I had a MW6501 driver drop on my head.



    TECHNOKID Posts: 4,298
    edited July 2010
    great . . . Long hair story!!! Here's my "you big dope" long hair story.

    Back in my late teen years my hair was down to my chest and half way down my back. To make it more illustrative my hair was very full and bushy like a long lions mane.

    I'm in a movie theater with a two inch hash pipe. I put my head way down between my legs below the seat and go to light up the pipe when flash, just like the flash of a camera, the whole right side of my hair goes up and it lit half the theater up. Stunk like all hell. Needless to say, i never didn't do that again but didn't get my hair cut until much latter. As a matter of fact i got it cut cause i got in a fight with a guy and was beating the daylights out of him when he grabed two fistfulls of my hair on each side of my head and started pulling with all he had to the point of swinging me around almost to the point of ripping it out. At that point i was powerless to do anything but to hold on to the two ropes of hair to keep it from being ripped out. He got tired let go and i went flying and my head was bleeding like hell on both sides and the fight was over!:eek:

    I got my hair cut the next day.;)
    rotflmao :d
    “Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life” ;)
  • gimpod
    gimpod Posts: 1,793
    edited July 2010
    And now for the long beard (think ZZ Top) story.

    Back in the day when i smoked pot i was over at a friends house getting stoned and my buddy says "You've got to try this s$$t man it's called meshmacon and oh you gotta stand up right after you take a hit it'll give give you one hell of a rush man" So i do like my buddy says and get one hell of a rush and promptly pass out. Well i end up doing a face plant into a lit candle put the candle out but my beard sucked up all the hot wax and by the time i came to the wax had hardened and my beard was all stuffed up covering my face and everybody's standing around laughing there a$$s off:o.

    I don't smoke pot or do drugs of any kind anymore but i still have a full beard, beats the hell out of shaving everyday.
    “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
    edited July 2010
    gim54pod wrote: »
    And now for the long beard (think ZZ Top) story.

    Back in the day when i smoked pot i was over at a friends house getting stoned and my buddy says "You've got to try this s$$t man it's called meshmacon and oh you gotta stand up right after you take a hit it'll give give you one hell of a rush man" So i do like my buddy says and get one hell of a rush and promptly pass out. Well i end up doing a face plant into a lit candle put the candle out but my beard sucked up all the hot wax and by the time i came to the wax had hardened and my beard was all stuffed up covering my face and everybody's standing around laughing there a$$s off:o.

    I don't smoke pot or do drugs of any kind anymore but i still have a full beard, beats the hell out of shaving everyday.

    That's a good one!