Martin Logan Vantage vs. RTi12



  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2011
    Sherardp wrote: »
    Working a killer deal from Authorized dealer on this package. The fronts are new, center demo, surrounds are demo. Everything for 2900, but I just went back and offered 2600 shipped.

    Any updates?
  • Sherardp
    Sherardp Posts: 8,038
    edited August 2011
    The seller backed out so I'll piece together something next month while I'm in the USA. I have not made a move on anything just yet.
    Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!

    Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:
  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2011
    Did you try HIFI Heaven in Green Bay WI? If bought all my Mythos from them at a big discount. Shoot them a email and see what they say.
  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2011
    Sherardp wrote: »
    The seller backed out so I'll piece together something next month while I'm in the USA. I have not made a move on anything just yet.

    Also look at the HT big boys, the Def Techs 7000sc. You wouldn't need your dual svs's anymore.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited August 2011
    leroyjr1 wrote: »
    Also look at the HT big boys, the Def Techs 7000sc. You wouldn't need your dual svs's anymore.

    As badass as they are for theater , they are a bit on the bright side for music for my tastes. I tested the crap out of them and feel short of loving them. The ST's destroyed them for music.
    The New BP series is in a new class. They sound wonderful in all areas. I want to do a ST vs BP shootout again and see who wins this time. If they can come close or if I'm just loving the new smoothness and less edgy sound not to mention the new 8080 center is crazy good , I'm considering getting one.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2011
    I'm a little late, but since you have not purchased anything yet, here is my 2 cents on the Vantage. I bought a pair new and was my first ML purchase. Set them up like a box speaker and was disappointed. When all else fails, read the instructions!

    Most ML's require alot of real estate to shine. My Spires are nearly five foot off the front wall and intrude on the living space. I have very little toe in and the panels need to be set in the upright (not leaning back) position. The sweet spot in my smallish room is two people wide (could be a bit larger in a larger room). One also has to deal with the rear wave by installing some type of High Frequency Absorber behind the speakers.

    After all that, I would never part with my ML's. The accuracy and transparency on well recorded music is beyond stunning in my opinion. There is life beyond a tweeter!!

    2 Channel -
    Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
    McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
    WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
    Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8)
  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2011
    Hawkeye wrote: »
    I'm a little late, but since you have not purchased anything yet, here is my 2 cents on the Vantage. I bought a pair new and was my first ML purchase. Set them up like a box speaker and was disappointed. When all else fails, read the instructions!

    Most ML's require alot of real estate to shine. My Spires are nearly five foot off the front wall and intrude on the living space. I have very little toe in and the panels need to be set in the upright (not leaning back) position. The sweet spot in my smallish room is two people wide (could be a bit larger in a larger room). One also has to deal with the rear wave by installing some type of High Frequency Absorber behind the speakers.

    After all that, I would never part with my ML's. The accuracy and transparency on well recorded music is beyond stunning in my opinion. There is life beyond a tweeter!!


    So how are they for HT?
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2011
    leroyjr1 wrote: »
    So how are they for HT?

    Honestly, I have no idea. I use them in my 2 channel rig only. My HT has the Mythos lineup and don't really listen to music there so can't comment on their musicality.

    2 Channel -
    Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
    McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
    WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
    Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8)
  • leroyjr1
    leroyjr1 Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2011
    Which Mythos do you have?
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2011
    My lineup consists of Mythos Two for mains, a Three for center, Gem XL surrounds and a Prosub 1000. All the speakers are mounted on the walls due to space constraints in our HT.

    They are an ideal solution for our smallish room (15X11). Not theater like, but a reasonable and fun time watching movies or gaming. The only music I've heard through them is soundtracks from movies and I did not find them to unpleasant at all. Not the last word in definition and clarity but a good speaker system.

    2 Channel -
    Martin Logan Spire, 2 JL Audio F112 subs
    McIntosh C1000 Controller with Tube pre amp, 2 MC501 amplifiers, MD1K Transport & DAC, MR-88 Tuner
    WireWorld Eclipse 6.0 speaker wire and jumpers, Eclipse 5^2 Squared Balanced IC's. Silver Eclipse PCs (5)
    Symposium Rollerblocks 2+ (16)Black Diamond Racing Mk 3 pits (8)
  • dekuda
    dekuda Posts: 756
    edited March 2012
    The ML vantage would kill the mythos for music in the airy transparent sound or the mids .The way the martin logan reproduces the human voice is second to none and once you have them in your rig for a while its almost impossible to go back to listening to any other speaker . So many people listen to an electrostat for 5 minutes in a store improperly setup and make there assumptions . If the mythos was that great then Why is mantis wanting to get rid of his and get something else ? The maggies are quite good but the lack the mids that the logans give you but I only heard the 1.7's

    I have read about alot of guys saying how the vantage in a smaller room giving the spires and summit a run for there money and the bigger boys only having the real advantage in a huge room .The problem with electrostats is that you will want more more more as its addictive

    The vantage is the choice for HT by many logan users because of the powerd woofers and the awesome bass control thats adjustable on the back of the speaker . The powerd woofer makes them very easy to drive with little power and you get a front row seat when listening to concert music with just a few watts brining out all of the details instead of having to crank it up , try that with the mythos .The vista is the same speaker but even with high end amps costing thousands cant get them to sing in the bass department like the vantage

    The mythos will win for bass but they wont be as musical or acurite in that department . If you have a sub then they will blow them out of the water

    Here is a problem I see for you and had the same prob myself. I had a csi5 with my ML source se and the sound was worlds apart and not a good integration .I went out and bought the matinee center channel and I lost the bass that I got from my beloved csi5 and prefferd it to my matinee for movies so I had to fork out the cash for the Stage center channel .If you go for vantage then ML recomends the motif , same speaker as the stage but it has aluminum cones instead of paper like the matinee . I still cant see the motif being that much better but never listened to it . So for the center you could go with the ML theater and thats going to cost between $800 -$1200 so it gets expensive fast but let me just say its well worth the money

    Many people say ML are just for music but how many of them have actually had a chance to sit through hundreds of movies and try it out .Nearly every logan owner would never go back to the norm for HT . If you dont want to spend thousands of dollars then I would not go down the path of electrostats

    Has anyone else integrated ML speakers with Polk speakers. Polk farm boy said that the integration is terrible with his CSi5.I have a chance to pick up a pair of Martin Logan Aeoni's locally but then would I have to replace my CSi5 center to integrate with these? Also using deftech surrounds so would they also not integrate well with the ML's. I need feedback on this from anyone that haves experience on this. My other option would be to hook back up and replace my RTi's(12's) front and center with LSI 15's and LSIC
    I listen mostly to music. What do you guys think?
    HT System
    Parasound Halo A51 Amp, Marantz AV 8003 Pre, Arcam FMJ CD36 cd player, Marantz 7007 BD/SACD player,Acoustic Zen Matrix IC's, Analysis Plus Crystal Copper Oval IC's, Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables, B&W 703's Fronts, Center Martin Logan Motif hybrid, Surrounds DefTech BPX, 2 X DefTech Supercube Reference Subs, DSpeaker Antimode 8033 EQ.