For Sale: NAD C270 Power Amp

Posts: 1,894
I have upgraded my two channel rig with a B&K amplifier so the NAD needs a new home. I am the original owner and the amplifier is four months old. I have the original box and owner's manual as well. Retail cost is $599.
I'm asking $325 firm and this includes shipping / insurance inside the continental U.S.A. This is as low as I can go folks. I did't see any on eBay or Audiogon so it will be like feeding piranhas if it goes there. I figured this was one way to give back to the forum by offering it to you guys first.
The amp is absolutely mint. No scratches, dents, dings, etc. Exceptionally well taken care of in a childless, petless, smokefree environment. The amp sounds great and will not disappoint at this price.
120W x 2 Continuous Power (8 ohms)
210W, 340W, 450W Dynamic Power into 8, 4 and 2 ohms respectively
Bridgeable to 300W mono (8 ohms)
12V trigger input for remote Stand-by/On switching
Double set of loudspeaker binding posts to facilitate bi-wiring
Impedance Sensing Circuit (ISC) topology
Toroidal Power transformer
All Discrete circuitry
All sockets Gold plated
Both fixed and variable inputs, switch selectable
Soft Clipping
Here are some pictures:
I'm asking $325 firm and this includes shipping / insurance inside the continental U.S.A. This is as low as I can go folks. I did't see any on eBay or Audiogon so it will be like feeding piranhas if it goes there. I figured this was one way to give back to the forum by offering it to you guys first.
The amp is absolutely mint. No scratches, dents, dings, etc. Exceptionally well taken care of in a childless, petless, smokefree environment. The amp sounds great and will not disappoint at this price.
120W x 2 Continuous Power (8 ohms)
210W, 340W, 450W Dynamic Power into 8, 4 and 2 ohms respectively
Bridgeable to 300W mono (8 ohms)
12V trigger input for remote Stand-by/On switching
Double set of loudspeaker binding posts to facilitate bi-wiring
Impedance Sensing Circuit (ISC) topology
Toroidal Power transformer
All Discrete circuitry
All sockets Gold plated
Both fixed and variable inputs, switch selectable
Soft Clipping
Here are some pictures:
Post edited by pjdami on
And another:
Note power plug is permanently attached. Variable and fixed inputs. Gold plated connections. Dual binding posts to facilitate bi-wiring: -
That is one sharp looking amp. Looks like a great deal!CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
Sweet deal Im not sure if thats enough power for my SDA 2's. What preamp are you using.
I was using this on my two channel rig mated with a B&K PT5 preamp.
I have no experience with the SDA's. That was before I got into Polk speakers. This NAD amp has got some serious balls but I don't know about mating with the SDAs.
There are people on here that know though..
The C270 drove my LSi 9's with ease when I had them set up with them. Really woke them up..
Paul -
If one could find another C270 and bridge two amps for the SDA's at 600 watts total (300 / channel)....hmmmm...that would be something I would like to hear...
and on the cheap too. I think NAD sounds almost as good as Rotel. The bass is a little different but not worse / better. I have the Rotel RB 1070 amp and the bass is tighter due to the higher damping factor but it costs more too. Didn't spend too much time A / B Rotel vs. NAD but the sound is very very similar... to me at least..
PJ. -
I think it would power a pair of SDA's with no issues....
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Yeah, what Troy said.
That NAD beaut will drive those SDA2's farther than you care to venture.
I have the CRS+ (headed to Troy, so 'HAD' I guess), and drove them with a 40wpc NAD with ZERO issues. (and THAT amp -2240 pe is headed to Dor)
Buy with confidence, NAD is BIG on clean power AND reserves.
RoosterCheck your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
By the Pic's it looks brand new......nice amp shouldn't last long.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
pj, I want the amp but at this time my funds are slack. I could send you a check if you would hold it until no later than the 14th of August maybe sooner than that. I wouldnt expect you to ship it until the check clears. If someone else wants it and has the cash then let it go to them.
That's cool man. I'm not in a hurry for the cash. Just trying to sell the amp / see if there is interest.
I can hold onto it for you until Aug. It's not going anywhere.
Send me a private email and we can go from there.
PJ -
pj, you have mail.
Amp has been sold to ScottDawg. Thanks everybody for looking and the good words on the amp.
Paul -
That was very cool of you pj!
Sweet looking amp, too......!2 channel - Willsenton R8 tube integrated, Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC, audio optimized NUC7i5, Windows 10 Pro/JRiver MC29/Fidelizer Plus 8.7 w/LPS and external SSD drive, PS Audio PerfectWave P3 regenerator, KEF R3 speakers, Rythmik F12SE subwoofer, Audioquest Diamond USB cable, Gabriel Gold IC's, Morrow Audio SP5 speaker cables. Computer - Windows 10/JRiver, Schiit Magni 3+/Modi 3+, Fostex PMO.4n monitors, Sennheiser HD600 headphones -
Polk Forum flea market is the shiznit!CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
Paul -
Which B&K amp did you decide to go with?Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me -
Check out PJ's system showcase for the skinny...Damn....8 lines...I've gotta put my sig on a diet now....
Got the same one you have man. ST125.2 in silver to match my PT5 in silver. She's a beauty.
Still burning her in. I've only had her for three days. Got a new cd player too and it's being burned in too with the amp.
I'm still trying to justify this purchase because the NAD sounded just fine with the PT5. I may be getting rid of the Studio 40's in the next few months so I wanted to get my electronics settled first because the speaker selection will be tough.
