What was your first concert??



  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited February 2012
    The Sheaffer Beer Music Festival in Central Park had no serious competitors nationwide. You got to hear the artist and then participate in the riot after the show. Big park.
  • PreCd
    PreCd Posts: 786
    edited February 2012
    My 1st was The Scorpions, Def Leppard, and Ted Nugent at the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville in 1980. My older brother took me and I will never forget it. Legends of rock were unveiled that night as I believe it was the 1st tour for The Scorpions and Def Leppard.
    Marantz CD5004
    Adcom GFA-545
    Bottlehead Quickie Tube Preamp
  • Toolfan66
    Toolfan66 Posts: 17,434
    edited February 2012
    rromeo923 wrote: »
    Thank god I started seeing Grateful Dead Shows in 1981 and was saved from the hair band daze of the Eighties. I can't believe I didnt see someone I knew in that video.

    I have tried to listen to The Grateful Dead many of times and I just can't swallow them.. For me "thank god" for Heavy Metal...

    It's kinda of weird because I am very open minded with music and out of the classics I just didn't like them, give me the Stones, Zappa, Neil Young, Zeppelin, ect.. Maybe if I would have seen them live my views would be different but then again I probably would have done more drugs (maybe better ones at that.) LOL!!
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    edited February 2012
    Toolfan66 wrote: »
    I have tried to listen to The Grateful Dead many of times and I just can't swallow them.. For me "thank god" for Heavy Metal...

    It's kinda of weird because I am very open minded with music and out of the classics I just didn't like them, give me the Stones, Zappa, Neil Young, Zeppelin, ect.. Maybe if I would have seen them live my views would be different but then again I probably would have done more drugs (maybe better ones at that.) LOL!!

    I couldn't agree more about the dead.I have several deadhead friends and i have seen them twice live but i just never got it.I listen to all types of music as well but there is just something about the grateful dead that makes me go huh?
    You either get it or you don't.Like Zappa,or Springsteen (old springsteen,not the new crap).Ya either love it or hate it.
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    edited February 2012
    My dad took me to see Harry Chapin when I was 14. Small venue and I was blown away. He died that year. I had a "30,000 lbs of Bananas" T-Shirt that he signed. Like an idiot, I wore it all the time and it eventually went away. I should have put it under glass and it would be hanging proudly in my living room right now. Oh well.
  • PrazVT
    PrazVT Posts: 1,606
    edited February 2012
    My first concert would be 311 / Shootyz Groove in Virginia back in 1995 when I was 16. I went w/ a couple of friends and it was awesome. I've been trying to see 311 again for the last 17 years ..but I never have the time!
    ALL BOXED UP for a while until I save up for a new place :(

    Home Theater:
    KEF Q900s / MIT Shotgun S3 / MIT CVT2 ICs | KEF Q600C | Polk FXi5 | BJC Wire | Signal / AQ ICs | Shunyata / Pangea PCs | Pioneer Elite SC 57 | Parasound NC2100 Pre | NAD M25 | Marantz SA8001 | Schiit Gungnir DAC | SB Touch

    2 Channel:
    Polk LSi9 (xo mods), Polk DSW MicroPro 2000 sub | NAD c375BEE | W4S DAC1 | SB Touch | Marantz SA-8001 | MIT AVt 2 | Kimber Hero / AQ / Signal ICs | Shunyata / Signal PCs
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited February 2012
    You guys are old...

    Me; The Presidents of the United States of America, Mercer Arena, Bumbershoot, Seattle, 1995?
  • rromeo923
    rromeo923 Posts: 1,513
    edited February 2012
    brgman wrote: »
    I couldn't agree more about the dead.I have several deadhead friends and i have seen them twice live but i just never got it.I listen to all types of music as well but there is just something about the grateful dead that makes me go huh?
    You either get it or you don't.Like Zappa,or Springsteen (old springsteen,not the new crap).Ya either love it or hate it.

    I saw The Grateful Dead over 100 times. For me it was about being young and experiencing freedom. You could pretty much do as you liked at a Grateful Dead show. Half of the fun was the travel and hanging out in the lot with friends and making new friends. You could see five shows in a row and not have any repeats. When they were at their best they put on one of the best concert experiences you could ask for. So much fun.
    I have seen many other bands in concert and a lot have been amazing but very few if any could do what The Grateful Dead could.

    I got static in my head
    The reflected sound of everything
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited February 2012
    Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin in NYC. Before they both died.

    well..if you saw em' after they died,,I sure would like some of what you were taking,,my first real concert stateside after returning from across the pond was Rod Stewart and Small Faces,,,,otherwise,,,I'd have to say,,BG and the Clusters,,, A Phillipino Group that entertained us,,the dancers came complete with white go-go boots,,,,lemme hear some Sam and Dave ya'll.
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • del44
    del44 Posts: 686
    edited February 2012
    Pink Floyd, Animals tour at Anahiem Stadium 1977 i think. Wow
  • BottomFeeder
    BottomFeeder Posts: 1,684
    edited February 2012
    Geeze. Parents - yes, parents! - took me to a Baja Marimba band concert when I was just a kid. They were competition for the Tijuana Brass. Oh yeah, & Pat Boone was on the same bill. Oi!

