orientation SHOULD NOT.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited September 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    I've addressed these issues, and you ignore them. I ask you direct questions and you side step them. Maybe you just didn't see my posts...
    I did miss your posts.......but you're asking me to defend a point YOU'RE making.......You're arguing academic, I've said I don't know what the material is, and that at a minimum it could be a social aspect. What about that hasn't been made clear?
    PhantomOG wrote:
    All of this is beside the point and irrelevant to the discussion. As bad as you and other **** people have had it, you were not rounded up from your country, chained up, taken to a new place and sold as slaves--then eventually freed and discrimated against on the same level as African Americans were. I find your analogy extremely weak at best. Tolerance SHOULD be taught in schools. Sexual orientation SHOULD NOT.
    Look, I'm not going to give someone kudo's for saying that one type of discrimination is bad, while others are either ok or not as bad. Discrimination is discrimination.......end of story. You get no cookie from me......

    During sex ed, do they teach that the **** goes into the **** (it's been a while since I was in high school)? They're teaching heterosexuality (sexual orientation). Do you have a problem with that to? Again, you're getting bent about what YOU'RE speculating the subject matter could be. I can't argue against what you're ultimately making up.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • wingnut4772
    wingnut4772 Posts: 7,519
    edited September 2006
    jdhdiggs wrote:
    Time for the company softball game

    Well why didn't you just say you were a ****?!:D
    Sharp Elite 70
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    Totem Mask Surrounds X4
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    Polk Atrium 7s on the patio just to keep my foot in the door.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you fax a note off to someone and were waiting to hear back about the specifics of the month's topic to find out what information they had behind it?
    Hi Brett,

    I think I told you this on page 1 or 2. We (loads of parents) individually contacted the school principal. He wouldn't talk to us. He had his secretary send a copy of the first quarter ciriculum home with our children. He told his secretary to tell us, "after they read the ciriculum, they will feel better."

    We received the ciriculum from our 9 year old son. I read it and re-read it. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN IT CONCERNING OCTOBER: **** & **** HISTORY MONTH. Nothing at all concerning anything that could remotely be associated with that topic.

    He said after we read the ciriculum we would feel better. After I did read it that is when I realized there was an agenda and that the rumours we had heard about the school district being presured by "special interest groups" started to ring true. Talking to other parents, who by the way many are diametrically opposed to my politics and my beliefs (liberals), we have come to the same conclusion. I admit they are rumours but I gotta tell you something is very fishy here as a matter of fact outright stinks.

    We have contacted the school board as directed with our complaints written and sent by fax. We have heard nothing from them at all and the pricipal has remained conspicuously quiet. He is usually right in there with us answering questions and putting out fires when necessary.

    So I am waiting. In the mean time I am enjoying this thread. I hope they don't delete it.

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    PhantomOG wrote:
    Do I have a problem with Black History month? Hmm..
    Do I think important historical figures should be discussed in school, regardless of their color? Absolutely. Should the accomplishments of African Americans during the time of and shortly after slavery be brought into special attention because of the hardships they endured while making those accomplishments? Absolutely. With that said, I think as a nation we've come a long way since then. Are there still racists out there? Unfortunately yes. Can people succeed despite them? Fortunately yes.

    All of this is beside the point and irrelevant to the discussion. As bad as you and other **** people have had it, you were not rounded up from your country, chained up, taken to a new place and sold as slaves--then eventually freed and discrimated against on the same level as African Americans were. I find your analogy extremely weak at best. Tolerance SHOULD be taught in schools. Sexual orientation SHOULD NOT.

    What he said!
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    I did miss your posts.......but you're asking me to defend a point YOU'RE making.......You're arguing academic, I've said I don't know what the material is, and that at a minimum it could be a social aspect. What about that hasn't been made clear?
    Look, I'm not going to give someone kudo's for saying that one type of discrimination is bad, while others are either ok or not as bad. Discrimination is discrimination.......end of story. You get no cookie from me......

    During sex ed, do they teach that the **** goes into the **** (it's been a while since I was in high school)? They're teaching heterosexuality (sexual orientation). Do you have a problem with that to? Again, you're getting bent about what YOU'RE speculating the subject matter could be. I can't argue against what you're ultimately making up.

