Preamp output question

Posts: 991
my friend blew his budget on a massive HDTV and wants to save on the surround sound, so I am trying to use the tv's built in L and R speakers as fronts and just get him the other 3.1 speakers (polk's no doubt !) My question is, If i buy a receiver with pre-outs such as the denon AVR-1802 (L,R, C, Sub preouts) and then connect the left and right to the tv, will the volume of the preouts fluctuate, allowing the TV speakers to operate at different levels according to the receiver, or are the receivers pre-outs a constant volume?
Post edited by Ceruleance on
will the volume of the preouts fluctuate, allowing the TV speakers to operate at different levels according to the receiver
yesOh, the bottle has been to me, my closes friend, my worse enemy! -
I would advise against that mode of thinking. Obviously, if it works out for your friend, no worries. What I would consider is this, figure what a sub, center and two rears go for, you could buy a good pair of main speaks. I would do that and start out with a good foundation of sound. A quality pair of front speaks is, IMO, more important than the other 3.1 channels. Then add the sub, center and rears as money becomes more available. Just my opinion though.
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
I agree to that logic.Start with the mains and build off them as the money flow's.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
it's not that there is no money available to spend, its just that he doesnt want to spend that much, but also doesnt want some home theatre in a box type thing. The built in speakers are no joke, i forget the specs but they are 3 way with a 10inch woofer. the fronts and the other 3.1 channels would be about the same price i agree with you, but wouldnt it be better to start with a 5.1 rig and upgrade to some serious fronts if and when you want to? Can any comment on the feasibility of the volume control?
It's a personal quest.Can't answer the question.But can comment on what I would do.
I stand my ground on good pair of mains first, then move over into a center,sub,rears.
For one thing, the tv speakers are not going to match the Polk's you finish off the system with.Thats one main reason I wouldn't use the tv speakers.
Use the Tv speakers for late night watching.If you want theater, gotta spend the cash.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
If the dude in question is on a QUEST for 5.1 then yes, he could probably get away with it. I still think folks underestimate the good sound of quality 2ch stereo sound. It can be very satisfying. I will take good 2ch over half-assed 5.1 every day of the week and twice on Sunday....
I think he might have a volume control issue as well although I could very well be talking out of my arse. It could probably be done though.
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
I will take good 2ch over half-assed 5.1 every day of the week and twice on Sunday....
Me TOO!Oh, the bottle has been to me, my closes friend, my worse enemy! -
Originally posted by Ceruleance
but also doesnt want some home theatre in a box type thing.
You know... Polk makes some GREAT home theaters in a box.
Check them out here
I'm gonna use an analogy here....
Don't buy a sports car and put in cheap gas.
IMHO. Your friend can go to CC and get a nice set of polks for ~600 the RM6200's they are loud and clean. and on top of that they sound pretty darn good too... but um hey their polk. <go figure!>
The probibility of someone watching you is directly related to the stupidity of the action in question.:eek: -
I like your analogy,
I perfer in compare...wire!!Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
I still say have your friend handle up on some good main speaks and go from there.....
Then go to HD and pick up some good 14awg wire to hook them up with.
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
If you do it the way you're talking about, then you'll have a center channel sitting on top of the TV, and the main L&R in the TV.
Soundstage = 0
He probably won't even know that he is listening to 5.1 sound. I agree with the other posters... get a pair of mains. Then you could always use the TV's speakers for the center ch. Just use a 'Y' out of the center pre-out and hook up to TV L&R. I know it won't be a good timbre match, but hey at least the sound will be coming from the right spot.
Then you've only got surrounds to go, and some decent ones can be had for very little $.
just my $.02,