V for Vendetta



  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,913
    edited August 2006
    No no, that was great....

    The whole... girl no more fear... rain - she throws her arms up, then they flashback ocasionally...

    What you quoted was brilliant.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • garcianc2003
    garcianc2003 Posts: 20
    edited August 2006
    I read through all the posts in this thread and apparently I am the only person who thinks the audio track is deficient. I had to trim by as much as +6 db in order to make the dialog audible. +4 was probably enough, but I had to compensate for Hugo's scenes when he is speaking through the mask.
    By the way, I LOVE THIS MOVIE and own the special edition DVD (hoping for better sound).
  • halo
    halo Posts: 5,616
    edited August 2006
    Loved the audio on this movie - I don't think my neighbors appreciated the late night bombardment ala SVS though :o:D Loved that speech too btw ;):D
    Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro
    HT: Samsung QN90B * Marantz NR1510 * Panasonic DMP-BDT220 * Roku Ultra LT * APC H10
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited August 2006
    No no, that was great....

    The whole... girl no more fear... rain - she throws her arms up, then they flashback ocasionally...

    What you quoted was brilliant.

    I think that was a great scene. Probably the best of the movie.It is where Evey becomes enlightened. She read the same letter that V originally found in captivity, what made him become what he was. Why he made his own shrine of roses.

    V basically dismantled her and by doing so, made her perceptions broaden, newbirth symbolized by water, setting her free. When she realized that it was V who held her captive, she yelled at him and said "none of this was real?" I do not remember the accurate quote, but he said something to the effect of, "what was real down there, is just as real up here".

    I find a lot of similarities between V and the Matrix, probably because of Hugo. His character in the Matrix allowed for the birth of the Neo character, changing his perceptions and setting him free. When he destroyed agent Smith, Smith came back in the second one, giving his microphone up and saying that Neo set him free, all the while he was now looking for a new porpose.

    While V is totally different, the character development on some levels are similar. Some on a physical and spiritual level.
  • kberg
    kberg Posts: 974
    edited August 2006
    I read through all the posts in this thread and apparently I am the only person who thinks the audio track is deficient.

    You're not alone there. I also thought the center channel was a bit weak in the dialogue, and even some online reviews noted it as well.
    Mains: polkaudio RTi70's (bi-wired)
    Center: polkaudio CSi40 (bi-wired)
    Surrounds: polkaudio FXi30's
    Rear Center: polkaudio CSi30
    Sub: SVS 20-39 PC+
    Receiver: ONKYO TX-SR600
    Display: JVC HD-56G786
    DVD Player: SONY DVP-CX985V
    DVD Player: OPPO DV-981HD 1080p High Definition Up-Converting Universal DVD Player with HDMI
    Remote: Logitech Harmony H688
  • Early B.
    Early B. Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2006
    Just saw it. It was OK. I'd say a 6.5/10. Excellent writing and very good storyline. Great political messages throughout. Audio was average. But for some reason I wasn't blown away by the movie.
    HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50” LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub

    "God grooves with tubes."
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited August 2006

    Sal Palooza
  • DarqueKnight
    DarqueKnight Posts: 6,765
    edited August 2006
    When I went to Blockbuster to rent "V" they were out, so they had to give me a raincheck for a free rental because V was a "guaranteed to be available or it's free title". Very interesting story and good acting. I am buying the special edition.

    I agree that the dialog volume was weak in some scenes. I had to turn subtitles on to catch the dialog in some scenes.
    Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited August 2006
    They should make movie adaptions of all Vertigo comics

    preferably The Sandman
    and The Preacher
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited August 2006
    "V" is a must buy movie.

    Brilliant movie.
    A movie that issues a warning in a very entertaining, thought-provoking way that had bits of messages/themes from "Brave New World", "Farhenheit 451", and "1984".

    Is it about "politics" ?
    If by "politics" you mean "right wing" or "left wing" (consevative vs liberal), absolutley not.

    If by "politics" you mean the entity known as the "State", absolutely dead on.