    Next "real" concert was Black Sabbath in '72. Hated it. Just never connected with them - too heavy.

    Next & one of my all time favorite concerts was The Who & an unknown to me band called Lynryrd Skynyrd opened for them. This was at the Forum in LA. & Skynyrd blew us away. After that tour, they became headliners. The whole concert was fantastic.
    "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." Bob Seger
    DRAGOMCS Posts: 25
    edited February 2012
    Journey, in '83 on the 'Frontiers' tour.
  • Fongolio
    Fongolio Posts: 3,516
    edited February 2012
    The Stampeders (Sweet City Woman) with my sister in '74.
    Bachman Turner Overdrive with Heart as opening act in '75 on my own. Heart made BTO sond like a crappy garage band.
    SDA-1C (full mods)
    Carver TFM-55
    NAD 1130 Pre-amp
    Rega Planar 3 TT/Shelter 501 MkII
    The Clamp
    Revox A77 Mk IV Dolby reel to reel
    Thorens TD160/Mission 774 arm/Stanton 881S Shibata
    Nakamichi CR7 Cassette Deck
    Rotel RCD-855 with modified tube output stage
    Cambridge Audio DACmagic Plus
    ADC Soundshaper 3 EQ
    Ben's IC's
    Nitty Gritty 1.5FI RCM
  • read-alot
    read-alot Posts: 812
    edited February 2012
    Marshall Tucker Band in the Woodland Heights Elementary School lunch room Spartanburg, South Carolina ~ 1969.
    At the time they called themselves The Toy Factory.
    polkaudio SRS (rdo194 x 8)
    Dodd ELP (separate power supply)
    JC 1 blocks ( strapped )
    Rega Apollo
    MIT (speaker cables) Outlaw (ICs)

    polkaudio SDA2(rdo194x4) (front) polkaudio CRS (rdo194x4)(rear) polkaudio 400i (center)
    B&K 505
    Samsung LCD
    VIP 622
    HSU STF-2
  • sandworms
    sandworms Posts: 1,043
    edited February 2012
    first big concert was Heart, 1981
    Samsung pn64f8500
    Sonus faber venere 2.5
    Sf venere center
    Oppo 105d
    Squeezebox touch
    Parasound hca1500a
    Apc power filter
    Audioquest cables asst
    Polk rtia3 SB
    Polk fxia6 sl,sr
    Dual hsu vtf3 mk3

  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited February 2012
    First concert: BLACK SABBATH , 1972 at the San Diego Convention Center (Coliseum ?); whatever venue was within walking distance of the San Diego Naval Training Center.
    My memory says that ELO opened, but a Polkie Emailed me a while back with the bands scheduled to play that date, and it was supposedly .... hmm.... "New Caledonia Express". Still say it was ELO, though; not a lot of bands had cellos, violins, etc on stage. And ELO didn't suck, but NCE did. Saw them about a year later at Fillmore West/Winterland; they opened for Van Morrison. Concert started a little late, supposedly because somebody in the opening band had gotten sick, and NCE was subbed in. IMO, it started late because NCE had to stop at the Suck Warehouse in their Suckmobile to pick up extra barrels of Suck before they opened. IMO.
    Next "real" concert was Black Sabbath in '72. Hated it. Just never connected with them - too heavy
    And that's cool. When it comes to Sabbath, there's really no middle of the road opinions: "Sabbath Rules !" or "Sabbath Sux !". :biggrin:
    BTW they did kind of did suck at California Jam :eek:
    gudnoyez wrote: »
    He still does seen him a couple of years ago, and he did Travelin Shoes my favorite Elvin Bishop song, great show
    Great tune; saw him in about 73 at Fillmore West/Winterland and he killed on the tune, "Too Hot to Handle".
    Sal Palooza
  • smglbrth
    smglbrth Posts: 1,484
    edited February 2012
    Mid 80's sometime. Krokus on "The Blitz" tour, Dokken opened up for them (Tooth and Nail was their new album then), in Burlington, Iowa. I can still remember the "haze" in the air...
    Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me
  • cwsmith68
    cwsmith68 Posts: 434
    edited February 2012
    The Police! Mar 17 1982. Mid-South Coliseum Memphis, TN
    I had turned 14 five days prior
    Main system:
    Denon PRA-1500, Denon POA-2400, Denon TU-660, Denon DCD-2560, Denon DVD-2910, Denon DRS-640, Denon DP-30L II w/DL-301 mc cart, BSR EQ-3000, DCM Timeframe 600's