What are you playing?



  • dsp3090
    dsp3090 Posts: 14
    edited February 2012
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited February 2012
    Can't stop playing Skyrim.
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited February 2012
    Will be getting Skyrim when it hits the $30 mark. Picked up Forza 3 and Need for Speed Hot pursuit.
  • JoeyBoz
    JoeyBoz Posts: 10
    edited February 2012
    Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

    It's a straight-up classic. I could literally play this and NFL Blitz 2001 for the rest of my life.

    "You must gather your party before venturing forth!"
  • soundfreak1
    soundfreak1 Posts: 3,414
    edited February 2012
    Hide the weenie.
    Main Rig:
    Krell KAV 250a biamped to mid/highs
    Parasound HCA1500A biamped to lows
    Nakamichi EC100 Active xover
    MIT exp 1 ic's
    Perreaux SA33 class A preamp
    AQ kingcobra ic's
    OPPO 83 CDP
    Lehmann audio black cube SE phono pre, Audioquest phono wire (ITA1/1)
    Denon DP-1200 TT. AToc9ML MC cart.
    Monster HTS 3600 power conditioner
    ADS L1590/2 Biamped
    MIT exps2 speaker cable
  • decal
    decal Posts: 3,205
    edited March 2012
    ^^^^ post #67 reported ^^^^
    If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
  • areyouafraid
    areyouafraid Posts: 2
    edited March 2012
    Last month or so Modern Warfare III, its good .
  • andyszabler
    andyszabler Posts: 5
    edited April 2012
    Video game is an electronic game. I really like the play video game. I have play star hawk, mass effect3, tera, play station 3, star fox 64, total war and south park but my favorite game is a Mass Effect 3.
    Life is beautiful
  • Vuroth
    Vuroth Posts: 16
    edited April 2012
    Mostly League of Legends. Mixing in Skyrim and Mass Effect 2, both of which I'd like to finish...
    Sherwood ST-880 turntable
    Sherwood S-2620 receiver
    Tsi100 speakers <-- This is my starting point.

    Dreaming about it
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited April 2012
    Played the new Twisted Metal game last night. Really good bass.
  • bencorn
    bencorn Posts: 49
    edited April 2012
    Pretty much nothing but modern warfare currently. Although I'm really looking forward to the new Ghost Recon game as well as Farcry 3 coming out later this year.
  • Vuroth
    Vuroth Posts: 16
    edited April 2012
    Tried MW3 on the free weekend on Steam, but honestly, Tribes:Ascend pulls me in more.
    Sherwood ST-880 turntable
    Sherwood S-2620 receiver
    Tsi100 speakers <-- This is my starting point.

    Dreaming about it
  • Sherardp
    Sherardp Posts: 8,038
    edited April 2012
    The Walking Dead and it is bloody awesome.
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:

  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited April 2012
    Gliding around Arkham City
  • mystik610
    mystik610 Posts: 699
    edited May 2012
    Mass Effect 1. Starting from the beginning again!
    My System Showcase!

    Media Room
    Paradigm Studio 60 - Paradigm CC-690 - Paradigm ADP-390 - Epik Empire - Anthem MRX300 - Emotiva XPA-5

    Paradigm MilleniaOne - Rythmik F12GSE - Onkyo TX-SR805 - Adcom 5400

    Sennheiser Momentum Over-Ear - Shure SE215 - Fiio E18 Kunlun
  • kuntasensei
    kuntasensei Posts: 3,263
    edited May 2012
    I finally finished Deus Ex: Human Revolution last night... but still have the DLC mission to play through. Then I have Max Payne 3 waiting, which I played about an hour of, and it was awesome.

    Oh, and I still have like an hour left of Mass Effect 3, which I keep putting off because I get sucked into multiplayer. It's on my weekend to-do list. :razz:
    Equipment list:
    Onkyo TX-NR3010 9.2 AVR
    Emotiva XPA-3 amp
    Polk RTi70 mains, CSi40 center, RTi38 surrounds, RTi28 rears and heights
    SVS 20-39CS+ subwoofer powered by Crown XLS1500
    Oppo BDP-93 Blu-ray player
    DarbeeVision DVP5000 video processor
    Epson 8500UB 1080p projector
    Elite Screens Sable 120" CineWhite screen
  • pstrev
    pstrev Posts: 60
    edited May 2012
    Birds Of Steel. Awesome WWII flight sim.

    Yamaha RX-A700
    Polk Audio RTi A5
    Polk Audio CSi A6
    Polk Audio RTi A3
    Polk Audio DSW Pro 500wi
  • Servian
    Servian Posts: 5
    edited May 2012
    since i got my new rig built been playing skyrim & bf3 and some swtor. I played mw3 during the free weekends and it seems little too fast with the instant respawns and such.
  • audiobliss
    audiobliss Posts: 12,518
    edited May 2012
    I absolutely love BF3 on the PC. Amazing graphics, phenomenal sound effects that make me grin every time I play, and just overall great game play. If I'd hurry up and get a headset for playing with friends, it'd really be the perfect game.