    The evil that is shown is "Facism".
    In "Facism", it is the "State" that is paramount in importance, not the people.
    The people exist for the State, not vice versa.
    As a previous poster pointed out, "V" addressed that very point in a quote that a government should be fearful of the people, not vice versa.

    As the saying goes, "Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely".
    It doesn't matter if that growing power is "Conservative" or "Liberal"; as a State grows closer to the level of "Absolute Power", it will become more corrupt and further from the source of what should be its power, the people.

    Demi, you mentioned ****, or National Socialists.
    They were actually Facists of a "right wing" bent if I may use that term.
    The State, ie Hitler, was of paramount importance.
    The people ? Little importance, especially if you were a Jew, gypsy, homosexual, liberal, intellectual, or any other group that "threatened" the existence of the all-important State.

    For a Facist state of a "left wing" bent, merely look east at the Soviet Union.
    The State, ie Stalin, was of paramount importance.
    The people ? Again, little importance, especially if you were a Jew, gypsy, homosexual, liberal, intellectual, or any other group that "threatened" the existence of the all-important State.

    Not much difference between the 2 shades of evil known as Facism as far as "the people" were concerned in the long run.
    Dead is dead, whether by concentration camp or pogrom.

    When religion is added to the Facist stew, you have a recipie for evil that is called "theocracy".
    Who may dare question the power of the State when God Himself/Herself has said the State is good ? That claim to divine authority will be justified with the use of text, be it the Bible, the Koran, ancient Sanskrit documents, or ?

    The movie "V" points out these shades of Facist evil in various ways and to various degrees.
    The Koran (Quran ?) is shown and mentioned rather briefly a few times.
    For those who have seen this movie, ask yourself: what were your immediate reactions and responses ? What did you think of first ?

    My associated first thoughts were Muslim Holy Book, Middle East, terrorism, death, destruction ....
    ........................see how it works ?
    Or stated more accurately, see how it CAN work ?

    I consider myself the average Joe six-pack, not especially bigoted, racist or sexist, and not easily led astray.
    As would the families shown at home or the blue collar workers in the bars watching the "Big Brother" telecasts in "V".
    Yet their opinions of "reality" and of the "terrorist V" were molded and shaped by the Facist state broadcasts.

    Venomclan mentioned the scene of Evey's enlightenment. Very powerful, in my opinion. The contrast between her enlightenment by rain ("You can hear God in every rain drop") and V's enlightenment by fire was a work of art.

    Can one see elements of today's political climate in the movie ? Yes.
    BUT please keep in mind that would be true if Gore were in office instead of Bush. The evil trying to be exposed isn't Republican or Democrat, it is Facism.

    And if we allow the Facist elements of either party, or ANY party, to gain too much control than, as I believe is quoted in "V":

    "The fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves".

    ...sorry for the long post. Definitely went past the "> 10 lines" dropoff point, so ..... anybody still here ? :o

    See the movie. That's an order from the State.
    Sal Palooza
  • Early B.
    Early B. Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2006
    For a Facist state of a "left wing" bent, merely look east at the Soviet Union.

    If you're gonna look to the east for fascism, you can stop looking once you get to Washington, DC. By definition, the USA is in many ways a fascist state masquerading as a democracy. It makes the message in movies like "V" relevant for nearly all forms of government.
    HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50” LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub

    "God grooves with tubes."
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited August 2006
    Early B. wrote:
    If you're gonna look to the east for fascism, you can stop looking once you get to Washington, DC. By definition, the USA is in many ways a fascist state masquerading as a democracy. It makes the message in movies like "V" relevant for nearly all forms of government.

    HAHAHAHA :rolleyes:

    The fact you can say that on a public forum makes your point totally ridiculous.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited August 2006
    Demi, you mentioned ****, or National Socialists.
    They were actually Facists of a "right wing" bent if I may use that term.

    No, actually they weren't. He, as a fascist, was for National Socialism. It's historical fact. In fact National Socialism means Nazism. It's where the term was derived from. Hitler and the **** were for complete government control, and gave none of it to their people. That is where the socialism comes from, and Hitler never lived long enoughto institute his govermental plans. They had miniature models of the 'Mecca' of Nazism in his bunker as the Soviets surrounded Berlin. Hitler himself was a fascist, and he had complete dictorial control over his country and his people. The one thing he couldn't control was the human spirit, and freedom in the west.

