For Sale: NAD C270 Power Amp



  • Posts: 6,767
    edited August 2003
    great amp and great transactions! nothing like hearing a well executed deals!

    btw, Paul, those air filters in the pics, are those 14X30X1 by any chance?:D
    I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie.
  • Posts: 1,894
    edited August 2003
    btw, Paul, those air filters in the pics, are those 14X30X1 by any chance?


    Yes one of them may be. I accidentally bought it when I didn't remember what size the air filter was in the new house (24" X 24").

    That's my official "storage" room. I have a workout bench in there as well as the ironing board for clothes and empty boxes of audio gear, etc. etc. One day this will be setup for a third rig maybe; I've got enough "spare" parts to do it, but really haven't had the urge to do so I spend maybe 4 hrs/week in there.

  • Posts: 6,767
    edited August 2003
    nice storage room! btw, how do you like your myryad CDP? just curious, I read rave review about it somewhere. I was planning of upgrading my trusty Sony earlier, but has to put the plan on hold (till Dow hits 10000 again..) for now.
    I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie.
  • Posts: 1,894
    edited August 2003
    btw, how do you like your myryad CDP?


    So far so good on the Myryad cd player. I really want to put it up against the Rotel RCD 961 I have in the main rig using the same Tranparent ICs. I will probably do that this weekend and let you know.

    Recently, I did a shootout between my brother's RCD 1070 and my RCD 961 using the same cd and Musiclinks. I could hear no difference at all between the two players. None.. zilch.. nada... Was considering upgrade to the 1070 because I can do that through my Rotel dealer but I can't tell the difference between the two at all.

    I've been wanting to experiment around with some cd players lately and the Myryad was a pleasant find at Audio Advisor at 1/2 off retail cost. I was also considering an Arcam Diva 72, Music Hall, Rega Planet, and the Njoe Tjoeb really caught my eye but it was too late. It is getting rave reviews and is a modified Marantz player (uses the chassis) and has tubes in it.

    I'm still curious in this player and it looks like it has a strong following:

    Oh and a pic of my RCD 961 vs RCD 1070 shootout... I love doing this stuff...
  • Posts: 6,767
    edited August 2003
    that would be great, Paul, do let us know the diff between Rotel and Myryad. I've been all over the map, from MF A3.24 to Arcam FMJ. Haven't done any demo though, just basing my search on comments. Upscaleaudio is really close to my house, but Kevin, the owner, seemed too busy to deal with me (he was on his way to the Factory in Netherlands, so he asked me to call him later in the month). One of these days...
    I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie.
  • Posts: 1,894
    edited August 2003

    So I take it you haven't listened to the Njoe Tjoeb cdp yet at Upscale? Being so close man you should when you get a chance.

    From what I've read (and wish I could listen) this player uses tubes that one can change out for a tube like sound even through solid state pre-amp/amps. Many describe typical cd players having that "digital" sound compared to say some vinyl records. Well this player is supposed to bridge that gap some. Makes me really really curious to try it out down the road.


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