    Brett, there is no subject matter it doesn't exist, there is nothing in the first quarter ciriculum as I stated above something really stinks.
    During sex ed, do they teach that the **** goes into the **** (it's been a while since I was in high school)? They're teaching heterosexuality (sexual orientation). Do you have a problem with that to?

    I'm not afraid to answer that question. NO, I have no problem with that at all. Now you can tell me I'm bigoted against **** and lesbians.
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    edited September 2006
    Here is an aspect no one has touched upon yet.

    Kids are born unknowing & you might say ignorant. But some kids figure out pretty quickly unless they are taught better that size, weight, & aggressiveness do make a difference & they promptly become bullies.

    Both of my brothers were “big” boys. However, our parents raised us to have respect for them, ourselves, & for others. If one of us took something from another of us we were punished for it.

    We were taught to respect our elders whether they were related to us or not! If we got sent home with a note detailing some infraction, whether we participated or not, we were punished!

    Needless to say we took that attitude with us into the schools with us. Guess what happened? We were ALL bully targets. Now my brothers if they hadn’t been raised different could have squashed most bullies like bugs. But they didn’t, instead they were beaten up.

    I suffered one thing that my brothers didn’t. Those of you who have met me or have seen my picture assume that I am black. This is how I identify myself, but the truth is, I’m half white & half black. The people I call my family (who were black) are not related to me by blood, but they took me in as a foster child & raised me since I was 6 months old.

    I was a lot lighter as a kid, so now on top of being a small quiet kid, I got called a Nig*** by the white kids & a Whi*** by the black ones. So if someone didn’t beat me up for being quiet & respectful, they beat me up for my color whichever one they thought I was that was offensive to them!

    I didn’t know what the racial slurs were, until they were tossed in my face when I went to school & I told my parents about them.

    Until then it was never an issue in our home. But my parents took the bull by the horns & explained it to me. Until then, racism was never mentioned, but my parents certainly knew it existed. It didn’t really come home to me until the riots over the enforced desegregation of the Boston Public School System! I could have been one of those kids being yelled at by a bunch of ignorant prejudiced white people in South Boston!

    Today 30+ years later I hear & read reports all the time about bullies in school & the peer pressure they exert on others who just want to fit in. And damage they do. Some of the consequences of allowing bullies (i.e. ignorant kids) to run wild & spread their evil is: Beatings, Suicides, & Postal killings!

    A number of homosexual kids are killing themselves because they feel that they will never fit in, will always be picked on, afraid their parents won’t understand or will disown them, etc.

    Other so called misfits are depressed, despondent, & sometimes turn into killers to get even with those who have scorned them. Others can grow up to be just as evil & racist & discriminatory as the kids that tormented them. (I could have easily been one of them. But I had a strong family to support me.)

    I learned some important stuff in school. I remember saying to one of my teachers who was Jewish when she told me that her family didn’t celebrate Christmas, “That’s stupid.” She kindly pointed out to me that “It’s not stupid, it’s just different.”

    Since my family isn’t Jewish, the subject never came up. But since they always taught me to be tolerant & respectful of other people no matter who they are & I had enough bad memories & experiences of people who didn’t tolerate me for who I am, I learned that day that she was simply different from me & did things differently & that was ok!

    From that day on, I have never told another person that their ideas, religion, sexual orientation, (Once I found out there was such a thing In high school) was wrong. I have NEVER told another person that their race is wrong! How could I when I straddle BOTH sides of the fence?

    How would you feel if you found your son or daughter dead from their own hand because they were harassed, beaten, bullied, etc. & they didn’t trust you enough to come talk to you about it?

    Would you agonize the rest of your life wondering “If only I had talked to him/her about changes in their behavior that I noticed but didn’t address because I WASN’T READY TO DO SO but now it’s too late cause they are dead.

    Whether you want to believe it or not, kids DO pick up bad behavior from other kids at school. School it often a child’s’ FIRST introduction to socialization with other people besides family.

    There is plenty of blame to go around for EVERYONE! The only solution for these kinds of situations is knowledge & education! Parents have to be willing & able to broach these subjects with their children. If the parents won’t do it, or don’t WANT to do it, then sometimes it ends up falling to the schools.

    Parents weren’t teaching their kids realistically about sex as they matured, so the birth rate for young people soared & schools ended up having to do it.

