Re: Gas Prices
At quik trip, I have seen full grown men spend 45 dollars for breakfast... Chips, red bulls, etc etc a full spread of junk for top dollar. Maut be working!2 · -
Re: Road Trip - Polk SDA SRS 3.1TL Black
Crossover Pic6 · -
Re: Why?
Question, did you have it shipped to @Clipdat before it went to you? The hard Styrofoam is definitely junk, no question. The nice soft pliable stuff is wonderful though, can't imagine there's a signi…2 · -
Re: Post a picture.....any picture...part deux...
Just raise all your prices 25% don't accept tips and pay your employees a decent wage Jeez4 · -
Re: Should I bi-amp?
Quad amping is the new universally accepted method4 ·