The “I miss George Grand” discussion.

So George and I didn’t get off to a good start. If you feel like searching through the bowels of Club Polk, somewhere there’s a thread when I first joined where he and I got pretty heated. Jesse had his back and it turned into a rather unpleasant intro to the group for me.

After I took a bit of pause and lurked around here for a while and figured out the groove of the place, I realized that I was being quite the jerk of a new guy, and really regretted the way I acted. I also figured out that George was a teddy bear masquerading as a grizzly.

So years later I sent George a PM apologizing for the way I acted, to which he replied “that was a lovely olive branch but I have no recollection of us ever having a fight”. So I sent him the link to the thread from 2005 and boy did we have a good laugh!

From that point on, we were buds. We realized that we were both from close by neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and got the chance to hang out in person in NJ.

I, like many others around here, probably bought a few hundred records from him, every dime of that money going to The Githens Center. Hanging with him in person and hearing why he was so supportive of Githens was very moving.

George left this world several years back, and Club Polk wasn’t the same without him.

I’m glad we had that fight on day one. Because my apology for it created a great friendship, and I miss him a lot.

Hopefully a lot of you miss him too, so feel free to chime in....
Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.


  • vmaxer
    vmaxer Posts: 5,117
    He was a great guy. He certainly is missed.
    Pio Elete Pro 520
    Panamax 5400-EX
    Sunfire TGP 5
    Micro Seiki DD-40 - Lyra-Dorian and Denon DL-160
    PS Audio GCPH phono pre
    Sunfire CG 200 X 5
    Sunfire CG Sig 405 X 5
    OPPO BDP-83 SE
    SDA SRS 1.2TL Sonicaps and Mills
    Ctr CS1000p
    Sur - FX1000 x 4
    SUB - SVS PB2-Plus

    Workkout room:
    Sony Bravia XBR- 32-Inch 1080p
    Onkyo TX-DS898
    GFA 555
    Yamaha DVD-S1800BL/SACD
    Ft - SDA 1C

    Not being used:
    RTi 38's -4
    RT55i's - 2
    RT25i's -2, using other 2 in shop
    LSI 15's
    PSW 404
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    I actually just found the PMs between us where I sent him the thread from 2005. The link is no longer valid. Probably a good thing!
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    George was a terrific person, who could be blunt but not rude, who spoke his mind but wasn't a jerk about it, he had no problems following the rules that management decided should be followed, and had no problem reminding others that they were breaking them. Usually in such a funny way that I would be laughing for minutes!

    George loved his Mrs. George Grand and his family, and did everything he could for his daughter up until the day she died. All the funds he gathered from his sales here went to the home that his daughter resided in even after she died.

    I have no doubt that the Githens Ctr. was grateful for every dollar they received from him.

    What I loved most about George is that he NEVER failed to make me laugh so hard I would cry with joy.

    He was one of a kind and I dearly miss his presence.
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
  • indyhawg
    indyhawg Posts: 1,649
    edited January 2019
    I miss George. Here is my George story. I ordered some vinyl from him back in 2010, I believe. It was my first time ordering and naturally I did not follow his specific instructions. He let me know about it over PM. I apologized for being a noob and we exchanged PMs a few times and everything was cool between us. When I received my records, one of the lps I had paid for was missing. I PM'd George and he was really embarrassed over it. I told him no problem, to just keep it instead of sending it out. His prices were a bargain and I knew the money made was going to a good cause. So I had no problem with an album being missing. Mistakes happen and I thought he was a cool guy. He told me that he would hold on to it and addit to my next order. did not order any vinyl for several more ...not because of that issue but I was trying to get away from vinyl. So, I order again in 2014. About a week later, I get my shipment. In it was the Maynard Ferguson album from over 3 years ago with a yellow stickie on it that said "indyhawg". I was impressed. The man kept his word, even though I told him to not worry about is and sell it. He kept it for 3 years. He was a great guy and is missed. I miss getting the great deals on vinyl as well.
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    George was a few years older than me, old enough to have been a Brooklyn Dodgers fan. The Brooklyn Dodgers were before my time, I bleed Yankee Blue. So George and I used to argue the Jackie Robinson/Yogi Berra play all the time, where Jackie stole home in the World Series. Of course George insisted Jackie was safe, and I say he was out all day.