    Socialism & Communism have absolutely no right wing connection. I do realize the point you're trying to make, but it won't happen before an armed right wing milita would rise up and take that government down. Not to mention the only way I could see it is if it was some kooky church that took over.

    The point I was trying to make is that you'll see liberals (I realize this is a broad group with conflicting belief systems) advocating socialism and communism here in this country on a daily basis, but you never see that from conservatives. At the worst you get some bigot who still has a racism mentality or what have you. Let's not forget that in the days prior to the civil rights movement pretty much everyone was on the same page with race. It was just how it was, and it was wrong.

    The movie was definitely trying to display falsehoods whether anyone wants to admit it or not. That's just fine, but historical events ought to be treated with accuracy. I own this SE version of this movie, and I would be glad to go in and pick out all of the time stamps of the blatantly obvious **** if you still want to argue about it.

    That's all I have to say, have the last word and enjoy the movie if you can.
  • Andrew2112
    Andrew2112 Posts: 59
    edited August 2006
    Just saw the movie and my first thought was 'good movie', second thought: that's where we are headed 'cause the parallels between movie and real life are way too familiar. Still is only a movie and of course they are going to exagerate everything to make it cartoonish but every time they showed the news (and the spin) in the movie I kept waiting for the guy to say 'fair and balance'
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited August 2006
    Just watched the movie and I have to say its the best movie Ive seen this year (well, thats not saying much). I really didn't care about all the politics in the movie and how it compares today. It was a very entertaining movie with a good DD track(I do agree with members above that center channel was lacking). My favorite part of the movie was the sequence when natalie portman was imprisoned. This is one of her best performances. You just felt you were right in the cell with her and liked how she found the story of the girl. Just thought this whole sequence was very emotional.

    At first glance, I thought this was going to be another lame superhero movie (I hate superhero movies!), but this was something different, and I liked it.

    anyways, compare it to politics today if you want to, but its still a great film.

    AVR: H/K AVR240
    Fronts: Monitor 50s
    Center: CSI3
    surrounds: R15s
    Sub:Velodyne DPS10
    Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
    TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
    game hardware: 360 and gcn.
    Gamertag: kovster27
  • dholmes
    dholmes Posts: 1,136
    edited August 2006
    I purchased the movie 2 weeks ago & finally watched it last night, AA++ movie!!!I think it was hard to hear the dialog, it was V's mask that caused the problem. It reminds me of what the goverment does now about keeping us all scared,watch out for brown people, homosexuals, bird flu,ed,restless leg, b/p, dry pu$$y,pi$$ing too much. They keep us scared for they can controll us, we dont question how they waste $$$, make up **** jobs, like homeland security what a joke. Im a medic & I see first hand all the ****. People are scared out there of the wrong thing!! Sorry about preaching, it is Sunday afterall!!
    My HT set-up Panasonic front proj, 120 in ws screen, ATI amp,Integra 9.8 pre-pro, 2 Polk rti150, cp 1000, 4 fx 1000, Pioneer blu-ray 2 SVS sub pb 12-ultra 2, & Paragon popcorn popper. ps 3 Coaster leather HT recliners.
  • unc2701
    unc2701 Posts: 3,587
    edited August 2006
    Demiurge wrote:
    No, actually they weren't. He, as a fascist, was for National Socialism. It's historical fact. In fact National Socialism means Nazism. It's where the term was derived from. Hitler and the **** were for complete government control, and gave none of it to their people. That is where the socialism comes from, and Hitler never lived long enoughto institute his govermental plans. They had miniature models of the 'Mecca' of Nazism in his bunker as the Soviets surrounded Berlin. Hitler himself was a fascist, and he had complete dictorial control over his country and his people. The one thing he couldn't control was the human spirit, and freedom in the west.

    Socialism & Communism have absolutely no right wing connection. I do realize the point you're trying to make, but it won't happen before an armed right wing milita would rise up and take that government down. Not to mention the only way I could see it is if it was some kooky church that took over.

