Looking for 2 channel amp adcom krell rotel

Posts: 241
I recently had an amp go out on me. It was a adcom gfa 535. I liked that it had hookups for 2 sets of speakers I could a/b. Anyway, I dont think its worth it to have the amp fixed, but looking for a replacement. I have seen this amp selling on ebay for around 100. So I might just get another of the same amp, or maybe something else entirely. I wanted to explore other options though before I decide. Its going to be used only for 2 channel stereo music. If I can find a good deal, I wouldnt be opposed to buying a multichannel amp I coud use for 2-channel either. I saw a rotel rb 985 for under a hundred, and a adcom gfa 6000 in that same price range. Just didnt know enough about either to warrant a purchase. So looking for recommendations. I know its all about how it sounds to me, but buying on ebay etc, I cant really hear before i buy. I currently am running all adcom gear, preamp, tuner, dac, etc. I dont want to spend a lot and am content watching ebay or craigslist until I find something used at a deep discount, under 200 for sure. I have numerous speakers and switch them in and out periodically. They vary from 8ohm to 4ohm. Thanks.
Post edited by aloutah on
Kind of a small budget. I am going to sell my TFM35x soon but I am looking to get around $300 plus shipping.-Kevin
HT: Philips 52PFL7432D 52" LCD 1080p / Onkyo TX-SR 606 / Oppo BDP-83 SE / Comcast cable. (all HDMI)B&W 801 - Front, Polk CS350 LS - Center, Polk LS90 - Rear
2 Channel:
Oppo BDP-83 SE
Squeezebox Touch
Muscial Fidelity M1 DAC
VTL 2.5
McIntosh 2205 (refurbed)
B&W 801's
Transparent IC's -
I believe there's a Rotel (mine sold) and an Adcom amp selling on the FM currently.
I don't think this ever sold. I saw a recent jabrax post where he said it was available.
Here's another amp for sale:
There's others too, but for more coin.
I just bought an Adcom gfa 6000 for $210 shipped on Ebay. I don't think you are going to find it or any other comparable 2 channel amp for around $100. Good luck though. -
Im not looking to pay full price or market value. Looking for something at a deep deep discount to replace my loss. What im looking for here is some insight and some recommendations for a good amp. Now obviously if an amp is worth 1000, im probably not going to be able to find it for 50 bucks. But If an amp is worth 300, Im sure I can find it for less than half that if im patient. Especially on ebay, sometimes things are listed with no reserve and there are some amazing deals to be had. I was watching a gfa2535, but it closed at 120 with 30 dollar shipping and that was more than I was willing to pay. So again, just want some recommendations and then I will go looking for a great deal on it.
There is a gfa6000 for sale for 150 locally. Didnt know much about it though.
Under $200 you'd be hard pressed to find something as musical as the Adcom 535 or 545. Problem is these amps are now pushing 20+ years old and most have seen multiple owners. You get what you pay for and finding a decent, musical amp under $200 is going to be difficult especially if you're not willing to pay "market value". It can be done if you are willing to scour FS sites and Craigslist everyday 4-5 times a day for awhile.
If you can double your budget it opens up a lot more choices."Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Pangea AC14SE MKII | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node 3 - Tubes add soul! -
And what would some of these choices at double the price be? Im really looking more for recommendations and the rationale behind them. Obviously what sounds good to you, might not to me, but since I cant hear before I buy, Im looking for some guidance and input. The price is always flexible, depending on how patient I can be. So if the market value is 500, I might be able to find it for my 200 range on ebay or classified sites.
So more about why any particular amp would be recommended.
And what would some of these choices at double the price be? Im really looking more for recommendations and the rationale behind them. Obviously what sounds good to you, might not to me, but since I cant hear before I buy, Im looking for some guidance and input. The price is always flexible, depending on how patient I can be. So if the market value is 500, I might be able to find it for my 200 range on ebay or classified sites.
Actually this is probably one of the most asked questions on this board. If you spend some time doing a search you'll have so much information it'll make your head spin. I know I've answered this type of quesion atleast two dozen times so please forgive me if I don't get more specific, once again.
The info is all here if your willing to spend some time.
Good luck
H9"Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Pangea AC14SE MKII | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node 3 - Tubes add soul! -
Thats exactly it. There is a lot of info on amps. Most of the posts are just about krell, or carver, or adcom, or whatever specific brand. I started this thread so I could get info on all brands and what some good choices are. I appreciate what you are saying about not wanting to re state yourself, but if there is a particular thread that you think would be helpful please include a link if possible. Just trying to draw on the experience of others before I shoot for the hip and just buy something.