    So any time we would PM, George would sign off with “Safe”, me with “Out”. I definitely miss that banter. Hopefully George and Jackie have met up by now up there in the afterlife, and Jackie admitted to him that he was, in fact, out!
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,933
    Miss him dearly. I never met the man but we did interact here and that is all it took. Like Cathy stated he was funny as all get out even when he was taking you to task for something he made you feel good, that's a sure sign of a great leader. The world was a better place with George in it but just think in the after life Mr. Grand (of the Jersey Grands) will be there waiting with more than likely with a great George Grand wise crack <3<3o:)o:)o:)o:)

  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    And George would be pissed off at me for writing that when he’s not around to argue!!!
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • WagnerRC
    WagnerRC Posts: 2,167
    George was one of the best.
  • verb
    verb Posts: 10,176
    edited January 2019
    I joined CP after George. Read the tributes and some of his threads. I was quite moved. Life’s journey, well travelled.
    Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
    Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
    Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
    Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
    Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
    Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD.
  • daddyjt
    daddyjt Posts: 2,675
    I first met George when he was selling off some of his Carver gear. I was a nube at the time, and being a carver hoarder, jumped in to his sale with both feet. At the time, the rules were a bit fuzzy about nubes buying, and Jesse jumped on me right off. Even though Jesse was simply defending the integrity of the site, I acted like a jacka$$. Still not proud of that. Anyway, I shared several PMs with George, and ended up getting two pristine amps from him - a M500t and a M4.0t. His prices were surprisingly low, and when I mentioned that to him, his response was “Money is far from the most important thing in this world son.” Wow.

    I still have both pieces, in their original condition. I don’t know what I will end up doing with them, but I assure you that if they ever leave my possession, they will be offered back into this community.
    “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • txcoastal1
    txcoastal1 Posts: 13,374
    nspindel wrote: »
    And George would be pissed off at me for writing that when he’s not around to argue!!!

    He would probably call you a :p It was one of his hmmm descriptive words
    2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures
    Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver
    Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated
    Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30.5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum speakers, Modwright LS100 (voltz), Simaudio 780D DAC

    erat interfectorem cesar et **** dictatorem dicere a
  • I was told by Mr. Grand on several occasions that I was going to h.e. l.l. for a couple of untowards posts made years ago.
    He said it in the Mr. Grand way such that I'm actually looking forward to that prognosis because that's the kind of classy broad that he was.

    ...... he'd probably add another "You're going to h.e. l.l." for that last statement, but that's okay.
    Mr. Grand was one of a kind.
    Sal Palooza
  • cmy330go
    cmy330go Posts: 2,341
    George was a lot of fun. I think he and I took a few swings at each other over the years. It seemed like he would intentionally ruffle someone's feathers just to see what they were made of, and if they held their ground adequately, they would in-turn earn his respect.

    Unfortunately CP has lost a lot of the guys, George included, that made it a great place to be.
    Mits WD-65737, DirecTV, Oppo DV-970HD, XBOX ONE, Yamaha RX-A1030, Parasound Halo A23, Rotel RB-985, Music Hall MMF-7, Parasound PPH-100, LSi-15, LSi-C, LSi-FX, LSi-7, PSW-1000, Monster HTS2600

    2 CH
    Parasound Halo P3, Parasound Halo A21, Sutherland Ph.D, VPI Classic 3 w/ 3D arm & Soundsmith Aida Cartridge, Arcam CD72T, B&W 802 S3, Monster HTS2500,
  • headrott
    headrott Posts: 5,496
    edited January 2019
    George was a great man. I never got to meet him in person, unfortunately, but he had a great wit and could rib you hard. At the same time he could build camaraderie like no other. He always stood for what was right. Period.

    I remember I bought 4 reel to reels from him a few years before he passed (The Graduate soundtrack, etc). He only accepted checks, NO PAYPAL for George. I sent him the check, and realized after I mailed it that I forgot to include shipping in the total. DUMB! I PM'd George and offered to send him another check and he said, "don't worry about it, justenjoy those tapes". That was the kind of guy George was.

    Edit: @nspindel, I remember that spat between you and George when you first joined. It is still fun reading....Lol!
    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    I miss the days with George around, I still have have a box of vinyl I purchased from him that I have never opened.. I honestly don't remember what I ordered..
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    @headrott some things are better left to the dustbin of history!
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    He was a cool guy. He was one of the older members that was fun to talk to. I also miss him as well as many others.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,192
    George is one of our fallen comrades whom I really miss.


