Upgrades & crossover work suggestions - pics ...
I installed the .5ohm resistor today, and it seems like everything's come together now..
Recap of Polk SDA-2a system:
-Receiver (still) : Marantz SR7300
-Amp : (now) : Parasound HCA 1200 ii
-Tweeters : (now) : RDO194's
-Crossovers : (now) : Sonicap 12's Daytona 20's
-Polyswitch : (now) .5 ohm Mills
-Wires (now) : monoprice 12ga
I'm about $700 in all togther, and countless hours invested in learning, reading (redundant) , and laboring...
Overall, it's been a great experience and change, and it sounds VERY GOOD. It's difficult to put a number on sound, but I feel as if I have a $3k-$4k system all in all, and it feels good.
I really do feel that ANY upgrade from here, would be negligible to my ears, or more for aesthetics/mental.
Thanks for the help to those who did or tried.. As Borat would say: "SUCCESS!" -
Next time you're inside consider heavier wire to the bigger driversSamsung 60" UN60ES6100 LED, Outlaw Audio 976 Pre/Pro, Samsung BDP, Amazon Firestick, Phillips CD Changer
Canare 14 ga - LCR tweeters inside*; Ctr Ch outside
BJC 10 ga - LCR mids “Foamed & Plugged**”, inside* & out
8 ga Powerline: LR woofers, inside* & out
*soldered **Rob the Man (Xschop)
LR: Tri-amped RTi A7 w/Rotels*. Woofers - 980BX; Tweets & Mids - RB981*
Ctr Ch: Rotel RB981* -> Bi-amped CSi A6
Surrounds: Rotel 981* -> AR 12 ga -> RTi A3
*all connected w/Premiere ICs
5 Subs: Sunfire True SW Signature -> LFE & Ctr Ch; 4 Audio Pro Evidence @ the “Corners”
Power Conditioning & Distribution:
4 dedicated 20A feeds; APC H15; 5 Furman Miniport 20s -
Next time you're inside consider heavier wire to the bigger drivers
Can you please explain? -
Next time you're inside consider heavier wire to the bigger drivers
I think I remember @DarqueKnight having a negative experience replacing internal wiring. Hopefully he will chime in.
afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
I replaced the internal wire of a one SDA-1B with Monster cable and didn't hear a difference between it and the stock-wired speaker, so I removed the MC wire.
I have had excellent results rewiring my SDAs and LSI speakers with Cardas and AudioQuest wire:
Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country! -
Thanks, but that is way beyond my expertise and motivation.... I can't imagine much result from my current setup...but if money and time were no object I'd be more than happy to indulge- but then again I'd probably have something beefier for that matter