I'm looking at LSi in the office too. But it would be cool to have a natural, neutral sounding speaker in the office too. The Studio 40 tweeter can be a little "hot" sounding for me at times.
I'm looking at another pair of LSi 9 (or 15s), Spendor 3/5se, Spendor S6, NHT M5 / M6, Vienna Acoustic Haydnrs, Soliloquy 5.0, B&W 604s, Dynaudio Audience 52s or something along those lines. I want the two channel to be something really special. It's going to take some time though... the LSi will put up a good battle..and will be hard to beat in this price range.
Paul -
Well,... I think you are going to like it an awful lot!! Mine is pretty well tuned in now and I just sit back and enjoy. Although we have different pre's I'm pretty sure the specs are exactly the same, just a couple of different features.
Talk of justification huh? Me, trying to justify this stuff to my wife, now that's "creative" justification! I've already showed her my dream speakers, the SDA SRS 1.2's, about a hundred times and while she thinks they are neat she's sticking by her guns (not to mention she has a couple of her own). I'm VERY, VERY happy with the two channel rig I have right now but down the road I'm going to get something just awesome....., someday..... While I'm on her good side with the existing rig I have now, WAP, guess I won't push her too much.
I haven't listened to the LSi series yet but people here on the forum tend to say there is much difference between the 9's and 15's. I'm guessing the 15's have better low end, goes without saying since they have the extra 8" driver I suppose.
Good luck and have fun listening to different speakers, part of the fun!!
BTW-You're better off with the B&K, isn't that NAD made in CHINA?
Sorry, just had to do that, no offense is being given here as I
have great respect for NAD!CHINARemember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me -
Ooops, just checked out your system showcase. Didn't realize you had the 9's already. There I went again, reading too fast.............Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me
China! Well I just checked the back of the amp and to my surprise it is made in China. Well, Rotel is manufactured in China as well. However, it is done in factories operated by Rotel employees under Rotel management. The labor is cheap but high quality parts are being used and installed under quality supervision. It's one way Rotel keeps the cost down and offers such a quality product at an affordable price. I'm sure NAD does something similar.
Yes, B&K is made in the good ole USA. Hand put together as well if I recall correctly.
We as americans want high paying jobs. But unfortunately manufacturing industry is looking elsewhere to build new factories and plants due to the low cost of labor. We are seeing that in the chemical industry in which I work. The cost of natural gas here in the states is sometimes 8 to 20 times the cost of natural gas say in Trinidad or Venuzuela. This seems to be a growing trend unfortunately and we are losing good jobs here in the states to other countries. Natural gas prices really drive energy costs and the unit cost of raw materials / cost to manuafacture goods. Oh well let me stop here this is an audio forum and not economics....... you guys catch my drift...
PJ -
Well said..., and well ended.
Don't forget to give us your review of the new amp, especially since you'll be running the same pre.
Have fun!!Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me -
Paul, The money will be in the bank on Thursday the 14th. Couldnt make it happen any sooner. Thanks for what you did. Im really looking forward to hearing the NAD and my SDA's.
SEC football coming soon to a stadium near you bro. -
That's cool Scott. I'll get her ready for shipment bud. I'll double check with you before I deposit the check. I'll send a tracking number on private email too.
Yes, the smell of football is in the air. Can't wait.
geaux tigers! LSU that is... -
Great dealing with you, Im sure you can do the transaction on Thursday but I will email you anyway. I like the pic. I dont know what Im more excited about, football or the new amp.
Hey Scott,
Today I paid my last homage to the NAD C270. I wanted to hook it up to make sure everything was fine before I boxed it up and wanted to listen one last time.
I hooked it up to some "spare" Infinity Sterling Series bookshelves that I have laying around, my Denon DCD 690 cd player which has a volume control on it (wish more cd players would do this), Signal Cable Analog two interconnects, and Radio Shack 12 gauge speaker wire. I used to variable input gain on the NAD to initially control the volume.
What's missing here??? No preamp!!! How cool is that! Straight signal from cd player to the power amp and adjust the volume with the gain on the back and then from the cd player remote.
Not bad sounding for I guess my third rig that I put together really quick. The C270 is a great amp... very flexible with the variable gain on her. I hate to see her go... but looks like she has found a good home... plus I really don't need a third rig in the same house.
Paul -
Well Paul it has definately found a good home. I am very anxious to get it and hear it coupled with my Antique Sound Labs tube preamp (I have 5 sets of tubes now) and Calaudio cd player with all DH labs interconnects. I will submit a pic when it is all together. My B & K ST3030 will soon become a bedroom amp for my Polk Monitor 7 series 2, a preamp will have to be found for that system when the money is available.
Paul - How's that new B&K treating you?
To both of you, hope you like your new toys!Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me -
The amp arrived today, it was in my listening room boxed up as if I ordered it from NAD when I got home from work. I had little time (10 minutes) to jam due to other obligations. The initial response was WHOA! I just want to let everyone know that if Paul is selling something and you want it then you cant buy it from a better person. Paul held this amp for me for a month because I didnt have the funds to give him right away. I talked to the local NAD dealer Saturday and he said that was a great deal for $325 not to mention shipping and insurance included. It was packed just like it was when Paul first opened it. I will post pics and a review soon. Thank You Paul the amp is in good hands.
You are so very welcome Scott. I'm glad to see that you will have a very good use for this amplifier. It is really a nice piece of gear. I second guess getting rid of it all the time but looks like it has found a great new home.
Yes pics and a review would be great. I want to know what all this tube fuss is about.