"From the hip", lol
In your price range, it's a crapshoot no matter what. I paid a total of 350 for my TFM35 and got an amp that works and sounds ok. IMO better than an Adcom, but that is just an opinion. It was the "cheapest" amp I was willing to listen to. 1-2 hundred bux is just not a lot of money where amps are concerned, even used ones. 3-4 hundred will get you more fidelity and perhaps longevity.
HT: Philips 52PFL7432D 52" LCD 1080p / Onkyo TX-SR 606 / Oppo BDP-83 SE / Comcast cable. (all HDMI)B&W 801 - Front, Polk CS350 LS - Center, Polk LS90 - Rear
2 Channel:
Oppo BDP-83 SE
Squeezebox Touch
Muscial Fidelity M1 DAC
VTL 2.5
McIntosh 2205 (refurbed)
B&W 801's
Transparent IC's -
You're looking for a quick answer and there's nothing quick about this hobby. It's about experimentation, trial and error, etc. I listed a couple links to a couple nice amps above. I have only tried Adcom and Rotel, but there are other good amps. Unfortunately I don't have the experience to compare more brands.
One of the things you will find out in this hobby is that you have to develop an ear of experience. What sounds "good" is often a subjective thing. There are several good options and often a few bad ones. So finding out what is right for you is going to take time. You can try to ask people for quick answers, but ultimately you will have to come to answer your own questions. This takes research, as heiney9 has mentioned.
You listed a few amp brands, there are many other good brands. What sounds good for an amp on one person's system and room setup may not sounds as good on yours.
Finally, good deals often come up here but it takes time. Fortunately you can often resell for about what you paid if you don't like something. -
Heres a GFA 535 and GTP-400 for $100
If not, there's just a GFA 535 starting at $10 you should keep an eye on
If you can stretch for it, this is an excellent price on an excellent integrated. Brand new NAD C315BEE, less than $300
Good luck, let us know what you end up with!- Jeremy
Amps: Jolida FX-10, NAD 3045, NAD C320BEE, Sansui G-9700
Speakers: Polk Monitor 7A's, KEF Reference 104aB
Sources: ProJect Debut Carbon, Sonos streaming FLAC -
Your not going to find a krell or mcintosh ect for 200 bucks, it just doesn't happen. Honestly in your budget you are going to be looking at used Adcom, parasound, maybe an emotiva upa-2 and thats still over your budget honestly as its 300 new 250.00 normal used price. If you extend that budget your going to be getting more choices.
There is no right answer when it comes to amps. There are TONS of choices out there and honestly you just have to go and see what is going to fit best into your system. If you feel that spending the extra is not going to be that much of an upgrade then it will be hard to justify any purchase over what you see, however they can make a difference in terms of sound as well as how they function and in regards to realiability. I would suggest seeing if you can find some other amps in your budget area and give them a listen. Some used Rotels would nice or some parasounds like the HCA 1000 I know would be around your budget however I think they might even be over it a bit. -
I will agree with what you stated "shoot from the hip" and just get something cause at that price range your looking your not going to get much of anything or if what you do get dosen't need fixed one way or another first. I think you can take Krell off your list eventhough I really didn't think you were serious with that one. You might as well get what you do have fixed or at least see what it will take to get it fixed.
my 2 cents
Dave -
The shipping on the GFA 535 and GTP-400 for $100 shows up as over $70 for me. Those two items will sell for probably much higher. So I don't know where one can find such $100 deals even for Adcom's. The lowest I have ever seen the 535 go for (and I haven't really been looking) was around $150 shipped. -
In your price range, it's a crapshoot no matter what. I paid a total of 350 for my TFM35 and got an amp that works and sounds ok. IMO better than an Adcom, but that is just an opinion. It was the "cheapest" amp I was willing to listen to. 1-2 hundred bux is just not a lot of money where amps are concerned, even used ones. 3-4 hundred will get you more fidelity and perhaps longevity.
The tmf35x I was watching on ebay went for 170, I thought that was too much, but apparently people are paying double that. There was a krell on a local classified recently for 300 but that was a bit out of my range and I dont know much about them. Just knew the name and the guy wouldnt drop the price anyway. So there are some good deals out there. Im basically looking to pay about half of the market value. So im maybe looking for an amp this forum would price around 400, but only paying maybe 200. -
Good luck with your amp shopping. Remember you get what you pay for."2 Channel & 11.2 HT "Two Channel:Magnepan LRSSchiit Audio Freya S - SS preConsonance Ref 50 - Tube preParasound HALO A21+ 2 channel ampBluesound NODE 2i streameriFi NEO iDSD DAC Oppo BDP-93KEF KC62 sub Home Theater:Full blown 11.2 set up.