    The point I was trying to make is that you'll see liberals (I realize this is a broad group with conflicting belief systems) advocating socialism and communism here in this country on a daily basis, but you never see that from conservatives. At the worst you get some bigot who still has a racism mentality or what have you. Let's not forget that in the days prior to the civil rights movement pretty much everyone was on the same page with race. It was just how it was, and it was wrong.

    Tell us more about ****'s as socialists. Oh, and fascism as a socialist doctorine, too. I find this facinating! In fact I made sure to quote it all, because I might want to reference it later.

    National Socialism... yep. sounds like they were socialists. Goddamn fascists.
    Gallo Ref 3.1 : Bryston 4b SST : Musical fidelity CD Pre : VPI HW-19
    Gallo Ref AV, Frankengallo Ref 3, LC60i : Bryston 9b SST : Meridian 565
    Jordan JX92s : MF X-T100 : Xray v8
    Backburner:Krell KAV-300i
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited August 2006
    unc2701 wrote:
    Tell us more about ****'s as socialists. Oh, and fascism as a socialist doctorine, too. I find this facinating! In fact I made sure to quote it all, because I might want to reference it later.

    National Socialism... yep. sounds like they were socialists. Goddamn fascists.

    2 entries found for National Socialism.

    National Socialism


    [Download Now or Buy the Book]
    Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

    National Socialism

    n : a form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism [syn: Nazism, Naziism]

    Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University


  • unc2701
    unc2701 Posts: 3,587
    edited August 2006
    Yes, we've established that **** stands for National Socialism... I'd like to hear you expand on the ways in which ****'s were socialists... or rather how Fascism=Naziism=Socialism=Liberal Agenda.
    Gallo Ref 3.1 : Bryston 4b SST : Musical fidelity CD Pre : VPI HW-19
    Gallo Ref AV, Frankengallo Ref 3, LC60i : Bryston 9b SST : Meridian 565
    Jordan JX92s : MF X-T100 : Xray v8
    Backburner:Krell KAV-300i
  • unc2701
    unc2701 Posts: 3,587
    edited August 2006
    Know what, why don't I just take this one myself? The socialist aspects of **** germany didn't really reflect a socialist ideology... The main opponents of the **** party in Germany were the Socialists and communists, both of whom would later be heavily persecuted by the ****. Ideologically, the **** had the most in common with the Italian Fascists, with the addition of a strong racial aspect. However, they are distinct from them in many ways, and I would argue that true fascism can only be used to describe what was going on in Italy in the 20's & 30's and the term is a misnomer used any place else. Back to the ****'s: The government control of the economy was driven by the fact that it was an authoritarian government, not a socialist agenda. Just about all historians will tell you that ****'s were NOT socialists, but I'm sure you'll go out of your way to dig up the references to wage and price control that would be considered socialist. Go for it. Just don't forget that the factories were always privately held. And don't tell me that a man that could kill 6 million jews couldn't seize a few factories.

    Now, Fascism is considered to be a right wing ideology... it is very much ANTI socialist. Of course, if you understood what was meant by "right" and "left" in terms of political systems, you probably wouldn't be getting your panties in such a wad when people call fascists "right wing" - it really isn't like calling Republicans fascist... and like I said before, "Fascist" is a misnomer about 99% of the time it's used.
    Gallo Ref 3.1 : Bryston 4b SST : Musical fidelity CD Pre : VPI HW-19
    Gallo Ref AV, Frankengallo Ref 3, LC60i : Bryston 9b SST : Meridian 565
    Jordan JX92s : MF X-T100 : Xray v8
    Backburner:Krell KAV-300i
  • halo
    halo Posts: 5,616
    edited August 2006
    A+ unc2701.

    BTW - Demiurge thinks I'm a ****. Demi, me thinks you take yourself too seriously. Lighten up. FWIW, I'm not a **** or a Socialist or a Fascist. I just think that this country has a lot of problems.
    Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro
    HT: Samsung QN90B * Marantz NR1510 * Panasonic DMP-BDT220 * Roku Ultra LT * APC H10
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited August 2006
    Very well said, in my opinion.

