What Are You Listening To?
throwing a bit more bass at the 705's
Abbey Road 2009 CD
followed up by
Michael Murray
Bach at St. Bavo's TELARC CDSpeakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
John Mayall • The Blues Alone
Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give -
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
Puscifer "Conditions of My Parole"afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
Roger Waters "Amused to Death"afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
Primus "Sailing the Seas of Cheese"afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
Corrosion of Conformity "America's Volume Dealer"afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
King Crimson "In The Court of The Crimson King"afterburnt wrote: »They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.
Village Idiot of Club Polk -
Spinning two long time favs tonight
Pearls Before Swine • One Nation Underground
Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give -
Pearls Before Swine • Balaklava
Because I am The Pumpkinking
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Tom Rapp • Stardancer
Because I am The Pumpkinking
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could be waiting a while
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
My first blues concert was Albert King, BB King and Bobby "Blue" Bland, together. Love all 3 but Albert was the coolest cat in the world. So sad how he passed away. Broke my heart when I read the details...I digress. SACD rip. First time playing since updating the PSA Dirctstream to Windom. Never sounded this sweet. RIP Albert, BB and Bobby!➀Speakers: Polk1.2tl's (Uber Mods) ➁Pre/Amp/DAC: PS Audio BHK Signature & 250, DirectStream ➂Cables/IC's: MIT S1Bi-Wire/S1 Balanced +Avel Lindberg 1000VA "Dreadnought" ➃Power Conditioner: PS Audio P15 Power Plant ➄Power Cords: Core Power Technologies Gold, DH Labs Power Plus DIY w/Neotech NC-P301 & P311ends ➅Streaming: Roon ROCK on wifi'd NUC, TP-Link WAP, & Uptone EtherREGEN, AfterDark, Emperor Double Crown Clock, Black Modernize LPS, PS Audio AirLens⟿Ω☯☥☮⟿🔊♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬
after an Audyssey calibration for the new speaks;
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
5.1 channel
Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears -
Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give -
Happy birthday Neil Young
Jimi Hendrix • Rare Hendrix.......Trip Records
Because I am The Pumpkinking
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The Doors • The Soft Parade......Audio Fidelity HDCD
Because I am The Pumpkinking
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Mighty Baby • S/T
Because I am The Pumpkinking
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The Psychedelic Sound Of The Lemon Fog
Because I am The Pumpkinking
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The Moon • Without Earth & The Moon
Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give -
Keith Jarrett / Kjell Johnsen • Afterland............ECM
Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give
This discussion has been closed.