Your dream turntable?



  • Posts: 8,592
    Tom, thanks for reminding me of powerball level tables like the AF0
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 2,321
    Too many badass tables out there and the price of admission is ridiculous. I always liked the Mitchell Gyro as well in black and gold. But probably a side step from the VPI. Keep the ridiculously priced dreams going though, it’s fun to look at new equipment at unobtainium prices!
    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • Posts: 34,205
    meh. you guys need to up your game! B)


    Fisher (Lincoln):


  • Posts: 1,799
    I sort of have it in my RM-10, but I'd REALLY like to have a VPI Prime Signature.
    2-channelBelles 22A Pre, Emotiva XPA-2 Gen 2, Marantz SA8005, Pro-Ject RPM-10 Turntable, Pro-Ject Phono Box DS3B, Polk Audio Legend L800's, AudioQuest Cable throughout.
  • Posts: 19,455
    Realistically, that's the one I am eying.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Posts: 2,321
    My prime signature has been great so far. Can’t really imagine needing anything else unless you legitimately have a ton of excess cash to throw around
    2 Channel in my home attic/bar/man cave

    2 Channel Focal Kanta 3 I Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary Pre I Modwright PH9.0X I Modwright KWA-150SE I VPI Prime Signature w/ Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC I Lumin U2 Mini I North Star Designs Intenso DAC I Audience OHNO ICs/Audience Furutech FP-S55N and FP-S032N Power Cables/Acoustic Zen Satori I Isotek Sirius
  • Posts: 4,997
    Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears
  • Posts: 8,592
    Love vpi
    I just can’t believe how good the avenger ref is

    I saw the avenger direct but no magneto platter so I wasn’t keen on messing with what I got.

    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 8,592
    You guys looking at the vpi signature, that’s a good choice.
    The rosewood looks super slick

    That said, join the direct drive side as well
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 8,592
    Another dream table:

    Kronos Discovery with Discovery RS arm

    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 28,929
    I was going to photoshop a platter and arm on top of the lumin u1 but I forgot I don't have a photoshop app on my computer anymore 😢
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • Posts: 5,678
    How about this one Joey?


    For the girls of course.
    Gustard X26 Pro DAC
    Belles 21A Pre modded with Mundorf Supreme caps
    B&K M200 Sonata monoblocks refreshed and upgraded
    Polk SDA 1C's modded / 1000Va Dreadnaught
    Wireworld Silver Eclipse IC's and speaker cables
    Harman Kardon T65C w/Grado Gold. (Don't laugh. It sounds great!)

    There is about a 5% genetic difference between apes and men …but that difference is the difference between throwing your own poo when you are annoyed …and Einstein, Shakespeare and Miss January. by Dr. Sardonicus
  • Posts: 8,592
    I present to you perhaps the one table I drool over, the SAT XD1 with a sat arm. Bite the back of my hand beautiful. I honestly would just look at it and stare at it for hours instead of playing a record on it.

    Direct drive, air suspension, vacuum hold down.
    Wow. Just epic.


    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 8,592
    edited February 2023
    SIHAB wrote: »
    Actually it might be two TTs. One direct drive and belt.
    78 would be optional as I got rid of my 78s in the 90's.

    If I strike gold somehow @SIHAB
    You can have first pick of my table(s) via karma
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 2,093
    Prices should be required for responses in this thread! Gotta know how big to dream!

    One-owner Polk Audio RTA 15TL speakers refreshed w/ Sonicap, Vishay/Mills and Cardas components by "pitdogg2," "xschop" billet tweeter plates and BH5 | Stereo REL Acoustics T/5x subwoofers w/ Bassline Blue cables | Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III integrated tube amp | Technics SL-1210G turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black LVB 250 MM cart | Sony CDP-508ESD CD player (as a transport) | LampizatOr Baltic 4 tube DAC | Nordost & DH Labs cables/interconnects | APC H15 Power Conditioner | GIK Acoustics room treatments | Degritter RCM
  • Posts: 19,455
    edited February 2023
    Many of these are over 6 figures.

    I would hate to dust that Kronos! Not quite sure why they built that the way they did. Much of it looks overbuilt but (just looking at it and IMO) without the performance behind the build. In other words, too much added for no sound performance improvement. I could be way off base here but...

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Posts: 8,592
    treitz3 wrote: »
    Many of these are over 6 figures.

    I would hate to dust that Kronos! Not quite sure why they built that the way they did. Much of it looks overbuilt but (just looking at it and IMO) without the performance behind the build. In other words, too much added for no sound performance improvement. I could be way off base here but...


    I been following Kronos for a while
    The counter rotation is required for that suspended unit, two motors.
    The engineering is very precise, tolerances are better than VPI.
    The power supply is battery-like in nature.
    It is belt but optically monitored in speed.
    They say that the Kronos Discovery with Discovery arm is about as good as it gets compared to all.
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 8,592
    bcwsrt wrote: »
    Prices should be required for responses in this thread! Gotta know how big to dream!