    Let us say that President Bush has the heart of Mother Theresa, the wisdom of Nikolai Tesla, and the integrity of the Dahli Lama.
    And I'm not being cynical saying that; of course he (nor anyone) has those attributes, but let's suppose he does.

    Would I still have major disagreements with some of the issues that he is at the center of, such as warrantless wiretaps ?
    Yes. Absolutely.

    Now President Bush can only serve two terms, so it is a given that he won't be President after the next election.
    Which means that someone else will.

    And that person, while different, will STILL have the same new-found powers that President Bush is using.
    Warrantless wiretaps, for instance.

    So while a person may have no problems with a certain political figure having unlimited power in certain areas because they are comfortable with that figure, what will the situation be when another political figure assumes that position and has the same unlimited/unchecked power ?

    Ted Kennedy is president.
    Al Sharpton is president.
    Ross Perot is president.
    Barbara Boxer is president.
    Angela Davis is president.
    Pat Robertson is president.

    That shows why I have a difficulties with some of the things that are occuring in our country.

    I'd rather sacrifice security for freedom, than freedom for security iIF security means that the government has UNCHECKED power to intrude upon our lives.

    In the movie "V", place the figure of Ted Kennedy in the role of The Chancellor.
    THAT is one of the points being made in "V".
    Sal Palooza
  • Andrew2112
    Andrew2112 Posts: 59
    edited August 2006
    "The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. "

    Benjamin Franklin

    Amen to the founding father.
  • Sherardp
    Sherardp Posts: 8,038
    edited February 2007
    Just watched this in HD DVD format, finally. The PQ was second to none. You could see every strand of V's hair in some instances in the movie. The SQ was right on, my favorite was the ending when Nat sends the train off. A nice work out from the SVS sub, its a fun title, so much, that I watched twice in the same night. Sad but true. I have The Decent, Open Season, and Ant Bully on the way in Blu Ray. This is too much fun and enjoyment for one person, anyone else having fun with the Hi Def stuff thus far?
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited May 2007
    Great movie, exciting, great dialog, and the big mouth turned out to be a sniveling coward in the end!!! This is a keeper.
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited May 2007
    Great movie, exciting, great dialog, and the big mouth turned out to be a sniveling coward in the end!!! This is a keeper.

    Did you just see this for the first time? It was my favorite movie of last year and in my top 10. A masterpiece all through. You will have to watch it a few times as there are a bunch of hidden things you may have missed in one showing. Oh, by the way, I am V.
  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited May 2007
    Great movie, exciting, great dialog, and the big mouth turned out to be a sniveling coward in the end!!! This is a keeper.

    If you like V, check out Equilibrium. It's another flick with an antagonist with a big mouth.

    Not as dramatic nor poetic as V but fun to watch.

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited May 2007
    venomclan wrote: »
    Did you just see this for the first time? It was my favorite movie of last year and in my top 10. A masterpiece all through. You will have to watch it a few times as there are a bunch of hidden things you may have missed in one showing. Oh, by the way, I am V.

    I just watched it again today. . . yes last week was the first time I saw it. I'm usually late to watching movies. . . since I've moved into the new home, I've been watching the movies ON DEMAND.

    I did catch a few things that I missed the first time. When I really like a movie it is not beyond the realm of possibility to watch it 5 or 6 times at first. . . Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2 watched them for weeks when they first came out on DVD, I saw them first in the theater.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited May 2007
    If you like V, check out Equilibrium. It's another flick with an antagonist with a big mouth.

    Not as dramatic nor poetic as V but fun to watch.


    Thank you, will do.

    I like your quote on Caesar. . .I remember them using that line in the HBO series Rome which btw is another great show.
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited May 2007
    I just watched it again today. . . yes last week was the first time I saw it. I'm usually late to watching movies. . . since I've moved into the new home, I've been watching the movies ON DEMAND.

    I did catch a few things that I missed the first time. When I really like a movie it is not beyond the realm of possibility to watch it 5 or 6 times at first. . . Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2 watched them for weeks when they first came out on DVD, I saw them first in the theater.

    I agree, one can never tire of true art. V has some of the best dialogue also.