    I will take the liberty of quoting a post from Mr. Grand. If you didn't know him, this should tell you all you need to know about this remarkable man. Tiffany was his daughter.
    My beautiful daughter passed in October. We decided to go and visit my sister and brother-in-law outside Tampa for Christmas, just so we wouldn't be here with all the memories and baggage during the holiday. A couple days before our departure on the 23rd of Dec, Theresa told me to go look out our bedroom window. We have a potted rosebush right there. It was piled high with snow, and the temps had been frigid. ONE pink rose refused to succumb, and was right at the top, shining brightly. I looked at Theresa and told her "I can't leave her out there like that. She's coming inside." Theresa filled me in on how the bush HAD to go dormant sooner or later, the rose WILL fall off, and that's that. Fine, she can go dormant in here. We came back from Florida, and sure enough, a lot of the bush was going yellow and the leaves were falling off. But not my girl. She was still there. Moved her over to the window that gets sun all day, and started watering her. After about a month, everything stops turning yellow, and we start to get new growth. One of the heavy-hitter oncologists where Theresa works, a Dr. Weinstein, is the ROSEMAN. Grows them, studies them, blah blah blah. "Tell George it is near impossible to get the roses to bloom indoors. New growth? yes. Roses blooming? No." Dr. Weinstein didn't know Tiff well enough. In early Feb, a bunch of rosebuds started to show up. About a hundred I'd say.

    Now for a little background.......When we first found out about Tiffany and her problems at age 2 1/2, we decided to make her ours (Took me all of 5 seconds). We filed the paperwork, and the wheels slowly turned. For a couple months, everytime we had her for a weekend, we always had to bring her back cause the paperwork had not gone through yet. It sucked, but finally on 26 February 1988, Tiffany came home to HER HOUSE, and never had to leave again. So in addition to her 11 June birthday, 26 Feb was always a big day to celebrate around here. So, what do you think happened on 26 Feb 2006? The first rose bloomed and greeted me when I got up in the morning, and there are about 10 more open now, and I'd say by Sunday, the other 90 or so will be in full bloom. That's my girl.

    I have images to post of both the new bloom and the original rose which still refuses to fall off, but the wonderful system we have here for managing attachments will not let me attach them. It keeps telling me I'm not logged in or some other horsesh!t. Well I am logged in, and the little box says I AM able to attach things. This system sucks.

    Post edited by George Grand on March 2006
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    My only interaction with George was kinda confrontational back in 2015. George took offense to me claiming to be a veteran because I only served 4 years in the Air Force but never in a combat zone.

    George was a combat vet, and I highly respect that, but I didn't care for him telling me that my 4 years didn't count.
  • vcwatkins
    vcwatkins Posts: 1,993
    Do not recall a Neil-spat, but can easily imagine it happening, hehe.

    Missing George here too. He did a lot of good. A big chunk of my vinyl came at a very reasonable cost thanks to GG.
    b]Beach Audio[/b]: Rega RP6 (mods) - AT33PTG/II - Parks Budgie SUT - PSAudio NPC * Eversolo DMP-A6 * Topping D90iii * Joule-Electra LA-100 mkIII * Pass Aleph 30 * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 2.3tl (mods) * PSAudio PPP3
    Beach Study: Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra & Pre Box S2 * Pass ACA * DH Labs SS Q10 * Brines Folded ML-TQWT RS 40-1354 * PSA Dectet
    Beach Master: WiiM Pro * Dayens Menuetto * Zu Libtec * Dynaudio Audience 50
    Beach Den: Bluesound Powernode 2i * DH Labs SS Q10 * Zu Omen DWII * Richard Gray RGPC
    Town Study: WiiM Pro * Chord Qute (Pardo) * Elekit TU-8600 * MIT S3 * Revel M22 * Beyer DT-990 * Shunyata Hydra 2
    Town Den: Music Hall mm5.1se - Denon DL-103r - Jolida JD9ii (mods) * WiiM Pro * Cary xCiter * Rogue 99 Magnum * Schiit Aegir * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 1.2tl (mods) * Dectet * Bottlehead Crack - Senn 600
    Town Porch: WiiM Pro Plus * Sunfire Sig II * Canare 4S11 * Magnepan 1.6 * Dectet
  • vcwatkins
    vcwatkins Posts: 1,993
    mhardy6647 wrote: »
    George is one of our fallen comrades whom I really miss.