    I don’t even know the exact costs of most of those I posted.
    I just put them all in the “I can’t afford it” category.
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 19,455
    edited February 2023
    Agreed. I can't for the life of me figure out what the lower deck is for on the Kronos. Unless it's direct drive and that's where the motor goes. [EDIT:] Well, It's not direct drive... Interesting unit, nonetheless.

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Posts: 8,592
    treitz3 wrote: »
    Agreed. I can't for the life of me figure out what the lower deck is for on the Kronos. Unless it's direct drive and that's where the motor goes. [EDIT:] Well, It's not direct drive... Interesting unit, nonetheless.


    Top deck is actual platter
    I believe the motor is on a pillar separated from plinth to the left

    Second from top is counter rotating platter, own motor to the right to counteract the top platter.

    The platters are not connected as it does not drive the other. It’s there for counteracting the forces (much like a helicopter).
    Bottom platter the first set of display is the actual platter rpm left, counterplatter rpm right.
    The bottom most I’m not sure… might be the battery pack.
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 25,972
    edited February 2023
    Years ago there was one that began with the C ..Clibourn, Claybourne something. The tonearm or cartridge was called a Cobra. The rig had this huge flywheel on a sapphire bearing if my memory is correct. The flywheel was hundreds of pounds and spun forever on those bearings. I just remember it was hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    For folks who burn money for fun.
  • Posts: 19,455
    Or have the $$$ and enjoy the music...

    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • Posts: 8,592
    pitdogg2 wrote: »
    Years ago there was one that began with the C ..Clibourn, Claybourne something. The tonearm or cartridge was called a Cobra. The rig had this huge flywheel on a sapphire bearing if my memory is correct. The flywheel was hundreds of pounds and spun forever on those bearings. I just remember it was hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    For folks who burn money for fun.

    Continuum Caliburn was the table
    Cobra was the arm
    Fremer’s reference until he got the OMA K3
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Posts: 25,972
    Joey_V wrote: »

    Continuum Caliburn was the table
    Cobra was the arm
    Fremer’s reference until he got the OMA K3

    Yep that's it!
  • Some turntables look like religious altars to me:

  • Posts: 1,996
    The Mission 775 - the model w/the platter thats heavier than most complete TTs!

    To my knowledge, available only used. A simple, solid design. Yes I’m confident most if not all mentioned & those not yet, offer superior SQ for a variety of engineering reasons.

    Sorry to slip a little off-topic. I’ll settle for a good-er than good cartridge suggestion for a slightly tweaked* vintage** Rega Planar 3 w/the RB300 arm. Feel free to PM your ideas.
    *upgraded to some aluminum (spindle etc) from 30 year old original plastic
    **early 80s

    Thanks for listening
    Samsung 60" UN60ES6100 LED, Outlaw Audio 976 Pre/Pro, Samsung BDP, Amazon Firestick, Phillips CD Changer

    Canare 14 ga - LCR tweeters inside*; Ctr Ch outside
    BJC 10 ga - LCR mids “Foamed & Plugged**”, inside* & out
    8 ga Powerline: LR woofers, inside* & out
    *soldered **Rob the Man (Xschop)

    LR: Tri-amped RTi A7 w/Rotels*. Woofers - 980BX; Tweets & Mids - RB981*
    Ctr Ch: Rotel RB981* -> Bi-amped CSi A6
    Surrounds: Rotel 981* -> AR 12 ga -> RTi A3
    *all connected w/Premiere ICs
    5 Subs: Sunfire True SW Signature -> LFE & Ctr Ch; 4 Audio Pro Evidence @ the “Corners”

    Power Conditioning & Distribution:
    4 dedicated 20A feeds; APC H15; 5 Furman Miniport 20s
  • Posts: 34,205
    edited February 2023
    Some turntables look like religious altars to me:


    Well, I mean... to some folks, they are (or, at least, seem to be).


    Apropos of nothing (except grouchiness, of course!), I am ever less impressed by/enamored of the needlessly Rococo turntables of the last two or three decades.
    Again ;) perusal of the engineering of a Fairchild 750 will reveal what an amazing bit of hardware it was, and still is. Heck, by current standards, they're a bargain, too.

    ... and there was a whole crop of broadcast turntables that were in the ballpark of the Fairchild -- even if they don't quite measure up to that level of design and execution. :|

  • Posts: 1,618
    Indeed. Some folks actually genuflect before approaching their TT.
  • Or you could have your turntable and eat it too:

  • Posts: 34,205
    Or you could have your turntable and eat it too:


    OR one could simply cut to the chase and procure an EAT turntable!



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