    The earlier children are taught the ideals of tolerance & respect, self control, & respect for themselves & for EVERYONE, the sooner these issues won’t need to be raised. I personally don’t care who does it, be it parents or schools. So long as SOMEONE does it!


    I’m sorry for what you are going through, but you haven’t been treated badly or discriminated against.

    My older brother 48 yrs. old resides in a nursing home with permanent brain damage. He was approved for SSI in January 2006 He got disability checks a little sooner. He fell ill August 2004! It didn’t take him as long to qualify, only because he didn’t have as many assets that you did!

    The process takes a long time to begin with, it took you longer because you HAD to eliminate your life savings in order to qualify for public money! It might not be fair but that is the way it works. You can only have $2000.00 of liquid assets to qualify for social security & disability payments.

    My taxes & everyone else’s taxes in this forum are supplying you & MY BROTHER with OUR money.

    I would be pissed if I knew you had a stash somewhere & were just hiding it away while you took MY money! Money that I hope to get some of to help supplement MY retirement!

    You shouldn’t be looked down on or scorned, but neither should you have tons of money in the bank while some people are living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet since they are losing a good portion of their paycheck to help support you.
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited September 2006
    Agreed, you're assuming that 'special interest groups' told your school board to create this theme month. Until you back that up with any factual information, I'm not going to buy that angle. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you're as emotionally invested/upset as you are about this. (I'm not creating this emotion, you've posted that several times)
    I'm not afraid to answer that question. NO, I have no problem with that at all. Now you can tell me I'm bigoted against **** and lesbians.
    I'm saying you just lost your arguement for not teaching sexual orientation in school.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    Agreed, you're assuming that 'special interest groups' told your school board to create this theme month. Until you back that up with any factual information, I'm not going to buy that angle. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you're as emotionally invested/upset as you are about this. (I'm not creating this emotion, you've posted that several times)

    I'm saying you just lost your arguement for not teaching sexual orientation in school.
    The argument was that the school district f##$'d up and they did. You admitted that.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,624
    edited September 2006
    There are different issues here....

    1. The way the school board notified parents of the theme month (calendar).
    2. The way the school board determined that the month be put into existence at all. (you claim special interest groups)

    I disagree with 1 in their method of (not) notiying the parents properly, but I won't take your implication on 2 until there's some proof that your guess is fact based instead of just accusatory speculation..
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    cfrizz wrote:
    only because he didn’t have as many assets that you did!

    The process takes a long time to begin with, it took you longer because you HAD to eliminate your life savings in order to qualify for public money! It might not be fair but that is the way it works. You can only have $2000.00 of liquid assets to qualify for social security & disability payments.

    First off thank you for that eloquent rebuttel to all this. However you are dead wrong about the above.

    How much money or assests a person has, has absoutley nothing to do with Social Security Disability. You are talking about welfare my friend. I am NOT getting your tax money, my tax money, or anyone elses. I made hundreds of thousands of dollar in my career as a Help Desk Architect, my last position was as the vice president of help desk management and architecture in a major IT corporation. I paid many thousands of dollars into the Social Security system. WHAT I AM GETTING IS MY MONEY THAT I PAID INTO THE SOCIAL SECURITY POOL AND MY EMPLOYERS MATCHED. That is why I am able to collect the maximum amount and people that put less in get a lot less money.

    This is their procedure. First they turn everyone down on the first application. This causes up to 80% of the applicants to figure that it is easier to go back to work and that is what the SSA counts on. Then you make a second application. At this point they advise you to get a lawyer. There are thousands of Social Security "Lawyers" it is a racket. Then the lawyer gets you a hearing which takes up to 9 more months (at this point at least a year plus has past not counting the 9 more months). Next the judge takes 1 to 1 1/2 years to accumulate all the "information" he/she needs to make a decision. In the mean time another large percentile of people say efff it and try to go back to work and drop their requests (much to their chagrin they have to start back to the very begining with SSA if they find they still can't work). Then during that 1 1/2 years your lawyer badgers the judge until he gets tired of hearing from your lawyer. The decision is then made and it doesn't necessarily mean you get a favorable decision. That is absolute fact. I can back that up with tons of paper work and experience.

    I am not on welfare. I wish I had better medical benefits than medicare.