    I will take the liberty of quoting a post from Mr. Grand. If you didn't know him, this should tell you all you need to know about this remarkable man. Tiffany was his daughter.
    My beautiful daughter passed in October. We decided to go and visit my sister and brother-in-law outside Tampa for Christmas, just so we wouldn't be here with all the memories and baggage during the holiday. A couple days before our departure on the 23rd of Dec, Theresa told me to go look out our bedroom window. We have a potted rosebush right there. It was piled high with snow, and the temps had been frigid. ONE pink rose refused to succumb, and was right at the top, shining brightly. I looked at Theresa and told her "I can't leave her out there like that. She's coming inside." Theresa filled me in on how the bush HAD to go dormant sooner or later, the rose WILL fall off, and that's that. Fine, she can go dormant in here. We came back from Florida, and sure enough, a lot of the bush was going yellow and the leaves were falling off. But not my girl. She was still there. Moved her over to the window that gets sun all day, and started watering her. After about a month, everything stops turning yellow, and we start to get new growth. One of the heavy-hitter oncologists where Theresa works, a Dr. Weinstein, is the ROSEMAN. Grows them, studies them, blah blah blah. "Tell George it is near impossible to get the roses to bloom indoors. New growth? yes. Roses blooming? No." Dr. Weinstein didn't know Tiff well enough. In early Feb, a bunch of rosebuds started to show up. About a hundred I'd say.

    Now for a little background.......When we first found out about Tiffany and her problems at age 2 1/2, we decided to make her ours (Took me all of 5 seconds). We filed the paperwork, and the wheels slowly turned. For a couple months, everytime we had her for a weekend, we always had to bring her back cause the paperwork had not gone through yet. It sucked, but finally on 26 February 1988, Tiffany came home to HER HOUSE, and never had to leave again. So in addition to her 11 June birthday, 26 Feb was always a big day to celebrate around here. So, what do you think happened on 26 Feb 2006? The first rose bloomed and greeted me when I got up in the morning, and there are about 10 more open now, and I'd say by Sunday, the other 90 or so will be in full bloom. That's my girl.

    I have images to post of both the new bloom and the original rose which still refuses to fall off, but the wonderful system we have here for managing attachments will not let me attach them. It keeps telling me I'm not logged in or some other horsesh!t. Well I am logged in, and the little box says I AM able to attach things. This system sucks.

    Post edited by George Grand on March 2006

    Good stuff. Thanks.
    b]Beach Audio[/b]: Rega RP6 (mods) - AT33PTG/II - Parks Budgie SUT - PSAudio NPC * Eversolo DMP-A6 * Topping D90iii * Joule-Electra LA-100 mkIII * Pass Aleph 30 * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 2.3tl (mods) * PSAudio PPP3
    Beach Study: Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra & Pre Box S2 * Pass ACA * DH Labs SS Q10 * Brines Folded ML-TQWT RS 40-1354 * PSA Dectet
    Beach Master: WiiM Pro * Dayens Menuetto * Zu Libtec * Dynaudio Audience 50
    Beach Den: Bluesound Powernode 2i * DH Labs SS Q10 * Zu Omen DWII * Richard Gray RGPC
    Town Study: WiiM Pro * Chord Qute (Pardo) * Elekit TU-8600 * MIT S3 * Revel M22 * Beyer DT-990 * Shunyata Hydra 2
    Town Den: Music Hall mm5.1se - Denon DL-103r - Jolida JD9ii (mods) * WiiM Pro * Cary xCiter * Rogue 99 Magnum * Schiit Aegir * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 1.2tl (mods) * Dectet * Bottlehead Crack - Senn 600
    Town Porch: WiiM Pro Plus * Sunfire Sig II * Canare 4S11 * Magnepan 1.6 * Dectet
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    Jimbo18 wrote: »
    My only interaction with George was kinda confrontational back in 2015. George took offense to me claiming to be a veteran because I only served 4 years in the Air Force but never in a combat zone.

    George was a combat vet, and I highly respect that, but I didn't care for him telling me that my 4 years didn't count.

    I suspect that was just him giving you **** to try and get a rise out of you. That was George!
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    ^^ We left it amicably, but never had any other interaction, that I can recall. Always read good things about him, though.
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,192
    He was, and I mean this in the most complimentary and positive way possible, a piece of work.

    He was also quite active, at least in the early days, @ audiokarma under the nom de byte "Toasted Almond".

