workout schedule.



  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited March 2011
    There is no magic formula you'll get from reading the funded research of any eggheads that translates to practical advice for anyone simply wanting to drop pounds effectively. Whether you exercise at night, in the morning, or on a full/empty stomach is meaningless in the real world.

    I'll break it down real simple:

    Stop cramming so much in your pie hole, eat less more often, and exercise. If you can eat more nutritious foods, all the better for your goal.

    It really is that simple and you have to want to do those simple things and stick with it in order to achieve the results you want (losing weight).
  • Wardsweb
    Wardsweb Posts: 939
    edited March 2011
    Demiurge wrote: »
    There is no magic formula you'll get from reading the funded research of any eggheads that translates to practical advice for anyone simply wanting to drop pounds effectively. Whether you exercise at night, in the morning, or on a full/empty stomach is meaningless in the real world.

    I'll break it down real simple:

    Stop cramming so much in your pie hole, eat less more often, and exercise. If you can eat more nutritious foods, all the better for your goal.

    It really is that simple and you have to want to do those simple things and stick with it in order to achieve the results you want (losing weight).

    I concur, the only way to loose weight is to lower your calorie intake or increase your metabolism. Doing both will accelerate the loss. Kind of like running or walking. They burn the same calories, one just does it faster.

    I am in my 9th month of working out three days a week. The first 6 months was with a dedicated trainer three days a week. I learned what to do, how to do it and he pushed me harder than I would have. Got me out of my comfort zone. Now three months in on my own, I know what to do and can recognize when I can push harder without hurting myself. You see I had to start slow and build up some core strength because of back surgery. It's one day at a time and in it for the long haul. There is no magic pill. There is no quick fix. Time, dedication, persistance, will power, bull headed; call it what you will. You just have to stick to it. It becomes a life style change.
  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited March 2011
    No one is saying they have a magic formula but when you examine the problem, it's a bit harder than it looks.
    Stop cramming so much in your pie hole
    How much is too much? How much is not enough? If a person has been overeating their entire life, can you trust them to determine the right amount?
    eat less more often
    Once again, eat less by how much? Eat less of what? How often should they eat? What time?
    and exercise
    What type of exercise? What days? How often? Cardio? Weight training?
    If you can eat more nutritious foods, all the better for your goal.
    What constitutes nutritious foods? What type of nutritious foods for the person doing only cardio work? Will the same foods work for someone talking the problem using both weights and cardio?

    Do you apply the same specifics to someone 25 vs 35 vs 45 vs 55? Male vs female? Ex-jock vs life long couch potato? Overweight vs fat vs obese?

    The solution looks simple, expand more energy than you take in, but when you look at the specifics, it's a bit more complex. Even Wardsweb seeked professional help: trainer. Once the specifics are drawn, then you can say it's simple execution and commitment, review, and tweaking and correction as needed.

    I imagine those on this forum seek knowledge and experiment to find the best bang for their audio/video hobby. I assume folks like Mantis apply the same thought processes when attempting to find a solution to other areas of their lives. He knows that he needs to increase energy expenditure and eat better so he's beyond "simple". He's asking for suggestions and modifications to his plan and that's what these two pages of conversation have been about.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited March 2011
    No one is saying they have a magic formula but when you examine the problem, it's a bit harder than it looks.

    No, it really isn't, unless you're functionally retarded.
    How much is too much? How much is not enough? If a person has been overeating their entire life, can you trust them to determine the right amount?

    Once again, eat less by how much? Eat less of what? How often should they eat? What time?

    You need to burn more calories than you consume and your body uses throughout the day. You can judge whether this is working by *gasp* weight loss.

    I'd recommend staying away from a scale and instead judge how you feel and how your clothes fit. That should be all the motivation you need if you're serious about reaching a goal.

    Adjust accordingly.
    What type of exercise? What days? How often? Cardio? Weight training?

    Without being stupid and endangering yourself, it doesn't matter what type of exercise. What matters is that you're exercising and that its part of a regular routine.

    Walking, for example, is the most basic exercise anyone can do and is enough for anyone to lose weight if coupled with a diet that leaves you burning more than you consume on a daily basis.

    You can determine how much by how much you're willing to do coupled with the results you get.
    What constitutes nutritious foods? What type of nutritious foods for the person doing only cardio work? Will the same foods work for someone talking the problem using both weights and cardio?

    Eliminating processed foods and sugars and eating more lean proteins, fruits, nuts, and vegetables is best. You can eat fats or whatever you'd like, really, because its about the calories you put in your body and the calories you burn daily which determine whether or not you're going to drop pounds.

    You'll feel more full eating more, less calorie dense nutritious foods, as opposed to less, calorie rich foods (Hope you could follow that. It sounds convoluted given the wording).
    Do you apply the same specifics to someone 25 vs 35 vs 45 vs 55? Male vs female? Ex-jock vs life long couch potato? Overweight vs fat vs obese?

    Yes, I would recommend paying attention to how your body reacts to your diet no matter your age.
    The solution looks simple, expand more energy than you take in, but when you look at the specifics, it's a bit more complex. Even Wardsweb seeked professional help: trainer. Once the specifics are drawn, then you can say it's simple execution and commitment, review, and tweaking and correction as needed.

    Its very simple and is not complex in the least.
    I imagine those on this forum seek knowledge and experiment to find the best bang for their audio/video hobby. I assume folks like Mantis apply the same thought processes when attempting to find a solution to other areas of their lives. He knows that he needs to increase energy expenditure and eat better so he's beyond "simple". He's asking for suggestions and modifications to his plan and that's what these two pages of conversation have been about.