    Got bored with Deus Ex: HR.
    Just downloaded and installed Dead Island the other day when it was on sale on Steam. Friend said it's great fun.
    Read about the DayZ Mod for ARMA II the other day, so I'm d/l'ing and installing ARMA again to get reacquainted with it and maybe give the mod a try.
    And of course GTR, GTR Evolution, GTR2, and GT Legends are always tons of fun, even if I'm only using my PS3 controller with the computer for them. Nordschleife, Hill Climb, and Macau are loads of fun to race through!
    Jstas wrote: »
    Simple question. If you had a cool million bucks, what would you do with it?
    Wonder WTF happened to the rest of my money.
    In Use
    PS3, Yamaha CDR-HD1300, Plex, Amazon Fire TV Gen 2
    Pioneer Elite VSX-52, Parasound HCA-1000A
    Klipsch RF-82ii, RC-62ii, RS-42ii, RW-10d
    Epson 8700UB

    In Storage
    [Home Audio]
    Rotel RCD-02, Yamaha KX-W900U, Sony ST-S500ES, Denon DP-7F
    Pro-Ject Phono Box MKII, Parasound P/HP-850, ASL Wave 20 monoblocks
    Klipsch RF-35, RB-51ii

    [Car Audio]
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP, Memphis 16-MCA3004, Boston Acoustic RC520
  • mrbiron
    mrbiron Posts: 5,711
    edited June 2012
    So after i hit the order button, it looks like i will be doing a throwback session for $50.
    BTW, gamestop has their buy2 get 1 free on used. So, i'm picking these up.

    Order #1
    Mafia II
    Medal of Honor
    Deus Ex - Human Revolution

    Order #2
    Splinter Cell - Conviction
    Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter
    Battlefield - Bad Company

    Never played any of them and always wanted too. It's going to be 6 used versus the price of 1 new. Now i just need to find time to play all of these!

    I still find time to put in BF3 and need to download the next installment to the Walking Dead series.
    Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!!
  • tashalb
    tashalb Posts: 4
    edited July 2012
    My intersting movies jone boy
  • Silverfang2340
    Silverfang2340 Posts: 42
    edited July 2012
    Been playing Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, and I absolutely love it. I recently stopped, though once I hit lvl 50. So for now, I've just been enjoying the free Playstation Plus games (Just Cause 2, LittleBigPlanet2, Renegade Ops).
    Current setup: Harman Kardon HKTS 30BQ

    Next setup: Polk RTI A7's
    Polk CSi A6
    HSU VTF-2 MK4 12" SUB
    Undecided on surround
  • dudeinaroom
    dudeinaroom Posts: 3,609
    edited July 2012
    Catch up on the power bill
  • Silverfang2340
    Silverfang2340 Posts: 42
    edited July 2012
    Currently working on Just Cause 2 (PS3) man this game is amazing, never have I played a game with such scale (aside from Skyrim, of course). I think I'm going to shoot for the platinum on this game. :D
    Current setup: Harman Kardon HKTS 30BQ

    Next setup: Polk RTI A7's
    Polk CSi A6
    HSU VTF-2 MK4 12" SUB
    Undecided on surround
  • Syndil
    Syndil Posts: 1,582
    edited July 2012
    Playing Borderlands. Kind of a mix of Diablo and a FPS. Great story line, lots of items with various abilities (guns, etc.). The scale is absolutely huge, too. Not sure how much story is left, but I've already gotten way more than my money's worth out of it IMO. Bought it while it was on sale on Steam--had no idea it was such a great game.

    RT-12, CS350-LS, PSW-300, Infinity Overture 1, Monoprice RC-65i
    Adcom GFA-545II, GFA-6000, Outlaw Audio 990, Netgear NeoTV
    Denon DCM-460, DMD-1000, Sony BDP-360, Bravia KDL-40Z4100/S
    Monster AVL-300, HTS-2500 MKII
  • coolsax
    coolsax Posts: 1,826
    edited July 2012
    since I got a new laptop, I've started up on Lord of the rings Online. Thought about restarting up WOW but didn't really want to buy anything right now(i'd have to pick up Catyclysm and LOTRO is currently in a Freemium format.. not bad so far.
    Main 2ch -
    BlueSound Node->Ethereal optical cable->Peachtree Audio Nova 150->GoldenEar Triton 2+
    TT - Pro-ject Classic SB with Sumiko Bluepoint.

    TV 3.1 system -
    Denon 3500 -> Dynaudio Excite 32/22
  • shanewatts95
    shanewatts95 Posts: 1
    edited July 2012
    Friends i am a huge fan of video games.Mine most favorite game i play now MAX PAYNE.According to me this is a world's best game.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited July 2012
  • jflail2
    jflail2 Posts: 2,868
    edited August 2012
    Messing around with Dayz some right now. I had a pocket full of goodies, and then hopped on a server where some hacker pulled me to him on the map and then shot me in the face..........nice. Back to the old ax I guess...
    2007 Club Polk Football Pool Champ

    2010 Club Polk Fantasy Football Champ

    2011 Club Polk Football Pool Champ

    "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
  • LaraJones3k3
    LaraJones3k3 Posts: 3
    edited August 2012
    I am a PC gamer, and i am playing BF3, MW3, Sniper Elite v2, and Counter Strike multiplayer, ops and i forgot Skyrim FTW :D