  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    mhardy6647 wrote: »
    George is one of our fallen comrades whom I really miss.


    I will take the liberty of quoting a post from Mr. Grand. If you didn't know him, this should tell you all you need to know about this remarkable man. Tiffany was his daughter.
    My beautiful daughter passed in October. We decided to go and visit my sister and brother-in-law outside Tampa for Christmas, just so we wouldn't be here with all the memories and baggage during the holiday. A couple days before our departure on the 23rd of Dec, Theresa told me to go look out our bedroom window. We have a potted rosebush right there. It was piled high with snow, and the temps had been frigid. ONE pink rose refused to succumb, and was right at the top, shining brightly. I looked at Theresa and told her "I can't leave her out there like that. She's coming inside." Theresa filled me in on how the bush HAD to go dormant sooner or later, the rose WILL fall off, and that's that. Fine, she can go dormant in here. We came back from Florida, and sure enough, a lot of the bush was going yellow and the leaves were falling off. But not my girl. She was still there. Moved her over to the window that gets sun all day, and started watering her. After about a month, everything stops turning yellow, and we start to get new growth. One of the heavy-hitter oncologists where Theresa works, a Dr. Weinstein, is the ROSEMAN. Grows them, studies them, blah blah blah. "Tell George it is near impossible to get the roses to bloom indoors. New growth? yes. Roses blooming? No." Dr. Weinstein didn't know Tiff well enough. In early Feb, a bunch of rosebuds started to show up. About a hundred I'd say.

    Now for a little background.......When we first found out about Tiffany and her problems at age 2 1/2, we decided to make her ours (Took me all of 5 seconds). We filed the paperwork, and the wheels slowly turned. For a couple months, everytime we had her for a weekend, we always had to bring her back cause the paperwork had not gone through yet. It sucked, but finally on 26 February 1988, Tiffany came home to HER HOUSE, and never had to leave again. So in addition to her 11 June birthday, 26 Feb was always a big day to celebrate around here. So, what do you think happened on 26 Feb 2006? The first rose bloomed and greeted me when I got up in the morning, and there are about 10 more open now, and I'd say by Sunday, the other 90 or so will be in full bloom. That's my girl.

    I have images to post of both the new bloom and the original rose which still refuses to fall off, but the wonderful system we have here for managing attachments will not let me attach them. It keeps telling me I'm not logged in or some other horsesh!t. Well I am logged in, and the little box says I AM able to attach things. This system sucks.

    Post edited by George Grand on March 2006

    That rose, what a kicker it was!

    I stopped by one afternoon in early March one year, about 2 years after Tiff passed. The rose bush was inside 'cause George took it in in the winter. When I got there, we had our greetings and I noticed that the rose bush wasn't outside yet and said that maybe it should be 'cause it's got buds on it. He blew it off and said those buds had been there since Valentine's Day.

    We did our thing, exchanged some gear and had some coffee. I was there maybe 2 hours, tops. When I was leaving, I said my goodbyes and started walking to my truck and George calls from the door and says "Hey Jahn! C'mere, lookit dis!" and points at the corner where the rose bush was. I look in and there is a single rose half bloomed like you get at the florist. George says "Tiff says hi!" with a tear in his eye.

    That was, like...whoa. Maybe coincidence? I dunno but George said later that was the only bloom on the bush until May when they put it outside in the warmer weather.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • vcwatkins
    vcwatkins Posts: 1,993
    b]Beach Audio[/b]: Rega RP6 (mods) - AT33PTG/II - Parks Budgie SUT - PSAudio NPC * Eversolo DMP-A6 * Topping D90iii * Joule-Electra LA-100 mkIII * Pass Aleph 30 * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 2.3tl (mods) * PSAudio PPP3
    Beach Study: Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra & Pre Box S2 * Pass ACA * DH Labs SS Q10 * Brines Folded ML-TQWT RS 40-1354 * PSA Dectet
    Beach Master: WiiM Pro * Dayens Menuetto * Zu Libtec * Dynaudio Audience 50
    Beach Den: Bluesound Powernode 2i * DH Labs SS Q10 * Zu Omen DWII * Richard Gray RGPC
    Town Study: WiiM Pro * Chord Qute (Pardo) * Elekit TU-8600 * MIT S3 * Revel M22 * Beyer DT-990 * Shunyata Hydra 2
    Town Den: Music Hall mm5.1se - Denon DL-103r - Jolida JD9ii (mods) * WiiM Pro * Cary xCiter * Rogue 99 Magnum * Schiit Aegir * MIT S3 * Polk SRS 1.2tl (mods) * Dectet * Bottlehead Crack - Senn 600
    Town Porch: WiiM Pro Plus * Sunfire Sig II * Canare 4S11 * Magnepan 1.6 * Dectet
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    Love George. If he called you "sweetheart" you were about to get a backside reaming from him...LOL What a character. George gave me a vintage Pioneer 8-track player FREE to put in my 70's mancave. He said it was his fathers, and he wasn't sure if it had ever been used. In George's memory, one day I will give it to another Polkie, with the same promise I made to George---it stays in the Polk family.
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,933
    mhardy6647 wrote: »
    George is one of our fallen comrades whom I really miss.