    If he's beyond "simple," (which it is), then perhaps he should be at a nutrition and exercise forum getting serious knowledge from people who take it as seriously as you do audio.

    To make something so simple out to be complex screams "I don't want to do what it takes to succeed, I just want to find excuses as to why this will be harder than it needs to be." There's nothing wrong with seeking a trainer to provide motivation. Motivation is the biggest key in all of this, because the magic formula is out there for all to see:

    Eat less. Move more. Lose weight.
  • cstmar01
    cstmar01 Posts: 4,424
    edited March 2011
    jcandy wrote: »
    Can I get you a tissue?

    prove that I need one, oh wait you can't. :rolleyes:
  • cokewithvanilla
    cokewithvanilla Posts: 1,777
    edited March 2011
    lose weight? don't waste time with the crazy high rep workouts... just do more cardio. I suppose you're trying to do like a cardio type workout with low rest/high reps...but I have a feeling you'll burn more fat by putting that time into cardio. It's not like you selectively lose fat in certain areas by working them out. If you want to also do strength training, seriously cut the reps and increase the weight.

    Diet will always be a serious issue though, make changes there .
  • newrival
    newrival Posts: 2,017
    edited March 2011
    Mantis, Check out this book, the 4 hour body. It's given me really great results. I'm probably a similar body type as you, and have lost about 14 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle in the last 5 weeks, and gone down about 4% body fat. Also, there's a lot of training tips, etc. It's all science/experiment backed stuff and tons of research. It's not for everyone, but if you're willing to do it, its pretty great. I havent felt better in about 5 years.
    design is where science and art break even.
  • jcandy
    jcandy Posts: 501
    edited March 2011
    Demiurge wrote: »
    Eat less. Move more. Lose weight.
    I think everyone will have success, at least some level of success, with a very plain-and-simple perspective like this. But over time, as fatchowmein correctly explains, you're going to have to think more carefully about what you're doing. Otherwise, you will plateau rather quickly and not be using your time effectively. Obviously, after some initial period of doing "anything", you want to gradually (and safely) increase intensity as well as alternate what you do so as not to stagnate or risk overuse injuries.

    That said, I am a big fan of the "simple" diet. I'm not sure if my routine is actually simple -- generally I try to never repeat a workout. Either weight or reps are increased, until I can feel an injury brewing, in which case I take a break and modify the routine. I lean toward high-intensity cardio with limited resistance training, which is appropriate considering my age and number of chronic injuries. If you are younger and injury-free, you could do more resistance training.
  • kingtut
    kingtut Posts: 813
    edited March 2011
    mantis wrote: »
    Ok ,
    I've been slacking all winter with a workout here and there. The basement gets a bit colder in the winter and for some reason I turned into a sissy with the cold.

    ...Tuesday Morning - 15 min on Elliptical , Kung Fu forms , followed by Yoga.

    ....Thursday - off but late night Kung fu with Son followed by Yoga.

    Basement. Weather permitting. If it rains I will fall back on Inside workout.

    What do you guys think? Any mods or suggestions?...


    Do kungfu forms include Praying Mantis :biggrin:

    How about some running, once the weather clears up. I use the "Chi Running" method.
  • jcandy
    jcandy Posts: 501
    edited March 2011
    This sounds like Army PT training before breakfast.
    I was here.

    Not exactly Club Med
  • tommyboy
    tommyboy Posts: 1,414
    edited March 2011
    Demiurge wrote: »
    Without being stupid and endangering yourself, it doesn't matter what type of exercise. What matters is that you're exercising and that its part of a regular routine.

    Walking, for example, is the most basic exercise anyone can do and is enough for anyone to lose weight if coupled with a diet that leaves you burning more than you consume on a daily basis.

    You can determine how much by how much you're willing to do coupled with the results you get.

    There is a few problems though when it comes to walking. When you go to a park to get an excerise with your friends, and you two are talking to eachother like you were sitting on a couch, you're not properly excercising(when I'm running at the park, I see A LOT of this). You might be burning calories just by walking (you also burn calories sitting on a couch) your cardiovascular system is not being pushed at all. If brisk walking hurts your knees or something, use an olyptical or bike, but don't make walking as your workout.

    Second, don't make walking (or any cardio for that matter) an excuse for a fat dinner. I've seen this happen quite a few times and it ruins everything you worked for (well, if you are strictly losing weight, if you ran for 5 miles you still got a good cardio workout).
    Demiurge wrote: »

    To make something so simple out to be complex screams "I don't want to do what it takes to succeed, I just want to find excuses as to why this will be harder than it needs to be." There's nothing wrong with seeking a trainer to provide motivation. Motivation is the biggest key in all of this, because the magic formula is out there for all to see:

    Eat less. Move more. Lose weight.

    +1, motivation is the most important part of exercising. And usually lifestyle change is the only way to accomplish this. My biggest advise starting out is to join a gym with someone you know will push you hard. If not, get a personal trainer. Its a good way starting out to get you going.
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  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,208
    edited March 2011
    newrival wrote: »
    Mantis, Check out this book, the 4 hour body. It's given me really great results. I'm probably a similar body type as you, and have lost about 14 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle in the last 5 weeks, and gone down about 4% body fat. Also, there's a lot of training tips, etc. It's all science/experiment backed stuff and tons of research. It's not for everyone, but if you're willing to do it, its pretty great. I havent felt better in about 5 years.

    Awesome thanks.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.