Too much detail?



  • apphd
    apphd Posts: 1,514
    edited March 2010
    Wow, cool audio talk going on here. Refreshing!:) I think we,for the most part, base our audio likes and dislikes on what our live sound audio memory tells us it should sound like. Like so many others have pointed out, it isn't the same for anyone. Add to that the sound we heard was presented the way the soundman, conductor, musician, or maybe even the architect that designed the building thought was the way they thought it should sound. I guess you can even include the engineers that designed the guitar, amp, speaker, what ever it might be. There are only a few different basic designs to build any certain component. The way those designs are implemented by the designer again is based on their belief of how it should sound.

    This just all drives home how subjective audio is, and how there is no one size fits all gear on the market regardless of the name or price.

    Isn't that where the fun is, in trying out different things to see the effect it has and if we like it?
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited March 2010
    I don't know folks. Every concert I've ever been to, amplified, unamplified, classical full orchestras, rock concerts, jazz concerts etc., unless I was sitting right in front of the musicians, I've never heard detail like I do from my rig or any rig I've heard. It is more like a wall of music. As much as I love live (especially unamplified music) performances I really enjoy the detail that HiFi rigs impart to the music.