    I will take the liberty of quoting a post from Mr. Grand. If you didn't know him, this should tell you all you need to know about this remarkable man. Tiffany was his daughter.
    My beautiful daughter passed in October. We decided to go and visit my sister and brother-in-law outside Tampa for Christmas, just so we wouldn't be here with all the memories and baggage during the holiday. A couple days before our departure on the 23rd of Dec, Theresa told me to go look out our bedroom window. We have a potted rosebush right there. It was piled high with snow, and the temps had been frigid. ONE pink rose refused to succumb, and was right at the top, shining brightly. I looked at Theresa and told her "I can't leave her out there like that. She's coming inside." Theresa filled me in on how the bush HAD to go dormant sooner or later, the rose WILL fall off, and that's that. Fine, she can go dormant in here. We came back from Florida, and sure enough, a lot of the bush was going yellow and the leaves were falling off. But not my girl. She was still there. Moved her over to the window that gets sun all day, and started watering her. After about a month, everything stops turning yellow, and we start to get new growth. One of the heavy-hitter oncologists where Theresa works, a Dr. Weinstein, is the ROSEMAN. Grows them, studies them, blah blah blah. "Tell George it is near impossible to get the roses to bloom indoors. New growth? yes. Roses blooming? No." Dr. Weinstein didn't know Tiff well enough. In early Feb, a bunch of rosebuds started to show up. About a hundred I'd say.

    Now for a little background.......When we first found out about Tiffany and her problems at age 2 1/2, we decided to make her ours (Took me all of 5 seconds). We filed the paperwork, and the wheels slowly turned. For a couple months, everytime we had her for a weekend, we always had to bring her back cause the paperwork had not gone through yet. It sucked, but finally on 26 February 1988, Tiffany came home to HER HOUSE, and never had to leave again. So in addition to her 11 June birthday, 26 Feb was always a big day to celebrate around here. So, what do you think happened on 26 Feb 2006? The first rose bloomed and greeted me when I got up in the morning, and there are about 10 more open now, and I'd say by Sunday, the other 90 or so will be in full bloom. That's my girl.

    I have images to post of both the new bloom and the original rose which still refuses to fall off, but the wonderful system we have here for managing attachments will not let me attach them. It keeps telling me I'm not logged in or some other horsesh!t. Well I am logged in, and the little box says I AM able to attach things. This system sucks.

    Post edited by George Grand on March 2006

    touching Post "My Good Man"

    Thanks Doc o:)<3
  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,933
    nspindel wrote: »
    Jimbo18 wrote: »
    My only interaction with George was kinda confrontational back in 2015. George took offense to me claiming to be a veteran because I only served 4 years in the Air Force but never in a combat zone.

    George was a combat vet, and I highly respect that, but I didn't care for him telling me that my 4 years didn't count.

    I suspect that was just him giving you **** to try and get a rise out of you. That was George!

    agree and to just see if you had enough "salt" in your britches.
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    edited January 2019
    pitdogg2 wrote: »
    nspindel wrote: »
    Jimbo18 wrote: »
    My only interaction with George was kinda confrontational back in 2015. George took offense to me claiming to be a veteran because I only served 4 years in the Air Force but never in a combat zone.

    George was a combat vet, and I highly respect that, but I didn't care for him telling me that my 4 years didn't count.

    I suspect that was just him giving you **** to try and get a rise out of you. That was George!

    agree and to just see if you had enough "salt" in your britches.

    I don't know if I was "salty" or not, but our exchange was at the end of this post -

    His original comment wasn't directed at me, i just took exception to the comment. Which wasn't "a fact jack".