    This is a warning to all you folks. If you do not have short and long term disability insurance I strongly urge you to get the best you can. I never in a million years would have thought that this could happen to me. I had all my bases covered except for that. I can tell you I am paying dearly for that one mistake. I can tell you that I paid into SSI a hell of a lot more money than I am getting back. I dropped my disablility insurance because it too expensive. . . DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE FOLKS THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU. And it isn't pleasant.

    PS: A lawyers typical response to a new client asking how long it will take for a decision to be made, "Well it depends, it could take 3 years but usually you are rejected twice and the third times a charm."

    This is not bull s#!+ folks.

    Don't get me wrong I thank God that SSI exists. The political party I belong to is totally against it. Go figure.

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited September 2006
    brettw22 wrote:
    There are different issues here....

    1. The way the school board notified parents of the theme month (calendar).
    2. The way the school board determined that the month be put into existence at all. (you claim special interest groups)

    I disagree with 1 in their method of (not) notiying the parents properly, but I won't take your implication on 2 until there's some proof that your guess is fact based instead of just accusatory speculation..
    You are right not to go with me on step two. I wouldn't go on someone elses speculation. So we definetly agree on that point.
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    edited September 2006
    Here is another fact people should know. If you contribute for short & long term disability at your job, once you get approved for disabilty your company will demand that you pay a good portion of what they paid you back!

    They even have companies that will help you fill out the forms, telling you not to worry you will get a check from your employer for the rest of your life!

    ****! No sooner did my brother get approved, they they sent a letter asking for almost 20,000 dollars back!

    They knew full well that he wouldn't have it since he was approved for SSDI & SS. So that let them cut off his check! Supposedly it's in the fine print! But no one comes straight out & tells you this!

    The bottom line is no company wants to give a former employee thousands of dollars when they aren't getting anything in return for it. Even if it's only half your salary!
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
  • Airplay355
    Airplay355 Posts: 4,298
    edited September 2006
    Well I couldn't really take 8 pages of the back and forth argument but I have some thoughts based on what I read.

    When I was in 4th grade, the school decided it was time to tell us about our bodies with a video in health class IE guys watched the guys video and girls watched the girls video. Some schools show girls the guys video too and vice versa. whatever you get the point. Before they did this, they sent the kids home with a note that needed to be signed allowing the child to watch said video and to be taught that information.

    Now, 9 is definitely young. I don't remember being 9 and I definitely don't know much about being a parent, but I think anything regarding sexuality in elementary school definitely needs to be passed through the parent before children are openly exposed to it.

    Sex in children is a HUGE issue around me. I can't tell you how many 15 yr old girls have children around me. What causes this is a friggin mystery. It could be that they learned about sex too early, it could be that they didn't learn ENOUGH about sex early enough and ended up facing HUGE consequences of it by finding out for themselves. Children are exploring sex very early, it's a fact, don't try to deny it. I don't think the way to deal with the problem is to shelter them from it however. Kids this young need to start learning about this stuff before it's too late. **** my little cousin got her period in 4th grade. It's important they know about sex and it's consequences before they end up in middle school and highschool where they will find out for themselves if they aren't taught.

    So personally I think it's good that elementary kids are slowly exposed to sexuality and sex in school. HOWEVER, I definitely definitely think the school needs to go above and beyond to make sure EVERY parent is aware of what their child is learning when it is a touchy subject like that.

    I'd sign the form to allow **** and **** month as well as the sex video but I'd firmly support the right of the parent who does not want their child learning about such subject matter in school.

    I think that's where the problem comes in. A parent does not have the option to opt out of a school calendar.

    So in this case, I'd have to give a thumbs down on the school calendar. **** and **** history month, fine. But find a better way to do it then post it on a calendar.
  • kmac2
    kmac2 Posts: 34
    edited September 2006
    We were not permitted to speak directly to him,

    Say What :confused: :eek: You accepted that? "Not permitted" by whom? I don't care what the subject of any parent's concern about their child's school is, you got a problem or a question about what's going on, you get yourself to that school and campout at the principal's door if you have to. What a load of horse crap. "Not permitted". "We (loads of parents) individually contacted the school principal. He wouldn't talk to us." :rolleyes: unf*ckingbelievable
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited September 2006
    jdhdiggs wrote:
    DB: Have a good one! Oh, and don't eat any babies!

    YOU GET IN MY BELLY! ha ha ha
    (fat **** quote)
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited September 2006
    Where is Jstas when you need him? :p
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: