Check out these losers...

Posts: 1,183
Shouldn't this be in the Owned thread?
lol you're right
Your from Illinois too.... Illinois was a huge meth spot a few years ago right around where I live!
damn crazies.
-adamcats.vans.bag... -
Wow - How awful. I think that is a very powerful message he is sending to the kids. That is downright scary how it can rob you of your dignity and everything that comes with it.
These are some people who need prayers. They may appear to be losers on the outside, but that could be any one of us. Just like alcohol or cigarettes, some people get the hook in them deeper than others. I just thank the Lord that I was never offered anything like that back in my youth, because back then I thought I knew it all and probably would have tried it.....
I'm praying for them and hope you all do too....
How awful they must feel about themselves, my heart goes out to them.....the story of the woman trying to fight the demon in the name of the Lord really got to me......terrifying stuff......HT & Music System:
Receiver - Denon AVR-3805
DVD/SACD Player - Denon DVD-2900
Outlaw 770 amp
Polk LSi 15's up front
Polk LSiC center
Polk LSi F/X surrounds
SVS 16-46 PC+ Subwoofer
Sony Wega KDF-50WE655 -
I just don't understand why people make the choices they do. It's not hard to say no.If...
Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
Ron loves a film = don't even rent. -
As you can see in these pics,meth seems to be the choice of drugs for white people and has about the same after effect as crack cocaine has had on black people.Outlaw 990 Processor
Outlaw 755 Amp
Denon 2900 dvd-sacd
Dishnetwork HD-Dvr
55" Sony LCD RPTV
Lsi 9-fronts
Rt55i- surrounds
Velodyne cht-10 sub
2007 Dodge Quad cab
Kenwood Excelon KDC-X891
JL Audio 300/V2
Polk Audio SR 6500 - Fronts
Polk Audio DB651 - Rear
2 -10" Treo Subs
Interfire IB 2600C sub amp
Sirius Sat radio
Ipod connection -
I know it sounds it horrible, but I have trouble feeling sorry for these people. They made their own choices. I guess about all you can do for em is pray. But like Ron said, it's not hard to say no.
Originally posted by Ron-P
I just don't understand why people make the choices they do. It's not hard to say no.
It's called addiction, it's a disease like any other disease. You don't choose it, it choose's you and is played out in various ways, not just with drugs or alcohol. Speaking of alcohol, it's no different than other drugs, but it's affects take longer to manifest. Alcohol is a poison and as such will slowly rot your insides and most likely kill you if the consumption is large enough or long enough.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Originally posted by F1nut
It's called addiction, it's a disease like any other disease. You don't choose it, it choose's you and is played out in various ways, not just with drugs or alcohol. Speaking of alcohol, it's no different than other drugs, but it's affects take longer to manifest. Alcohol is a poison and as such will slowly rot your insides and most likely kill you if the consumption is large enough or long enough.
I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis). This is a disease that makes the immune system attack the central nervous system. I did not CHOOSE this. No one suffering from this disease did. I'm sorry F1 but I have to disagree with you here. People who have a drug addiction knew perfectly well what the consequences could be when they CHOSE to do drugs. Same goes for alcoholics. When they CHOSE to take a drink they CHOSE to accept the possible cosequences of their actions. I don't accept alcoholism or drug addiction as diseases. A disease is something that happens more or less (Cancer in smokers excluded) without a choice being made on the diseased persons part. Sorry if I'm ranting but its my 2 cents worth on this topic.Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro
HT: Samsung QN90B * Marantz NR1510 * Panasonic DMP-BDT220 * Roku Ultra LT * APC H10 -
While I respect your opinion on the subject I still stand by my statement that it is a disease and is recognized as so by the health community. It is much like manic depression (also a disease), it manifests itself in the brain and just like depression is not something that one can just say no to.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Originally posted by F1nut
While I respect your opinion on the subject I still stand by my statement that it is a disease and is recognized as so by the health community. It is much like manic depression (also a disease), it manifests itself in the brain and just like depression is not something that one can just say no to.
IMO I don't think manic depression is anything like alcoholism or drug addiction as, like I said, it isn't chosen in any way shape or form. I respect your view on this subject I just don't agree with you or the health community when you/they say that alcoholics or addicts are diseased just because they made the wrong CHOICES as to how to spend their recreational time ultimately leading to their demise. Again - just my opinion. Lets just agree to disagree J.
V.Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro
HT: Samsung QN90B * Marantz NR1510 * Panasonic DMP-BDT220 * Roku Ultra LT * APC H10 -
That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. However, I've personally known many hundreds of people over the years for whom it was NOT a choice. Just like a manic depressive person who doesn't want to be that way the only choice in the matter is to seek treatment and just like with manic depression, treatment doesn't always work, in fact the percentage is 2 out of 10 will make it one year without the disease getting the best of them. It's not how they chose to spend their recreational time, it's how the disease occupies them every second of every day.
I have lost friends to both addiction and manic depression and the two have more in common than not, so please don't tell me it's not a disease.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Yea but when you first took that drink or shot up you were NOT doing it knowing you would become addicted. That just comes later.
These people don't choose to become addicted... they just chose to do meth and now every fix they can get is a cure to them.
I don't feel sorry for these people but I'm sure if you asked them before they started doing meth if they wanted to be a scummy addict they would have said, "No I just do it for a good time."
my .02.... rip on it all you want because I don't really care. i've seen it happen in real life to my friends and that how it was.
have a nice evening
and i'm sure they weren't always "losers" but you never know. I love the labels we put on people whenever they **** up along the line.cats.vans.bag... -
"life on life's terms,,,I DONT TINK SO!"
ANON. "the chains of habbit are so light that they can not be felt untill so heavy that they can not be broken"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--MARANTZ SR18ex 140wpc x 5 (high current/direct amp)thx-ex "ultra"
electrohome tube amp 15watt. pr channel(aprox.1955a.d.) for 2 channel audio{recently recapped& tubed-5ar4power rect. & 12au7)
-kenwood amp(km-996/140wpc(used for 7.1 rears(thx ex)
-toshiba dvd video/audio player(progressive scan) sd-4700
-sony sacd cd player scd-xe670
-nakamichi "music bank cd player "6+1disk(20bit dac)
-toshiba hifi vcr (v3 pro head)
-motorola digital cable box
-RCA 32' "home theater" PIP tv
-polk RT800i x 2 (mains) ~bi-wired
-polk sc400i x 1 (center) ~bi-wired
-polk fx300i x 2 (side fx) ~di-pole
-polk r10 x 2 (rears)
-polk pws250 (powered sub)
-2x173ltr(48"-16")sono subs(powered by kenwood kr-7200 250watt & w/ audiosource EQ (model eq eight/series II)
-Thorens td-166 mk II/Grado silver fs1
-Thorens td-160/empire 66cart
-Dual 601
-D.I.Y. carfea "little big horns"-(pioneer full range 8" & fostex 4" compression horn tweaters
-sony (ps1)
-sony (ps2)
-haroo, "GOD gave you the gift of sound, Your gift to God is what you do with it!"
"marantz haroo"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
Keep coming back.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
F1 - I wasn't trying to make light of addiction, I just don't CONSIDER it a disease. I'm not TELLING you it isn't a disease. My father has been an alcoholic for at least the last 15 years. I've got experience in seeing what being an addict can do to someone. But addicts CAN quit drinking/doing drugs. I didn't say nor do I think that it is or would be easy to do - FAR from it. BTW - KUDOS HAROO! Some people do need help to do it - but it IS A POSSIBLITY. It can be done. I can't give up MS. I can't quit the disease - ever - because it won't quit - ever. It has progressed to a point where I can't escape it - not for a second. All I can do is be thankful for what I can still do & the functions I still have. There are people out there who have it A LOT WORSE than I do. I see them almost every day & I think about them quite often. They help to put my life in perspective & they are some of the most POSITIVE people I've ever met. Lance Armstrong BEAT cancer - he didn't quit doing it. I mean, are pepole who smoke cigarettes & can't quit addicts (IMO - YES)? Same goes for people who HAVE to have a cup(s) of coffee or a can(s) of soda. The two drugs here, Nicotine & Caffine, aren't good for you and both have addicted millions (I was one of them until I quit smoking 5 years ago) - but are these people, should we consider them diseased?
You may have misunderstood my point about depression. I'd agree that it could be considered a disease - in fact it is a direct side effect/part of MS. I'm well aware of what depression is and what it does. I'm on anti-depressants to treat it - and you are right - they don't always work. I don't have a choice. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain - no one knows what causes clinical or manic depression, definately not anyone's fault that they have it.
swerve - I never said they chose to be an addict. They chose to drink/do drugs. In this day and age I think most people know that doing either one COULD (not always) lead to addiction. BTW - I never called nor do I think these people are losers.
I understand that this is a very "hot" topic with a lot of different views and opinions. I'm not trying to convert you to my beliefs - and I'm not stating facts here - PLEASE don't take it that way - I'm just expressiing my OPINIONS. I think that friends are allowed to do that.
V.Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro
HT: Samsung QN90B * Marantz NR1510 * Panasonic DMP-BDT220 * Roku Ultra LT * APC H10 -
Peer, I agree with you on this one.....
Alcoholism & Drug Addiction are the result of a pattern of self inducing chemicals into your body. The fact that there was a CHOICE involved period indicates that the resulting effect is simply that, the EFFECT of the choices made. That's not a disease.
Some people have 'addictive personalities' but with the exception of babies born to dependent mothers, NO ONE is predestined to drink so heavily/shoot up so often that they find themselves NOT able to stop.
What people label 'addiction' runs the gamut from drug dependency to obesity. I personally think that in general, these addictions are simply choices gone wrong.comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
The first toke, drink, drag, injection is usually chosen. From that point on, who knows what happens.