There was a limited edition gfa 585 for 100 on there a couple weeks ago. I would have grabbed it if I knew my amp was going to crap out.
The gfa585 I passed on at 100, ended up going to ebay and selling for 340. Probably should have grabbed it.
There was a limited edition gfa 585 for 100 on there a couple weeks ago. I would have grabbed it if I knew my amp was going to crap out.
$100 buy it now with no issue's? I find that extremely hard to believe. I've tracked those amps for a about 5 years now and that would have been the deal of 2010. Shame on you for not jumping on it at that price even if your amp was fine.
P.s. $340 was a good deal for that amp."Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Pangea AC14SE MKII | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node 3 - Tubes add soul! -
So what they "go for" and what they "sell at" are not the same thing, right? Just because something is listed at $100, doesn't mean it will sell at that price, unless there's something wrong with it. Most likely it will sell for much higher. Also, I think the prices you are quoting is without shipping, which will add $50+ to the price. The Rotel I listed in post #3 was last listed at $250 shipped. That's a good price since they usually sell on Ebay for $250-$300 without shipping.
There can occasionally be better deals, they take patience and diligence. But finding good amps at $100 is not realistic. -
There is a gfa6000 for sale for 150 locally. Didnt know much about it though.
Buy it. You won't do much better for the price. It's easily worth $150, but you might offer $125 and see what happens.Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden -
$100 buy it now with no issue's? I find that extremely hard to believe. I've tracked those amps for a about 5 years now and that would have been the deal of 2010. Shame on you for not jumping on it at that price even if your amp was fine.
P.s. $340 was a good deal for that amp.
He had it listed on a local classified website for 100 or best offer as there was some cosmetic damage. I was the first to call him and he said to come up and see it and make an offer. He lived 40 miles away and I was trying to get him to come to me. He didnt want to drive to me, so I told him I would get back to him later. The next day the listing was gone and he didnt reply to my messages. So figured I missed out on a decent deal. I was looking on ebay and found the same amp and it was in the same city, Ogden, Utah. I messaged the seller and sure enough it was the same amp. Guess he realized how much they had been going for and listed it on ebay. He had it at a starting bid of 200 and a BIN of 400 or best offer I believe. He told me that since I was first, he would still sell it to me for 250 and end the auction. That was too much for me, plus at that time I didnt really need an amp, was just curious. So I watched the listing and it ended at 340. -
maximillian wrote: »Zitro,
The shipping on the GFA 535 and GTP-400 for $100 shows up as over $70 for me. Those two items will sell for probably much higher. So I don't know where one can find such $100 deals even for Adcom's. The lowest I have ever seen the 535 go for (and I haven't really been looking) was around $150 shipped.
I have been watching that listing actually. I have 3 adcom preamps already, so I really dont want to pay extra for one. Also the shipping on those two eats up my budget. Hopefully I can find something locally. -
And this one that got no bids at 85
http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Adcom-GFA-535-High-Current-Power-Amplifier_W0QQitemZ270556919496QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3efe72f6c8 -
maximillian wrote: »Zitro,
The shipping on the GFA 535 and GTP-400 for $100 shows up as over $70 for me. Those two items will sell for probably much higher. So I don't know where one can find such $100 deals even for Adcom's. The lowest I have ever seen the 535 go for (and I haven't really been looking) was around $150 shipped.
The auction ended at 128. Shipping for me would have been 38, so a total of 166. Not a bad deal for both, but way too much for a 535 imo -
The 535 only appears to be rated for 8ohms anyway."He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm real satisfied with my Rotel. I've seen them for $250 on Audiogon; seems like a good price for high current useable at both 8 & 4 ohms. It drives my SDA's easily.Dual 1229/Grado Gold/Rotel RCD1070/RC995/RB980BX/Pioneer 7100/Denon DRM710/Monster HTS3600MKII/PolkAudio SDA2B/TL's
Dual 1229/Grado Gold/Rotel RCD1070/RC995/RB980BX/Pioneer 7100/Denon DRM710/Monster HTS3600MKII/PolkAudio SDA2B/TL's