Also, genetics play a large role in predisposing people to addiction. That part is not a choice. -
Addiction is a catch phrase to cover up what basically dummy's down to bad choices. Of course you're addicted to something that you chose to spend years dumping into your system....I think it's more appropriate to call it a habit.
ADD is what apparently every kid suffers couldn't possibly be that your kid has zero discipline.
I have yet to hear about the alcoholic or crack cocaine genes.....comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
Brett, addiction is a very real physiologic process. ADHD may be over diagnosed in some children populations, or it may have been under diagnosed in the past, just better understood today. If you would like I would be happy to find you some sources about genetics and addiction.
With all due respect, you're wrong. People are predestined to be addicts. It's a defect in the genes, a chemical imbalance, and is passed down. The typical pattern is it skips one generation, so every other generation is predisposed. One thing to keep in mind, addictions are not only limited to drugs and alcohol, those are but symptoms of the disease. It plays out in various other ways such as gambling, ****, work, food, other people, etc, etc. The one difference that addiction has that some other diseases don't, at least not yet, is that it is treatable. Yet a treated addict will always retain certain aspects of the disease and remain one step away from returning to active addiction, whatever that addiction may be or even transfering to a new addiction.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
I guess my biggest problem is that the attitude with people addicted to things (be it food, alcohol, gambling, etc.) is they have very little to no apparent ownership of their habits.
Even if my grandparent was an addict, and the theory is that it skips a generation, wouldn't it be wise of me to be aware of the skipped generation pattern and make a choice NOT to put myself in situations where the potential was for me to spiral downward?
It just seems that the escape from responsibility is to claim to be genetically inclined to be an addict.comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
"they have very little to no apparent ownership of their habits."
Very true and that is a typical symptom of the disease. In fact part of the treatment is to take ownership of one's behavior/habits.
"wouldn't it be wise of me to be aware of the skipped generation pattern and make a choice NOT to put myself in situations where the potential was for me to spiral downward?"
Easy to say, much harder to do. However, in light of the research and understanding of addictions over the last 20 years or so, it may be possible for more people to be aware of their predisposition and perhaps avoid the worst pit falls.
"It just seems that the escape from responsibility is to claim to be genetically inclined to be an addict."
A practicing addict will use anything or anybody as an excuse for their behavior, that one included. That doesn't give them a free pass though because it is a treatable disease.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
But you aren't an 'addict' from drink one and I don't believe that the majority of addicts are genetic based.
I don't pity those that choose to do something that could/will result in their overall quality of life dissipating, only to claim that "their genes made them do it.........."comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
Drugs ultimately make you do stupid things if your are stupid about it... addiction, disease or not, it doesn't matter.cats.vans.bag...
Originally posted by brettw22
But you aren't an 'addict' from drink one and I don't believe that the majority of addicts are genetic based.
No, one is not a "addict" from one drink, they were already a addict before they picked up that first drink. There is a chemical in the brain, found only in people with addictive behavior, proven fact.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Originally posted by F1nut
No, one is not a "addict" from one drink, they were already a addict before they picked up that first drink. There is a chemical in the brain, found only in people with addictive behavior, proven fact.
Could you point me to more info on this -
F1 - Addiction is both physiological and psychological. Not every addict is "predestined". As you say, some are addicts waiting to happen based on genetics. Some addictions are "learned" behavior and some are addicts based on the substance. Some of the opiates in sufficient strength will become addictive regardless of the chemical makeup of the person taking the drug. I know there is some science that proposes what you have stated...but it is not absolute....much more complex than " People are predestined to be addicts"...some are...but not all."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
the way that i was able to do what millions have done befor me has been with the help of this..."addiction,by (my) deffanition is
--MARANTZ SR18ex 140wpc x 5 (high current/direct amp)thx-ex "ultra"
electrohome tube amp 15watt. pr channel(aprox.1955a.d.) for 2 channel audio{recently recapped& tubed-5ar4power rect. & 12au7)
-kenwood amp(km-996/140wpc(used for 7.1 rears(thx ex)
-toshiba dvd video/audio player(progressive scan) sd-4700
-sony sacd cd player scd-xe670
-nakamichi "music bank cd player "6+1disk(20bit dac)
-toshiba hifi vcr (v3 pro head)
-motorola digital cable box
-RCA 32' "home theater" PIP tv
-polk RT800i x 2 (mains) ~bi-wired
-polk sc400i x 1 (center) ~bi-wired
-polk fx300i x 2 (side fx) ~di-pole
-polk r10 x 2 (rears)
-polk pws250 (powered sub)
-2x173ltr(48"-16")sono subs(powered by kenwood kr-7200 250watt & w/ audiosource EQ (model eq eight/series II)
-Thorens td-166 mk II/Grado silver fs1
-Thorens td-160/empire 66cart
-Dual 601
-D.I.Y. carfea "little big horns"-(pioneer full range 8" & fostex 4" compression horn tweaters
-sony (ps1)
-sony (ps2)
-haroo, "GOD gave you the gift of sound, Your gift to God is what you do with it!"
"marantz haroo"